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- July 12, 2010 at 9:05 am#203323
Tim Kraft
ParticipantJA: My mystake. I thought Ed J advertised his website on each post. I will cease. Its all personal writings given freely only because they are to large to post here. I sell nothing! What I freely have received I freely give. Thanks for warning, TK
July 12, 2010 at 9:18 am#203324Tim Kraft
ParticipantNick: According to my Bible and Jesus at Luke 17:21…the Kingdom of God is within me. Jesus, the truth of God, says we are branches of the tree of life grafted in (by faith) to the life of the tree. Jesus said that he and the Father even the whole spirit makes its abode (home, dwelling place, place of rest) within all who believe.
Feel free to bluster outside the gate! Just a mustard seed of faith in what Jesus says will open the gate!! Its for all who will believe. Any form of works will not open the gate! TK
July 12, 2010 at 9:53 am#203330NickHassan
ParticipantHi TK,
He was speaking BEFORE the Spirit was given at pentecost[as in jn7]July 12, 2010 at 4:00 pm#203354Tim Kraft
ParticipantNick: Clearly "within" KJV Bible.
There are various aspects of the spirit.
The spirit of God was breathed into man at creation. It never left! The spirit of God is God is the word of God, is everywhere at all times. Where could it go that it is not already there? Man can only believe incorrectly that he is separated from God and by his own illusion of separation seem to be separated. He is not separated in truth, just believing an error as truth. We separate ourselves from God by sin which is an error of believing we are separated. Nothing in truth can separate us from the love, truth, goodness of God. Only wrong thinking. If the spirit or life source of man left he would be dead! IMO, TKJuly 12, 2010 at 7:40 pm#203358NickHassan
ParticipantHi TK,
God does not say he breathed His Spirit into man.The spirit given to me does leave and we die.
You must be reborn from above BEFORE THEN.[Jn7]
July 12, 2010 at 10:02 pm#203376Tim Kraft
ParticipantNick: True, God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul. Jesus said, God is spirit. Jesus said his words are spirit and life. Air is spirit. Clouds are spirit. Spirit is everything and everywhere in one form or another. All things came from spirit and all things transform in and through spirit. Spirit is alive and creates from itself, more like itself, using no more of itself
or any less. Spirit is energy of life in life. Spirit is everywhere, all is ONE! Yet functions and transformations happen constantly within the spirit pool of life.
We never die. We are eternal beings moulded from the eternal source we call God. We will change bodies when we are ready to transform and moveon through eternal life. IMO you are not given a spirit, you are an unlimited piece of the consciousness of God living in a limited physical body in the earth realm of relative phyicality to experience the aspects of God as though we were actually apart from God.
ONE cannot experience itself alone. It can know all about itself but it can only experience itself by separation from itself. One, splitinto two pieces, allows one piece to experience its opposite reflection. One cannot know hot without experiencing cold. One cannot know what fast is like without also experiencing slow. Hard/soft, high/low etc.! The entire earth is made for man/God to experience all aspects of God/life, AS THOUGH THEY ARE APART FROM THE WHOLE. To come to earth man died to his God side/spirit side to manifest in the earth not having any awareness
of his connection to God. Man starts in the earth with a clean mind learning and experiencing as though he is just another drop in the ocean. He lives much or most of his life not having a clue as to who he really is and where he came from. We must ride the wheel of rebirths in phyicality until we have learned the lessons we came to experience and our soul begins to call us home. Then
comes the trek home by being born again and reprograming the mind with spirit from which we are and came from. We will continue to evolve spiritually by choice back to the light we came from.
Well Nick, I just couldn't stop. There is enough in this post to ridicule me for decades. These are my beliefs from over 30 years of study, mostly by myself. Everybody believes something. God bless you if you read the whole post. TK
July 12, 2010 at 10:11 pm#203378NickHassan
ParticipantHi TK,
When you add your thoughts to scripture do you not destroy their veracity?
Only some from the OT were said by Jesus to be still alive to God-those anointed by God's Spirit.[lk20. 36-38]Join with them at the wedding feast[Mt8.11]
July 13, 2010 at 10:09 am#203522Tim Kraft
ParticipantNike: Whatever you do Nick, don't make perfect union with God something you cannot grasp. Its seems to me he paid a premium price FOR YOU,and all of us that will accept by faith, so that you don't have to pay anything.
Don't let your perfection that was created by God and given as a gift, freely, to you, be nullified by the inability to accept such a gift without doing something on your own for it. Our effort to get clean is worthless trash to God.
Do you not believe that the words of Jesus are from God and actually are God? Jesus said his words were spirit and God is spirit and life. If one accepts the words from Jesus, the truth from God, is that not the annointing of God. The Baptism of the Spirit, is that
not being washed and whelmed by the water of the word of God? Eph5:26—Was Jesus not the truth sent from God? Should we not give special attention to the confirmed words of God through Jesus? Over and above all others!
Are you not able to do as it is written in Phil.2:5 KJV,….let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus who being in the form of God thought is not robbery to be equal with God….!!
Aside from the words of Jesus, all scripture already has the thoughts of man mixed in. Every writing from each writer has suffered translation error and mans opinions. At a certain time when Paul went to Jerusalem and found Peter altering his teaching to the big
wheel Jews about the law he stood against him to his face. Peter backed down. The truth was tainted through men from the beginning. All scripture was truly written but not all scripture was true. Many times the writers opinions found forefront.
Some of Jesus' teaching was no doubt tainted but if one establishes his words and doctrines that did get printed, as lord and truth for them, plus making all other scriptures written align with what Jesus says, there is awsome power and change.
I am at the table of the wedding feast in the presence of mine enemies (those who believe in sin & unworthyness). My cup runneth over with good news from Christ. There is good food and food I don't like. I will choose the food I like that makes me feel good. By
doing this I know that surely, goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life! No sickness, disease, cancers, pain and suffering. Heaven on earth is now for those who believe.
Religion has destroyed the desire to know more of God, it has robbed us of the love of God, it attempts to destroy us on every level all the while saying, Lord, Lord! Religion tells us we are unworthy sinners trying to get to heaven. Lies, lies and more lies. I wonder who the rulers of this world are. Religious thieves, robbers and destroyers! God bless you, TK
July 13, 2010 at 1:57 pm#203540JustAskin
I did not know that Edj was advertising his website.
I don't really read his posts indepth because most of it is nonesense, like Nick Hassan's.
I will check on Edj and do the same as I suggested to you.
Remember, though, I said to check with t8/Heaven. I'll let you know in case you don't read the post where I challenge Edj.TK,
Take care how you tangle with people in this forum. I have seen you swayed by false doctrine already.
Are you a young one, Personally or Scripturally?
God breathed the breath of life into man, explicitly through his nostrils is neither here nor there. It simple means 'he came to life as a fully formed creature not evolved like the rest of creation' just as Eve was not 'evolved' but came to life from a fully formed ' unspirited' human body.
It was indeed God's Holy Spirit that entered Adam's body along with his own 'personal' spirit.
That is why Adam is called, 'Son of God' (even if he afterwards lost that status…)
July 13, 2010 at 2:26 pm#203544Tim Kraft
ParticipantQuote (JustAskin @ July 14 2010,00:57) TK, I did not know that Edj was advertising his website.
I don't really read his posts indepth because most of it is nonesense, like Nick Hassan's.
I will check on Edj and do the same as I suggested to you.
Remember, though, I said to check with t8/Heaven. I'll let you know in case you don't read the post where I challenge Edj.TK,
Take care how you tangle with people in this forum. I have seen you swayed by false doctrine already.
Are you a young one, Personally or Scripturally?
JA: Ed J only puts his email address on his posts. I didn't say he was advertising. I didn't mean to get him into problems.
I will refrain from putting my email address on posts.I'm 59years old and have spent over thirty years researching the Bible. Twenty years or more by myself. I wear no labels and serve no causes but the cause of Christ. Very few have spent that much time away from religion.
What I have found with just me and Jesus together is that 95% of the accepted doctrines of christion religion in the USA are greatly in error of the truth. I know everybody thinks they
have found the truth but one cannot truly understand the truth without seeing and understanding the error. Jesus said that seeing, they could not see and hearing, they could not hear, less they would turn and be saved. (repent and be healed, saved, forgiven, made whole, cleansed, righteous, and perfected before God) That is salvation.
Over ten thousand hours alone with Jesus/God I have some truth. You needn't worry about me. The reason for my post with email address is that I have far to many writings and they are two large for this forum.
I wouldn't try to convince anyone of my truth. My only desire is that they see and make their own choice as to its validity.
Religion has kept most people in deep darkness. Calling us imperfect, impure, unclean and sinners. All based on something we do or don't do which has no effect on salvation at all. God Bless you, TK
July 13, 2010 at 2:59 pm#203547JustAskin
If you truly sought God he would have also sought you, too. There may be something that you are not doing right.Although, he will TEST you. So, maybe he sees and hears you and you are due for your reward because you have kept the faith even if God didn't answer you the way you would have like – that was visible and obvious.
Even for the time you have spent, however – I am going to be harsh and say, "You post with some level of naivety".
If you know JustAskin, then you will take this as a complement and say, "Yeah, I'm on my way, Glory Be to Him – He has shown me the light at last!"I will be following your posts from now on – If God has called you at last – It will be shown – no fear – Just joy! Only fear God – not man!
July 13, 2010 at 6:39 pm#203567NickHassan
ParticipantHi JA,
You boast of your understanding?
Is this wise?July 13, 2010 at 7:41 pm#203575JustAskin
What's with you today.
Are you just board stiff from all your walking to and fro in the forum. Did you by chance observe my posts – that there is none other like it? Posts that revere God, and eschews evil?July 13, 2010 at 8:31 pm#203578NickHassan
ParticipantHi JA.
WowJuly 13, 2010 at 8:53 pm#203582NickHassan
ParticipantHi JA,
This boast is a classic"Did you by chance observe my posts – that there is none other like it? Posts that revere God, and eschews evil?"
July 13, 2010 at 9:39 pm#203590JustAskin
ParticipantBut do you know what it means. That is a better questions?
Or even, do you know where it is from?
July 13, 2010 at 9:44 pm#203591NickHassan
ParticipantHi JA,
From God in Job 1?
Ok you were jesting again.July 13, 2010 at 10:05 pm#203598JustAskin
ParticipantHey Nick,
Continue in this line of learning and I may even stop beating your dead donkey.
For even a donkey know when it is beaten.I'm growing some Carrots at home here but it will be a while before I can exchange my boot for the carrot.
July 13, 2010 at 10:30 pm#203613NickHassan
ParticipantHi JA,
You boot those who disagree?
We have a God of LoveJuly 13, 2010 at 10:42 pm#203620JustAskin
ParticipantSee Nick,
You only see the surface message….tush! How long should one's spirit contend with with this spiritually ignorant and superficial generation?
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