Unhealthy interests with angels

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  • #149855

    It seems every where you go people have too much of an interest in Angels

    I even heard of Angel worshippers

    Do not forget that Satan was once an Agel, Gods best Angel Ezekial 28

    Though MANY fell

    1 3rd

    We should not forget Matthew chapter 7 verse 7

    A lot of poeple seek out “Angels” with out ever specifying Light from Dark

    Though if they ever found any of the fallen 2 Peter 2 verse 4
    Jude 6

    It would not go well for them

    How would one steer them away from such things?


    f J

    The angels mentioned in 2 Peter and Jude, are a different group of fallen angels; they are the once that came down from heaven, lost their first estate, and got involved with the woman of men, humans, Gen. 6:1,2,4; they are locked up until judgment day, they do not roam the world.



    I never said they did

    “Bound by eternal chains, in caves awaiting judgement”

    From what I can remember

    They are only Angels of the Lord and Satans Angels

    Angels of the Light and Angels of the darkness

    Angels still in Heaven serving and worshipping God

    And Fallen Angels

    Many people take unhealthy interests in them

    Many even believe that Arch Angel Micheal is Jesus Christ

    Seeking out such things would have rather severe repurcussions

    Although yes not all the fallen angels bred with humans as spoke of in Genesis 6 verse 4


    Quote (georg @ Oct. 20 2009,08:07)
    f J

    The angels mentioned in 2 Peter and Jude, are a different group of fallen angels; they are the once that came down from heaven, lost their first estate, and got involved with the woman of men, humans, Gen. 6:1,2,4; they are locked up until judgment day, they do not roam the world.


    Theologians are still out to lunch on who the Nephelim actually are, angelic beings are only one hypothesis. Cananites is another.


    Quote (Constitutionalist @ Oct. 22 2009,04:56)

    Quote (georg @ Oct. 20 2009,08:07)
    f J

    The angels mentioned in 2 Peter and Jude, are a different group of fallen angels; they are the once that came down from heaven, lost their first estate, and got involved with the woman of men, humans, Gen. 6:1,2,4; they are locked up until judgment day, they do not roam the world.


    Theologians are still out to lunch on who the Nephelim actually are, angelic beings are only one hypothesis. Cananites is another.

    The First Book of Moses, Called Genesis
    Commentary by ROBERT JAMIESON

    2. the sons of God saw the daughters of men–By the former is meant the family of Seth, who were professedly religious; by the latter, the descendants of apostate Cain. Mixed marriages between parties of opposite principles and practice were necessarily sources of extensive corruption. The women, religious themselves, would as wives and mothers exert an influence fatal to the existence of religion in their household, and consequently the people of that later age sank to the lowest depravity.

    3. flesh–utterly, hopelessly debased.
    And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive–Christ, as God, had by His Spirit inspiring Enoch, Noah, and perhaps other prophets ( 1Pe 3:20 2Pe 2:5 Jud 1:14 ), preached repentance to the antediluvians; but they were incorrigible.
    yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years–It is probable that the corruption of the world, which had now reached its height, had been long and gradually increasing, and this idea receives support from the long respite granted.

    4. giants–The term in Hebrew implies not so much the idea of great stature as of reckless ferocity, impious and daring characters, who spread devastation and carnage far and wide.


    Quote (georg @ Oct. 20 2009,08:07)
    f J

    The angels mentioned in 2 Peter and Jude, are a different group of fallen angels; they are the once that came down from heaven, lost their first estate, and got involved with the woman of men, humans, Gen. 6:1,2,4; they are locked up until judgment day, they do not roam the world.


    Chapter six.

    It came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took unto them wives of all which they chose. And the LORD said, My spirit will not always strive with man, in that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be a hundred and twenty years (Gen 6:1-3).

    So we're coming now to a time in which God is going to drastically alter man's lifespan. By the time they were getting nine hundred years old they were getting so wicked. God says I'm not going to leave them around that long; cut them down to a hundred and twenty years. So drastic altering after the flood of man's lifespan which could easily be explained by the loss of the protective blanket around the earth, allowing much greater cosmic radiation which causes the mutations of the cells which causes the aging process in man. There's no way by which you can protect yourself from these little neutrinos, these little cosmic rays that bombard the earth and pass right through the thing like it wasn't even there. The earth is under this constant bombardment.

    Actually, we are protected much by our atmosphere. There is a certain danger to too much high-altitude flying. You get up above the protective blanket and your ultra-violet ray radiation gets much greater, in that the airlines have found that they can only —you can say pilots really have it made, you know, they only fly once a week. All that's because of the fact that it is a hazardous thing you're getting up above much of our protective blanket when you get up thirty-eight to thirty-nine thousand feet. And so they limit their exposure. We're learning more and more about that.

    Who are the sons of God? Now there are those who will make the sons of God the descendants of Shem. So they are Shemites, say some. The daughters of men were the Cainites, the descendants of Cain, according to the theory. And that the godly line of Shem began to intermarry with the ungodly line of Cain. And the product —it's hard to explain how it was giants, but that's the theory.

    The term “sons of God” in the Old Testament is used elsewhere but only of angels, never of man. In Job, the sons of God were presenting themselves to God and Satan also came with them, angels. It would appear that these are angels here in Genesis, that they actually began to intermingle and intermarry. You say but wait a minute. Jesus said the angels neither marry nor are given in marriage in heaven. That is true. But Jesus did not say that they were sexless; He just said there was no marriage nor given in marriage. And it is interesting that always angels are referred to in a masculine form.

    There are difficulties with this verse, if you try to make it the godly line of Seth and the ungodly line of Cain. There are also difficulties if you try to make it angels intermarrying with man. But in verse four.

    There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown (Gen 6:4).

    Some kind of a super race of giant men as a result of this.

    In the New Testament, we read that those angels, which kept not their first estate are reserved in the chains of Tartarus awaiting the day of judgment (Jude 1:6). It seems that there were certain angels, perhaps, that did not keep the first principle or first estate. Maybe they were these angels who came down and began to intermingle and intermarry with men. There are a lot of interesting things that we don't know all of the answers to, this being one of them.

    Chuck Smith


    Quote (georg @ Oct. 20 2009,08:07)
    f J

    The angels mentioned in 2 Peter and Jude, are a different group of fallen angels; they are the once that came down from heaven, lost their first estate, and got involved with the woman of men, humans, Gen. 6:1,2,4; they are locked up until judgment day, they do not roam the world.


    Jude does not specifically represent itself with the Genesis account, so it is unwise to use Jude as a verifying platform.


    Quote (georg @ Oct. 20 2009,08:07)
    f J

    The angels mentioned in 2 Peter and Jude, are a different group of fallen angels; they are the once that came down from heaven, lost their first estate, and got involved with the woman of men, humans, Gen. 6:1,2,4; they are locked up until judgment day, they do not roam the world.


    Also in the Genesis account, he destroyed the Nephelim. And in the Jude account they were imprisoned.

    Jude account is most likely those who were kicked out of heaven (first estate) into the abyss (the second estate).


    Quote (Constitutionalist @ Oct. 22 2009,23:56)

    Quote (georg @ Oct. 20 2009,08:07)
    f J

    The angels mentioned in 2 Peter and Jude, are a different group of fallen angels; they are the once that came down from heaven, lost their first estate, and got involved with the woman of men, humans, Gen. 6:1,2,4; they are locked up until judgment day, they do not roam the world.


    Theologians are still out to lunch on who the Nephelim actually are, angelic beings are only one hypothesis. Cananites is another.


    Canaanites are not sons of God. In the OT, sons of God is a reference to angels, while sons of men a reference to humans.
    Angels marrying woman produced the giants.



    Quote (Constitutionalist @ Oct. 23 2009,00:09)

    Quote (georg @ Oct. 20 2009,08:07)
    f J

    The angels mentioned in 2 Peter and Jude, are a different group of fallen angels; they are the once that came down from heaven, lost their first estate, and got involved with the woman of men, humans, Gen. 6:1,2,4; they are locked up until judgment day, they do not roam the world.


    Also in the Genesis account, he destroyed the Nephelim. And in the Jude account they were imprisoned.

    Jude account is most likely those who were kicked out of heaven (first estate) into the abyss (the second estate).


    God did not destroy the angels that caused the problem, producing hybrids, they are reserved in darkness, in chains, for the judgment.
    He did not destroy mankind because they were evil, if he did, why are we still alive? He destroyed them because “all flesh had corrupted his way”, Gen. 6:12, had become “hybrids”.
    The only once that were pure human, flesh, were Noah and his family, he was “perfect in his generation”.

    I stand by what I said about “Jude 6”.



    It seems every where you go people have too much of an interest in Angels

    I even heard of Angel worshippers

    Do you think perhaps, so few angels are mentioned by name, for this very reason?


    Quote (followerofJesus @ Oct. 12 2009,02:49)
    It seems every where you go people have too much of an interest in Angels

    I even heard of Angel worshippers

    Do not forget that Satan was once an Agel, Gods best Angel Ezekial 28

    Though MANY fell

    1 3rd

    We should not forget Matthew chapter 7 verse 7

    A lot of poeple seek out “Angels” with out ever specifying Light from Dark

    Though if they ever found any of the fallen 2 Peter 2 verse 4
    Jude 6

    It would not go well for them

    How would one steer them away from such things?

    What would be a “Healthy Interest” in Angels?


    Quote (followerofJesus @ Oct. 22 2009,04:50)
    I never said they did

    “Bound by eternal chains, in caves awaiting judgement”

    From what I can remember

    They are only Angels of the Lord and Satans Angels

    Angels of the Light and Angels of the darkness

    Angels still in Heaven serving and worshipping God

    And Fallen Angels

    Many people take unhealthy interests in them

    Many even believe that Arch Angel Micheal is Jesus Christ

    Seeking out such things would have rather severe repurcussions

    Although yes not all the fallen angels bred with humans as spoke of in Genesis 6 verse 4

    I have alot of caves around where I live, you think I might find some chained up angels?


    Quote (georg @ Oct. 22 2009,17:57)

    Quote (Constitutionalist @ Oct. 22 2009,23:56)

    Quote (georg @ Oct. 20 2009,08:07)
    f J

    The angels mentioned in 2 Peter and Jude, are a different group of fallen angels; they are the once that came down from heaven, lost their first estate, and got involved with the woman of men, humans, Gen. 6:1,2,4; they are locked up until judgment day, they do not roam the world.


    Theologians are still out to lunch on who the Nephelim actually are, angelic beings are only one hypothesis. Cananites is another.


    Canaanites are not sons of God. In the OT, sons of God is a reference to angels, while sons of men a reference to humans.
    Angels marrying woman produced the giants.


    God tell you this?


    Quote (georg @ Oct. 22 2009,18:12)

    Quote (Constitutionalist @ Oct. 23 2009,00:09)

    Quote (georg @ Oct. 20 2009,08:07)
    f J

    The angels mentioned in 2 Peter and Jude, are a different group of fallen angels; they are the once that came down from heaven, lost their first estate, and got involved with the woman of men, humans, Gen. 6:1,2,4; they are locked up until judgment day, they do not roam the world.


    Also in the Genesis account, he destroyed the Nephelim. And in the Jude account they were imprisoned.

    Jude account is most likely those who were kicked out of heaven (first estate) into the abyss (the second estate).


    God did not destroy the angels that caused the problem, producing hybrids, they are reserved in darkness, in chains, for the judgment.
    He did not destroy mankind because they were evil, if he did, why are we still alive? He destroyed them because “all flesh had corrupted his way”, Gen. 6:12, had become “hybrids”.
    The only once that were pure human, flesh, were Noah and his family, he was “perfect in his generation”.

    I stand by what I said about “Jude 6”.



    Genesis 6:1-7 Is all the same subject. God set out to destroy all things from Gen 6:1-7 EXCEPT NOAH.

    This includes Nephelim.



    Where does it say that the Nephilims were angels?
    In Gen., the bible speaks of giants, they were the offsprings of the mixed marriages, hybrids; yes, “they” were destroyed by the flood too.
    What you're referring too you find in Num. 13:32, and they were the sons of Anak; after the flood.
    And yes, God does tell me that, is not the bible his word?


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