Where is God?

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     What you refuse to see in all your anger, is that when you read “fear” of the lord, you can choose to believe that it means “respect” or be afraid of the lord. You have chosen to believe it means “be afraid” of God

    Lol no anger at all, im more amused than anything and shocked by your incompentance.  Lol the thing is that your full of it and now your saying you can choose what a certain word means in order to keep your false doctrine.   Your simply decieved and fooled yourself.  
    Jesus expressed that one should not fear (oh wait that means “respect” to you right?) he who can kill the body but FEAR Him who can cast your body and spirit into hell.
    Its common sense, and your just making a joke out of your self with your nonsense.
    The scriptures make it clear to fear nothing but God.  

     And I too would be afraid of God if I believed him to be a murderer

    If you want to call “death” murder than go ahead, because all men die in which God controls all of when or how. Yet the scriptures say: Romans 5:18 Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.
    I wouldnt call My God a murderer but i would call Him my Savior.   Jesus died for all men.  
    If you believe that Jesus is God than you Must concede the fact that God does NOT CHANGE and that He is the same God that raised up nations to destroy israel and is the same God that slew the enemies of israel.
    However you want to look at it your wrong.

    One with understanding would know that the “sword” of the lord is the “word” of God which came to cut away all the “evil” doctrines” of men and so expose the truth, of love, of which you apparently don't see

    Eerrrr wrongggggg, the context states that Jesus came to bring division, not PEACE,  dividing father between son and mother agaisnt daughter.  “apparently dont see” what scriptures state because you dont read.

     How many times would you guess in the New Testament that Jesus said the words, “FEAR NOT”?  Fear, as in being afraid is the opposite of faith! You cannot come to God without “Faith” and if you “FEAR” you have no faith! The old way has deceived you again. Love has no fear! Fear is not in God!

    Fear Not MAN or EVIL but scriptures states to FEAR GOD.  Ive even quoted Jesus where he stated to fear GOD.  How many times would you guess Jesus says “it is written”?  
    In the end of the day who should i believe?  Your nonsense or what scripture clearly states?
    And you added more nonsense that is not even worth quoting.  
    The NT completes the OT, its the fullfilment of there of genuis you clearly “dont see it at all”.   The OT promised the NT, that was the point if it all.  God planned all along to redeem all mankind through Christ, He didnt make a mistake and than “recreated” everything.  The God you worship is just as incompentant as you are.

    The law made nothing perfect because it exposes sin, but the bringing of a better testament did through obedience of that a
    Law.  In other words the obedience of Christ, wouldnt be perfect if thier was no law to obey, so where man fails God succeds.

    Lol may be you should dust your bible.  
    You dont substatiate your claims because you got nothing to back up what your saying so your simply a talkative fool.



    SF: So, if I am not afraid of your God, he will…..? You see I am not afraid of your god of death because I am saved by my God most high through the salvation provided from Jesus! I certainly have no “fear” of my God of love.

    [Quote]because all men die in which God controls all of when or how.[/Quote

    Your god controls death? Jesus said the last enemy was death. Didn't Jesus save us from sin and death? I thought Jesus overcame death?
    Death where is your sting? There was no death in the world till man (Adam) accepted it. Through the first man came death. The second man brought eternal life. Where did your god of death go when Jesus brought forth eternal life. He is still trying to deceive anyone who will listen.

    The most high God is a creator life, not death. There is no death in the God of Jesus. Satan(the so called god of death) came to kill, steal and destroy. Jesus came that we might have life. And have it more abundant. You know, Jesus, the Prince of Peace. [Quote]Jesus came to bring division, not PEACE, dividing father between son and mother against daughter. With a little insight you would know that we are now in the middle of that type of division. One sees fear and death with god. And one sees life and peace with God as taught by Jesus. [/Quote

    So much for the ONENESS Jesus prayed we would all be with the Father! I guess we are supposed to be divided and not have the peace of God. The most high God of Jesus is the God of peace so it must be talking about your god of destruction, division and death.

    At the end of the day we should both believe Jesus. Jesus came to lead us to the truth of God. Before it must have been error if he came to reveal the truth. The truth is God most high does not destroy. He is the creator. He gives life, he does not take life away.

    To find God one must, believe that he is AND that he is a re-warder of those who diligently seek him. Your reward may be death but my reward is life. Its truly your choice which to believe! TK


    If your without fear of God than your without correction, knowledge, wisdom or SaLvATion.
    In other words you dont know Him.
    Lol TK you can continue in your foolish cycle of bringing up unsubstantiated points to divert the topic.
    Most of your accusations and implications are unwarrented, and you twist my words.
    So its simple your a desperate attention seeker and you hate being corrected.

    You write more and more as in attempt to cover for your ignorance, but you aint foolin nobody homie.

    In fact Jesus claims one must pick up his cross and follow him, and one must die and be born again.

    Anyways you have no life because you “deny the power of thereof”
    You deny Gods soverighnty so you are at a lost until He reveals to you the truth when He wills to.

    TK all your going to do is talk and talk from that ignoranf mouth of yours.

    for now on, bring scripture forth instead of your opinions
    Ive proven all my points, you cant.
    you ignored all my points and cant deny the scripture ive posted.
    Lets start with Job, where does it say that he “change his mind” and than God appeared?
    If your not going to bring up scriptur than concede and dont bother replying



    SF: There is nothing to concede. You have openly displayed your beliefs in your God. I have seen them and understand where you got them from the Bible. I believe you have almost totally missed the truths of Jesus. You believe I have missed the love in the truth. I have no problem with that. I am comfortable that in the 35years I have studied the Bible on my own I have found the truth God has for me.

    It creates love in my heart, not fear. It produces peace and joy to give out to others who may not know the truth. Everything my God has made me or given to me is good fruit of the spirit. I have accepted with gratitude and thanksgiving. Jesus brought me peace in my life. I am happy. If Jesus brought you division and separation from all others, and that makes you happy, God bless you.

    I am happy that one like you cannot pronounce whether I have salvation or not. It seems that you would deny it for me if you could.

    Did Jesus go to the cross “for us” to save us or did he go to the cross as an example of what we should do? Anyway you should get busy doing what your father is in charge of and your belief of Jesus says to do, start dying. I will do what I believe Jesus said for us to do and that is lay down my life to pick up the life in Christ, and administer love and peace to all the world THAT WILL ACCEPT IT!

    By the way I believe one could be ignorant of mind but I don't believe one can have an ignorant mouth! TK


    You cant even begin to prove how I've “missed the truths of Jesus” when you cant even refute my arguements and the substance ive provided.

    Why do you feel the need to tell me that you have studied the bible for 35 years As If that Proves something?

    :D :p
    What makes you think years of study makes any difference?
    In fact, how is it that someone my age can out class you in Scriptures that you have studied for 35 years?
    Your years are study is as much worth as used toilet paper.

    Your hiding behind 35years of study as if that proves you know something, when actually it just proves how desperate you are for even mentioning that.

    Your trying to keep your pride buddy, or some shred of dignity left……. but sorry i cant have that.
    Sure, say what you wish, but people are going to discover how your full of it because the things you say are based on your faulty premise and has nothing to do with what is written.

    You don't have Salvation if you don't have the truth, which you dont.
    However you want to look at it Ftk all men will be reconciled to God.

    Did Jesus go to the cross “for us” to save us or did he go to the cross as an example of what we should do?

    Matthew 16:24
    Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.

    Read the Bible Son

    Being Ignorant of the Mouth is another way of saying the things you say are without substance, or reveal your ignorance.
    Jesus would agree because Jesus also says Matthew 12:34
    O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh

    Since you lack Truth in the things you say, than according to Jesus you lack truth in your Heart.

    By the way how come you havent apologized for your false accusations?
    You said I was basing all my substance on the OT and than when I showed you I was quoting Paul from Romans, you never Apologized for being incorrect.

    So what happen? do you realize the mistake you made?

    Ed J

    Quote (ftk @ Aug. 13 2011,22:45)

    One with understanding would know that the “sword” of the lord is the “word” of God which came to cut away all the “evil” doctrines” of men and so expose the truth, of love


    Hi Tim,

    Excellent quote, and true!

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)



    One with understanding would know that the “sword” of the lord is the “word” of God which came to cut away all the “evil” doctrines” of men and so expose the truth, of love, of which you apparently don't see.

    this is true that the sword is the word of God ,but the sword is a double edge sword it is so sharp that it can sliced apart the heart and soul of men ,and it has a double edge because it cut the thing and judge all things things we do but also the thing we should do and did not do



    Pierre: I believe that the expression “double edged sword” is to paint a picture of the eternal, working, words of Jesus. The words/sword of the spirit, is come to do two things in the world. Cut away evil and leave the good(beliefs). Its also called the “great and terrible day of the lord”. The judgment that is by the word of Jesus, cuts away, bundles and burns/destroys “evil beliefs” and on the other side it gathers all “believers in life”, into Gods barn. When all evil beliefs are burned up and destroyed the meek(those who hold only to Jesus words) will inherit the earth! The judgment of God does not destroy/kill his flesh and blood creation, it destroys the wrong, evil thinking of those believing in sin, error, bad, dark, wrong or any evil based beliefs. A good computer with bad programming only needs new programming not a new computer!

    Evil beliefs will be destroyed. Then the light of God will shine unhindered in the earth/garden of God. IMO, TK



    A good computer with bad programming only needs new programming not a new computer!

    yes ,but we are not robots ,and some people just can not want not to do good ,I beleive there is a point where you have sin against the holy spirit and from there it apear there is no return back, or is there ?



    Pierre: Sadly then, you still believe in sin. Sin as an errant thought, or wrong belief, or mistaken thinking, was taken away by Jesus through the truth. Then in the end, one final sacrifice of life, completely removed sin, once, for all, complete cleansing! If you don't believe that you deny the power of the sacrifice of Jesus.

    Looking at “sin” as an action or something done or not done is a personal law within, that a person establishes for himself, in his own mind and heart, along with a punishment for doing such a thing. Total self-condemnation with your own made up judgment.
    To sin: One must deny the sacrifice of Jesus as being able to cleanse all for all time.
    One must make up his own list of does and don't to attempt to follow to somehow please God!
    Then, break one of his rules, condemn himself as guilty and pronounce his own punishment!
    And according to that kind of law of rules you can't even look on a woman to lust after her??? Procreation goes out the door!

    I believe any person can pick up a Bible and find love, freedom, and total justification in the New Testament or by choice one can easily support death, evil, destruction and sin if they include the Old Testament. God has said, I lay before you life and death, you choose! IMO,TK



    Pierre: Sadly then, you still believe in sin.

    what you mean ???




    omnipresent [ˌɒmnɪˈprɛzənt]
    (esp of a deity) present in all places at the same time
    omnipresence  n
    I have voted that God is in heaven and 15 have voted that God is everywhere ,but what is Omnipresent ???

    is mean you are home in Paris, but know or see what going on in Japan ,New york,and everywhere ?? knowing is not seeing

    is this what the scriptures says or is this what you want to believe ???



    Pierre: An easier question might be, where is God NOT? If you stand up and point up and say there is heaven and don't move for twelve hours or so you will be pointing down and in between you will be pointing everywhere. In this earth realm God created this for mankind. God is here and knows and sees but cannot usurp the rights and privileges given to man. God can only work in this realm by or through request of a man for the benefit of all others. The earth and the fulness thereof is given to man. THAT'S WHY ITS IN THE MESS ITS IN!! The earth realm is a reflection of the minds of man. Everything manifested in the earth came from the mind or minds of men.

    The reason why it is so important to get the truth of God to man is whatever men dream, ponder, think and speak becomes manifest in the earth. If man believes in sin, evil, destruction, hate, death, an evil or harsh, judging god then that is what will devour the earth.

    Jesus came at great cost to give mankind a clean ticket to pureness of mind, life, goodness, kindness, worthiness, sinless perfection unto a completely forgiving God. If we don't choose to believe God/Jesus we will consume ourselves by our own destructive thinking.

    We absolutely must think love to one another as Jesus loved us unconditionally, with no condemnation one to another. Love respects the others wishes. Keep demanding opinions to oneself. Like Paul said, as is possible be all things to all people. Creating peace, paying forward, one at a time. What a person believes about himself is always reflected outside to those nearby.

    We cannot see and feel the love in fulness without knowing our sinless perfection provided by God through Christ Jesus. There is nothing more God can do. It is up to man. IMO, TK


    Quote (ftk @ Aug. 31 2011,04:53)
    Pierre: An easier question might be, where is God NOT? If you stand up and point up and say there is heaven and don't move for twelve hours or so you will be pointing down and in between you will be pointing everywhere. In this earth realm God created this for mankind. God is here and knows and sees but cannot usurp the rights and privileges given to man. God can only work in this realm by or through request of a man for the benefit of all others. The earth and the fulness thereof is given to man. THAT'S WHY ITS IN THE MESS ITS IN!! The earth realm is a reflection of the minds of man. Everything manifested in the earth came from the mind or minds of men.

    The reason why it is so important to get the truth of God to man is whatever men dream, ponder, think and speak becomes manifest in the earth. If man believes in sin, evil, destruction, hate, death, an evil or harsh, judging god then that is what will devour the earth.

    Jesus came at great cost to give mankind a clean ticket to pureness of mind, life, goodness, kindness, worthiness, sinless perfection unto a completely forgiving God.  If we don't choose to believe God/Jesus we will consume ourselves by our own destructive thinking.

    We absolutely must think love to one another as Jesus loved us unconditionally, with no condemnation one to another. Love respects the others wishes. Keep demanding opinions to oneself. Like Paul said, as is possible be all things to all people. Creating peace, paying forward, one at a time. What a person believes about himself is always reflected outside to those nearby.

    We cannot see and feel the love in fulness without knowing our sinless perfection provided by God through Christ Jesus. There is nothing more God can do. It is up to man. IMO, TK


    you have not answer the question,

    you only have given your view as a man ,restricted on earth,

    God his not a man ,so ?



    Pierre: God is within you. As you consume or partake of the words from Jesus you are accepting the spirit of God within you and when you believe the words they begin to construct your temple of God within you. If you continue in his words and abide in his words they become flesh of your flesh and bone of your bone.

    Where is God, your breath! TK


    Pierre! Omnipresent means that God is everywhere at the same time…. He is in us, and all born again Christian by His Holy Spirit…. He upholds every tree, every plant, and gives new life every day…. The miracle of life…. every day…. I wonder so often how someone doesn't believe in God…. The tree's grow up and not down, we stay on earth, and don't float in the Universe…how He designed the eye… how perfect… and He still is doing it every day…..He gives us oxygen in the air, how great of a God we have….Praise Him every day….Peace Irene


    Irene and tk

    I have all my live believed in God even when I did not know him ,when I start to learn about himin scriptures ,I realize that the knowledge he give us in those scriptures are a way to recieve live from his hands trough Christ ,so by taking that knowledge in our hearts and practice or live by it ,to me it mean that we become one with God and Christ because this is what God wants us to do and this is why Christ came to teach us ,as we become more ingolfed by the way of God we are separate ourself from the world and so become more and more closer to God ,this action open a door constanstly bigger and bigger until we feel Gods presence beside us or around us ,scriptures says ;My righteous falls seven times and seven times I will bring him up again ,this is true ,
    my soul feels God presence ,I know that he looks after me night and day,
    His will is in me and I do not want to let his will go ,because that will of God is so great in me I can no longer live without it ,dead to me is the leaser pain,

    so the holy spirit is the WILL of God ,God is a being and to me in scriptures it say that his residence is the most high heaven,but he as a way of knowing all what s going on everywhere,his angels,

    and what God says is what does come through and by his angels ,

    of cause we can see the works of God everywhere and his wisdom in the understanding of them ,but this does not mean that God lives in those things he created,God is not man or a tree or a rock



    Pierre: What a beautiful post! I could feel your loving heart toward God. I would hope that anything I write would never alter your personal truth and pathway to God. My perspective of the truth is from a completely different angle than most. My hope is that my perceptions of what the truth is saying will add to your perspectives and maybe broaden them but never to change them, they are yours and they are good.

    Fundamentally we humans are sons of God from our first breath of life. Man had lost the true connection with God by over the years by believing they were apart from God and making up different ideas of services and rituals or ways man thought might serve God or pacify his anger if he was angry. The minds of men are pieces of God. We have the minds of Christ! Man lost his connection to God through his wrong thinking mind. He thought incorrectly that he was separated from God. It was wrong thinking. Thinking against the truth of God.

    There is only God/Truth so any beliefs apart from God would be illusions of truth. In other words, things we believe to be truth for ourselves but do not align with Gods/truth are OUR illusion of truth. We are not really separated from God, it wrong thinking, believing error/sin, believing we are separated which makes us separated in mind.

    Of necessity Jesus came to give us the truth of God. To save us from the ignorance that was destroying us. He brought the truth which would cast out lies(devils). Jesus brought the truth to shine a light on our (mental) pathway to God, from which we felt separated from.

    The truth from God that came through Jesus washed away the errant thinking of sin, which makes us clean, saved us from our dark thinking, enlightened us to the true sons of God that we are. Gave us back our worthiness. Gave us back our son-ship taken away through lies. The truth made us perfect again unto God. The truth will wash us white as snow!

    As the truth fills the mind/heart of man it casts out darkness, lies, errant thoughts and all evil thinking. When all evil thinking is washed away and the brightness of the light of Jesus is within, on this earth, we will have no sickness, no disease, no pain, no suffering, no byproducts of evil whatsoever. We must allow the word of God/Jesus to wash us to pureness of thinking. This is growing in the lord. Rising up in the truth.

    Just some thoughts to ponder and think on. They are my truth, I like to share. IMO, TK



    Fundamentally we humans are sons of God from our first breath of life. Man had lost the true connection with God by over the years by believing they were apart from God and making up different ideas of services and rituals or ways man thought might serve God or pacify his anger if he was angry. The minds of men are pieces of God. We have the minds of Christ! Man lost his connection to God through his wrong thinking mind. He thought incorrectly that he was separated from God. It was wrong thinking. Thinking against the truth of God.

    this to me does not make sense to scriptures,you should explain it ,




    The truth from God that came through Jesus washed away the errant thinking of sin, which makes us clean, saved us from our dark thinking, enlightened us to the true sons of God that we are. Gave us back our worthiness. Gave us back our son-ship taken away through lies. The truth made us perfect again unto God. The truth will wash us white as snow!

    Mal 3:6 “I the LORD do not change. So you, O descendants of Jacob, are not destroyed.
    Mal 3:7 Ever since the time of your forefathers you have turned away from my decrees and have not kept them. Return to me, and I will return to you,” says the LORD Almighty.
    “But you ask, ‘How are we to return?’
    Mal 3:8 “Will a man rob God? Yet you rob me.
    “But you ask, ‘How do we rob you?’
    “In tithes and offerings.
    Mal 3:9 You are under a curse—the whole nation of you—because you are robbing me.
    Mal 3:10 Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house

    . Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.

    this is my favored scripture and i have stayed faithful to it,


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