Walid Shoebat

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    I was just wondering if anyone has heard of this guy or what he has to say.

    I personally think that what he says makes a whole lot of sense.


    Quote (Samuel @ Oct. 24 2008,01:55)
    I was just wondering if anyone has heard of this guy or what he has to say.

    I personally think that what he says makes a whole lot of sense.

    Greetings Samual…..Walid Shoebat is a former palistinian terrorist turned christian….He is an authority on the Koran and how it relates to the jihadists….Walids' conversion has brought him in contact with the fundamentalist christian TV and radio circuit…He also has appeared on various secular TV networks in a consulting capacity…


    Why is it that we have to run everyone down?
    What is to gain by talking someone down?
    Does it make us feel better?
    Make us feel smarter or something?
    Does it make us feel that we have a higher status in life?

    All these things are things that GOD does not like. These are tell tell signs of being Proud of ourselves.

    I personally believe this man (However wrong he may be on what ever someone is trying to call him out on) Has revealed some great TRUTHS. If you wish to acknowledge them that would be wonderful…if not…thats fine to…the bible says if any man be ignorant let him be ignorant. The choice is yours.

    This man has not been trying to predict Dates as far as I can tell. He has however revealed a very different perspective on the End Times as opposed to this “Big Evil Catholic/Euorpe” that has been the belief of people ever since the Protastant movement.

    It has always been my biggest beef with people that start talking about people and the things they are saying …and thus have not even heard or listened to them.

    How can you profess what someone is saying is False? If you have not heard what they have said?

    What you are doing is going by what someone else said and thats gossip! Period. You should test all things, and try all things for yourself. This is what the Bible instructs us to do.

    To not put our faith in Man, or all the ramblings of man. But to go to GOD for the Understanding, and Wisdom to try these things.

    I am not interested in what so and so wrote up about so and so on such and such website.

    I've listened to this man I've watched all his stuff thats up on youtube. And I had my Bible right there. He is revealing some things that are very applicable to this time. The End Time and the things that are soon to come.

    Mainly the Islam Religion.
    Now yes…the Catholic Church might have something to do with the End Times, Euorope might as well…

    Guess what So is every nation on this earth. This End Time is not just for One section of Earth…The whole world, and all walks and talks of people are going to be a part of this End Time.

    Unless of course you plan on moving to Mars while all this takes place. Even then you can not escape the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY!

    Yes…Europe, US, IRAN, GREECE, ASIA, RUSSIA, and any other nation that you can think of on this Rock is going to have something to do with the END TIMES.

    USA would be super naive to think that they are just going to sit here completely unscathed by all of these things.

    The main thing about this Walid Shoebat guy that got my attention is the Things he is revealing about the Islam Relegion. Things I've never even known or heard of. Things no one talks about. People actually believe that Islam is a peaceful Religion.

    If thats the case why are we at war with them right now?
    Some people say well this is a fight over oil.
    or what ever.

    Fact of the matter is Walid is right.

    This is a “Power Struggle” between two Religions. Two GODS.
    The same “Struggle” thats been going on this whole time.
    A struggle between ISLAM and CHRISTIANITY
    Day and Night Religions
    Ying and Yang
    If there are two religions that are completely opposite of each other these are the two.

    We can ramble on about this Catholic thing all we want. I too even believed it to some extent. I've actually made posts on this forum about what I beleived that Catholic Church was going to have to do with some things. Yes they may have done some bad things. They may even still be wrong on stuff.
    But the fact of the matter is the Catholic Church does in fact Believe in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. They even pray in this fashion. Now this don't make them right….the bible even says not all that say Lord Lord, will come in to the kingdom of heaven, they will even say that they have cast out devils in his name. (Catholic Church does believe in casting out devils).

    But what hit me right between the Running lights as I heard this Walid Shoebat talk. Was what he said about the Cresent Moon…the Ornaments. And how he pointed out the GOD that people worshiped was Ba'al or Bel. The Moon GOD. This same GOD that the arabs worshiped back in the Bible days is still the ones that they worship today. Bel, Ba'al. And their symbol in the middleast has always been a Cresent Moon.

    A religion that was wounded almost to death by Christianity. That is trying to Heal itself.

    This to me makes a whole lot more sense than all the mumbo jumbo that I think that I've ever heard in my whole life time of hearing mumbo jumbo.

    When you have a desire for the TRUTH…and you actually hear a TRUTH come out of someones mouth…No one has to Tell you that its TRUTH…because GODS spirit tells you that its TRUTH. And when GODS spirit tells you that something is TRUTH…you can rest assured that its a TRUTH.

    GOD does not lie….he can not lie.
    GODS word is truth.

    Now Walid may have in fact added some things to his speeches that may have some of his personal beliefs added to it. Most religious people do this…I do it, you do it, and everyone else does it. They add what they have been taught all their life to what they are saying.

    Fact of the matter is just because we were taught something all our life…does not make it TRUE. It makes it a “Teaching”
    And there are a lot of FALSE teachings. You know it, I know it and I wish everyone knew it.

    Even if the guy is a FALSE prophet …I know deep in my soul what he is saying about this Islam Religion is TRUE.

    ISLAM is not a new religion. Its been here since way back in the Bible Days. This message is a TRUE message.

    A message that we are currently faced with. Right in the here and now.
    And I'll tell you one thing that freaks me out a whole lot is this Obama Guy. Now he says that hes converted to christian. But the things that I hear him talking about the Bible and He wont say our National Anthem, (Most likely because it says “One Nation Under GOD”) I got this really cartwheel feeling in my gut that this man still has a lot of Islam in him.

    He even said one time “My Islamic Faith…I mean My Christian Faith”

    Now I may be wrong and Lord knows that I actually hope I am. But I get this really weird feeling that I'm not.

    If your a Christain (By the way if you believe in Christ and that he died for your sins, and that he is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords… the Messiah….That makes you a Christian) Your an Infidel to them and they would love to have your head chopped off. If you don't believe it. Go over there and yell out from the roof tops that “JESUS IS LORD”

    See how fast the kill you.


    Hi S,
    Who is running him down?
    Would you rather we did not research things?


    In fact that is what I want you to do. Research things.

    It would be better if you were to actually listen to him instead of what so and so said.

    Listen to him then Ask GOD for the Wisdom and understanding of weather or not he is False or Truth.


    Hi Samuel:

    I brought Walid and his website before this forum back some time ago.  This man is a genuine Christian and people better listen to what he is saying about radical Islam because it is the truth.

    God Bless


    Quote (Samuel @ Oct. 25 2008,09:58)
    In fact that is what I want you to do. Research things.

    It would be better if you were to actually listen to him instead of what so and so said.

    Listen to him then Ask GOD for the Wisdom and understanding of weather or not he is False or Truth.

    That is what we are to do, prove all things. I have never heard of this guy, and tell you the truth, his kind come a dime a minute.
    We do have enough evidence of what the Catholics did and what they are still doing.
    The Mass is an abomination to the Lord. There is no other explanation for the Mass.
    So why listen to others so called experts that claim to have all truths?
    2 Tim. 4:3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers.
    verse 4 and they will turn their ears away from truth, and be turned to fables.
    Rev. 14:12 Here is the patience of the Saints, here are those who keep the Commandments of God and the Faith of Jesus.

    Rev. 12:17 And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of the offspring, who keep the Commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
    Peace and Love Irene


    Hi S,
    Those outside the kingdom have good reason to fear.


    Thanks Samuel.

    I will have a look.



    I did not say the man had “All” the truths.  I really don't think that anyone does…however I could very well be wrong.  It won't be the First time and won't be the last I'm sure.

    I do believe that he has at least one truth though.  About Islam.  I feel that alot of what I have heard the man say about it is true.  It “Checks” out in scripture.  And makes more sense than this Catholic non-sense.  

    Mind you This Truth does not make the Catholic Church right by no means.  But it does, point out a truth that I believe that a lot of people are blind too.

    If your a christian…just the world Islam or Muslim should give you Butterflies in your stomach.

    Now, yes I do believe that the Catholic Church has corrupted the worship of Christ, and Christianity.  They have instituted laws that are not even in the Bible…effectivly making them selves seem like Pharisees.  However, might I remind you that everyone has made mistakes …even great men of GOD have made mistakes.  BIG mistakes.  First and for most if “Completly Denying that you even know who JESUS is” is not a big mistake…then I don't know what is.   And guess what the guy that did that got forgivness.

    So…having said that.   It also says that not all that say Lord Lord will make it.  Even though they might say they cast out demons.

    There is some qualities that GOD is looking for in us.
    Desire for the TRUTH
    Our willingness to help others

    These are some of the main one though.

    A lot of us rather have
    Lack of Faith
    No desire for the truth

    I know that I have a super huge temper.  I tend to let it get out of control and fly off the handle a lot of time.  That and Lust being that I'm a single man are probably the two biggest things that I fight with.

    I feel like I can't humble myself enough.  I know what I am.  And the things that I've done and I'm in no means proud of any of it.

    It is only in my intrest to try to get people to listen to GODS words that are being spoken by men that he has chosen to do such.   Warnings

    The trumpet is in fact being sounded warning the Earth of him. Just like in Eziekiel (Probably spelled wrong).

    If the servent had known in what hour his master would have returned he would have watched.  If the trumpet is being sounded…that means its time to watch.  Comon sense stuff here.

    Not time to slumber.
    You can say “Ah well this or that has been happening since the bible days…there is no need to be alarmed now.  Nothing is any different”  And keep thinking that the day of the Lord Jesus is some 100 years off or so…then  You might wind up being real suprised.  Or if you say that “We are children of GOD we have no reason to be alarmed”

    WE HAVE EVERY REASON TO BE ALARMED!   If we are not alarmed and ALERT then we are SLUMBERED!  We should be more alarmed then ever.  We should be wondering if we are right.  Not boasting about how right we think we are.
    Wondering if you right is not saying that your confused about GODS word or unsure about your salvation…its a HUMBLING SPIRT…that has the DESIRE FOR THE TRUTH!  Something that GOD happens to be looking for.

    Is any of this making sense to any one?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Oct. 25 2008,12:14)
    Hi S,
    Those outside the kingdom have good reason to fear.

    Greetings Nick…..Even those who think they are in the kingdom would be wise to fear…The way I see it “Thy Kingdom Come”…..The kingdom/government of God has not come yet…rest assured it is eminent…and we all have to stand and God will help those who seek him while helping themselves and their brothers and sisters…Shoebat seems to be a repentant worldly guy,who has risked his life to warn anybody that wants to listen…..


    You know Soloman asked for Wisdom to make fair Judgements among the kingdom…because he knew that he needed GODS help. GOD gave him Knowledge and Wisdom that it says no one else will ever have like unto his.

    Well the reason GOD gave him this is because he asked for something that he could use to help others with. Instead of asking for riches and wealth to use for himself. However those things he gave him as well.

    I believe it is all in the manner of the what reason you are seeking the TRUTH as to what level of understanding GOD will actually give you of it.

    If all we are concerned about is knowing things so we can be proud of ourselves for being right. We may never know anything of a certianty. If however we are seeking the truth to Warn others or to Help others …I think this is first step to finding out how much GOD will reveal unto us.

    Its not about whos right, are whos stupid, or whos smart, or whos read the Bible 20 times. Its about the Heart…and GOD sees what our motives are. He knows what we are thinking to ourselves. He knows weather we are proud of ourselves or humble and meek.

    Its about whos willing to do what GOD wants them to do. What we need to do. So that all will come to the TRUTH. Now, we already know that not all will accept the Truth. That not all will make it. But we should hope that maybe there is a way that they will. We should not cast judgement on people. GOD does the “Saving” not us. We just do the light shining.


    Quote (Samuel @ Oct. 28 2008,02:46)
    You know Soloman asked for Wisdom to make fair Judgements among the kingdom…because he knew that he needed GODS help.  GOD gave him Knowledge and Wisdom that it says no one else will ever have like unto his.

    Well the reason GOD gave him this is because he asked for something that he could use to help others with.  Instead of asking for riches and wealth to use for himself.   However those things he gave him as well.

    I believe it is all in the manner of the what reason you are seeking the TRUTH as to what level of understanding GOD will actually give you of it.

    If all we are concerned about is knowing things so we can be proud of ourselves for being right.  We may never know anything of a certianty.  If however we are seeking the truth to Warn others or to Help others …I think this is first step to finding out how much GOD will reveal unto us.

    Its not about whos right, are whos stupid, or whos smart, or whos read the Bible 20 times.  Its about the Heart…and GOD sees what our motives are.   He knows what we are thinking to ourselves.   He knows weather we are proud of ourselves or humble and meek.

    Its about whos willing to do what GOD wants them to do.  What we need to do.  So that all will come to the TRUTH.  Now, we already know that not all will accept the Truth.  That not all will make it.  But we should hope that maybe there is a way that they will.  We should not cast judgement on people.   GOD does the “Saving” not us.  We just do the light shining.

    Greetings Sam……You are so right when you say it is all about the manner in which you are seeking truth…It must be with a humble heart and contrite spirit….


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Oct. 25 2008,05:31)
    Hi S,
    Who is running him down?
    Would you rather we did not research things?

    Greetings Nick…..The NY times is hardly a credible source of any infomation since there agenda is to further the cause of Palistinian Islam…


    Samuel Just want to say this about the Catholic Church. But first I have to ask this has any other Nation tortured and killed Humans the way the C.Church has? Not to my knowledge. For that I criticize that Church.
    Peace and Love Irene
    P.S. If you go in the Basement of Churches in Germany, you will find some still have torture chambers. Some are made into Museums.


    Greetings in the Lord everyone,

    About Mr Shoebat. I've just had a quick read about him at Wikipedia, and yes I know it is profain knowledge. However, it was enough to help me form a position on the matter.

    When our Lord ascended to sit at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven, he was told to remain “until I put your enemies as a stool for your feet”. In other words God said Christ and the church are to do nothing about the world for the time being, thats my job and plan. And it is for this reason that although upon his assention all the authorities of the world became responsible for their actions to him as king, there has been no heavenly interference into their dealings to date. And this applies also to us as his brothers, servants and slaves. We are in the world but not of it, and have no place interacting with it's politics except to obey their laws where there is no conflict with God's involved. No, we should not publicly support presidential candidates or politicians even if we think they are of our kind or in some way good. And we are certainly not to repay muslim fanatics in kind. We are only to preach the gospel in spirit and in truth to anyone who enquires of us and get on with the task of refining ourselves as holy ones.

    Accordingly, I do not believe people are of our sort who go about the business of promoting this strife and that fight or some other truth. They are from their father the devil who only has the power to have his own fight among themselves.

    I dont care what the muslims are doing. I don't care what western leaders are doing. I dont care what so called religeous leaders are doing. I dont care if it's oil or false ideology. For it is all leading to the same end – the end of this system that we pray for. I only care if they persecute a brother simply because he has conformed to the law of God. And then I take no action except to note that a saint will receive his great reward and rejoice. Saints allowed themselves to be torn apart by lions rather than raise a sword against a legionary because they were being obedient in doing so. I only hope I have that strength of faith if need be.

    Yes, I do watch world behavour, monitoring it for signs of the Lord's return. But I do nothing in an attempt to hasten it for I am in fact forbidden to do so. And anyone who contends with these people is himself playing. And brothers, shoebat is a player.

    Wisdom is fear of God, not of muslims

    May you be free and have peace


    No one is trying to say that Shoebat is Fear of Muslims.

    He is just simply trying to tell you some of the different angels. Because he was once a Muslim. He is trying to explain how they are in…you ready for this?


    Let me tell you something brother if all you want to do is stick your head in the dirt like an Ostrich and go “I'm not listening, I'm not listing”, thats your business.

    But I would greatly appreacite it if you did not try to promote others to do likewise.

    You my friend would not make a very good dective. I bet you did not know that GOD told us to be dectives?

    “Oh you might say…where does it say that?”


    Don't just sulk up and stick your fingers in your ears and go “Thats not something that people at my church believe” Just because you were brought up in a certain Denomination All your life don't make them the “Bonified Truth Beares”.

    Stop being foolish, and start looking up.

    No one is trying to predict the times down to the second, minute, hour, day.

    But we will know when it is close. And, its very close. Of course very close for us might actually mean 50 years.

    We still go by a TIME here on the 3rd rock from the sun. (EARTH)

    GOD does not exist in the expanse of the diminsion of time. He is beyond that. I know its really hard to comperhend but its true.

    Obviously, Walid is a MAN…he is bound to let you down if your looking for perfection in MAN.

    I'm sure you yourself let people down every single day …because of your imperfections.

    Just as well as I do.

    But, I am 100% convienced that that spirit of Muslim is the very decendant of that same spirit that cause the people to build the tower of Babel.

    That is the very spirit that GOD is going to be destroying, once and for all.

    All this froot loop assumptions of “Johnny Apple Seed” has made some church called the Catholic Church…And they are growing little anti-christs all over the world in the Denomination fields…well be that as it may.

    I am convineced that all that non-sense is just a “Side-Show” to what is really going on. Satan is not stupid, be not fooled by his deceptions. He will make you believe one thing while he is performing another trick beind the curtain while your not looking.

    Just like in the garden of eden as the story goes…(symbolic of course…) He has the apple …enticing Eve with it …”See, look how pretty this is, see this is whats really going on…you really need to know this….take it….Take It …..TAKE IT!”

    When the whole time he is stabbing you in the back with the dagger of DEATH!

    Thats the same non-sense that is going on today at the end of days.

    “Oh this is fine, oh that is fine, Look there is the anti-christ, those Catholic people are evil, look those germans are evil, look, the Mormans are evil.”

    When the WHOLE TIME, no one even pays any attention to what GOT THIS WHOLE THING STARTED!

    Were the Catholics running around in the days of Noah? Were the Germans building Wooden statues to worship instead of GOD?

    Well were they?

    Yeah these people may be evil. You know what…I have evil in me. There is nothing in me at all that is good.


    If I have ever done anything good in my entire life it's not because of my own will. Because I am flat out evil. GOD



    If there is even one drop of good in me at all…….


    NOT ME!


    Well someone say amen.


    You had better get your head out of the “Prince George is the Anti-Christ” Magizine….

    And, plant your feet in the dirt and square off with this thing thats against you and your GOD!

    Satan, is just like a theif you see in Wal-Mart. If you see a theif stealing he takes off running.

    If Satan Knows your own to him he is going to take off running till he can come up with something that you will not notice. Something that you will let slip in. That you won't pay any attention to.

    WAKE UP FOLKS! This thing is not going to be all over the Newspapers.

    Already, they are trying to say that Muslim is a peaceful religion. While the whole time in IRAN if you even utter the phrase “JESUS IS LORD!” They will chop your Christian Head off and have a feast about it.

    WAKE UP!


    lol @ chop your christian head off.

    Hes right ya know.

    Ive always thought Islam might just be the AntiChrist everyone is looking for…… :blues:

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