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- April 15, 2006 at 8:25 pm#12743
ParticipantQuote umm I agree.
April 19, 2006 at 4:55 am#12841thehappyman
Participantyour right Rick……….again.
April 22, 2006 at 8:49 am#12898sandra
ParticipantThe Maori's, hmm!
April 22, 2006 at 8:54 am#12899sandra
ParticipantWas that pygmies you called them?
April 22, 2006 at 9:15 am#12900sandra
ParticipantIn 1976, October to be exact. In Nuk'a lofa, Tonga, I met with the then acting Prince, The High Commissioner of New Zealand, And a Delegate from Fuigi, and their respective body guards? or was that servants!
April 27, 2006 at 12:39 am#12973sandra
ParticipantIn September of 2004, I went before the Canadian Military at 9700 Jasper Avenue in Edmonton. and at that time put forward that I was a Proclaimation 1763 Respondent. I was ignored.
In January,of 2005, I went before a partial senate committee and the Winnipeg City Council stating that I was a Proclaimation 1763 responder and was ignored and asked to leave.After this, I attended to the United States Consulate, for the safety of person, (indesputable), and was denied access. I was hit with assault weapons.
In February, of 2005, I went before the RCMP in Fort McMurray, Alberta again stating that I was a Proclaimation 1763 responder, and again I was ignored.
I stated before the RCMP at the station that I was a Proclaimation 1763 Respondent, I was subsequently detained for the weekend, on charges that were eventually withdrawn. But prior to them being withdrawn, I was transported to Edmonton Remand Centre in a caged van.(500 kilometres, in a 6' by 4' cage.
Again, in February, March, and April,of 2005, I went before the Alberta Provincial Court and stated that I was a Proclaimation 1763 responder, and again I was ignored.
I attended to a bail hearing where again I stated that I was a Proclaimation 1763 respondent, and the bail hearing person demanded a psychiatric review. I was remanded into custody. All this occurred while I was denied legal representation because legal aid at the Remand Centre said my charges were not serious enough to warrant such.
I spoke briefly with an individual who I thought was a court appointed representative, I stated that I was a Proclaimation 1763 respondent, and would obsconce from the preceedings.
He later took the stand as an expert psychiatric witness and ordered a psychiatric assessment at the forensic psychiatric unit. I was housed with convicted pedophiles, rapists, murderers. Now I don't know how much it costs the court to bring in a forensic psychiatrist, but we were talking about a jaywalking ticket and food by fraud, here. March 16, 2005, I was transferred to the forensic unit at Alberta Mental Hospital.
I was told by the first interviewing psychiatrist that I would be given an opportunity to speak with an international affiliated lawyer, and He explained that I was "volunteer patient status".
After the assessment, The Mental Health Review Board Panel found no reason for me to be detained in a psychiatric facility. And according to the Mental Health Act of Alberta, I should have been returned to the Edmonton Remand Centre.
But rather, a psychiatrist was still able to make a request before the court for me to be medicated, because, he stated that, "she has some high fluting idea about Genoa, Proclaimation 1763" and a judges order, to have me medicated was instituted by the court. Even after submission was made to the judge that the Mental Health Review Board had found no reason to detain me.
I requested to obtain application before the Court of Queen's bench to appeal the decision to medicate me and before I had an opportunity, I was immediately medicated. The severity of the dosage is indescript and it's subsequent effects. I have never been on medication so severe in my entire life.
My adult children were screaming and freaking out when they saw me. I cannot describe how sick this medication made me, I begged Patient Advocacy Office, and they said they could do nothing.
I contacted the Lieutenant Governor's Office,to explain that I was a Proclaimation 1763 respondent and was hung up on. I thought it was an accident and so I phoned back, I got the answering machine. Someone from their office complained to the forensic unit, and so subsequently all phone calls were denied me for the week, and subsequently I could not wage an appeal to Court of Queen's bench.
60 days later, very medicated, I was released and I no longer entered into the court that I was a Proclaimation 1763, responder: Obsconse.
I do solemnly state this to be true and for my safety and protection I hereby state that my name is Sandra Thickson.
April 27, 2006 at 6:03 am#12992sandra
ParticipantQuote How did they get into power? Rigged elections???
The people would rebel if they thought something was wrong and they'd been cheated. Right, Wrong
http://www.google.com/search?q=Election+Ha….netscape:en-USProject Megiddo
The attached analysis, entitled PROJECT MEGIDDO, is an FBI strategic assessment of the potential for domestic terrorism in the United States undertaken in anticipation of or response to the arrival of the new millennium.
FBIThe fundamental essence of PNAC's ideology can be found in a White Paper
produced in September of 2000 entitled "Rebuilding America's Defenses:
Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century." In it, PNAC outlines
what is required of America to create the global empire they envision.
According to PNAC, America must:
* Reposition permanently based forces to Southern Europe, Southeast Asia
and the Middle East;
* Modernize U.S. forces, including enhancing our fighter aircraft,
submarine and surface fleet capabilities;
* Develop and deploy a global missile defense system, and develop a
strategic dominance of space;
* Control the "International Commons" of cyberspace;
* Increase defense spending to a minimum of 3.8 percent of gross domestic
product, up from the 3 percent currently spent.NAC's "Rebuilding America's Defenses" report is the institutionalization
of plans and ideologies that have been formulated for decades by the men
currently running American government. The PNAC Statement of Principles is
signed by Cheney, Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld, as well as by Eliot Abrams, Jeb
Bush, Bush's special envoy to Afghanistan Zalmay Khalilzad, and many
others. William Kristol, famed conservative writer for the Weekly Standard,
is also a co-founder of the group. The Weekly Standard is owned by Ruppert
Murdoch, who also owns international media giant Fox News.The desire for these freshly empowered PNAC men to extend American hegemony
by force of arms across the globe has been there since day one of the Bush
administration, and is in no small part a central reason for the Florida
electoral battle in 2000. Note that while many have said that Gore and Bush
are ideologically identical, Mr. Gore had no ties whatsoever to the fellows
at PNAC. George W. Bush had to win that election by any means necessary,
and PNAC signatory Jeb Bush was in the perfect position to ensure the rise
to prominence of his fellow imperialists. Desire for such action, however,
is by no means translatable into workable policy. Americans enjoy their
comforts, but don't cotton to the idea of being some sort of Neo-Rome.On September 11th, the fellows from PNAC saw a door of opportunity open
wide before them, and stormed right through it.All of the horses are traveling together at speed here. The defense
contractors who sup on American tax revenue will be handsomely paid for
arming this new American empire. The corporations that own the news media
will sell this eternal war at a profit, as viewership goes through the
stratosphere when there is combat to be shown. Those within the
administration who believe that the defense of Israel is contingent upon
laying waste to every possible aggressor in the region will have their
dreams fulfilled. The PNAC men who wish for a global Pax Americana at
gunpoint will see their plans unfold. Through it all, the bankrollers from
the WTO and the IMF will be able to dictate financial terms to the entire
planet. This last aspect of the plan is pivotal, and is best described in
the newly revised version of Greg Palast's masterpiece, "The Best Democracy
Money Can Buy."April 27, 2006 at 6:06 am#12993sandra
ParticipantIf China does not get into the GB Summit, it will me global nuclear meltdown!
April 27, 2006 at 7:27 am#12997sandra
ParticipantUnited Nations Resolution 132, Proclaimation 1763 respondent:Sandra Thickson
April 27, 2006 at 7:46 am#12999sandra
ParticipantToday is the first day of the rest of your life
This quote is an Illuminati curse, that Proclaimation 1763 is not apprised to discuss.
April 27, 2006 at 4:18 pm#13009sandra
ParticipantWhat was that response? "Over our dead bodies?", is that right?
HALLE BARRY FULL OF GRACE, innuendas amigos commentaire, your loor…..What was that movie? GOOD MAO R NING,vietcong!
April 27, 2006 at 4:20 pm#13010sandra
April 27, 2006 at 4:22 pm#13011sandra
ParticipantCommentaire fFll
April 27, 2006 at 4:47 pm#13012sandra
ParticipantI shall share with you a series of visions, none of them mine, but all have been shared with me, remarkably none know one another and yet;
I was camped out at Duncan Reserve on Vancouver Island back in the Summer of 1982….and a resident from the community shared this vision.
He awoke to find his children and wife still sleeping it was 8 am, so he decided to fall back asleep. He dreamt, " I heard the voice of the Creator, Rise, take a blanket for each member of your family and head to the highest ground. So he woke his children, grabbed blankets, got them all into his beater station wagon, but just before he took off, He asked, "Creator may I please tell my neighbour?" "Go but be quick." He went to his neighbours two of them, "Did you hear the voice! Did you hear the voice?" " Yeah, we heard it but they were busy drinking and gambling, (this was before VLT's and gambling became the government crack cocaine, And buyouts weren't happening.), so they said that they would wait. He jumped into his car with his family and began to head to the highest ground. As soon as he did this the police tried to stop him but, he kept going,
then the military tried to stop him but, he kept driving! He turned on the radio and it was Ronald Reagan announcing to the world, there's been a mysterious voice that has been heard, ignore! He turned off the radio and kept going. It was a war but along side of him, there were many bikers that helped him make it to the highest ground.
When he finally arrived, there was a sweat lodge built and his children entered the sweatlodge, as did his wife, he turned to look back just before entering the sweatlodge, and all of Vancouver Island was on fire. He entered the sweatlodge crying, and fell into a deep sleep. When he was awakened, he was told, take only what you need! He left the sweatlodge, and the only dry ground, was where he was standing. Slowly he watched the waters subside, and new vegetation grow, and then he was told, "Run my children for now you shall forever be with me." Now that was one vision!The next vision was from my friend from the Blood Reserve. She said I had a horrible vision, I woke up, I was in some sort of a cave, trying to stay away from the scourching heat, I was with my youngest son, but was worried for my eldest so I decided to leave the safety of the cave, in search of him. Immediately after I left the cave, I hit a butte, and the scorching heat, hit me so hard, it was burning me, and forced me back into the cave for protection. I sat down, and looked at the pail of water that we had beside us and wondered, "What shall we do when this runs out". Immediately I awoke, terrified.
The other vision was from a European Christian lady who lives in Edmonton. She retells in my dream, I am walking by the government buildings, through the bomb shelter tunnel, holding a child's hand. I see the LRT going across to the University. Now she says when I had this dream, there was no bomb shelter tunnel, it has now been built, the LRT did not go to the university, it does now. I didn't know the little girls who's hand I held, I've since givin birth to her. This is the worst part…The little girl who's hand I held, who is now my daughter, looked up into the sky and said, "Look a Jet!" "That is not a jet, I said, that is a nuclear missile". Now in the dream, she says, " I knew nothing about nuclear war, yet in the dream, I was an expert." I spoke to this little girl and told her to get back in the tunnel because the ground is going to shake and when the missile landed we bounced off the pavement, it landed in the Nisku, Leduc area, refinery row. Then she said came a raging wind that nearly sucked us out of the tunnel, and then she said, I took the hand of the little girl, who is now my daughter, and said, "Now comes the Wall of Fire and with that she said I walked out of the tunnel and a wall of fire, the size of a tsunami was toppling every building it it's path,heading directly towards us and with that I woke up. It was late fall, just before the leaves fall from the trees.
Two individuals from Fort McMurray, both still living there, dreamt that they were here at the aftermath of some catastrophic fire. There was no semblance of normalcy, all was rubble. Winter was setting and they were worried what they would do for clothing for the children. Both had the same experience and dream.
Everyone of these people could be said to have, "voices in their head?"
I was given a word of prophecy today,
The Lord Almighty God has said, "Repent Canada! or within7 to 10 months, From the St. Lawrence, through Toronto, through Lake Ontario, into Detriot City, Philadelphia, and Chicago, shall come a massive earthquake that shall see 7 major cities left in rubble.
Today it is four months and holding internments….purchasing agreements to remove, who? would that be? beehive or the the petula? masoretheologystolen! Jeremiah!
April 27, 2006 at 4:51 pm#13013sandra
ParticipantSanhedrin dumas expriestjudasiscariot….
April 27, 2006 at 5:25 pm#13014sandra
ParticipantThe Coming of the Lord, Masoretically!
China must close their doors, and trade with the West.
The Royal Military is Putin, this is for the western world, but Russia in ideolgy is so close in parameters, explicit!
Bush is a descendant and the last moroni…..
7 brave astraunauts and only 7 shall assist in China having come from the USA!
Every family in the Kingdom is Royal! They just belong to different Palaces, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords!LANDSLIDE VICORY! Occurrence worldwide economies changing fast, Canada Agragarian society…for example, proletariate causes, the Hassedek need to come to Canada, Levitical Priesthood.
But don't deny, the Moslem people, they have YET to receive the HOLY SPIRIT, Trust in the Lord with ALL THINE HEART……irrestible Grave……Apocalypso! 6 months in perpetual motion?one eye world has common deep!
The devastation of hypotuneuse has implanted ant-imatter because of hypergleutics…..NO CHOICES!
So now all the Wests critics….the gentiles, shiite's shall overcome hypotuneuse with their faith at the point of ecclesia beyond point….ancient colonizers shall point the way!
This is us! You had better start revealing the masoretical text LISBON!April 27, 2006 at 5:37 pm#13015sandra
ParticipantRead the BIBLE CODE II, page 187…Go to Lisbon!
April 27, 2006 at 5:38 pm#13016sandra
ParticipantAnd stop your Turkey feet curses China!
April 27, 2006 at 5:42 pm#13017sandra
ParticipantNow how can you take something so ugly as the Whore, Babylon, The Great Whore! And this is what this becomes for the Western World, there is NO WOMAN>>>>>China is in the womb!
The Highest House, (indescript)April 27, 2006 at 5:57 pm#13018sandra
Participant"every knee shall BOW and every tongue confess, JESUS CHRIST HE IS LORD"
no CHOICES hypercleutics belong in china, ghenna is for forms of demons, satanistsuncommonvalour
Did you know that HELL is only mentioned less than 70 times in the Bible and Heaven almost 700 (KJV), I studied every time Hell was mentioned, people have been deceived. Hell is for Demons, Satan, and all his archangels! This is ADAMIC SEED, in all of us, all chosen, all stay the course, no accidents, FOR IT IS FINISHED! There are just some chosen, time, place, the definition of the noun!Okay so this is my morning rant! Take it as you will! Just kidding! Not necessarily?
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