What is sheol ?

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  • #58209

    Dear All,
    I am new bie in this forum.I am from Jakarta Indonesia.
    I am really afraid to ask about sheol (I mean I have ever had psychosomatic sickness when I was in junior high school. I was very very afraid to die, in my mind, there was always words said tomorrow or next minutes or hours I maybe die. I have been go to the doctor and heal now).
    Based on Enoch, I am not believe in so much to the book, The book told about the division of sheol, a place for dead souls.
    Is it true ? is there mentioned in Bible ? Am I sin if I ask about the sheol..?
    I appreciate your answer. TIA



    Hi Johnson,
    Have no fear. Sheol is nothing more than the resting place for those who have died.
    The dead know nothing until the resurection to the white throne judgement.
    Ecc 9:5 For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten.
    So if while you are dead you know nothing, then your next thought will be when you are ressurected.
    This will be only a moment to you.
    So you will never know death.

    Peace to you Johnson.



    By the way Johnson,

    It is never a sin to ask questions about things that you do not understand.



    Tks for your answer. It means that no division for dead soul in sheol and all the souls mix there, the sheol of the dead people who were never trust in Lord Jesus and the people who believed in Christs and follow Him when they were in this earth. Am I correct ?
    I just wonder in one of 4 parts of new testament, Lord Jesus explained about a parable of rich and poor where the poor is sitting in the Abram's chair and the rich is thirsty in the sheol or hell, I could not remember, because no bible near me :D
    So, actually the separation has happened.
    When my late father was in comma condition in a hospital, I heard the dog never stopped to bark andI heard it stop 1 hours after my father passed away.
    In my hometown, there was a medicine man said that there were 2 persons picked up my father and he said that my father never stop to look behind and doubtful to walk with them. I knew it several days after funeral . I was really sad if always remember this. He was too young (50 y.o) to me to go back to Father. I could not do anything, it was Lord God's will..
    It means that the dead soul is not really existing anymore in this world but in sheol.
    I appreciate your answer. TIA


    Adam Pastor

    Hi Johnson.
    Take the time to read this book … it will hopefully answer all your questions.



    Scripture tells us that when we die we sleep. When Y'shua Messiah returnes to judge the living and the dead who are asleep, those who believed in Him that have already died will be the first to go to heaven. Second, the living who believe Y'shua is the Messiah and keep His commands will meet Him in the air and our body will be changed into a heavenly body. After all the saved are safe, there are a few more plagues that come upon the non-belivers. In the end death is the last thing to be destroyed and there will be a renewed earth where the saved will dwell for eternity. Y'shua (Jesus) was the “First Fruits” to be from the dead then up to heaven. We, if we are worthy will be the “Latter Fruits.” The Feasts of the LORD are key to understanding His Word.


    Hi Laurel,

    Where does the bible say men go to heaven?


    Joh 14:2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

    Mat. 6:19-13 Lord's prayer says, His will be done os earth as it is in heaven.

    1 Kings 8:36 Hear thou in heaven and forgive the sins of your servants and your people Israel. (Heaven is His dwelling place.)

    Mat. 5:3 Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

    2Kings 2:11 Elijah was taken up.

    Gen. 5:23 Enoch walked with Elohim and it pleased Him so He took him.

    These two never tasted the first death, they were taken to be with the Father in heaven.

    I usually don't get all technical with verses. If you post to me, you don't need to post verses. I am sure enough I can converse without all that.


    Hi Laurel,
    None of them say men go to heaven. The final place of the meek is on the new earth. The new Jerusalem comes down to earth where God will again dwell with His people here.


    Well please explain more. Such as give us some Biblical verses to support this, Nick.


    Hi Adam, tks for the pdf but I could not find words after download it. Could you send to [email protected] ?

    Laurel and others have given me the correct answer. Tks a lot. But I wonder why we must die, buried, decay and become a group of dried bones, if Lord Jesus commanded the human must be like that, I could not disagree. I just feel if it is possible, if the man should die on the certain time, it seems good if directly the human lifted to the sky, the body missed and the soul rests in the place that the Lord God decided. Anyway, the bad side of this choice is the family and other friends of the man that returned to the Lord can not give flowers as usual we do to our beloved family member who has returned to the Lord.


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