What name do you wear?

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  • #144541

    Some of you say “I am of Paul,” and some of you say “I am of Appolis,” And some of you say “I am of Cephas.” And some of you say “I am of Christ.”

    Is Christ divided?

    Was Paul crucified for you?

    Some say “I am a Catholic Christian.”
    Some say “I am a Baptist Christian.”
    Some say “I am a Lutheran Christian.”
    Some say “I am a (whatever denomination) Christian.”
    Some say “I belong to the Church of Christ.”

    Why did Paul fail to grasp an opportunity here, to say “those who say “I am of Christ” are the only correct ones.”

    But Paul did not say that. He said it divides Christ to make any claims whotsoever as to whom you belong.

    Do I therefore divide Christ by wearing his name? No, I divide Christ if I pretend wearing his name makes me better than those who do not. Christ is not that way. He wants us to wear his name in humility, but proudly.

    That simply means we are to be humble because it is Christ living in us that shines forth as “good,” but we are not to know shame by displaying his name among those who hate him.

    Let them know the shame of missing the only opportunity this side of heaven, to know the son of God in truth and in daily life. I will have the honour of wearing and displaying his name for all to be led to him by what they see in me because of his love for me.

    In the blood of Christ by the grace of God
    In the grace of God by the blood of Christ

    Theo Book


    I have had doubts about some things along my Christian Journey, I cannot lie, but one day I put my trust in Jesus to save me, and never looked back. My Savior was always Jesus. I was baptised in his name and wear it proudly. There is just somethng about that name. I love to say it. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.

    John 20:31
    “But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ,
    the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name.”

    2 Timothy 1:12
    “… nevertheless I am not ashamed:  for I know whom I have believed,
    and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed
    unto him against that day.”


    Quote (eveh @ Sep. 06 2009,13:56)
    I have had doubts about some things along my Christian Journey, I cannot lie, but one day I put my trust in Jesus to save me, and never looked back. My Savior was always Jesus. I was baptised in his name and wear it proudly. There is just somethng about that name. I love to say it. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.

    John 20:31
    “But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ,
    the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name.”

    2 Timothy 1:12
    “… nevertheless I am not ashamed:  for I know whom I have believed,
    and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed
    unto him against that day.”

    Simply and beautifully stated.


    I agree with you Paladin

    For often when we call ourselves Christians. we are asked, what denomination

    Though we are all the same in the body of Christ (I think that is somewhere in Galatians)

    Its by Jesus we are save Reedeemed, Set, free

    Peace and God bless you


    to all above
    just tink we our not saved just because we say we believe in Jesus, this would be equal to say i am an carpenter and this is wy i can work wood an wood structures,this is ridicule ,James 2,14-25 explain deeds.remember the Father has shown us allready is love by sending is Only son to save us if we accept is way,Jesus show us is love by having come down to meet us and show us the way train is disciples to teach us wath they had learned from him ,but unless we pickup that chalange to change from our sinful ways to God way there will be no saving.

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