What we are called to

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    A lot of times we (Christians)

    are called for many things and for (our own) reasons we may not answer that calling.

    Though I refer more to organisations such as Jehovahs Witnesses. Angel worshipers and things like that

    Even people who are into cults and stuff

    Many people feel “Called” to minister to those people

    Even though the Bible clearly speaks on False teachings and False teachers.

    Often we try to do things our own way and for what ever reasons do not wait on God

    So what is a “True Calling”

    How would we know that we are following Gods Will

    I leave this to whoever is reading this

    For many Christians have felt a “calling” to minister to them

    Don't get me wrong telling others about Christ is a great thing


    Help me out here

    Peace and God bless you


    O.K.  We were members of the Catholic Church until my Husband was 47 and I was 46.  My Husband Georg was watching Mr. Armstrong, and Georg was telling me, come here and listen to this Guy.  I did and I said right of that He was speaking against the Church.  So I went to the Bible Store and tried to find anything on cults and Mr. Armstrong.  All I found was a small Booklet.  My eyes caught this big Book called ” The Two Babylonians.”  I stuck it under my arm and started to read the small Booklet, while waiting in line to be checked out.  When it was my turn, I put the Booklet I wa reading on the counter to buy.  I had forgotten about the Book under my arm.  The Lady asked me, what about the Book that you have under your arm?  Oh, I said, I guess I'll buy that too.  It turned out to be that Book that opened my eyes about the Catholic Church.  After calling a Minister from the World Wide Church of God, we called our Parish Priest to compare what we had learned.  We went back and forth for some time, before one day when we were talking to our Parish Priest, He told Georg God is calling you.  He knew something.  I was very active in the Catholic Church, and started a Womans organization and a Rosary Society.  I also did Solo's and was a Song Leader.  We also owned a Bakery, and we were well known in our Community.  One Saturday Georg decided to go to one Service from the W.W.Church of God.  When He came Home fom there, He told me how nice and friendly all the People were.  I had gotten quit upset with some people in our Catholic Church because they did not participate in the Service and fell asleep, while I was trying to make them sing, as a Song Leader. So the next week I went with Georg to the W.W.Church of God.  What also impressed me was how everyone was involved with what was said from the Ministers.  Also I told Georg why did you not tell me, that the Woman all wear Dresses?  Georg did not even noticed that!  And all the men wore Suits.  After a few more times going back and forth, we left the Catholic Church, and shocked all of our friends there.  After a couple of Months we joined the W.W. Church of God and we realized it was not a cult, like so many thought it was.  We learned to read the Bible and God really opened our eyes, to see so many truths.  And in December of 1985 we were both Baptized according to Scriptures.  The next day wa so amazing.  I was sitting on the Sewing machine and things did not go right, and I started to curse and cuss all over the place.  I had no idea how much I did this.  God's Holy Spirit told me over and over again.  And so it went on when ever I sinned, the Holy Spirit of God was right there to tell me.  It was the most exiting thing that ever happened to me.  
    When I told one of the Brethren the next Sabbath, they just laughed, because before our Baptism I had told them, maybe Satan will leave me alone now.  Boy, little did I know what was in store for me.
    That' s the way we were called out of the Catholic Church.  It is however sad, that after Mr. Armstrong died and another Pastor General took over He died too, and His Son took over.  They went right back to the way of Mainstream Christianity, and the belief ot the trinity and Sunday worship. We also along with 2/3 of the Membership left the Church and some even started their own Churches.  Georg and I stayed Home.
    God has opened so many new doctrines to us, it is so amazing to me. We had sold our Bakery to our oldest Son, because it interfered with us keeping the Sabbath.  Little did we know that we are under grace and the New Covenant in Luke 22:20.  We also learned that Jesus preexisted His Birth here on earth.  We have been so blessed.  Getting old gracefully is one thing that I am not to found of.  I am so looking foward to Christs return.  No more pain and no more sorrow.  I  have wondered so many times, why God is keeping me alive, with all of these Deceases.  In reality I should be a dead dog.  I started with Lupus at age 40, and most Lupus Patine's don't live longer then 10-15 years after onset of Lupus,  It is now 31 years, that I have Lupus. A saying what my closest friend used to say, I am to honorary to die yet.  She died almost 3 years ago and I miss Her very much.
    With all my Love Irene


    Thank you for that

    What if one Knows their calling.

    But feels they can't accomplish it?

    To afraid of failing that they may not try?

    You know its important (just like any calling from God)

    Though feel that God is…Distant

    How would someone “answer” the call. “fulfill” the purpose God has for them?


    Quote (followerofJesus @ Oct. 12 2009,09:44)
    Thank you for that

    What if one Knows their calling.

    But feels they can't accomplish it?

    To afraid of failing that they may not try?

    You know its important (just like any calling from God)

    Though feel that God is…Distant

    How would someone “answer” the call. “fulfill” the purpose God has for them?

    Very vague.

    What is it and why could it not be accomplished?

    Since when was fear of failure ever a good reason not to try?

    Me, I think when you gotta go, you go with what you got, all guns blazing. That is a general philosophy.


    Quote (followerofJesus @ Oct. 12 2009,09:44)
    Thank you for that

    What if one Knows their calling.

    But feels they can't accomplish it?

    To afraid of failing that they may not try?

    You know its important (just like any calling from God)

    Though feel that God is…Distant

    How would someone “answer” the call. “fulfill” the purpose God has for them?

    In my opinion then you where not called.  There is no fear when God calles us out of a false Church.  At least I did not fear the Catholic Church.  However that was not always the case.  They used to torture and kill anyone that objected their teaching.  We are from Germany and I can remember the Basilica Church we belonged to, and I sang in the Choir there.  In the Basement was still some evident of torture chambers present.  It was really aerie to me, when ever on Christmas to go down into the Basement.  That is were they had set up the Nativity Scene was. Georg told me some even made a Museum's out of them.
    Peace and Love Irene



    Alright I guess fear is not an excuse not to try

    And God would always back us up and 2 Timothy: 1 verse 7


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