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- April 30, 2009 at 1:29 am#129577
ParticipantIn my article who is Babylon the great? I. without it being intended exposed the Governing Body of the Watchtower Society as a false Prophet.
As an ex-Witness of Jehovah, I'm well aware of these teachings because I taught them myself for many years, because of their influence.
They taught us that Jesus was in “active” ruling power since the year 1914. That in that year Matther 24:7 was fullfilled and that the War in heaven had been fought and satan and his demons was thrown down to this earth in that year. None of that, I now know, was true! Matthew 24:7 has not as yet been fulfilled. Is still yet future! Neither has that War in heaven been fought. That also is still yet future! They also taught us, that it was the generation of 1914 that was the generation that was not to pass away, that that generation would not pass away until “all things” were fulfilled. That is something else that is still yet future! Unless, of course, they haven't changed that particular teaching again as they have so many times now.
They will use the time prophecy in Daniel to establish the date of 1914 as the time that the Christ came ACTIVELY into Kingdom; however, that time prophecy doesn't land on the scripture at Matthew 24:7 at all but, rather, it lands on verse six instead. Since verse six received first mention and was first in time, the time prophecy had to land, not on verse seven,but, rather, on verse six.
Now, for some of the things that Watchtower Society doesn't know: Firstly, they do not know that everything just mentioned previously, has not as yet been fulfilled. They do not realise with what great event all of these previously mentioned things will see fullment.They do not realise that they have been applying a key scripture at the wrong interval. They do not realise that that War in heaven has not been fought as yet. They do not realise that satan and his demons have not been thrown down as yet. They do not yet realise that the Christ is not yet ACTIVE in Kingdom Power. They do not realise that, that event is still yet future. All of that was proven in my artile, “Who is Babylon The Great?” As if that isn't enough, there is still more that they do not yet know.
They could not tell you exactly with what big event will the harvest season begin. And what scripture to use to support what they say. They could not tell you, at what time period the gathering and separating work will begin. They could not tell you with what major event will Babylon the great fall, and what will occur after it falls. They could not tell you, with what major event that symbolic earthquake foretold in the Revelation account will occur and just who causes that earthquake, and what that earthquake will actually mean for this World. They could not tell you, what generation it was, that was not to pass away, before all things were fulfilled.
Now, being as there is a Witness of Jehovah on this Board, {DAVID BY NAME} or many of them for that matter. If they have read my article on “Who is Babylon the Great,” then by now they, or he, will be able to answer all of these questions. Let them, or him, remember though, they did not recieve this information from the Governing Body of the Watchtower Society! They recieved it from me! I, in turn recieved it from the Christ who guided and directed me throughout this entire article; by means of the Holy Spirit! {John 14:26;16:13 –1 John 2:27} “Who is Babylon the Great?” There isn't a man alive that could put an article the likes of which I put together, using his own aquired Worldy knolewdge. That would be an impossibility! Not to sound like I'm bragging,but one would definetly need the Holy Spirit on him to do this work. No human could do it on his own. Bragging in this case though, is permissable: {Jeremiah 9:24} Texas!
April 30, 2009 at 1:30 am#129579NickHassan
ParticipantHi Texas,
Are you sure you are right in everything?
Others wonder.April 30, 2009 at 1:43 am#129581Texas
ParticipantQuote (Nick Hassan @ April 30 2009,13:30) Hi Texas,
Are you sure you are right in everything?
Others wonder.
In this case- ABSOLUTELY! I think by now, you know me, if I prove out to be wrong in my reasonings, then at some point I will come to know that I am, and correct my errors. Isn't that the way to grow in knowledge? Being willing to see your own errors, and then to be willing to correct them? Lets face it Nick, as the light gets brighter and brighter, we are going to discern our own mistakes, and if we wish for our knowledge to continue to grow, we have to be willing to change a few things when necessary.Wishing for my knowledge to grow, I'll be willing to correct when I see that I'm wrong! TexasApril 30, 2009 at 2:39 am#129587Texas
ParticipantQuote (Nick Hassan @ April 30 2009,13:30) Hi Texas,
Are you sure you are right in everything?
Others wonder.
Hello again Nick!I feel that I only told you half of the story when you asked me if I 'thought I was right about everything' I wrote. Truth be told, after Thirty-Five years of Bible Study I honestly feel that I've merely scratched the surface, and still have a very long way to go.
You see, I had a massive tumor removed from my brain in 2006 and I spent about fifteen Months at my Daughters home in a small Town just south of Barrie Ontario recovering. While I was there I got the idea of writing a Religious Book, a Teaching aid, as it were. It was my effort at trying to benefit others from all those years of study. After I'd finished I had somewhere between fifty and sixty Bible subjects covered. Then at the end of it all, I realised that I knew absolutely nothing about laying out a Book, so I had to give up the idea of ever getting it published. So, there I sat with all of those Bible subjects and no one to read them.
What I'm doing now is going into my word processor, selecting my writings and copying them, then transfering them over to the Board and pasting them in for others to read, in the hopes that I'll be able to help others gain the knowledge that I feel I have gained.
Now, as I continue to do this, I continue to learn, more and more each day myself, so as it turns out, it's as much a benefit to me, as to anyone else. Some Bible subjects I know quite well, while other seem to have somewhat of a haze around them; and require much more pondering and meditating over. I realise though, that what I don't understand now, will come in time. A case in point is this eighth king spoken about in the Revelation account. This was the Beast that WAS and IS NOT yet WILL BE AGAIN. At this moment in time, I have no idea who this eighth king really is, not a clue! So, you see, I do not know 'EVERYTHING' nowhere near everything! I'm, like you, like others on the Board are, still learning! Hopefully the knowledge of just who that eighth king is, should come in time, because I really would like to know that.
I tell you all of this, because I didn't want you thinking that I was a know-it-all! Texas!
April 30, 2009 at 3:28 am#129589NickHassan
ParticipantHi Texas,
Thank you.Could you consider the 2 Cor 13.1 approach to the proving of truths from Scripture.
It involves finding something written and then finding witnessing verses to establish fact.One verse alone is not proof.
No verses and just logic or inference is far from proof.April 30, 2009 at 7:00 pm#129624Texas
ParticipantQuote (Nick Hassan @ April 30 2009,15:28) Hi Texas,
Thank you.Could you consider the 2 Cor 13.1 approach to the proving of truths from Scripture.
It involves finding something written and then finding witnessing verses to establish fact.One verse alone is not proof.
No verses and just logic or inference is far from proof.
When I wrote my articles, I supplied, in many instances more than the custumary two, or three witnesses. If you do not read the scriptures that I have cited, the fault is your own not mine! TexasApril 30, 2009 at 7:35 pm#129625NickHassan
ParticipantHi Teaxas,
So show us one of the scriptures that says Jesus is an angel also called Michael.
No inference.
No logic.Show it written
May 1, 2009 at 2:03 pm#129665Cindy
ParticipantQuote (Nick Hassan @ May 01 2009,07:35) Hi Teaxas,
So show us one of the scriptures that says Jesus is an angel also called Michael.
No inference.
No logic.Show it written
NickodemusWhy is it that you can demand “show me where it's written”, but you never do?
And what good does it do when one shows you scripture, you always make a pretzel out of it.
Did you at one time hold a political office?Georg
May 1, 2009 at 6:31 pm#129683NickHassan
ParticipantHi Texas,
Just one verse that says it and then we can search for witnesses.May 1, 2009 at 7:12 pm#129690Cindy
If I was Texas, I wouldn't give you the time of day, until you do, what you demand from others.
May 1, 2009 at 7:26 pm#129694NickHassan
ParticipantHi georg,
This is the maturity you speak of?May 1, 2009 at 10:18 pm#129708Cindy
That is not written.
May 2, 2009 at 11:24 am#129735Texas
ParticipantQuote (Nick Hassan @ May 01 2009,07:35) Hi Teaxas,
So show us one of the scriptures that says Jesus is an angel also called Michael.
No inference.
No logic.Show it written
Who was it to be the Ruler of God's Kingdom? Was that, not the Christ? Yes! It was, wasn't it? You want one scripture that says Jesus is Michael? Try Daniel 12:1 for starters because it tells you that Michael STANDS UP and takes over that rulership! Then another scripture familiar to you was the one in Thessalonians that tells you that Jesus descends with the voice of an archangel. In other words employing that voice himself, it is, in this instance his own voice. That should show any reasonable minded person, that Michael and Jesus are one and the same person! Then when Michael and Jesus both come into kingdom power, it is said of both of them, if they are separate beings, a time of great trouble would occur at that time. Matthew 24:21,22 – The Bible also tells us that Jesus is given the responsibility to resurrect the dead, but we see in Daniel that is occurring when Michael STANDS UP. Really Nick! How much do you need? Do you need a Building to fall on you, before you can get the sense of anything? Texas!May 2, 2009 at 3:13 pm#129740david
ParticipantQuote As an ex-Witness of Jehovah, Quote You see, I had a massive tumor removed from my brain in 2006 and I spent about fifteen Months at my Daughters home in a small Town just south of Barrie Ontario recovering. Texas, I was wondering how these two thoughts are connected in time. How long have you been an “ex-Witness of Jehovah”?
I also did a little (very little) research on brain tumors and surgery. Do you have any side effects?
“Brain surgery damages normal tissues and the patient may have problem thinking, speaking and seeking normally.”
http://www.medindia.net/patient….cts.htmI'm just would find it interesting if these two things are linked.
“There are many different reasons why patients with brain tumors develop cognitive problems or personality changes.”
http://www.cancer.duke.edu/btc….p?id=43What side was the tumor on? What I mostly am interested in, is the time.
May 2, 2009 at 4:43 pm#129754Texas
ParticipantQuote (david @ May 03 2009,03:13) Quote As an ex-Witness of Jehovah, Quote You see, I had a massive tumor removed from my brain in 2006 and I spent about fifteen Months at my Daughters home in a small Town just south of Barrie Ontario recovering. Texas, I was wondering how these two thoughts are connected in time. How long have you been an “ex-Witness of Jehovah”?
I also did a little (very little) research on brain tumors and surgery. Do you have any side effects?
“Brain surgery damages normal tissues and the patient may have problem thinking, speaking and seeking normally.”
http://www.medindia.net/patient….cts.htmI'm just would find it interesting if these two things are linked.
“There are many different reasons why patients with brain tumors develop cognitive problems or personality changes.”
http://www.cancer.duke.edu/btc….p?id=43What side was the tumor on? What I mostly am interested in, is the time.
I have been gone from that Organization for over Ten years now. More correctly fourteen years. As far as side-effects from my Brain operation, there have been absolutely none at all! My memory is 100 o/o better than it ever was. I find that now I'm able to memorize very long passages in the Bible, and the scriptures that I've learned in the past are much more clear to me now than they ever was, and I'm able to remember things from my past that had been long forgotten. I think that my articles that I put on this Board attest to my mental alertness, don't you?Also, I'm smart enough to remain clear of the Watchtower Society, and I'm able now to uncover all of their false teachings! Is your own Brain as sharp as that? If it was, you'd get the hell out of there, and quick, if I was you!
So, don't concern yourself with my thinking abilities! Concern yourself with your own thinking abilities, because if you do not start using YOUR BRAIN before Jehovah brings the entire empire of Religion on this earth, YOU are going to lose your life at Armageddon!
You can not only see that I have no problem in thinking or speaking, or seeking, as you put it, but I'm more mentally alert now than I've ever been in my entire life. You can see by the articles that I put on this Board, that there is absolutely nothing wrong with my ability to think or speak. I should also tell you that all of the articles that I have put on this Board was written just after I left the Hospital, and while undergoing recovery at my Daughters place, south of Barrie Ontario. So, not a side – effect in the Worlde! Absolutely none! Texas!
May 2, 2009 at 6:13 pm#129760Texas
ParticipantQuote (david @ May 03 2009,03:13) Quote As an ex-Witness of Jehovah, Quote You see, I had a massive tumor removed from my brain in 2006 and I spent about fifteen Months at my Daughters home in a small Town just south of Barrie Ontario recovering. Texas, I was wondering how these two thoughts are connected in time. How long have you been an “ex-Witness of Jehovah”?
I also did a little (very little) research on brain tumors and surgery. Do you have any side effects?
“Brain surgery damages normal tissues and the patient may have problem thinking, speaking and seeking normally.”
http://www.medindia.net/patient….cts.htmI'm just would find it interesting if these two things are linked.
“There are many different reasons why patients with brain tumors develop cognitive problems or personality changes.”
http://www.cancer.duke.edu/btc….p?id=43What side was the tumor on? What I mostly am interested in, is the time.
It was very nice of you to show concern for my mental-state, so, allow me, now, in turn, to show mine for yours. What do I mean by that? Firstly consider that with the Brain Power that you now possess, you are not able to see, the almost one hundred and thirty year record established by the Governing Body of the Watchtower Society of failed predictions and false prophecies. You are, either deliberately turning your eyes away from that record, or you just do not see it with your eyes of understanding, and you are just honestly being misled! Which is it David? Something else you are not getting the sense of is, while that record was being established they was telling all of their followers that they were being guided and directed by the Holy Spirit. Wow! With a record like that, can you, in your wildest dreams, believe that they would actually tell people that?Now, they was also telling people that their Watchtower magazine was Jehovah's principle teaching instrument! They were making the claim that they constituted, as a Body, the 'Faithful Slave' of the Parable in Matthew 24:45. Would the original Faithful Slave have ever established a record such as theirs? Now, you and I both know that it is Jehovah's Holy Spirit in the hands of the Christ that is Jehovah's principle teaching instrument, so where do they get off in telling people a thing like that? With YOUR BRAIN POWER you are not able to see those things, but, I am! so, I'll take my poor old injured Brain over yours any day, because my poor old injured Brain has gotten the sense of these things, while yours still hasn't, and may never! Something else you accept without first following the direction give by John at 1 John 4:1 is the fact they tell you that they are “God's Organization,” and you just blindly and mildly accept that teaching as the truth, when nothing could be further from the truth! I have learned, using my poor old injured Brain, that the Governing Body of the Watchtower Society is as much a part of Babylon the Great as any other part. In fact they just may well be the Main priciple part of old Babylon the great!
Lacking the Holy Spirit as they do, explains that long record of failure, but that lack of Holy spirit also strongly explains the reason for their false teachings, because was the Holy Spirit to be actually guiding and directing them, those false teachings and failed predictions would not exist. Now, lacking the Holy Spirit also shows something else; for it reveals quite strongly that the faithful slave was not in their midst, not while that record was being established and not now either. Because the same teachings they was teaching while that record was being established, they are still, right now, today teaching them. So, the Holy Spirit is still, to this day, not guiding and directing them. Only a complete idiot would believe otherwise!
I have pointed out in one of my articles on the Board, just how many things that the Society has taught, is still teaching, that are incorrect. I have also pointed out their lack of
scriptural understanding. I supplied enough scriptural evidence to back up everything I was saying. Now, I did all of that with my poor old injured Brain. Your Brain has never picked up on what I'm saying, and you worry about how my mind fuctions? David, you are just too laughable for words, just too laughable! Texas!May 2, 2009 at 7:21 pm#129769NickHassan
ParticipantQuote (Texas @ May 02 2009,23:24) Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 01 2009,07:35) Hi Teaxas,
So show us one of the scriptures that says Jesus is an angel also called Michael.
No inference.
No logic.Show it written
Who was it to be the Ruler of God's Kingdom? Was that, not the Christ? Yes! It was, wasn't it? You want one scripture that says Jesus is Michael? Try Daniel 12:1 for starters because it tells you that Michael STANDS UP and takes over that rulership! Then another scripture familiar to you was the one in Thessalonians that tells you that Jesus descends with the voice of an archangel. In other words employing that voice himself, it is, in this instance his own voice. That should show any reasonable minded person, that Michael and Jesus are one and the same person! Then when Michael and Jesus both come into kingdom power, it is said of both of them, if they are separate beings, a time of great trouble would occur at that time. Matthew 24:21,22 – The Bible also tells us that Jesus is given the responsibility to resurrect the dead, but we see in Daniel that is occurring when Michael STANDS UP. Really Nick! How much do you need? Do you need a Building to fall on you, before you can get the sense of anything? Texas!
Hi texas,
So somehow Michael standing up proves to you he is Jesus Christ?Many stand up in the bible like the man cured of the palsy and you should perhaps find also they are him too?
Why should the shout of an archangel at the return of Jesus indicate Jesus was that archangel?
Come on!May 2, 2009 at 9:18 pm#129777Texas
ParticipantQuote (Nick Hassan @ May 03 2009,07:21) Quote (Texas @ May 02 2009,23:24) Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 01 2009,07:35) Hi Teaxas,
So show us one of the scriptures that says Jesus is an angel also called Michael.
No inference.
No logic.Show it written
Who was it to be the Ruler of God's Kingdom? Was that, not the Christ? Yes! It was, wasn't it? You want one scripture that says Jesus is Michael? Try Daniel 12:1 for starters because it tells you that Michael STANDS UP and takes over that rulership! Then another scripture familiar to you was the one in Thessalonians that tells you that Jesus descends with the voice of an archangel. In other words employing that voice himself, it is, in this instance his own voice. That should show any reasonable minded person, that Michael and Jesus are one and the same person! Then when Michael and Jesus both come into kingdom power, it is said of both of them, if they are separate beings, a time of great trouble would occur at that time. Matthew 24:21,22 – The Bible also tells us that Jesus is given the responsibility to resurrect the dead, but we see in Daniel that is occurring when Michael STANDS UP. Really Nick! How much do you need? Do you need a Building to fall on you, before you can get the sense of anything? Texas!
Hi texas,
So somehow Michael standing up proves to you he is Jesus Christ?Many stand up in the bible like the man cured of the palsy and you should perhaps find also they are him too?
Why should the shout of an archangel at the return of Jesus indicate Jesus was that archangel?
Come on!
Nick!You don't “Noncomprendo” any part of the Bible at all! You just imagine that you do. Why should the voice of an Archangel indicate that it was Jesus? Because, that scripture says {the Lord himself} will descend with the voice of an Archangel. Employing that voice himself! Now, prior to Jesus coming to this earth what was he in heaven where he resided before coming to this earth? He had to be an Angel, now didn't he? So, when he descends once again he will descend as the Angel he was when he first came to this earth, and that scripture in question reveals the name that he bore in heaven as a powerful Spirit Angel! That name the Bible reveals was Michael the Archangel! Like it or not,that is the way that it is! Texas!
May 2, 2009 at 9:23 pm#129779NickHassan
ParticipantHi texas,
Indeed an archangel will announce his returning.
So how does that say he is that archangel?May 2, 2009 at 9:31 pm#129780NickHassan
ParticipantHi texas,
You say
“That name the Bible reveals was Michael the Archangel! Like it or not,that is the way that it is! Texas! “
No facts here but just unconvincing bluster. - AuthorPosts
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