Validity over speculation

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  • #205962

    How can we know the bible is true and complete?
    How can we believe the things that are written therein?


    Hi RM,
    By the Spirit.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ July 26 2010,13:05)
    Hi RM,
    By the Spirit.

    How do you discern between your spirit and your ego?


    By Dieing


    Hi RM,
    The Spirit does not speak of His own initiative but reminds us of scripture.[Jn14-16]
    Men under the power of the Spirit wrote the scriptures.[2Peter 1]
    Seek witnesses.[2Cor 13.1]


    Quote (RokkaMan @ July 26 2010,07:59)
    How can we know the bible is true and complete?
    How can we believe the things that are written therein?

    A plausible creation
    An accurate assessment of man
    Prophecy given long before fulfillment
    An accurate portrayal of history
    A common thread throughout
    Muliple authors agreeing
    The wisdom of love and redemption
    Conformation from a small still voice

    Taken together this items provide substantial proof on the validity of scripture and are for that reason under continual attack. But even if you accept everything as fact your left with having to take it on faith as many seem to want to reason it away.

    As Jesus told Thomas “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” if we demand proof we may get it, but it costs us something.

    As to being complete, no one will ever have all knowledge, but only a little is required for salvation. We will however be judged for not seeking it and on what we do with what we are given  1 Let not many of you become teachers my brethren, knowing that as such we will incur a stricter judgment.

    My opinion – Wm


    A plausible creation
    An accurate assessment of man
    Prophecy given long before fulfillment
    An accurate portrayal of history
    A common thread throughout
    Muliple authors agreeing
    The wisdom of love and redemption
    Conformation from a small still voice

    Because something is plausible doesn't make it true?
    The Big bang is a plausible creation scenario…but how many of you believe that?

    Prophecy given long before fufillment, how do you know the prophecy was given before it happened?

    How do you know the books are even as old as people say they are….we can see, now a days…even within a 20year span…certain world events can be distorted and manipulated to where it's nearly impossible to know the full truth….how do we not know the same wasn't done with the bible?

    If I tell you right now, that I prophesied of 9/11 3 years before it happened…you wouldn't believe it, but who's to say people 100 years from now, wouldn't be viewing me as a prophet?

    An accurate portrayal of history – This doesn't hold any water, how do you know it was accurate if you weren't there to examine it?

    History is written by the winner….Independance Day to us is known by the american revolution…to britain it's known as The American Insurrection….

    How do we know the bible wasn't written by gullable optimists as oppose to, a skeptical realist?

    So to say it's an accurate portrayal of history would be an ignorant statement.

    As a matter o fact…90% of the bible sounds more like fairy tale than it does reality…how can you say any of it is an accurate portryal of history when most of the stuff that happened, has never happened or could even be duplicated in our times?

    Where are the christian children that make blind men see, and lame men walk? I've not seen any in our times…i'd love a video tho.

    A common thread throughout
    Muliple authors agreeing

    Please? are you friggin serious?
    Just because the majority agree or share thought doesn't make anything true.

    The majority now are sinners, does that mean sinners are right? and christianity is wrong?

    The majority thought segregation and slavery was alright at one point, till a war was fought and we learned otherwise.

    The wisdom of love and redemption
    Many other religions share this wisdom, not necessarily pointed towards YHVH but the aspects are the same…

    how do I know, YHVH is the right way as oppose to other religions.

    Conformation from a small still voice

    That same voice tells people to kill their children and eat their brains…and when interviewed…the killer says God told them…

    how do we decern, before the fact…as oppose to after the fact…after you've seen the fruits of your obedience to that small still voice.

    Don't throw scripture back at me to prove any of the stuff i'm saying, my point of this thread is to question the validity of the scripture itself.

    and to ask why?


    Quote (Lightenup @ July 27 2010,15:45)
    Two blind men are healed and saved.

    Hi Kathi,

    Bummer, I was hoping to actually see it happen not hear a testimony.

    RM does make many valid points.

    We discuss the Bible because we accept it and believe and even then we can't be united on a single point.

    So, if the Bible is true, why isn't there an agreement or understanding among the followers on anything?

    We can't even agree on which Bible translation to use, as if one was better or more “Authorized”, nevertheless on its content.

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