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- May 2, 2009 at 2:32 am#129721
ParticipantIn my article who is Babylon the great? I. without it being intended exposed the Governing Body of the Watchtower Society as a false Prophet.
As an ex-Witness of Jehovah, I'm well aware of these teachings because I taught them myself for many years, because of their influence.
They taught us that Jesus was in “active” ruling power since the year 1914. That in that year Matther 24:7 was fullfilled and that the War in heaven had been fought and satan and his demons was thrown down to this earth in that year. None of that, I now know, was true! Matthew 24:7 has not, as yet, even been fulfilled. Is still yet future! Neither has that War in heaven been fought. Nor has satan been thrown down to this earth. That also is still yet future! They also taught us, that it was the generation of 1914 that was the generation that was not to pass away, that that generation would not pass away until “all things” were fulfilled. That is something else that is still yet future! Unless, of course, they haven't changed that particular teaching again as they have so many times now.
They will use the time prophecy in Daniel to establish the date of 1914 as the time that the Christ came ACTIVELY into Kingdom; however; that time prophecy doesn't land on the scripture at Matthew 24:7 at all but, rather, it lands on verse six instead. Since verse six received first mention and was first in time, the time prophecy had to land, not on verse seven, but, rather, on verse six.
Now, for some of the things that Watchtower Society doesn't know: Firstly, they do not know that everything just mentioned previously, has not as yet been fulfilled. They do not realise with what great event all of these previously mentioned things will see fullment.They do not realise that they have been applying a key scripture at the wrong interval. They do not realise that that War in heaven has not been fought as yet. They do not realise that satan and his demons have not been thrown down as yet. They do not yet realise that the Christ is not yet ACTIVE in Kingdom Power. They do not realise that, that event is still yet future. All of that was proven in my artile, “Who is Babylon The Great?” As if that isn't enough, there is still more that they do not yet know.
They could not tell you exactly with what big event will the harvest season begins. And what scripture to use to support what they say. They could not tell you, at what time period the gathering and separating work will begin, and what scripture supports that, They could not tell you with what major event will Babylon the great fall, and what will occur after it falls. They could not tell you, with what major event that symbolic earthquake foretold in the Revelation account will occur and just who causes that earthquake, and what that earthquake will actually mean for the World of mankind. They could not tell you, what generation it was, that was not to pass away, before all things were fulfilled. Even their interpretaion of the words of Paul about the cries of 'peace an security' is incorrect, as is their interpretion of the Eighth King is not correct. They have no idea, as most others do not know, that Water-Batism is an invalid pratice today. They are probably not aware too, that one being guided and directed by the Holy Spirit can show them up for the puffed-up false Prophet they really are. They do not know, as yet that, they, as a Body do not represent God's Organization on this earth! They do not know that the Faithful Slave Class is not in their midst! They do not know that the gathering of the anointed class and the sheep-like ones was not to be done by any human. They do not know that those that they have gathered from among the Nations because of their preaching acivity, are not the true anointed class nor the sheep – like great crowd of the Revelation account! I have, with the guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit in the hands of the Christ, proven all of what I say here in the posts that I've been putting on the Board. If anyone doubts any of this, let them read all of my posts, and prove to themselves the truth of what I'm saying here.
Now, being as there is a Witness of Jehovah on this Board, {DAVID BY NAME} or many of them for that matter. If they have read my articles on “Who is Babylon the Great,” or “Who is the eighth king”, or my article on Baptism, or my article on “Peace real or imagined will it come?” Then by now they, or he, will be able to answer all of these questions. Let them, or him, remember though, they did not recieve this information from the Governing Body of the Watchtower Society! They recieved it from me! I, in turn recieved it from the Christ who guided and directed me throughout this entire article, as well as all of the other articles that I put on the Board by means of the Holy Spirit! {John 14:26;16:13 –1 John 2:27} “Who is Babylon the Great?” There isn't a man alive that could put the articles the likes of which I have put together, using his own aquired Worldy knolewdge. That would be an impossibility! Not to sound like I'm bragging,but one would definetly need the Holy Spirit on him to do this work. No human could do it on his own. Bragging in this case though, is permissable: {Jeremiah 9:24} So, what actually is happening here, now? Three scriptures will answer this question for you! Daniel 12:10 in part tells you: “And no wicked one will understand, but the ones having insight will understand.” …”Many will rove about and the {true} knowledge will become abundant.” {Daniel 12:4} …”and as regards those having insight among the people, they will impart understanding to the many.” {Daniel 11:33}
So, what I've been doing since I came on this Board is trying to impart the true knowledge of the Bible, in the hope that everyone would gain the understanding that will set them on the road to everlasting life. It is only accurate knowledge of the Bible, that will do that! {John 17:3}
May 2, 2009 at 2:48 am#129724Cindy
Your intentions are admirable, but your understanding is laking.
May 2, 2009 at 10:33 am#129732Texas
ParticipantQuote (Cindy @ May 02 2009,14:48) Texas Your intentions are admirable, but your understanding is laking.
Hello Cindy!So are yours Cindy, so are yours! Show me exactly where my understanding is lacking, and we will discuss that lack further! Texas!
May 2, 2009 at 12:29 pm#129736Cindy
I have, check your posts.
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