What is an atheist? but some chemicals

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    A pound of chemicals in the form of a person,with no spirit and no soul,and no conscience,for conscience is abstract.

    THey cant see the difference between good or bad,for this; a conscience is required.And conscience can only be of a higher being,to keep it under control.
    An atheist has no fear of anything,for there is no higher being to judge their works.

    Every one do their own thing to survive; there is no love your neighbour as your self crap, in their existence.
    Every one has their own law to follow,what is good for one is good; and what is bad for one is bad.

    These chemicals will only last a short time,then all is gone forever, so they do the best they can to make the best of it,disregarding others.

    In a world of chemical creatures(not created) there can be no love involved,for love is not a chemical,but abstract.
    What about talent,wisdom? there is none such thing.They are not chemicals.
    What about the spirit of being successful in life?
    No, there can be no spirit of any sort,it is not chemical.

    What about hope then? No, there is no hope or future,just live as long as those chemicals last, and all is gone.

    In an atheist world,there is no such as thy shall not kill,for that is a law given by God,and there is no God.
    What about,thy shall not steal? No such thing; just do what you have to do to survive,all responsible for them selves,even if one has to bumb some other off; for this is survival.

    One can not have that form of mentality,unless some other will bumb you off.
    Do to others,before they do unto you.Steal from others,before they steal of you,this is what they follow.
    The law of the jungle needs to be followed,to survive.

    What will happen if this world has run out of chemicals?Or all chemicals have been contaminated?
    Maybe they will turn into rock fossils,or fungi.

    To sum up: We can not have a debate with a soulless creature,thats a waste of time.






    Your batteries are running low; need recharging.



    And yours are in need of another scotch.



    Quote (Stu @ May 01 2012,19:13)

    I was trying to fathom how anyone could write such utter nonsense, and then you hit on it.
    Brilliant Stu.



    Quote (TimothyVI @ May 02 2012,00:15)

    Quote (Stu @ May 01 2012,19:13)

    I was trying to fathom how anyone could write such utter nonsense, and then you hit on it.
    Brilliant Stu.


    I dont expect you to undrestand any of that anyway.
    You need to have a soul to understand.



    Wake Up

    Pay no mind to them, they tend to forget that some do not understand, and when one does not understand they become angry and lash out. Your experiences with atheists has not been good ones or you have already determined in your mind what one is.  Perhaps you missed your demi god Paul teaching. Here let me point it out to you:

    18What, then, is my reward? — that proclaiming good news, without charge I shall make the good news of the Christ, not to abuse my authority in the good news; 19for being free from all men, to all men I made myself servant, that the more I might gain; 20and I became to the Jews as a Jew, that Jews I might gain; to those under law as under law, that those under law I might gain; 21to those without law, as without law — (not being without law to God, but within law to Christ) — that I might gain those without law;  22 I became to the infirm as infirm, that the infirm I might gain; to all men I have become all things, that by all means I may save some. 23And this I do because of the good news, that a fellow-partaker of it I may become;

    Remember Wake Up, even the fallen angels know scriptures and will use it when they can to place doubt with your faith. Or it could just be the one understands what the faith is truly to represent and has a horrid time with ones that tend to forget what they are really supposed to be doing. But hey, welcome to the world of christianity, great place isn't it.


    Quote (Wakeup @ May 02 2012,01:08)
    I dont expect you to undrestand any of that anyway.

    We have not disappointed you then.



    Quote (Wakeup @ May 01 2012,03:54)

    A pound of chemicals in the form of a person,with no spirit and no soul,and no conscience,for conscience is abstract.

    THey cant see the difference between good or bad,for this; a conscience is required.And conscience can only be of a higher being,to keep it under control.
    An atheist has no fear of anything,for there is no higher being to judge their works.

    Every one do their own thing to survive; there is no love your neighbour as your self crap, in their existence.
    Every one has their own law to follow,what is good for one is good; and what is bad for one is bad.

    These chemicals will only last a short time,then all is gone forever, so they do the best they can to make the best of it,disregarding others.

    In a world of chemical creatures(not created) there can be no love involved,for love is not a chemical,but abstract.
    What about talent,wisdom? there is none such thing.They are not chemicals.
    What about the spirit of being successful in life?
    No, there can be no spirit of any sort,it is not chemical.

    What about hope then? No, there is no hope or future,just live as long as those chemicals last, and all is gone.

    In an atheist world,there is no such as thy shall not kill,for that is a law given by God,and there is no God.
    What about,thy shall not steal? No such thing; just do what you have to do to survive,all responsible for them selves,even if one has to bumb some other off; for this is survival.

    One can not have that form of mentality,unless some other will bumb you off.
    Do to others,before they do unto you.Steal from others,before they steal of you,this is what they follow.
    The law of the jungle needs to be followed,to survive.

    What will happen if this world has run out of chemicals?Or all chemicals have been contaminated?
    Maybe they will turn into rock fossils,or fungi.

    To sum up: We can not have a debate with a soulless creature,thats a waste of time.



    I spent a long time wondering about morality.
    Christians kept spouting nonsense, just like you, that without the indwelling of Jesus
    I could not be a moral person.
    Christians love to tell the world that atheists are immoral, untrustworthy people who are
    only atheists because they can not see the “truth”.

    Well apparently atheists are more trusted by the legal system than are the Christians.
    If called for jury duty in some areas the people are asked if they would like to take the oath, or just affirm. In the oath a person must swear by Almighty God.
    With the affirmation you must say ” I (name) swear that I will” with no mention of God.

    The legal system apparently does not think that believers can be trusted to do the right thing without invoking the fear of their God.

    Atheist are considered capable of saying I will tell the truth and do it.

    Wakeup, you were taught by your religion to be a bigot against an ever growing
    percentage of the thinking population. You have insulated yourself into a closed
    minded, cultish way of viewing people who do not think exactly like you do.

    You need to wake up Wakeup.



    TimothyVI,May wrote:


    I spent a long time wondering about morality.

    That is good…but strange, evolutionary speaking, because evolution frees you from this burden!

    Christians kept spouting nonsense, just like you,  that without the indwelling of Jesus
    I could not be a moral person.

    Tim, like Princess did earlier, you are not understanding the nature of the argument. And why open your question with an insult? It's condescending.
    WU was not saying athiests have no morals, WU was pointing out to Stu, that morals are not a part of evolutionary processes!It is in within that theme the debate is based Tim, hence Stu can't have morals evolutionary speaking, and neither can you. How is that insulting? This is the debate!! Evolution is all about self preservation on a cellular level, it is not concerned with ethics Stu, indeed, how can it be? Do cells now understand the philosophy behind good and evil?

    So my question is this…why does this bother you so much since it has no bearing on evolution? You should be indifferent to any comment action as long as it doesn't hinder your main evolutionary purpose….passing on your genes by procreation?

    Your stress over this shows a conscience at work…But Tim, you can't have a conscience, that's part of the spiritual, i'm speaking strictly on the debate matter…for you obviously DO have a conscience and morals…our point is…HOW evolutionary speaking can this be so? BTW, evolutionary explanations for theological questions like these are just silly. Chemical processes in no way concern themselves with morals. But it seems evolutionists believe their theory covers every known field these days…no figure!  

    Christians love to tell the world that atheists are immoral, untrustworthy people who are only atheists because they can not see the “truth”.

    That is lumping us all in the same ignorant boat Tim. Many athiests are good people. I have never seen WU say otherwise. You are adding your presumptions based on statements WU has made on a debate concerning how can evolution produce morals when we are the product of ethical free, that is, neutral non philosophizing  chemical processes?

    Well apparently atheists are more trusted by the legal system than are the Christians.
    If called for jury duty in some areas the people are asked if they would like to take the oath, or just affirm.  In the oath a person must swear by Almighty God.
    With the affirmation you must say ” I (name) swear that I will” with no mention of God.

    Actually it was taken out because it was said to be insulting to non believers, in that, in the eyes of believing jurors, it might prejudice them against the credibility of the testimonies of non believers.

    The legal system apparently does not think that believers can be trusted to do the right thing without invoking the fear of their God.

    Not so, the legal system found that “believers” who might be inclined to lie, tended to keep on the “straight and narrow” concerning truth in evidence when made to swear on the bible.

    Atheist are considered capable of saying I will tell the truth and do it.

    By the very same logic, so are Christians, otherwise the bible swearing would still be used as a tool.

    Wakeup, you were taught by your religion to be a bigot against an ever growing percentage of the thinking population.

    Again, you accuse and demean without understanding that WU's statements were based in a very relative argumentative point. What's wrong with you guys? You all claim to be so smart calling us morons and bigots yet you can't even grasp the points are concerning the subject matter, and instead, like a paranoid delusion, see it as personal attacks?

    You have insulated yourself into a closed
    minded, cultish way of viewing people who do not think exactly like you do.

    Again, insults and presumptions which are actually describing you and yours in light of the truth behind WU's arguments..other words, you are the ones actually doing the very things you accuse Christians of doing, WU isn't, WU is staying on topic.

    You need to wake up Wakeup.

    You & Stu & Princess should really stop demeaning others since you guys are totally missing the point you so readily say you are capable of debating…this behavior proves that you guys aren't eligible to debate these questions on the same level of understanding WU obviously has (sarcasm).


    That is good…but strange, evolutionary speaking, because evolution frees you from this burden!

    It is difficult to discuss evolution with you or wakeup because neither of you have even the foggiest idea what evolution is. Of course conscience, and by extension morals evolved with humans and other animals that need to get along together.


    Tim, like Princess did earlier, you are not understanding the nature of the argument. And why open your question with an insult? It's condescending.

    Didn't know I opened a question with an insult. What question?
    However if telling someone that they are spouting nonsense when they are spouting nonsense is an insult, well so be it.

    WU was not saying athiests have no morals, WU was pointing out to Stu, that morals are not a part of evolutionary processes!It is in within that theme the debate is based Tim, hence Stu can't have morals evolutionary speaking, and neither can you. How is that insulting? This is the debate!! Evolution is all about self preservation on a cellular level, it is not concerned with ethics Stu, indeed, how can it be? Do cells now understand the philosophy behind good and evil?

    That was a confusing bit of double speak.
    It is difficult to discuss evolution with you or wakeup because neither of you have even the foggiest idea what evolution is. Of course conscience, and by extension morals evolved with humans and other animals that need to get along together.


    So my question is this…why does this bother you so much since it has no bearing on evolution? You should be indifferent to any comment action as long as it doesn't hinder your main evolutionary purpose….passing on your genes by procreation?

    This thread was not about evolution. I think you need to read the post again. The title was what is an atheist? After which wakeup went on to spout a whole bunch of garbage that had nothing to do with what an atheist is at all.
    Where did you get the idea that it was all about evolution. I think that you may be in the wrong thread.


    That is lumping us all in the same ignorant boat Tim. Many athiests are good people. I have never seen WU say otherwise.

    Wakeup has started a couple of threads now asking the same question, “what is an atheist”
    In both threads he has shown to have absolutely no idea what an atheist is and proceeds to paint them as in need of guidance.


    You & Stu & Princess should really stop demeaning others since you guys are totally missing the point you so readily say you are capable of debating…this behavior proves that you guys aren't eligible to debate these questions on the same level of understanding WU obviously has (sarcasm).

    No you are wrong. It is merely impossible to debate incoherent babble. I would have to start by teaching too many subjects that any intelligent person would already know,
    but wakeup is totally lacking in.



    Quote (princess @ May 02 2012,13:21)
    Wake Up

    Pay no mind to them, they tend to forget that some do not understand, and when one does not understand they become angry and lash out. Your experiences with atheists has not been good ones or you have already determined in your mind what one is.  Perhaps you missed your demi god Paul teaching. Here let me point it out to you:

    18What, then, is my reward? — that proclaiming good news, without charge I shall make the good news of the Christ, not to abuse my authority in the good news; 19for being free from all men, to all men I made myself servant, that the more I might gain; 20and I became to the Jews as a Jew, that Jews I might gain; to those under law as under law, that those under law I might gain; 21to those without law, as without law — (not being without law to God, but within law to Christ) — that I might gain those without law;  22 I became to the infirm as infirm, that the infirm I might gain; to all men I have become all things, that by all means I may save some. 23And this I do because of the good news, that a fellow-partaker of it I may become;

    Remember Wake Up, even the fallen angels know scriptures and will use it when they can to place doubt with your faith. Or it could just be the one understands what the faith is truly to represent and has a horrid time with ones that tend to forget what they are really supposed to be doing. But hey, welcome to the world of christianity, great place isn't it.

    Hi Princess.

    I believe it is 1cor 9:18 you have quoted.

    What paul is saying is that he act as a jew amongst jews and act as a gentile amongst gentiles. His main purpose is to bring them to the Lord; he obviuosly is very good in simulating with all kinds of people to bring them in to the Lord,for that was his assignment,mainly to bring in the gentiles.

    Regarding angels knowing scripture:
    1Pet.1:12 Unto whom it was revealed,that not unto them selves,but unto us they did minister the things,which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel unto you with the holy ghost sent down from heaven;



    Quote (TimothyVI @ May 03 2012,06:52)

    That is good…but strange, evolutionary speaking, because evolution frees you from this burden!

    It is difficult to discuss evolution with you or wakeup because neither of you have even the foggiest idea what evolution is. Of course conscience, and by extension morals evolved with humans and other animals that need to get along together.


    Tim, like Princess did earlier, you are not understanding the nature of the argument. And why open your question with an insult? It's condescending.

    Didn't know I opened a question with an insult. What question?
    However if telling someone that they are spouting nonsense when they are spouting nonsense is an insult, well so be it.

    WU was not saying athiests have no morals, WU was pointing out to Stu, that morals are not a part of evolutionary processes!It is in within that theme the debate is based Tim, hence Stu can't have morals evolutionary speaking, and neither can you. How is that insulting? This is the debate!! Evolution is all about self preservation on a cellular level, it is not concerned with ethics Stu, indeed, how can it be? Do cells now understand the philosophy behind good and evil?

    That was a confusing bit of double speak.
    It is difficult to discuss evolution with you or wakeup because neither of you have even the foggiest idea what evolution is. Of course conscience, and by extension morals evolved with humans and other animals that need to get along together.


    So my question is this…why does this bother you so much since it has no bearing on evolution? You should be indifferent to any comment action as long as it doesn't hinder your main evolutionary purpose….passing on your genes by procreation?

    This thread was not about evolution. I think you need to read the post again. The title was what is an atheist? After which wakeup went on to spout a whole bunch of garbage that had nothing to do with what an atheist is at all.
    Where did you get the idea that it was all about evolution. I think that you may be in the wrong thread.


    That is lumping us all in the same ignorant boat Tim. Many athiests are good people. I have never seen WU say otherwise.

    Wakeup has started a couple of threads now asking the same question, “what is an atheist”
    In both threads he has shown to have absolutely no idea what an atheist is and proceeds to paint them as in need of guidance.


    You & Stu & Princess should really stop demeaning others since you guys are totally missing the point you so readily say you are capable of debating…this behavior proves that you guys aren't eligible to debate these questions on the same level of understanding WU obviously has (sarcasm).

    No you are wrong. It is merely impossible to debate incoherent babble. I would have to start by teaching too many subjects that any intelligent person would already know,
    but wakeup is totally lacking in.


    An atheist believe that they made them selves;there is no such as God that created everything,only the deluded(which we are many,billions of us) believe in such a God.

    My question to you: Do you believe that man has a soul,or a spirit. called the spirit of man?

    You say that conscience evolved also; then who is the one that decides what is good conscience or bad conscience?
    He must be above all humans,he must be a super human.
    Is he one of your great,great,great,great ancestors?
    Can you name him?

    You said that love also evolved; well then what was love before it became fully love? What was love before it was fully perfected?

    Is love still evolving or is love now degrading in this world.
    Tell me: are things evolving or are things degrading as it has aways been?
    Leave your car outside for a few years, and you will find out.

    Show me the commandments of an atheist world,if there is one.If there is; then who is he that has introduce it?

    If you just came out of slime,then who are you realy? who are your roots,but slime.

    Give my these questions,so I can see your world more clearly.

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