When does the bio. father become the bio. father?

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    Biologically is different to actuallity. The unborn child is still growing.


    Quote (karmarie @ April 22 2011,20:15)
    Biologically is different to actuallity. The unborn child is still growing.


    biological just means who is the source right ?



    The child is still growing after he/she is born. I think you need to re-read the question. If you were going to tell someone that they were the 'biological father' to your unborn child would you have no one to tell that to until the child was born? To me, this is so silly. Surely you wouldn't be telling the guy that he was 'going to be the biological father' after you were pregnant. You may have said that he was going to be a father but you couldn't say that he was 'going to be the biological father'…

    There are different senses to the word 'father' but biological father is the one who causes conception and is the biological father from that point.


    Istari, (did you pick c?)
    The biological father becomes a biological father at conception. You cant say he biologically became a father after it was born,….if so, then that was quick! But I agree with you, he only becomes a father, in the other way, at birth.


    Terrarica, thats right, the source.


    Quote (terraricca @ April 21 2011,21:27)

    Quote (karmarie @ April 22 2011,20:15)
    Biologically is different to actuallity. The unborn child is still growing.


    biological just means who is the source right ?


    Yes Pierre. The biological father is the one who was the sperm donor. Whether he stuck around or not, he was the biological father.



    Kathi, that is what I was saying so i'm agreeing with you, and also with Istari, from his (mans) point of view too. There is really two points of becoming a father, at conception, and then again after the birth.


    Good Karmarie,
    The question, even for the men was about the 'biological father' and I don't think they can really say that the man becomes the biological father only after birth and be factual. The question wasn't about when the man started acting like a father or felt like a father or found out that they were a father. Do you see that even for the men, there was only one right choice unless they misunderstood the question?


    Quote (Lightenup @ April 22 2011,20:47)
    Good Karmarie,
    The question, even for the men was about the 'biological father' and I don't think they can really say that the man becomes the biological father only after birth and be factual.  The question wasn't about when the man started acting like a father or felt like a father or found out that they were a father.  Do you see that even for the men, there was only one right choice unless they misunderstood the question?


    where are we going from here ??



    If the Son was begotten before the ages and existed eternally within the Father before that, this poll helps people see how the Father was a 'Father' before He actually beget His Son. Sort of like a biological father is a father before the child is begotten according to human terms. People wonder how the Father could always have a Son and always be a Father…I think this understanding helps explain it.

    Did you vote? If you did, thank you!


    But Kathi, God isn't a Man, so I dont think you can compare God with Man in that way. Man was made in Gods image, but I don't think thats physical body image. That would be more to do with our spiritual side because thats what God is. Especially love because God is love, it says.


    Quote (seekingtruth @ April 22 2011,01:28)
    I voted at conception, however there is some debate in the phrases “mother (or father) to be” if the child does not make it to fruition some would argue that you failed to meet the criteria. I disagree, we lost a child in the second trimester and I believe like David “I will go to him (her), but he (she) will not return to me.”. Birth only changes location (birth is not the miracle, conception is).

    My opinion – Wm

    David child was stillborn and yet was called David's child in scripture.  An ostrich is called abusive in scripture for the way she treaded her eggs.

    Scientificall a biological father is the one who contributes the male genetic material to a child.  Jesus had only a biological mother and no biological father.  The same would be true of a human clone made from the cells of a woman.

    Note: added the word ” and no biological father” to make my meaning clearer.


    Quote (Lightenup @ April 22 2011,10:27)
    If the Son was begotten before the ages and existed eternally within the Father before that, this poll helps people see how the Father was a 'Father' before He actually beget His Son.  Sort of like a biological father is a father before the child is begotten according to human terms.  People wonder how the Father could always have a Son and always be a Father…I think this understanding helps explain it.

    Did you vote?  If you did, thank you!

    You might want to look up the meaning of begotten.


    Hi Kar,
    Yes… I didn't read the question properly because I thought Kathi's question would have been about 'Mother' which was the point from two other threads.

    It may be that Kathi realised she couldn't win on that so shifted the emphasis to the Father.

    Therefore, for me, this thread is pointless : there is only one answer and that is obvious…. 'Biological Father' is as Terraricca said – and I said before that.

    The premise of the question is purposeless because Kathi is trying to get people to say that 'A man is a FATHER from the moment of conception' but has taken a back door approach hoping to trap unwary readers into saying 'Father' is from conception – and thereby also 'Mother' is also from conception.

    But if you notice, like in other threads, additional words have been added which changes the context but many may not realise it and continue with sentiment towards child rearing and say 'Mom' or 'Dad' before actual childbirth.

    'Biological Father' is the man who supplied the sperm for the fertilisation – who is the 'Father' when it is from a sperm bank? 'Biological Father' not necessarilly the same as 'Familial Father'.

    There should not have been any issue (Sorry!) concerning 'Biological Father' that is a done deal, IMO!!

    Further more: God incubating Jesus would make him the MOTHER – not the FATHER of the Son!


    Yes I did misread the question and add my vote to that which everyone else also voted for making the vote unanimous.

    Can you see why it would be unanimous – obvious really – no brainer!!

    As you can see from my initial posts – I thought – would have thought – imagined – that you were discussing 'Motherhood' based on the points of comment in the other threads.


    And Kathi – how many people are you referring to as needing to understand how God can be the 'Eternal Father'?

    I think you were asking your own question and seeking a way to answer it with our help.

    'Eternal Son' (Thereby making God 'Eternal Father') is after Jesus was BEGOTTEN, raised up to 'Son With Power' never to 'die again'…


    Sorry, Kathi, where did you get the term 'Eternal Father' from?


    Quote (Istari @ April 22 2011,21:19)
    Hi Kar,
    Yes… I didn't read the question properly because I thought Kathi's question would have been about 'Mother' which was the point from two other threads.

    It may be that Kathi realised she couldn't win on that so shifted the emphasis to the Father.

    Therefore, for me, this thread is pointless : there is only one answer and that is obvious…. 'Biological Father' is as Terraricca said – and I said before that.

    The premise of the question is purposeless because Kathi is trying to get people to say that 'A man is a FATHER from the moment of conception' but has taken a back door approach hoping to trap unwary readers into saying 'Father' is from conception – and thereby also 'Mother' is also from conception.

    But if you notice, like in other threads, additional words have been added which changes the context but many may not realise it and continue with sentiment towards child rearing and say 'Mom' or 'Dad' before actual childbirth.

    'Biological Father' is the man who supplied the sperm for the fertilisation – who is the 'Father' when it is from a sperm bank? 'Biological Father' not necessarilly the same as 'Familial Father'.

    There should not have been any issue (Sorry!) concerning 'Biological Father' that is a done deal, IMO!!

    Further more: God incubating Jesus would make him the MOTHER – not the FATHER of the Son!

    OK. Well that explains it then, you misunderstood the question. I was laughing about that (a Father becomes the biological Father after the birth!)… sorry, but it was funny.


    To all,

    Jesus is God spiritual son through the Spirit of God and not his biological son since God is spirit.


    Kerwin, I agree.

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