We are in the new earth

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  • #164719

    Hi TT,
    Some angels are.
    Demons live in men but angels can appear as men.


    So God judged these angels who appeared as men in the flood? Wouldn't this mean that they were sinful angels, i.e., demons?

    I don't see anyone buying into your nonsense.



    Hi TT,
    Demons are not angels.
    Some angels are in chains


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 17 2009,06:33)
    Hi TT,
    Demons are not angels.
    Some angels are in chains


    What are angels?
    What if I ask you, what are humans?
    Or, what are people?



    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 17 2009,06:33)
    Hi TT,
    Demons are not angels.
    Some angels are in chains

    Thus saith Nick. The scriptures declare otherwise.



    Hi TT,
    Please show where all of the myriad evil angels are in chains and yet thrown to earth.


    Hi TT,
    So the evil angels are thrown to earth in Revelation are from heaven.
    But the chained ones are in tartarus??


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 17 2009,07:35)
    Hi TT,
    Please show where all of the myriad evil angels are in chains and yet thrown to earth.

    You still have to prove that the sons of God were angels.



    Hi TT,
    So who are the sons of God in Jb38 who watched the earth's foundations being laid?
    Who are the sons of God of Ps 89 and Gen6?


    Hello, Nick ?


    Hi Georg,
    What do the scriptures say?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 17 2009,11:53)
    Hi Georg,
    What do the scriptures say?

    About what?


    hi con
    this time you are out of it totally,first the son of god in Noah s time were angels;Jud 1:6 And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.
    now angels are messengers and demons are no longer messengers of God but Satan friends doomed for destruction and those demon were the sons of god before the flood,of cause the are spirits but could take the form of man this was no secret ,that is what is refer to in Jude 5,in revelation it said that Satan took on third of the angels with him ,
    Christ spirit in compass the start and end of God will and includes Angels and the Human race.


    Quote (terraricca @ Dec. 17 2009,20:20)
    hi con
    this time you are out of it totally,first the son of god in Noah  s time were angels;Jud 1:6  And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.
    now angels are messengers and demons are no longer messengers of God but  Satan friends doomed for destruction and those demon were the sons of god before the flood,of cause the are spirits but could take the form of man this was no secret ,that is what is refer to in Jude 5,in revelation it said that Satan took on third of the angels with him ,
    Christ spirit in compass the start and end of God will and includes Angels and the Human race.

    What does the verses in JUDE have to do with the Genesis account with Noah?

    And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of G-d saw the daughters of men that they [were] fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also [is] flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of G-d came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare [children] to them, the same [became] mighty men which [were] of old, men of renown. And G-D saw that the wickedness of man [was] great in the earth, and [that] every imagination of the thoughts of his heart [was] only evil continually. And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them. Genesis 6:1-7

    For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ. I will therefore put you in remembrance, though ye once knew this, how that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed them that believed not. And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day. Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. Likewise also these [filthy] dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities. Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee.

    v. 1 “Servant” means “bondslave.”

    Jude was a half-brother of Jesus and the brother of James, who authored the book of James. “Sanctified” means “set apart, consecrated for God's exclusive purposes.”

    v. 3 “Needful” means “necessary.”

    Philippians 3:13-1 4.

    v. 4 Jude also gives a warning about false prophets, who use God's grace to cover their unrighteousness.

    v. 5-6 It's possible for us to experience God's delivering power in our lives without ever entering into the full blessing which God has for us.

    v. 9 It appears that Michael the archangel was given the task of burying the body of Moses, and that Satan came along to try to take the body It's better for us to put the Lord between ourselves and Satan than to take on Satan by ourselves. We shouldn't say things against Satan. for he was once God's anointed. David was careful in his dealings with Saul, for God had anointed Saul to be Israel's king (1 Samuel 24:6-10). Michael said, “The Lord rebuke thee” to Satan, and we'd be wise to keep our distance also.

    v. 11 The “way of Cain” was the way of hatred. Cain hated his brother, because Abel was righteous. The “error of Balaam” was thinking that God would totally reject His people and destroy them. The doctrine of Balaam was the introduction of idols into the worship of God. The “gainsaying of Core” occurred when Korah (Core) challenged Moses, because he was jealous of Aaron's priestly duties (Numbers 16).

    v. 13 The judgment for people who love darkness and hate the light is banish ment to total darkness for eternity (Matthew 8:12, 22:13, 25:30).

    v. 20 Jude contrasts spiritual men with the carnal men described in vs. 4-19. We're to keep ourselves in the love of God, so He can bestow on us everything He wants to bless us with. The attitudes described in vs. 4-19 move us away from the place of blessing. We build ourselves up in the faith by the study of God's Word. It's hard to trust God when we don't know Him; but the better we know Him, the more we trust Him. We pray in the Holy Spirit: (1 ) by asking the Holy Spirit to direct our prayers, (2) when we groan (Romans 8:26-27), (3) by praying in unknown tongues (1 Cor. 14:2).

    v. 21 We also keep ourselves in the love of God by looking for the return of Jesus Christ. Things are put in perspective when we keep His return in our minds.

    v. 22-23 People come to Christ for different reasons. Some people hear of God's love for them and respond to Him in love. Other people are afraid of hell and come to Him through fear. It's better to draw people to God through love than through fear, so we should emphasize His love when we witness to unbelievers.

    v. 24 Jesus Christ keeps us from falling when we stay in the love of God. Christ presents us to God faultless, as pure and holy as He is, with great joy. Chuck Smith Study Guide for Jude ]http://www.blueletterbible.org/comment….]

    6. ( 2Pe 2:4 .)
         kept not their first estate–Vulgate translates, “their own principality,” which the fact of angels being elsewhere called “principalities,” favors: “their own” implies that, instead of being content with the dignity once for all assigned to them under the Son of God, they aspired higher. ALFORD thinks the narrative in Gen 6:2 is alluded to, not the fall of the devil and his angels, as he thinks “giving themselves over to fornication” ( Jud 1:7 ) proves; compare Greek, “in like manner to these,” namely, to the angels ( Jud 1:6 ). It seems to me more natural to take “sons of God” ( Gen 6:2 ) of the Sethites, than of angels, who, as “spirits,” do not seem capable of carnal connection. The parallel, 2Pe 2:4 , plainly refers to the fall of the apostate angels. And “in like manner to these,” Jud 1:7 , refers to the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah, “the cities about them” sinning “in like manner” as “they” did [ESTIUS and CALVIN]. Even if Greek “these,” Jud 1:7 , refer to the angels, the sense of “in like manner as these” will be, not that the angels carnally fornicated with the daughters of men, but that their ambition, whereby their affections went away from God and they fell, is in God's view a sin of like kind spiri
    tually as Sodom's going away from God's order of nature after strange flesh; the sin of the apostate angels after their kind is analogous to that of the human Sodomites after their kind. Compare the somewhat similar spiritual connection of whoremongers and covetousness. The apocryphal book of Enoch interprets Gen 6:2 as ALFORD. But though Jude accords with it in some particulars, it does not follow that he accords with it in all. The Hebrews name the fallen angels Aza and Azael.
         left–on their own accord.
         their own–Greek, “their proper.”
         habitation–heaven, all bright and glorious, as opposed to the “darkness” to which they now are doomed. Their ambitious designs seem to have had a peculiar connection with this earth, of which Satan before his fall may have been God's vicegerent, whence arises his subsequent connection with it as first the Tempter, then “the prince of this world.”
         reserved–As the Greek is the same, and there is an evident reference to their having “kept not their first estate,” translate, “He hath kept.” Probably what is meant is, He hath kept them in His purpose; that is their sure doom; moreover, as yet, Satan and his demons roam at large on the earth. An earnest of their doom is their having been cast out of heaven, being already restricted to “the darkness of this present world,” the “air” that surrounds the earth, their peculiar element now. They lurk in places of gloom and death, looking forward with agonizing fear to their final torment in the bottomless pit. He means not literal chains and darkness, but figurative in this present world where, with restricted powers and liberties, shut out from heaven, they, like condemned prisoners, await their doom. Jamieson, Fausset & Brown Commentary on Jude ]http://www.blueletterbible.org/comment….]

    Peas and Potatoes


    terraricca wrote:


    this time you are out of it totally,first the son of god in Noah  s time were angels;

    Had you considered that you have been taught to read that conclusion into scripture?

    Did you forget the the children of Israel are also called children of God?  Previous to the flood humankind had two lines of decent.  One was descended from Seth and the other from Cain.  Cain and his descendants were cut off from the sight of God while Seth and his descendants were not.  That would make Seth's children the children of God and Cain's children the children of man.  

    God has constantly banned his children from marrying unbelievers.


    Quote (kerwin @ Dec. 18 2009,02:47)
    terraricca wrote:


    this time you are out of it totally,first the son of god in Noah  s time were angels;

    Had you considered that you have been taught to read that conclusion into scripture?

    Did you forget the the children of Israel are also called children of God?  Previous to the flood humankind had two lines of decent.  One was descended from Seth and the other from Cain.  Cain and his descendants were cut off from the sight of God while Seth and his descendants were not.  That would make Seth's children the children of God and Cain's children the children of man.  

    God has constantly banned his children from marrying unbelievers.

    Great point.


    Funny angels are mentioned 94 times in 92 verses in the KJV, one would think they would have used the word “angels” in the Genesis [Genesis 6:1-7] account, but folks have to squeeze that from between the lines to get that conclusion.


    Quote (kerwin @ Dec. 18 2009,02:47)
    terraricca wrote:


    this time you are out of it totally,first the son of god in Noah  s time were angels;

    Had you considered that you have been taught to read that conclusion into scripture?

    Did you forget the the children of Israel are also called children of God?  Previous to the flood humankind had two lines of decent.  One was descended from Seth and the other from Cain.  Cain and his descendants were cut off from the sight of God while Seth and his descendants were not.  That would make Seth's children the children of God and Cain's children the children of man.  

    God has constantly banned his children from marrying unbelievers.

    They even try to squeeze Jude 5-6 into that little fantasy to prove it was angels, Jude has nothing even to do with it, if it were angels don't you think the writer would have simply stated angels, the writer has everywhere else.

    Must be another mystery.


    Quote (Constitutionalist @ Dec. 18 2009,17:20)

    Quote (kerwin @ Dec. 18 2009,02:47)
    terraricca wrote:


    this time you are out of it totally,first the son of god in Noah  s time were angels;

    Had you considered that you have been taught to read that conclusion into scripture?

    Did you forget the the children of Israel are also called children of God?  Previous to the flood humankind had two lines of decent.  One was descended from Seth and the other from Cain.  Cain and his descendants were cut off from the sight of God while Seth and his descendants were not.  That would make Seth's children the children of God and Cain's children the children of man.  

    God has constantly banned his children from marrying unbelievers.

    They even try to squeeze Jude 5-6 into that little fantasy to prove it was angels, Jude has nothing even to do with it, if it were angels don't you think the writer would have simply stated angels, the writer has everywhere else.

    Must be another mystery.

    There choice of interpretation has some merit as angels are sons of God, at least before they fall.

    The problem is that it calls Jesus a liar as he clearly stated than angels do not marry nor are they given in marriage.  Of course he did not state they do not have sex outside of marriage but I consider that an absurd spin.

    I believe their interpretation comes from Greek mythology being mixed in with the Hebrew historic account.

    Genesis 6:4(KJV) reads:


    There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

    I have also heard that a Jewish word was mistranslated giants but I do not agree as I thought the translators meant giants as in heroes not giants as in huge human beings.

    I am not sure I am right as I do not know Hebrew or for that matter Greek.


    hi kerwin
    no you not right,first the scriptures says that the sons of God left there house ,this means the have now cross over into men world and materialized by taking a body of flesh and now join the women of the sons of man,now they have children and those were called nephilim
    man of old and renown,this is Jude 1-6 and Gene;6 explains
    the flood came to be to restrict the sons of God to be able to materialize under the new condition on earth .

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