What would the holy spirit accomplish?

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  • #130381

    Now in what way, and was it, that we can believe that it was the Holy-Spirit that served as a restrainer?

    We might first consider what the Bible has to say about this matter, remembering that Jehovah's word, is the last word on any scriptural matter. No one should be silly enough to involve himself in an argument with the Supreme Being, the God of the universe, whose Book, the Bible is. So, who would know better than he, what the function of his Holy Spirit was?

    Since I'm dealing with the subject of the Holy Spirit, and just how the Holy Writings came down to us, and how it actually serves as a restrainer, let me begin with the following verses of scripture, which are:

    2 Timothy 3:16
    16 “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness,
    21st Century King James Version (KJ21)
    2 Timothy 3:17
    17 that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly equipped for all good works.”
    2 Peter 1:19-21 (American Standard Version)
    19″ And we have the word of prophecy made more sure; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day-star arise in your hearts:
    20 knowing this first, that no prophecy of scripture is of private interpretation.
    21 For no prophecy ever came by the will of man: but men spake from God, being moved by the Holy Spirit.”

    It's not too difficult to see from these scriptures, that when the Holy spirit was operative on the Twelve Apostles, they was able to 'reprove' and 'correct' the false doctrines of the Religious leaders in their own day. They would be 'thoroughy equipped' to 'correct' the false doctrines of those ones; or any of their followers for that matter. So, in that particular case, the Holy Spirit acted as a restraint to set these false teachers, and their followers in Jesus day straight on all scriptual matters. We also know that what they wrote, or spoke was not their own private ideas of things! What they wrote or spoke was the word of the everliving God, Jehovah, and was the last word.

    Consider also more that the Holy Spirit would accomplish, while resting on those inspired Men in the first Century, for all of these following scriptures will show exactly why the Holy Spirit could act as a restrainer, and few, if any, would have the sand to argue against what the Author of the Bible has revealed to us all in his Holy Book. I sincerely hope that they would not, at any rate. If they would wish to take a stand such as that, more power to them! I wouldn't wish to be standing on the same ground as them, while they are doing that! Not on your life!
    John 14:26 (American Standard Version)
    26 But the Comforter, even the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said unto you.
    John 16:13 (American Standard Version)
    13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he shall guide you into all the truth: for he shall not speak from himself; but what things soever he shall hear, these shall he speak: and he shall declare unto you the things that are to come.

    1 John 2:27 (American Standard Version)
    27 And as for you, the anointing which ye received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any one teach you; but as his anointing teacheth you; concerning all things, and is true, and is no lie, and even as it taught you, ye abide in him.

    Now, taking all of the preceding scriptural information into account, it is clear, very clear, that the First Century Christians had a comprehensive knowledge of what they needed to know for their time period; and there would be absolutely no one who could stand and do scriptural battle with them and come off the winners of that battle; they would all receive 'severe scratches' for themselves, in that particular battle. {Zechariah 12;3}

    So, even while the Twelve apostles was alive, the Holy Spirit would serve as a restraint to keep all of the false Religious Leaders and their followers in line, by doing what the Holy Spirit qualified them to do, 'correct,' 'reprove,' 'set things straight' and they, because of their advanced knowledge of the Bible,could do that, like no other human being that has ever lived on this earth before, could do! Except, that is, for the Christ himself! Now Paul himself made reference to this very thing when he stated, the following: … “but only till he who is RIGHT NOW ACTING AS A RESTRAINT gets to be out of the way. Then, indeed the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will do away with by the spirt of his mouth and bring to nothing by the manifestation of his presence.” So, while Paul was delivering this message that Holy Spirit was even then acting as a restraint; the reason being, most of the Apostles was still alive at that moment in time. Because of the operation of that Holy Spirit on them at that time, they was able to, 'reprove, 'correct' false doctrine, and 'set things straight.' That is how that Holy Spirit acted as a restraint at that time.

    Now, we all know that Jehovah has had a purpose for allowing the world situation that exists on our earth today, to be finally accomplished; and he has allowed sufficient time for the weeds that satan oversowed among the wheat, to reach full bloom. We also know that these weed-like Christians that satan oversowed among the wheat-like class, first was planted while the 'men were sleeping.' That is, when the last of the Apostles passed away in death. When that occured, and they passed away in death, their vast amount of scriptual knowledge passed away with them. That would be the time period when that restraining force was taken away, because, now, there was no one to 'reprove' and 'correct' 'and set things straight' these weed-like Christians growing in the field. {The World} They would be now allowed to grow uncontrolled untill the 'Harvest Season.' At which time they would be {the Weeds} collected out from among the Wheat. So, for all of that time period Jehovah has allowed that restraining force, the Holy Spirit, to be held back until his purpose was accomplished. His purpose, in this case, was to rid the world of these weed-like Christians, in the time of the harvest, or at the conclusion of system of things. {Matthew 13:24 – 30 – 36 – 43}

    The Holy Spirit, after Jehovah withdrew it when the last of the Apostles faded from the scene, was not to be poured out again until the Prophecy of Joel would reach final fulfillment in our own day. Its first fuilfillment was in the first Century as we can plainly see from a reading of Acts: 2:14 – 21 but this was a dual prophecy that was also to occur in our own day!

    So, what effect did that Holy Spirit have on the men that it was poured out on, aside from what I have revealed thus far?

    We know that when the Christ approached the Jewish Nation, that, they, didn't take very kindly to his new teachings. in fact they were so much so against his new teachings that they eventually had him put to death on account of them. They knew that they were Jehovah's chosen Nation; that they already had the true Religion,and here was the true Messiah telling them, that now, the old law covenant was done away with, and now, if they wanted to recieve Jehovah's favor and blessing they had to come in under the new covenant! Of course, we know, that the majority of that Nation rejected the Christ, and as a result of that, was rejected themselves by Jehovah. That rejection was seen when Jehovah allowed the Roman Armies under general Titus to destroy the Temple at Jerusalem in 70ce and 'not a stone was left upon a stone' as Jesus predicted. So, their house, at that time 'was abanded to them,' as Jesus predicted it would be. So, we see from this how the Jews reacted to the teachings of Jesus,
    because his teachings conflicted with, and contradicted their beliefs.

    Consider now, how the Apostles were viewed because of their teachings. We see, that Paul too had the same teachings that the Christ held; and since he was their teacher, their teachings would have been identical to his. This next scripture will show us just how the jewish Nation must have viewed the teachings of the Christ:
    Acts 17: 16 – 20 (American Standard Version)
    20 “For thou bringest certain STRANGE THINGS to our ears: we would know therefore what these things mean.”
    Isaiah 28:21 (American Standard Version)
    21 “For Jehovah will rise up as in mount Perazim, he will be wroth as in the valley of Gibeon; that he may do his work, his strange work, and bring to pass his act, his strange act.”

    So, in these last days of this system of things is the time for Jehovah to do his strange act, by pouring out his Holy Spirit once again, and let loose that restraining force, and these strange teachings would begin to appear once again. Paying close attention to these strange teachings that conflict with, and contradict religious Christendoms teachings, would be the wisest course to take. Paying attention to them would be for your everlasting betterment, fighting against them, would only be to your detriment, as it was for the Jewish Nation. {Joel 2:28,29}

    Now, we all know, that there was to be a few remaining ones of the seed of the Woman left on earth during the time of the end; the ones that satan was to go off in great anger to wage War against! So, in as much as all of my teachings conflict with, and contradict, all of the Religions of this World, whose to say, that I'm not one of them? I couldn't, or wouldn't, put myself in that catagory, but considering the articles that I've been writing and putting on the Board, it certainly is worth giving some serious thought to, now isn't it? Truth really be told, though, that thought actually scares the hell out of me! {Revelation { 12:12,13,17} Texas!


    Hi texas,
    The promise of the Spirit is even till now and not just the first century.
    Acts 2.39


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 09 2009,09:55)
    Hi texas,
    The promise of the Spirit is even till now and not just the first century.
    Acts 2.39

    You are so inept at your Bible understanding, its almost laughable! More than that, your statements never make any sense at all. To you maybe, but not to me, that's for certain; and, just maybe, to no one else either.

    I guess that's to be expected from a member of one of the Churchs of Christendom! Texas



    The Holy Spirit was given to the believers during the time of the apostles, and far beyond, in fact he is guiding true believers today.
    The Holy Spirit has not restrained the false teachers during the time of the apostles, nor is he restraining them today.
    Texas, you speak of something you know nothing off; you try to impress people by your lengthy posts. Hear is a test for you.

    Rev 6:9 And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held:
    Rev 6:10 And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?
    Rev 6:11 And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.

    Who are these slain?
    Well, I'm not going to wait for your response, I will give you the answer.
    They are all the saints who were persecuted, tortured, and killed by the Romans.
    Who are the once that were to be killed just as they were, and by whom?
    They were the group of saints that were persecuted, tortured, and killed by Antichrist.
    When did the waiting begin? in 313 AD when Constantine stopped all persecution, and allowed Christians to worship freely.
    How long did the waiting last? Until 565 AD when Antichrist began to rule, and the persecution of true believers started up again.
    Who do you think it was that empowered the saints to stand firm in their faith, even under the thread of death? none other than the Holy Spirit.
    And you say the Holy Spirit restrained who? and was gone when the last apostle died?

    Luk 11:13 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?

    Do you believe this no longer applies?



    Quote (Texas @ May 09 2009,10:12)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 09 2009,09:55)
    Hi texas,
    The promise of the Spirit is even till now and not just the first century.
    Acts 2.39

    You are so inept at your Bible understanding, its almost laughable! More than that, your statements never make any sense at all. To you maybe, but not to me, that's for certain; and, just maybe, to no one else either.

    I guess that's to be expected from a member of one of the Churchs of Christendom! Texas

    Hi texas,
    Your contempt for others does you no favours and you should rather find that one scripture you promised that Jesus is an angel called Michael.

    Diversion is wasting all our time.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 09 2009,11:36)

    Quote (Texas @ May 09 2009,10:12)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 09 2009,09:55)
    Hi texas,
    The promise of the Spirit is even till now and not just the first century.
    Acts 2.39

    You are so inept at your Bible understanding, its almost laughable! More than that, your statements never make any sense at all. To you maybe, but not to me, that's for certain; and, just maybe, to no one else either.

    I guess that's to be expected from a member of one of the Churchs of Christendom! Texas

    Hi texas,
    Your contempt for others does you no favours and you should rather find that one scripture you promised that Jesus is an angel called Michael.

    Diversion is wasting all our time.

    Once again! What was Jesus prior to his arrival on this earth?
    “So now you Father, glorify me alongside yourself with the glory I had alongside you before the World was.” John 17:5

    “What therefore if you should behold the Son of Man ascending to WHERE HE WAS BEFORE.” John 6:62

    So, in his glorified position in heaven with his Father, was he not a very powerful spirit angel? Now, since he was the very first angel created by Jehovah, and he was alongside his Father, that would make him the main principle angel out of all of the angels, and that, my blind friend, makes him Michael the Archangel. Like it, don't like it, I couldn't care less, but that's the way that it is! Texas!


    I don't understand what all the fuss is about angels. Angel simply identifies a created spirit being, just as human identifies a created flesh and blood being.
    Archangel simply identifies a higher ranking angel, just as we have higher ranking humans; they are in charge of others, or over others, but still of the same nature.
    Jesus obviously was the highest ranking angel (spirit being), next to God, because he had created all others.
    Why can't you just put it to rest?



    Quote (Texas @ May 10 2009,00:56)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 09 2009,11:36)

    Quote (Texas @ May 09 2009,10:12)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 09 2009,09:55)
    Hi texas,
    The promise of the Spirit is even till now and not just the first century.
    Acts 2.39

    You are so inept at your Bible understanding, its almost laughable! More than that, your statements never make any sense at all. To you maybe, but not to me, that's for certain; and, just maybe, to no one else either.

    I guess that's to be expected from a member of one of the Churchs of Christendom! Texas

    Hi texas,
    Your contempt for others does you no favours and you should rather find that one scripture you promised that Jesus is an angel called Michael.

    Diversion is wasting all our time.

    Once again! What was Jesus prior to his arrival on this earth?
    “So now you Father, glorify me alongside yourself with the glory I had alongside you before the World was.” John 17:5

    “What therefore if you should behold the Son of Man ascending to WHERE HE WAS BEFORE.” John 6:62

    So, in his glorified position in heaven with his Father, was he not a very powerful spirit angel? Now, since he was the very first angel created by Jehovah, and he was alongside his Father, that would make him the main principle angel out of all of the angels, and that, my blind friend, makes him Michael the Archangel. Like it, don't like it, I couldn't care less, but that's the way that it is! Texas!

    Hi texas,
    It is true if it is written.
    But it is not written so remains speculation.
    We are told to pull down speculations and remain in the truth.


    You're just stirring the pot, aren't you Nick?


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