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- October 17, 2011 at 5:48 pm#260917
ParticipantEd: From Abraham until now, FAITH was the connection between man and God. God will not connect with anything that is not perfect or has sin or is in darkness. No impurity can exist in God or connect to God. The only impurity from the beginning of time to now was (trying to be pure unto God) and not believing God. Following one another s actions and efforts and religious ideas to try to “work out” some form of purity for acceptance. Works are MAN MADE! Faith is GOD made! You cannot do something to make yourself good or perfect. You are not being judged by that. God says I accept you, now, the way you are. Why do you try to put something in your own power as the criteria for union with God when he clearly says, I SAY YOU ARE WORTHY OR PERFECT.
This is why the House of Israel is left desolate. No one will eat her fruit ever again. She failed her husband as a harlot. She went after other gods, she loved the works of her hands for acceptance. Israel is doomed, separated, destroyed, desolate of God. No spirit/life/water. There is no Israel, no chosen ones, no Jew no Gentile, no bond nor free,…..ALL ARE ONE…ONE…..ONE IN CHRIST BY FAITH IN JESUS!!!!!!
My opinion:
In you if fulfilled the prophecy…..they are ever hearing and ever listening, but never able to come to the truth! Their eyes are blinded and their ears cannot hear….lest they see with their (spiritual eyes) and hear with (spiritual ears) and turn [Repent] from their evil self works, believe with their hearts and I should heal them…! TKOctober 17, 2011 at 5:58 pm#260918ftk
ParticipantThis is a great day for those who will accept their perfection from God by faith!
And this is a terrible day for those choose instead to continue in a life of sin.Ezekiel 33:10-11 Therefore, O thou son of man, speak unto the house of Israel;
Thus ye speak, saying, If our transgressions and our sins be upon us, and we
pine away in them, how should we then live? Say unto them, As I live, saith
the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the…..the wicked must turn from [his, personal ways and efforts]
wicked turn (REPENT) from [ his personal] way and live: turn ye, turn ye from [your] your own evil works.
evil ways; for why will ye die,
O house of Israel? (terrible for those who choose to continue in sin) SIN IS THEIR OWN WORKS, THEIR OWN PURIFYING ATTEMPTS, TRYING TO BECOME “PERFECT” OR “ACCEPTABLE TO GOD! THAT IS THE SIN!!October 17, 2011 at 6:12 pm#260919Ed J
ParticipantHi Tim,
Why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say? (Luke 6:46)
God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34)
http://www.holycitybiblecode.orgOctober 17, 2011 at 7:04 pm#260924ftk
ParticipantEd: I take it you are referring to what Jesus said. Jesus stated plainly that the works for man today are to believe that he did the works. Believing connects man to God as from the beginning. Man made works mean nothing!! TK
October 17, 2011 at 7:13 pm#260925Ed J
ParticipantQuote (ftk @ Oct. 18 2011,06:04) Ed: (1)I take it you are referring to what Jesus said. Jesus stated plainly that the works for man today are to believe that he did the works. Believing connects man to God as from the beginning. (2)Man made works mean nothing!! TK
Hi Tim,1) True. (see John 6:29)
2) False. (James 2:17-20)God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34)
http://www.holycitybiblecode.orgOctober 19, 2011 at 10:18 am#261006ftk
ParticipantEd: Since you quoted John6:29…Jesus said…this is the “work” of God….that ye “believe” on him….! Do you deny that in other words here is what Jesus was saying…..the works necessary to come to God and be purified and perfect through the salvation from Jesus, those works are to “believe” or “have faith” or “by faith” in what Jesus has done and given to mankind!
Will you also deny many scriptures:
Rom.3:21….the righteousness of God which is by faith…believing!!
Rom.9:30….even the righteousness which is by faith….! believing!!
Rom.10:10…for with the heart man believeth unto righteousness!!
Gal.5:5….wait for the hope of righteousness by faith….believing!
Ph'p.3:9….the righteousness which is of God by faith….believing!
It is by “faith” in the works of Jesus, done for our perfection and purification. Jesus did the works that a true man of God will accept as total perfection for all time, not based on the mans efforts, or good deeds or good works or bad works or deeds either. Per God the work is over and the day of rest is here. Enter the rest of Jesus by faith and take the yoke of the law and OT religious chains that bind with works and rituals, etc.! In Christ Jesus there is absolute “FREEDOM”!!! TK
So, Ed do you have the faith that all is made perfect through Jesus Christ by faith alone? Or does faith in Jesus, alone, not totally save the believer? I believe you will deny any truth that could break down the doctrines you have established for yourself and already passed on to others! TK
October 19, 2011 at 1:16 pm#261013theodorej
ParticipantQuote (ftk @ Oct. 16 2011,22:17) Quote (theodorej @ Oct. 15 2011,23:43) Quote (ftk @ Oct. 15 2011,23:28) Ed: I agree that when you are born again it is an instant transformation of mental intentions, but one is a baby at that moment and then he or she continues in growing spiritually by the words of God through Jesus unto a perfect man. ACTIONS ARE NOT FRUIT! The fruit of a man has always been the words of his lips. All through the prophets and Psalms and the New Testament what is produced from the inside of man is expressed in words from his mouth. False prophets teach error. Darkness is untruth. What comes from the inward parts of a man is what he believes about God.
Gal.5:22….the fruit of the spirit is love….
Heb.12:11….it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of…(not works)….
Heb.13:15….the fruit of our lips giving thanks…..
Actions come mostly from instant thoughts/intentions, created from words spoken to you, that are a response to something accusing you, in the moment or edifying you in the moment. Actions are a response from mental input/stimulus. Actions do not prove fruit nor do they have seed within to reproduce fruit. Fruit grows from a seed in the heart of man, planted from Gods words through Jesus. The fruit from the lips is, seed/words from God, to be passed on to germinate another mans garden/heart to the truth from God! Physical actions and reactions are of earthly origin. Spiritual words are spiritual fruit with spiritual seeds from God to be planted and bring forth more spiritual fruit. IMO. TK
Greetings ftk ….. If you would be so kind as to let me stick my two cents in …. It appears to me that what you are discussing is not being born again but repentance or changing the way you live….To be imparted with Gods spirit through Baptizm does not make you born again…. No one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of the spirit…That means as i see it … we will be spirit beings and it will be made possible through a rebirth eg born again…The sum total of my argument is simply this ….you must first experience physical death, before by virtue of the promissed resurection you can be Born Again in spirit so as to be part of the promised kingdom of God…..
theodore: You are always welcome, I am very thankful that you would take the time.If I may sir,….The Baptism of John was to prep the minds of the people coming out of the old and into the new. Two monumental differences of service to God. I believe the word “Repent” used by John was telling the people that were following the old way of service by physical buildings, sacrifices, rules and rituals of no value to “turn around from the way you are going(to serve God)” the New Covenant is about to be established, spiritually in Christ. The great one is about to arise. The water Baptism also said, by a symbolic picture, here is the death of the old way with rising up fresh and clean to the New Spirit way. The new spirit way is Gods words through Jesus re-creating us into what he says we are. Those who accept the words of Jesus BECOME WHAT THE WORDS SAY WE ARE! Born again to incorruptible life in Christ that cannot be altered or changed. Perfection by faith forever. So symbolically we “died”(like Paul said) and arose from that death(the old way) or were resurrected to new perfect life in Christ Jesus all by faith!
The spirit/words of God are the “Kingdom of God” that dwell within us, NOW! All truth is taught by Jesus in “parables”!
See the picture of the old man dying and being resurrected to a new man, created perfect and pure within where the spirit, God, Jesus all dwell. They make their abode/house of God, Temple of God, Church which is his body all within the believer. Now, not later, we will not need the new birth in heaven. We are the new birth NOW!
God bless you, these are my beliefs as best I can write them. They are my opinions! Thanks for reading, TK
Greetings ftk ….. The one troubling aspect of what you have so eloquently explained is this …. The reference to perfection that is associated with being of the spirit is not in keeping with the carnality of man in other words I can lose the gift of the spirit through sin, so there is no longevity…In the parable to Caiafus ….. he ask Jesus if he would have to re enter his mothers womb in order to be born again and Jesus answered one must be born again in spirit in order to enter the kingdom of God…
The understanding of where and what is the kingdom of God is the answer to this question….The kingdom of God will be a physical government in a place (this earth) where the first to inhabit it will be those who died in christ…. We will have an opportunity to experience the kingdom of God and his government and we will be afforded the opportunity once again to choose life or death….At that point Gods plan would have been complete…. In closing a focus on the following truth Flesh is Flesh and Spirit is SpiritOctober 19, 2011 at 5:13 pm#261017ftk
ParticipantTheodore: There is a definite progression of Biblical truth over a long period of time. The all the prophets of the old testament, the law and the Psalms wrote inspired truth from God about a great light that was to come. A great day of God was coming that would teach/enlighten all mankind to a new way in God. All the prophesies projected completely new way coming. If you search Isaiah, Jeremiah, the Psalms, Malachi, they all say the same facts over and over allegorically written in dream or picture form to exercise the spirit to see the dream coming. Over and over, like Isaiah 32:1….Behold a king shall reign in righteousness…Jesus….shall rule in judgment….in a dry place(no word from God, no water)…a weary land….V6…the vile person will speak villany, and his heart will work iniquity,(remain in works for salvation) to practise hypocrisy and to utter error against the Lord…and on down to V15(timing key)….UNTIL..the spirit be poured upon us from on high(today) and the wilderness becomes a fertile field….v16…then judgment(Jesus the word of God) shall dwell in the wilderness and righteousness in the fruitful field….V17…and the work of righteousness shall be peace and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever. On and on the prophets declare of the day coming that would bring peace to all who believe, and judgment to all who worship the work of their hands or efforts of themselves. These people wrote nearly a thousand years before Jesus came. The spirit came. The light and truth of God came. Jesus said all the prophets and the law and the Psalms prophesied UNTIL…John the Baptist and then the Kingdom of God (spirit words of God) within each individual would grow up and last forever.
The carnality of man that you insist belongs to you or what religion calls the sinful nature of man is a deceiving lie against the truth. You cannot change the “nature” of any creature. A pig will always be a pig. A horse is always a horse. Likewise for all. A man is born a son of God when he breaths in the spirit of God/life into his body and becomes a living God/man. What Adam did in the garden changed his life. I cannot see anyplace where Adams action is somehow transmitted to mankind forever. If I sin, you do not pay a penalty. Men followed what he did and what they saw and proclaimed what they believed and that was passed down through time but man still had the life of God dwelling within. The mind is the only place one can leave God. God is everywhere. Only if a man believes a lie, that he is separated from God can he be separated from God and even then its not true, it is a illusion believed as truth. Whatsoever a man believeth in his heart so he is!
I must go, out of time, this is with all love and respect possible to you. God bless you, TK
October 20, 2011 at 9:45 am#261025ftk
Participanttheodore: You say….
Quote The reference to perfection that is associated with being of the spirit is not in keeping with the carnality of man in other words I can lose the gift of the spirit through sin, so there is no longevity.. Paul would say to you:(Rom.8:35)…..WHO SHALL SEPARATE US FROM GOD/THE LOVE OF CHRIST! SHALL, TRUBULATION?…DISTRESS…PERSECUTION…FAMINE…NAKEDNESS…PERIL OR SWORD?….NAY!!!
V38….Paul said…I am persuaded that neither death, no life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present nor things to come…….nor height nor depth, nor an other creature……(NOTHING)….SHALL BE ABLE TO SEPARATE US FROM THE LOVE(PERFECT UNION,ONENESS,ACCEPTANCE,) OF GOD WHICH IS IN CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD!!!…..
Nothing you do and nobody else can separate you from your perfection in Christ! God made you perfect and called you into his perfection. Would you deny God and call yourself imperfect? NOW CHOOSE…. LIFE(perfection with God) OR DEATH(you are a dirty, carnal, sinful man)! Will you believe that or search further to try to find disunion and failure. Maybe that news is just to good to accecpt?
This is the gift of God unto mankind, through Jesus, having made the worshipers perfect forever, having sat down with God, perfection finished.
What Jesus did on earth cleansed, purified, washed away your sin, made you whole, made you perfect unto union/marriage to God/Spirit! That is what you are, now! If you believe it you walk in newness of life. If you don't believe it you are separated from God in your mind. God bless your choice of perfection in Jesus. IMO, TK
October 20, 2011 at 4:43 pm#261031terraricca
Quote This is the gift of God unto mankind, through Jesus, having made the worshipers perfect forever, having sat down with God, perfection finished. the gift is good but the perfection is only attained when the full knowledge and the full , fulfilling of Christ works that God has given him to do is finish,the last being dead to be destroyed,until then we are going trough test of all sorts like Paul says;:(Rom.8:35)…..WHO SHALL SEPARATE US FROM GOD/THE LOVE OF CHRIST! SHALL, TRUBULATION?…DISTRESS…PERSECUTION…FAMINE…NAKEDNESS…PERIL OR SWORD?….NAY!!!
so nothing is said until it is all done ,we can stumble ,but we should not,
October 20, 2011 at 9:14 pm#261042ftk
ParticipantPierre: The gift of God is your righteousness. Righteousness is perfection. God made us perfect through the words of Jesus. Perfection is not a grade like one would get at school. The perfection of God is given by declaration. Whatever God says is perfect is perfect. Jesus destroyed death, hell and the grave. Now, this day are we saved and made whole unto the lord. It is done, now and finished now. This is the truth from God, now! Yes we must hold fast to that truth. That is the testing of our faith, that all this is true which worketh your patience! To stumble is to dis-believe! Hold fast your faith to the end….what end…..the end result of your faith. Unity and perfection with God. Hold the purity of the words of Jesus within…… until we all come in the unity of faith and of the knowledge of the son of God unto a perfect man unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ. Eph.4:12…. TK
October 20, 2011 at 9:44 pm#261044Ed J
ParticipantQuote (ftk @ Oct. 19 2011,21:18) Ed: I believe you will deny any truth that could break down the doctrines you have established for yourself and already passed on to others!
Hi Tim,What doctrines do you refer?
And what truth is that?God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34)
http://www.holycitybiblecode.orgOctober 20, 2011 at 10:01 pm#261046terraricca
Quote The perfection of God is given by declaration. Whatever God says is perfect is perfect where is this written ??
I was always under the impression that it is conditional to our choice ,and so if we chose God s will then you are right ,
October 21, 2011 at 10:40 am#261081ftk
ParticipantQuote (Ed J @ Oct. 21 2011,08:44) Quote (ftk @ Oct. 19 2011,21:18) Ed: I believe you will deny any truth that could break down the doctrines you have established for yourself and already passed on to others!
Hi Tim,What doctrines do you refer?
And what truth is that?God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34)
Ed: The doctrine of being under a law from God. Love is not a law nor can it be. Love never tells another what to do or not do backed with a punishment. As long as a person believes in good AND EVIL there is condemnation to judge the evil. I try to use the word “judgement” as more of a choice of matters. Condemnation is a declaration of a wrong in the eyes of God. There is therefore now no condemnation in Christ.No condemnation…..No wrong, evil, sin, bad etc. in Gods eyes! If there were he would be judging us. Those alive in Christ, cleansed by the blood of Jesus have no sin or error to judge, only perfection!!
Here on earth man to man its a bit different. We are taught a complete human “morality” by laws. We must separate the two worlds, spirit and physicality or matter. Everything here is not cut and dried. This is the planet of duality in relativity. Everything is relative to other things.
Sorry, I'm ranting again. Bless you, TK
October 21, 2011 at 10:57 am#261082ftk
ParticipantQuote (terraricca @ Oct. 21 2011,09:01) tk Quote The perfection of God is given by declaration. Whatever God says is perfect is perfect where is this written ??
I was always under the impression that it is conditional to our choice ,and so if we chose God s will then you are right ,
Pierre: The “acceptance” on mans part, of what God says, is what is conditional. Acceptance being “Faith”, just believing, no ties or strings attached.When God makes a declaration through his spokesman and son, Jesus, it is so, forever on his part. When Jesus says in his prayer to the Father,….John17:16…Sanctify them through thy truth, thy word is truth! And again at John15:3…NOW..ye are clean through the word which I have spoken…! And in other places…I have ordained you…sent us forth just as the father had sent him forth.
You are right about all being conditional to our choice. If we choose to accept and believe it is all done and given to us.
As we cleans our minds with these truths from Jesus and see our own perfection, the love within becomes greater than can be taken. As that love is uncovered by taking away all unbelief and filling back in with perfected truth from Jesus we rise up in light to the brightness of his shining and the glory he shares with our Father and his. Jesus is my brother and Jesus is my Lord of Lords!! Bless you, TK
October 21, 2011 at 11:55 am#261084Ed J
ParticipantQuote (ftk @ Oct. 21 2011,21:40) Quote (Ed J @ Oct. 21 2011,08:44) Quote (ftk @ Oct. 19 2011,21:18) Ed: I believe you will deny any truth that could break down the doctrines you have established for yourself and already passed on to others!
Hi Tim,What doctrines do you refer?
And what truth is that?
Ed: (1)The doctrine of being under a law from God. (2)Love is not a law nor can it be. (3)Love never tells another what to do or not do backed with a punishment. (4)As long as a person believes in good AND EVIL there is condemnation to judge the evil. (5)I try to use the word “judgement” as more of a choice of matters. (6)Condemnation is a declaration of a wrong in the eyes of God. There is therefore now no condemnation in Christ.No condemnation…..(7)No wrong, evil, sin, bad etc. in Gods eyes! (8)If there were he would be judging us. (9)Those alive in Christ, cleansed by the blood of Jesus have no sin or error to judge, only perfection!!
(10)Here on earth man to man its a bit different. (11)We are taught a complete human “morality” by laws. (12)We must separate the two worlds, spirit and physicality or matter. (13)Everything here is not cut and dried. (14)This is the planet of duality in relativity. (15)Everything is relative to other things.
Sorry, I'm ranting again. Bless you, TK
Hi Tim,1) It is easier for heaven and earth to pass, than one tittle of the law to fail. (Luke 16:17)
2) A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another. (John 13:34-35)3) FALSE! …For whom the LORD loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth. (Prob.3:12 )
4) Depart from evil, and do good; and dwell for evermore. for the LORD loveth judgment, and forsaketh not his saints;
they are preserved for ever: but the seed of the wicked shall be cut off. (Psalms 37:27-28)5) A choice of what matters?
6) Who's condemning?
7) FALSE! …Depart from evil, and do good; and dwell for evermore. for the LORD loveth judgment, and forsaketh not his saints;
they are preserved for ever: but the seed of the wicked shall be cut off. (Psalms 37:27-28)8) He does! …Verily there is a reward for the righteous: verily he is a God that judgeth in the earth. (Psalms 58:11)
9) If we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,
But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries. (Heb.10:26-27)10) Different than what?
11) These are God's 10 commandments, Tim!
12) That happens at death.
13) Correct.
14) Duality of reality yes, but also at the same time a singularity.
15) It takes a third position to distinguish between the two.
God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34)
http://www.holycitybiblecode.orgOctober 22, 2011 at 11:02 am#261112ftk
Posted: Oct. 21 2011,22:55 QUOTE
Quote (ftk @ Oct. 21 2011,21:40)
Quote (Ed J @ Oct. 21 2011,08:44)
Quote (ftk @ Oct. 19 2011,21:18)
Ed:I believe you will deny any truth that could break down the doctrines you have established for yourself and already passed on to others!
Hi Tim,
What doctrines do you refer?
And what truth is that?Ed: (1)The doctrine of being under a law from God. (2)Love is not a law nor can it be. (3)Love never tells another what to do or not do backed with a punishment. (4)As long as a person believes in good AND EVIL there is condemnation to judge the evil. (5)I try to use the word “judgement” as more of a choice of matters. (6)Condemnation is a declaration of a wrong in the eyes of God. There is therefore now no condemnation in Christ.
No condemnation…..(7)No wrong, evil, sin, bad etc. in Gods eyes! (8)If there were he would be judging us. (9)Those alive in Christ, cleansed by the blood of Jesus have no sin or error to judge, only perfection!!
(10)Here on earth man to man its a bit different. (11)We are taught a complete human “morality” by laws. (12)We must separate the two worlds, spirit and physicality or matter. (13)Everything here is not cut and dried. (14)This is the planet of duality in relativity. (15)Everything is relative to other things.
Sorry, I'm ranting again. Bless you, TK
Hi Tim,
2) A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another. (John 13:34-35)….NOTHING NEW HERE!3) FALSE! …For whom the LORD loveth he correcteth;[…TEACHES, TRAINS IN TRUTH….] even as a father the son in whom he delighteth. (Prob.3:12 )….EDUCATING SOMEONE IS NOT TELLING THEM WHAT TO DO BY COMMAND!……
4) Depart from evil, and do good; and dwell for evermore. for the LORD loveth judgment, and forsaketh not his saints;
they are preserved for ever: but the seed of the wicked shall be cut off. (Psalms 37:27-28)….YOU CONTINUE TO FOLLOW THE OLD COVENANT WORKS OF LAW….5) A choice of what matters?…I MEANT, JUDGEMENT TO ME IS MAKING EVERYDAY CHOICES ON EVERY LEVEL…..CONDEMNATION, TO ME IS JUDGING A MATTER AS WRONG IN THE EYES OF GOD!
7) FALSE! …Depart from evil, and do good; and dwell for evermore. for the LORD loveth judgment, and forsaketh not his saints;
they are preserved for ever: but the seed of the wicked shall be cut off. (Psalms 37:27-28)….UNDER THE LAW YOU ARE CORRECT!….8) He does! …Verily there is a reward for the righteous: verily he is a God that judgeth in the earth. (Psalms 58:11)…..THERE IS NO PERFECTION IN WORKS AND DEEDS….NO SUCH THING AS PERFECT UNDER LAW…..TODAY, UNION WITH GOD IS BY FAITH IN WHAT HE HAS DONE, NOT WHAT YOU CAN DO……
9) If we sin wilfully[….STILL BELIEVE WE HAVE SIN….] after that we have received the knowledge of the truth,[….THAT SIN IS TAKEN AWAY BY JESUS…] there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,[…ONE THAT BELIEVES IN WORKS DOESN'T NEED A SACRIFICE ANYWAY…]
But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries. (Heb.10:26-27)10) Different than what? …..
October 24, 2011 at 9:57 pm#261211Ed J
ParticipantQuote (ftk @ Oct. 22 2011,22:02) Ed) 009
Posted: Oct. 21 2011,22:55 QUOTE
Quote (ftk @ Oct. 21 2011,21:40)
Quote (Ed J @ Oct. 21 2011,08:44)
Quote (ftk @ Oct. 19 2011,21:18)
Ed:I believe you will deny any truth that could break down the doctrines you have established for yourself and already passed on to others!
Hi Tim,
What doctrines do you refer?
And what truth is that?Ed: (1)The doctrine of being under a law from God. (2)Love is not a law nor can it be. (3)Love never tells another what to do or not do backed with a punishment. (4)As long as a person believes in good AND EVIL there is condemnation to judge the evil. (5)I try to use the word “judgement” as more of a choice of matters. (6)Condemnation is a declaration of a wrong in the eyes of God. (7)There is therefore now no condemnation in Christ.
No condemnation…..(7)No wrong, evil, sin, bad etc. in Gods eyes! (8)If there were he would be judging us. (9)Those alive in Christ, cleansed by the blood of Jesus have no sin or error to judge, only perfection!!
(10)Here on earth man to man its a bit different. (11)We are taught a complete human “morality” by laws. (12)We must separate the two worlds, spirit and physicality or matter. (13)Everything here is not cut and dried. (14)This is the planet of duality in relativity. (15)Everything is relative to other things.
Sorry, I'm ranting again. Bless you, TK
Hi Tim,1) We are now under Christ, who prompts us to follow God's laws.
There's a difference Tim; hope I clarified your misunderstanding in this matter.2) Once again “commandment”, not law.
There's a difference Tim; hope I clarified your misunderstanding in this matter.3) FALSE! …why do parents “spank” children? (Prob.3:12)
4) Spin.
5) A choice of what?
6) Spin.
7) condemnation: judge against, ie, an adverse sentence, condemn, damn
8) Spin.
9) at that moment.
10) How so?
11) And your point is…
12) God is bringing the two together, not keeping them separate.
13) True.
14) There is 'duality of reality' and also “singularity”.
15) Sometimes.
God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34)
http://www.holycitybiblecode.orgOctober 29, 2011 at 2:52 am#261429Ed J
ParticipantQuote (Bernheart @ Aug. 28 2011,06:57) I just picked up this thread. I like the discussion of the creation. Too many people overlook its importance in understanding our reationship to God and Jesus Christ's role in our redemption. Here's how I see the creation story. God (through Jesus Christ) made the creation. God created Adam and Eve. Everything worked the way he wanted it to. God gave Adam and Eve free-will because he wanted mankind to love him for how awesome his is, not because we have no other option.
Up until they partook of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, Adam and Eve lived in the perfect love and knowledge of God. They always did God's will, because there was a perfect communion between God and his creation. When they ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, Adam and Eve, as the serpent said, became like God; able to know something other than God's will. In effect, they gained the ability to know that there were things that were “good” (righteous or the will of God) and things that were “evil” (or against the will of God).
In breaking God's command not to eat of the tree, they had sinned and were banished from the garden. The way I see it, in eating of the tree, Adam and Eve had taken on themselves the burden of deciding what is right and wrong instead of existing in God's will (perfect love). This would be the burden of mankind troughout history. I see the old testament as God's proof that even if he tells (and writes down for us) everything that we have to do to be righteous, of our own will, we cannot do it. We cannot choose the “right” thing to do without the direct connection that Adam had in the beginning.
So in my view sin is simply not doing God's will. It doesn't mean a list of things that are bad or wrong, it is simply not doing what God wants you to do. Doing the most self-sacrificing missionary work is still sin if that is not what God wants you to be doing.
Here is the neat part. What Christ did on the cross was to enable us to have the same connection to God that he did while on earth; the same connection that Adam had in the beginning. Instead of taking the choice upon himself as to the right or wrong thing to do at any given moment, he asked God what to do. He could have chosen, just as Satan and Adam had previously, to decide for himself what the right or wrong thing to do is, but he didn't. He did exactly what God wanted him to do at each moment. He gave us the choice, not to do good or evil, but to not choose; to just do God's will. (this is the danger of the trinity; by making Jesus into God, it denies that Jesus could have done other than God's will. The power of Christ's life is that he did what Adam and Satan had not; he chose not to choose, and thereby redeemed us all, if we choose to follow him).
This direct connection (unity or “oneness”) with God that Adam had (and lost) and Jesus had (and passed on to us) is the Holy Spirit. When we accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. We open the door to being filled with the Holy Spirit which allows us the ability to live as Christ did. We now have the ability, not to choose “right” and “wrong”, but to not choose; to only do what God wants us to be doing at each moment. This is to live each moment in the fullness of the knowledge of God; to live in everlasting love and unity with God, Christ, each other, and the creation!!
It is our choice whether each moment we choose to seek God's will through the Holy Spirit, or to partake of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and decide that we know what the right or wrong thing to do in any given moment. The power of this revelation floors me with the perfection of God's plan and what Christ did for us on earth through his life, death, and ressurection. GOD BE PRAISED!
I know that this only scratches the surface of the depth of what God has done, but I pray that it might be a starting point to explore the awesome power that God through Christ Jesus has made available to us.
-God Bless,
Hi Bernard,Welcome to H-net.
God bless
Ed J
http://www.holycitybiblecode.orgOctober 29, 2011 at 4:04 am#261432Bernheart
ParticipantYou bless me Ed!
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