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    Quote (journey42 @ May 28 2012,21:13)

    Quote (Stu @ May 28 2012,20:34)

    Quote (journey42 @ May 28 2012,20:22)

    Quote (Stu @ May 28 2012,18:04)

    Quote (journey42 @ May 28 2012,14:30)
    Us Christians can also bow down and pray to our God, we can bless his name and sing songs to him, preach our hearts out, and declare him to the whole world….but…..If we don't obey his commandments, and don't follow them with a pure heart, and if we just carry on the same, not repenting, nor changing, then this type of worship is useless in God's eyes.  It is only lip service.

    Can you give me the ethical argument in favour of either worshiping, or obeying the Judeo-christian god?


    Hi Stu

    What do you mean by Judeo Christian God?
    Are you referring to the same God the Jews & the Christians worship? or are you referring to christians worshipping God through the old Jewish ways under the law Moses gave out?

    I mean the Judeo-christian god, as opposed to the Roman god Bacchus, for example.


    Ok, I have to point out first that the old Laws were given only to the Israelites, not the gentiles.  We are not bound by those old laws, nor can we understand the the purpose of those old laws until we learn the new laws first, because there was a different set of rules for them for a specific purpose only. So if we just concentrate on the new testament first, we can go to the old later as I understand there “appears” to be a lot of contradictions to the unbeliever.

    Are you with me?

    I have absolutely no idea what you are on about.

    Can we try again?

    What is the ethical argument for worshiping, or obeying the Judeo-christian god?



    Quote (journey42 @ May 28 2012,14:30)
    We have two Gods here.  The one and only true God who resides in heaven, and the god of this world called Satan or the devil.  Without the holy scriptures, we would never of known that this material world has it's own god, or who the devil is, or what his purpose is.  We would not have known what is good and what is evil.  The devil has been exposed, if you read the holy scriptures, you will find out exactly what the devil is up to, and how he goes to all lengths to stop us from finding the truth.  He even goes as far as into the churches to corrupt the Word of God, and the true doctrine.  Where-ever there is truth, he will be there to distort it, and he works through men of cunning nature.  

    Hi Journey,
    So you admit that without this book written thousands of years ago by ignorant sheep herders, you would not even know who the gods were.
    So God does not show himself to anyone. You have to believe what you are told by someone else.

    How are you certain that the scriptures were not written by the devil to stop us from finding the truth? IF he can corrupt the churches why couldn't he corrupt the bible?

    It seems as if there can be no truth as long as this devil is so strong.



    Quote (Stu @ May 28 2012,18:01)

    Quote (Wakeup @ May 28 2012,00:46)

    What sort of a system is ideal you think?
    So get rid of all types of religions,and all believes in the supernatural; then what?
    Is worshipping technology ok with you?
    Everyone striving for the material;that in it self is worshipping.
    is that ok?


    Are you asking me what kind of worshiping system we should have?



    What do you worship?
    If your answer is nothing,then that is a lie,
    or you worship yourself.You pray to your self.



    Quote (TimothyVI @ May 28 2012,22:01)
    How are you certain that the scriptures were not written by the devil to stop us from finding the truth?

    D'uh Tim!

    It tells us so in scripture!?



    Quote (Wakeup @ May 28 2012,22:12)

    Quote (Stu @ May 28 2012,18:01)

    Quote (Wakeup @ May 28 2012,00:46)

    What sort of a system is ideal you think?
    So get rid of all types of religions,and all believes in the supernatural; then what?
    Is worshipping technology ok with you?
    Everyone striving for the material;that in it self is worshipping.
    is that ok?


    Are you asking me what kind of worshiping system we should have?



    What do you worship?
    If your answer is nothing,then that is a lie,
    or you worship yourself.You pray to your self.


    What do you worship?

    If you worship a god then that is a lie because gods are imaginary.

    Your move.

    This hobby of yours is unbelievably boring. Don't you know a more interesting game?

    Have you ever played tic tac toe? That's much more engaging.



    I'm still interested – OK, maybe interested is too strong – I'm still vaguely diverted by the question of how it could be ethical to worship this monstrous sadist god, the one that supposedly gave humans curiosity then punished them for using it, the same tyrant god that killed Uzzah for disobeying a command that must have seemed irrational to Uzzah, who was actually just trying to help at the time he was summarily smitten.

    Rather than worshiping it, shouldn't we be arresting it and putting it on trial?



    Quote (Stu @ May 29 2012,00:06)
    I'm still interested – OK, maybe interested is too strong – I'm still vaguely diverted by the question of how it could be ethical to worship this monstrous sadist god, the one that supposedly gave humans curiosity then punished them for using it, the same tyrant god that killed Uzzah for disobeying a command that must have seemed irrational to Uzzah, who was actually just trying to help at the time he was summarily smitten.

    Rather than worshiping it, shouldn't we be arresting it and putting it on trial?



    You have not STUDIED THE SCRIPTURES and you already making judgement.
    Be fair in anything; investigate,then judge.Put the scriptures on trial first, then the judgement.
    But you have judged before the trial.

    God may look cruel,but you must understand the whole plan and see the whole picture,then you can understand.
    We are not stupid,we just gave the scriptures a chance to explain it self.

    God is all; he created good and also evil.
    If God can not do evil, then he can not do everything,then he is limited.

    Since God wants us to be like him,he also wants us to experience good and evil. We must taste it, feel it,and experience it,the angels in heaven are also watching and learning,for satan can not perform amongst spirit creatures like angels.Only flesh and blood can feel pain and die.

    God teaches us how to be good,and used satan to do the evil work. Some follow the good,but the majority follow the bad one, and his name is satan(rebeller).Satans system is evil.

    For it is more fun to do evil.To do good is boring,and weak.This is why this world is in satans hands,full of tragedies,they have rejected the good.
    And they blamed God for it,all is Gods fault,and at the same time rejecting him.

    The sifting between the good and the bad has been going on for centuries, through many generations. Gods plan is to let evil come to its maximum before it will be destroyed for ever,not before. And evil has come to the maximum today,ready to be destroyed.

    Seek the scriptures,and ask good questions,then do your judgement.Dont judge first then read.



    Quote (Stu @ May 29 2012,00:06)
    I'm still interested – OK, maybe interested is too strong – I'm still vaguely diverted by the question of how it could be ethical to worship this monstrous sadist god, the one that supposedly gave humans curiosity then punished them for using it, the same tyrant god that killed Uzzah for disobeying a command that must have seemed irrational to Uzzah, who was actually just trying to help at the time he was summarily smitten.

    Rather than worshiping it, shouldn't we be arresting it and putting it on trial?



    You can be as nasty as you like to me,but please dont blaspheme.



    Quote (Stu @ May 28 2012,21:03)

    Quote (Wakeup @ May 28 2012,20:37)
    This World and its system,is geared to self destruct.

    And that's when it's not being flooded out of existence by a jealous god…



    The majority dont follow God incase you dont know.
    Worshipping God with lip service is as not worshipping him at all. They have blackened Gods name instead without knowing it,and they dont know because they dont seek.God says; many are called but a few chosen.There are only a few true believers,and they are not the ones that caused all the troubles.



    Quote (TimothyVI @ May 28 2012,22:01)

    Quote (journey42 @ May 28 2012,14:30)
    We have two Gods here.  The one and only true God who resides in heaven, and the god of this world called Satan or the devil.  Without the holy scriptures, we would never of known that this material world has it's own god, or who the devil is, or what his purpose is.  We would not have known what is good and what is evil.  The devil has been exposed, if you read the holy scriptures, you will find out exactly what the devil is up to, and how he goes to all lengths to stop us from finding the truth.  He even goes as far as into the churches to corrupt the Word of God, and the true doctrine.  Where-ever there is truth, he will be there to distort it, and he works through men of cunning nature.  

    Hi Journey,
    So you admit that without this book written thousands of years ago by ignorant sheep herders, you would not even know who the gods were.
    So God does not show himself to anyone. You have to believe what you are told by someone else.

    How are you certain that the scriptures were not written by the devil to stop us from finding the truth? IF he can corrupt the churches why couldn't he corrupt the bible?

    It seems as if there can be no truth as long as this devil is so strong.



    You go to school also to be told by others.The way you are dressed is also what society has told you.They even tell us what to eat and what not to eat.

    God always choose the humble to reveal his knowledge; not the proud and all knowing.God revealed himself through the prophets he chose,for us to know that there is a true God that created all,and that we ought to worship him,not false gods.satan is the one that created all those false gods to corrupt the truth.

    The bible is a good book,and satan could not have written such a wonderful book,for he is the father of all evil,and lies.

    Yes,satan today has corrupted the translations of the original,and its getting worse,and worse,but the whole meaning will be contradictory.This is whats happening today; there is money in printing bibles.

    But God knew this,so he wrote the scriptures in such a way that if one misquoted a scripture,he will get bogged down as he goes along. All scriptures must work in harmony,all must fit together or there is some misunderstanding somewhere along the way.

    How can one know anything if it was not written down?
    Those people back then also had the right to know,and therefore it was written thousands of years ago.

    The truth is in the word of God,for God is truth,he does not lie.
    When he says; I create good and I create evil; this is the truth,he is not hiding it.
    He had to be very harsh back then for a good reason,he is not hiding that either.

    We just must understand him,before we judge him.
    Put his word on trial,then say guilty or not guilty,and put forward the reasons.




    Quote (Wakeup @ May 29 2012,02:03)

    You can be as nasty as you like to me,but please dont blaspheme.


    Wake Up,

    You have used this phrase repeatedly and each time it does not reflect what it truly means, just wondering why you do such?


    How can one know anything if it was not written down?

    Then the book is your teacher? Correct me if I am wrong, the book is not the teacher is it Wake Up?


    We just must understand him,before we judge him.
    Put his word on trial,then say guilty or not guilty,and put forward the reasons.

    Pray tell Wake Up, how is this done?


    Gnostic thought:

    Any God that required a human sacrifice for himself was vain.

    Ed J

    Quote (Stu @ May 29 2012,00:06)
    I'm still interested – OK, maybe interested is too strong – I'm still vaguely diverted by the question of how it could be ethical to worship this monstrous sadist god, the one that supposedly gave humans curiosity then punished them for using it, the same tyrant god that killed Uzzah for disobeying a command that must have seemed irrational to Uzzah, who was actually just trying to help at the time he was summarily smitten.

    Rather than worshiping it, shouldn't we be arresting it and putting it on trial?


    Hi Stuart,

    I suggest that you are drawing the wrong conclusion…

    First: Chronicles and Kings were written by the scribes of the king;
             This compares to getting truth from the Presidents 'press secretary'.

    Secondly: “YHVH”(63) gave instructions to the Levites on how to handle “The Ark”(63)

    Conclusion: Nicole Tesla surmised the “The Ark” of God acted (in a way) like a “giant” capacitor.          

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)
    (LINK to the thread THAT PROVES GOD’s EXISTENCE)


    Quote (princess @ May 29 2012,03:26)

    How can one know anything if it was not written down?

    Then the book is your teacher? Correct me if I am wrong, the book is not the teacher is it Wake Up?

    Yes Princess,the word of God is my teacher,who else is there?
    Where else can one learn of God; where can one seek and find? How else can one eat the flesh of Christ?



    Quote (princess @ May 29 2012,04:19)
    Gnostic thought:

    Any God that required a human sacrifice for himself was vain.

    What about your thought?
    Do you believe in the sacrifice?



    Quote (princess @ May 29 2012,03:23)

    Quote (Wakeup @ May 29 2012,02:03)

    You can be as nasty as you like to me,but please dont blaspheme.


    Wake Up,

    You have used this phrase repeatedly and each time it does not reflect what it truly means, just wondering why you do such?


    If one continues to blaspheme in the debate,it would be wrong in Gods eyes to continue the debate.
    It would make me guilty,to cause blaspheming to take place.



    Yes Princess,the word of God is my teacher,who else is there?

    “But the Comforter, which is the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He shall teach you all things” (John 14:26)

    Where else can one learn of God; where can one seek and find?

    Man may gain knowledge of the universe by understanding himself.

    How else can one eat the flesh of Christ?

    I do hope that you held nothing against a brother or sister when you do this, I find it somewhat surprising that most partake in this ritual and do not adhere to such warnings.


    Quote (Wakeup @ May 29 2012,11:17)

    Quote (princess @ May 29 2012,04:19)
    Gnostic thought:

    Any God that required a human sacrifice for himself was vain.

    What about your thought?
    Do you believe in the sacrifice?


    No Wake Up, I do not believe in 'the sacrifice' as you say.

    I do not see how the blood of an demi-god or godman can cleanse my spirit to become pure.

    What makes you believe that blood can pure the spirit?

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