where is the body of Jesus now?

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    Quote (david @ Nov. 23 2012,10:18)

    Quote (Colter @ Nov. 23 2012,10:05)
    Jesus was resurrected in a new form, the same form that we will have at the resurrection. The body of Jesus returned to the dust.


    Colter.  Many on here disagree with you.


    “Jesus resurrection–a puzzle” thread.

    It discusses whether he was resurrected as a human or a spirit.

    It is of no concern to me that many disagree with me on this forum, billions in the world disagree with Jesus. I'm simply stating the obvious, Jesus was resurrected in a new form, one that appears and disappears, travels through walls etc.

    Further, it doesn't surprise me that subsequent believers who witnessed the resurrected Christ would consider him to be flesh and blood in their recital of events lest unbelievers accuse them of merely seeing a spirit or a ghost.

    Flesh and blood doesn't live in heaven, Jesus returned to the spiritual being that he was before relinquishing that power and appearing on earth as a babe of the realm, a human.



    Quote (Wakeup @ Nov. 23 2012,13:56)

    Quote (Colter @ Nov. 23 2012,10:05)
    Jesus was resurrected in a new form, the same form that we will have at the resurrection. The body of Jesus returned to the dust.



    What about his clothes left behind?
    Was he burried with no clothes on? But why?


    The burial cloths were left behind on the table because the mortal body of Jesus had been dissolved, returned to the elements.

    Note: Nazareth was brought back from the dead with his burial cloths still in tact. He would eventually die again.

    Jesus was resurrected in a white robe according to Mary, yet when he appears on the road with the two brothers and converses with them he is wearing street cloths of some sort as they took no conspicuous notice of his attire.



    Quote (Wakeup @ Nov. 23 2012,13:56)

    Quote (Colter @ Nov. 23 2012,10:05)
    Jesus was resurrected in a new form, the same form that we will have at the resurrection. The body of Jesus returned to the dust.



    What about his clothes left behind?
    Was he burried with no clothes on? But why?


    The burial cloths were left behind on the table because the mortal body of Jesus had been dissolved, returned to the elements.

    Note: Lazarus was brought back from the dead with his burial cloths still in tact. He would eventually die again.

    Jesus was resurrected in a white robe according to Mary, yet when he appears on the road with the two brothers and converses with them he is wearing street cloths of some sort as they took no conspicuous notice of his attire.



    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 23 2012,10:18)
    Hi Colter,

    Glad to see you're back!

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    hi Ed J :)



    Quote (Colter @ Nov. 23 2012,23:56)

    Quote (Wakeup @ Nov. 23 2012,13:56)

    Quote (Colter @ Nov. 23 2012,10:05)
    Jesus was resurrected in a new form, the same form that we will have at the resurrection. The body of Jesus returned to the dust.



    What about his clothes left behind?
    Was he burried with no clothes on? But why?


    The burial cloths were left behind on the table because the mortal body of Jesus had been dissolved, returned to the elements.

    Note: Nazareth was brought back from the dead with his burial cloths still in tact. He would eventually die again.

    Jesus was resurrected in a white robe according to Mary, yet when he appears on the road with the two brothers and converses with them he is wearing street cloths of some sort as they took no conspicuous notice of his attire.



    I agree with you here.
    When he is in heaven,he is in spirit form.
    When he comes down to mingle with man,he shows up in the flesh.
    When he shows himself as he is,he will appear as bright as the sun.

    This is still hard for some to comprehend.
    To them ,it is either spirit or flesh,and nothing else.



    1 Cor 15
    51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,

    52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

    53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.

    54 So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.

    We follow him.
    If we are changed so was he when he was lifted up to heaven from the earth



    according to Christ own words we have to be changed no human body can go to heaven ;human bodies are made for the earth ,is this so hard to understand ,a car is made for the road it takes a airplane to fligh


    Yes t

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