Understanding ed

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  • #224734
    Ed J


    Quote (bodhitharta @ Sep. 22 2010,14:01)
    Are you God?

    Quote (bodhitharta @ Nov. 15 2010,10:34)
    are you Lucifer?

          quran = Babylon (meaning confusion!)

    Look everybody: at how confused BD really is! (Rev.18:2,4)

    For the reader's sake:
    I(Ed J) no longer Post directly to BD, nor answer his postulating questions,
    because BD continues to make outrageous personal attacks
    which go ignored by the owner of this site.

    Ed J

    Quote (bodhitharta @ Nov. 15 2010,10:34)

    How is it flawed, ED and why is it flawed when it doesn't agree with your ideas? The fact is we can use a known acceptable system of numbers to say honestly that ED is LUCIFER=666 which happens to also say Mark of the beast=666

    Now in revelations it says the mark of the beast is 666 which in simple gematria is 111 nust like ED is Lucifer =111 in simple gematria but Revelations said use wisdom so if Mark of the beast =666 in English Gematria and ED is LUcifer=666 in English Gematria what should I think?

    Is it coincidence, are the numbers wrong or are you Lucifer?


                        Look what BD's code x6 cipher produces…  

                           allah is lord=666

    For the reader's sake:
    I(Ed J) no longer Post directly to BD, nor answer his postulating questions,
    because BD continues to make outrageous personal attacks
    which go ignored by the owner of this site.

    Ed J

    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 15 2010,13:14)

    Quote (bodhitharta @ Sep. 22 2010,14:01)
    Are you God?

    Quote (bodhitharta @ Nov. 15 2010,10:34)
    are you Lucifer?

          quran = Babylon (meaning confusion!)

    Look everybody: at how confused BD really is! (Rev.18:2,4)

    Quote (bodhitharta @ Nov. 15 2010,10:22)
    ED, The LORD God is ONE LORD.

    Quote (bodhitharta @ Nov. 15 2010,10:34)
    ED is Lucifer

    Look everyone at just how confused BD really is!!!!

    For the reader's sake:
    I(Ed J) no longer Post directly to BD, nor answer his postulating questions,
    because BD continues to make outrageous personal attacks
    which go ignored by the owner of this site.


    Quote (bodhitharta @ Nov. 15 2010,06:11)
    No, it's not a seperate discussion at all it's the same thing you just see it differently because of your own opinion of what is acceptable which in your case would include two men intimately tongue kissing each other in the park even if they were Father and Adult Son being incestuous

    You have not addressed my reasons for claiming it is a different discussion to be had regarding nudity.

    Are you trying to shock me? I have no problem with consenting adults kissing in the park if that is an expression of their sexuality. Why should I?



    Quote (david @ Nov. 03 2010,19:02)

    Quote (bodhitharta @ June 25 2010,14:44)
    Maybe there is something to it

                                                 Ed is lucifer=111
                                           Receive a mark=111
                                             Mark of beast=111
    “ed is lucifer”  in English Gematria Equals: 666

    Scary.  I am now staying away from Ed.  I always thought there was something fishy about that guy.  Now, the numbers prove it.  Can't argue with the numbers.

    Ed if these numbers are true, then you are Lucifer.

    What is your defense?

    Ed J

    Quote (t8 @ Nov. 15 2010,18:23)

    Quote (david @ Nov. 03 2010,19:02)

    Quote (bodhitharta @ June 25 2010,14:44)
    Maybe there is something to it

                                                 Ed is lucifer=111
                                           Receive a mark=111
                                             Mark of beast=111
    “ed is lucifer”  in English Gematria Equals: 666

    Scary.  I am now staying away from Ed.  I always thought there was something fishy about that guy.  Now, the numbers prove it.  Can't argue with the numbers.

    Ed if these numbers are true, then you are Lucifer.

    What is your defense?

    Hi T8,

    First let me thank you for asking this question,  (Matt.7:7 / 2Tm.3:13)
    giving me this opportunity to give you a speech! (Acts 26:1-26)

    Let me tell you: I(Ed J) have had my understanding of God's word for over 30 years
    before numbers such as ‘you’(T8) see in my Posts, were introduced to me(Ed J).

    Have ‘you’ (T8) ever seen the Jim Carrey movie called: 'Bruce Almighty'?
    Well there is a scene where he is crying out to God… “God to show me a sign”!
    He drives past one sign that says “Bridge Out” and then another that says “Caution”.
    He is completely oblivious to the “many signs”, continuing towards an incomplete Bridge.
    That is how numbers were for me, “no interest” “didn't care” and still I kept seeing the number 54,
    but didn't have a clue as to why? Then I was introduced to the book: Theomatics II by Del Washburn.

    Or Are you familiar with the Prophet Amos?
    Amos 7:14 …I was no prophet, neither was I a prophet's son;
    but I was an herdman, and a gatherer of sycomore fruit: And the LORD took me
    as I followed the flock, and the LORD said unto me, Go, prophesy unto my people Israel.

    Well my story is very similar, God still uses people today and it's my calling to
    write a book that now documents the very PROOF of God's existence.
    I have No buffeting spirit, like the Apostle Paul had, having No ego.
    YHVH(63) has even wrote about me in his book: “The Bible”(63).

    This has “only” been done (as I see things) to be used as conclusive proof of “HIS” existence.
    Without it, I would be considered just another “crackpot”, in a long history of crackpots.
    As my friend Gary Robb once said: “Nobody can know everything about everything”.
    But God's kingdom is “real” and the extent of this proof is yet to be revealed to all.

    Sorry for so long a version, but I thought you should know.
    Numbers are corroborative evidence only; nothing more.
    I have learned based on numbers No “Theology”,
    though satan might tell you (T8) differently!

    This powerful information is relatively unknown to mainstream Christianity, yet it is neither
    irrelevant nor inconsequential; and can be proven that God orchestrated it’s design! The

    “Gematria”(74) I use has a direct correlation to the “AKJV Bible”(74); cherry picked, but
    impossible for skeptics to debunk, because I did NOT orchestrate its use. This pattern
    has occurred over large time scales; diminishing the look of any mans manipulation.

    Prov.25:2 It is the glory of “God”(26) to [hide=26] a thing: but the honor of kings is to search out a matter.
    Prov.18:13 He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him.

    God bless (Joshua 22:34 / Psalm 119:98-101)
    Ed J (Isaiah 49:16 / Isaiah 60:14)

    Ed J

    Quote (t8 @ Nov. 15 2010,18:23)

    Quote (david @ Nov. 03 2010,19:02)

    Quote (bodhitharta @ June 25 2010,14:44)
    Maybe there is something to it

                                                 Ed is lucifer=111
                                           Receive a mark=111
                                             Mark of beast=111
    “ed is lucifer”  in English Gematria Equals: 666

    Scary.  I am now staying away from Ed.  I always thought there was something fishy about that guy.  Now, the numbers prove it.  Can't argue with the numbers.

    Ed if these numbers are true, then you are Lucifer.

    What is your defense?

    Hi T8,

    First let me thank you for asking this question,  (Matt.7:7 / 2Tm.3:13)
    giving me the opportunity to give you a speech! (Acts 26:1-26)

    Matt.7:7-8 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock,
    and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth;
    and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
    2Tm.3:13  f we believe not, yet he abideth faithful: he cannot deny himself.

               BD uses a flawed x6 cipher,
              which BD wrongly attributes to me!

           “The Key”(74)  is  God's Signature

    יהוה=26 (God's Name: YHVH pronounced YÄ-hä-vā)
    YHVH=63 (God's Name יהוה translated into English)
    Jesus=74 (God's Son's name in English is: “Joshua”)
    HolySpirit=151 (“FATHER: The Word”: in all believers)
    God The Father=117 (Representing “GOD”: יהוה האלהים)

    This powerful information is relatively unknown to mainstream Christianity, yet it is neither
    irrelevant nor inconsequential; and can be proven that God orchestrated it’s design! The

    “Gematria”(74) I use has a direct correlation to the “AKJV Bible”(74); cherry picked, but
    impossible for skeptics to debunk, because I did NOT orchestrate its use. This pattern
    has occurred over large time scales; diminishing the look of any mans manipulation.

    Prov.25:2 It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honor of kings is to search out a matter.
    Prov.18:13 He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him.

    Witnessing to a worldwide audience in behalf of YHVH!
    יהוה האלהים (JEHOVAH GOD) YÄ-hä-vā  hä ĔL-ō-Hêêm!
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34 / Isaiah 49:16 / Isaiah 60:14)
    http://www.holycitybiblecode.org (Ecl.9:12-16)



    Are you saying that the calculator that Bod uses is wrong and the correct calculator that you use doesn't add  'Ed is lucifer' as 111?
    If that is the case, what does  'Ed is lucifer' equal in your calculator?


    And where can we access the correct calculator?


    Quote (t8 @ Nov. 16 2010,10:10)
    And where can we access the correct calculator?


    This handy theomatic Gematria calculator comes complete with the Jewish, English and simple calculations just type in any word or phrase and get results or you can type in a number and it will give you a compiled list of phrases that have already been added such as

    Jewish =431 English = 666 Simple =111

    Ed is lucifer has already 38 Searches

    Well there is the link


    WoW!!! Look at this:

    Searches 141 Ed is moving up the charts there over 103 searches of “ED is Lucifer” in like 20 minutes

    Ed J

    Quote (t8 @ Oct. 16 2009,13:50)

    The God Numbers”=151) to verify. Such as “The LORD JEHOVAH”, “Jesus Christ” and “Holy Spirit” which all total 151

    Notice the word “the” is used in LORD, but not Holy Spirit.
    Would it not be fair to use 'The' in both rather than choosing the combination that fits with what you believe.

    I think it is fair to say that you can make many things add up the way you want. Just choose where the phrases start and finish and you have some leg room to let probability come out with your desired outcome given that there must be quite a lot of number plays in scripture that you can select from.

    I also noticed that you said that Jesus adds up to 74. But if I remember rightly, doesn't Jesus in Greek equal 888? I think the Greek in this case seems to point more to intelligent design. i.e., eight people on Noah's Ark; circumcised on the 8th day; Jesus rose on the first day 8th day of the week. I think also saviour and lord were multiples of 8, (800 each). But even in all that, Jesus Hebrew name was Joshua/Yeshua.

    Hi T8,

    In case you have forgotten, here is what was said in our last discourse.
    I re-Posted this to refresh your memory. It is taken from… Click Here
    Perhaps now that you are more familiarized with “Gematria”(74),
    you may begin to understand it's significance! Here is the transcript…

    People going off on tangents with Gematria are nothing more than a distraction
    away from the truth of God. This could be a reason why mainstream Christianity
    believes Gematria is nothing more than numerology, calling it Satanic at its core.

    Language should always supersede numbers when it comes to tying ideas together.
    Numbers, however, can and should be used as a second witness though; using
    them to help illustrate concepts of GOD more fully. Previously overlooked facts
    (for example in a criminal case) can lead to much different conclusions.

    In a civil case who speaks first plays a larger role than the defense. However
    in a criminal case, he who speaks first changes NO Facts pertinent to the case.
    I believe this is the case with Gematria. Lies and deceptions are perpetuated
    when evidences that substantiate the truth are ignored, or left un-investigated;
    leaving only distractions away from the truth.

    (I interject here to point out that Lucifer equals 74!)
    (Note: Chapter 23 is now done)

    It says plainly in Isaiah 53:12…

    …“ He (Ιησους=888 Ē-Ā-Soos=74) was numbered with the transgressors;”…
    I’m writing about this very subject in Chapter 23 of my free e-book.
    Here is a little background on this subject for you.

    Paul’s Greek-written manuscripts have the Hebrew name [יהשוע] YÄ-shü-ă
    translated into Greek as [Ιησους] Ē-Ā-Soos. Note the similarity in pronunciation
    and Gematria values for both Ē-Ā-Soos=74 and Jesus=74. While Gematria keeps
    mathematical connections in English, it tells nothing of GOD’s name [יה] YÄ being
    linguistically distanced further and further from His Word by re-transcribing a previous
    translation. Specifically, instead of transcribing the authentic Hebrew Name (יהשוע),
    the King James linguistics instead transcribed the Greek name for Jesus (Ιησους);
    which is unauthentic because it is a “translation of a translation”.
    [יהשוע] translates directly into “English”=74 as [Joshua=74] YÄ-shoe-ă=74.

    Jesus’ authentic name [יהשוע] YÄ-shü-ă has a direct connection to GOD’s name [יה]
    in that YÄ is the first part of Jesus’ Hebrew name. GOD’s name is not vocalized in
    the English translation of the name Jesus and therefore misses the precise exactness
    and direct authentic connection to God’s Hebrew name [יה] YÄ. JESUS’ NAME IN HEBREW
    יהשוע MEANS: (“YÄ IS SALVATION” [יה]+[ ישע]= יהשוע) THE SALVATION OF “GOD THE FATHER”.
    Therefore [יהשוע] “Jesus” name authentically establishes [יהוה] “JEHOVAH” as the Highest Name.
    (Phil. 2:9,11: Wherefore [Holy Spirit=151] has highly exalted [Jesus=74] giving Him a name which
    is above every name, to the glory of [GOD The Father=117].) Neither is there salvation in any other
    name: for there is no other name given among men (עושהי), whereby we must be saved. (Acts 4:12)
    People speaking fluent Hebrew know that in essence, [יהשוע] YÄ-shü-ă means: “YÄ is Savior”.
    “The Savior”=117 because “GOD The Father”=117 is the savior! (Gal. 1:1)

    My research has caused me to adjust what I have written a couple of times already.
    So I take all responses seriously. Here is an example.

    “Then we shall know, if we follow on to know the LORD (YHVH=63):
    his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain,
    as the latter rain and former unto the earth. (Hosea 6:3) [The Latter Rain=151 & Former Rain=117].

    I always thought that the former rain was during the time that the old Testament was written,
    and the latter rain started at Pentecost; but my research has convinced me this to be the case.

    The three main feasts of God are…

    1)  The Passover=148                made possible by           Joshua Messiah=148
    2)  Pentecost=117                        started the                   Former Rain=117
    3)  Feast of Booths=151                  begins                      The Latter Rain=151

    If this information is accurate, then this doctrine is actually part of the latter rain!

    “My (YHVH’s) doctrine shall drop as rain. My speech shall distil as dew,
    AS THE SMALL RAIN upon the tender herb, and AS THE SHOWERS upon
    the grass: Because I will publish the Name of “The LORD” (YHVH YÄ-hä-vā):
    and ascribe greatness to our GOD.” (Deuteronomy 32:2-3)

    Thanks and God bless,
    Ed J

    Ed J

    Quote (t8 @ Nov. 16 2010,08:13)

    Are you saying that the calculator that Bod uses is wrong and the correct calculator that you use doesn't add  Ed is lucifer as 111?
    If that is the case, what does  'Ed is lucifer' equal in your calculator?

    Hi T8,

    This, my friend, is the exact same thing that you,  BD and others accuse me of doing! (Cherry-picking)

    You are using groupings of words that add up to 111. Then, inserting my name
    in conjunction with the fallen angel lucifer, to try to discredit my research and
    prove to others that somehow you are superior and proving that I’m at best
    a nut job or at worst a false profit.

    I show these things, not to glorify myself, but to glorify God through his Son Jesus Christ.
    I(Ed J) have dedicated my life to revealing things that have been hidden (Amos 3:7)
    (those who have an ear let him hear). I say, “Let the facts, not your opinion, lead us to the correct conclusions!”

    Jesus was ridiculed and was said to be a false profit as well. (John 15:20-22)
    However, you must look at who was motivating them? Then ask; who is motivating you?
    Though they thought themselves wise they became fools. (Romans 3:8-19)

    There are consistent patterns which show up over and over in “English”(74) “Gematria”(74),
    which is what I emphasize here.  However, there is so much more that I could reveal,
    but because of your skepticism, cynicism and disbelief (doubting Thomas syndrome)
    you wouldn’t even begin to understand even if I showed you. (John 16:12)

    I try to only reveal things that are “very concrete” where most “open minded” people
    would say, “There must be something divine going on here!” (Jer.33:3)

    One more thought… All words are made up of letters; however groupings of random letters
    don’t usually make words, however every once in a while a random word will be spelled.
    This is my response to your accusation. (Rev.12:10-12)

    May the Lord open your eyes through the power of the Holy Spirit.
    “God is real”(90) and proven through the “Holy Bible”(90) as well as English Gematria!

    Witnessing to a worldwide audience in behalf of YHVH!
    יהוה האלהים (JEHOVAH GOD) YÄ-hä-vā  hä ĔL-ō-Hêêm!
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34 / Isaiah 49:16 / Isaiah 60:14)
    http://www.holycitybiblecode.org (Ecl.9:12-16)

    Ed J

    Quote (t8 @ Nov. 16 2010,10:10)
    And where can we access the correct calculator?

    Ed J

    Quote (bodhitharta @ Nov. 16 2010,11:43)
    Ed is lucifer has already 38 Searches

    That's cuz BD punched it in 38 times!


    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 16 2010,12:11)

    Quote (t8 @ Oct. 16 2009,13:50)

    The God Numbers”=151) to verify. Such as “The LORD JEHOVAH”, “Jesus Christ” and “Holy Spirit” which all total 151

    Notice the word “the” is used in LORD, but not Holy Spirit.
    Would it not be fair to use 'The' in both rather than choosing the combination that fits with what you believe.

    I think it is fair to say that you can make many things add up the way you want. Just choose where the phrases start and finish and you have some leg room to let probability come out with your desired outcome given that there must be quite a lot of number plays in scripture that you can select from.

    I also noticed that you said that Jesus adds up to 74. But if I remember rightly, doesn't Jesus in Greek equal 888? I think the Greek in this case seems to point more to intelligent design. i.e., eight people on Noah's Ark; circumcised on the 8th day; Jesus rose on the first day 8th day of the week. I think also saviour and lord were multiples of 8, (800 each). But even in all that, Jesus Hebrew name was Joshua/Yeshua.

    Hi T8,

    In case you have forgotten, here is what was said in our last discourse.
    I re-Posted this to refresh your memory. It is taken from… Click Here
    Perhaps now that you are more familiarized with “Gematria”(74),
    you may begin to understand it's significance! Here is the transcript…

    People going off on tangents with Gematria are nothing more than a distraction
    away from the truth of God. This could be a reason why mainstream Christianity
    believes Gematria is nothing more than numerology, calling it Satanic at its core.

    Language should always supersede numbers when it comes to tying ideas together.
    Numbers, however, can and should be used as a second witness though; using
    them to help illustrate concepts of GOD more fully. Previously overlooked facts
    (for example in a criminal case) can lead to much different conclusions.

    In a civil case who speaks first plays a larger role than the defense. However
    in a criminal case, he who speaks first changes NO Facts pertinent to the case.
    I believe this is the case with Gematria. Lies and deceptions are perpetuated
    when evidences that substantiate the truth are ignored, or left un-investigated;
    leaving only distractions away from the truth.

    (I interject here to point out that Lucifer equals 74!)
    (Note: Chapter 23 is now done)

    It says plainly in Isaiah 53:12…

    …“ He (Ιησους=888 Ē-Ā-Soos=74) was numbered with the transgressors;”…
    I’m writing about this very subject in Chapter 23 of my free e-book.
    Here is a little background on this subject for you.

    Paul’s Greek-written manuscripts have the Hebrew name [יהשוע] YÄ-shü-ă
    translated into Greek as [Ιησους] Ē-Ā-Soos. Note the similarity in pronunciation
    and Gematria values for both Ē-Ā-Soos=74 and Jesus=74. While Gematria keeps
    mathematical connections in English, it tells nothing of GOD’s name [יה] YÄ being
    linguistically distanced further and further from His Word by re-transcribing a previous
    translation. Specifically, instead of transcribing the authentic Hebrew Name (יהשוע),
    the King James linguistics instead transcribed the Greek name for Jesus (Ιησους);
    which is unauthentic because it is a “translation of a translation”.
    [יהשוע] translates directly into “English”=74 as [Joshua=74] YÄ-shoe-ă=74.

    Jesus’ authentic name [יהשוע] YÄ-shü-ă has a direct connection to GOD’s name [יה]
    in that YÄ is the first part of Jesus’ Hebrew name. GOD’s name is not vocalized in
    the English translation of the name Jesus and therefore misses the precise exactness
    and direct authentic connection to God’s Hebrew name [יה] YÄ. JESUS’ NAME IN HEBREW
    יהשוע MEANS: (“YÄ IS SALVATION” [יה]+[ ישע]= יהשוע) THE SALVATION OF “GOD THE FATHER”.
    Therefore [יהשוע] “Jesus” name authentically establishes [יהוה] “JEHOVAH” as the Highest Name.
    (Phil. 2:9,11: Wherefore [Holy Spirit=151] has highly exalted [Jesus=74] giving Him a name which
    is above every name, to the glory of [GOD The Father=117].) Neither is there salvation in any other
    name: for there is no other name given among men (עושהי), whereby we must be saved. (Acts 4:12)
    People speaking fluent Hebrew know that in essence, [יהשוע] YÄ-shü-ă means: “YÄ is Savior”.
    “The Savior”=117 because “GOD The Father”=117 is the savior! (Gal. 1:1)

    My research has caused me to adjust what I have written a couple of times already.
    So I take all responses seriously. Here is an example.

    “Then we shall know, if we follow on to know the LORD (YHVH=63):
    his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain,
    as the latter rain and former unto the earth. (Hosea 6:3) [The Latter Rain=151 & Former Rain=117].

    I always thought that the former rain was during the time that the old Testament was written,
    and the latter rain started at Pentecost; but my research has convinced me this to be the case.

    The three main feasts of God are…

    1)  The Passover=148                made possible by           Joshua Messiah=148
    2)  Pentecost=117                        started the                   Former Rain=117
    3)  Feast of Booths=151                  begins                      The Latter Rain=151

    If this information is accurate, then this doctrine is actually part of the latter rain!

    “My (YHVH’s) doctrine shall drop as rain. My speech shall distil as dew,
    AS THE SMALL RAIN upon the tender herb, and AS THE SHOWERS upon
    the grass: Because I will publish the Name of “The LORD” (YHVH YÄ-hä-vā):
    and ascribe greatness to our GOD.” (Deuteronomy 32:2-3)

    Thanks and God bless,
    Ed J

    yashua in Simple Gematria Equals: 75

    Can you explain?


    Do you realize that you have never denied once that you are Lucifer

    Ed J

    Quote (bodhitharta @ Nov. 16 2010,12:43)

    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 16 2010,12:11)

    Quote (t8 @ Oct. 16 2009,13:50)

    The God Numbers”=151) to verify. Such as “The LORD JEHOVAH”, “Jesus Christ” and “Holy Spirit” which all total 151

    Notice the word “the” is used in LORD, but not Holy Spirit.
    Would it not be fair to use 'The' in both rather than choosing the combination that fits with what you believe.

    I think it is fair to say that you can make many things add up the way you want. Just choose where the phrases start and finish and you have some leg room to let probability come out with your desired outcome given that there must be quite a lot of number plays in scripture that you can select from.

    I also noticed that you said that Jesus adds up to 74. But if I remember rightly, doesn't Jesus in Greek equal 888? I think the Greek in this case seems to point more to intelligent design. i.e., eight people on Noah's Ark; circumcised on the 8th day; Jesus rose on the first day 8th day of the week. I think also saviour and lord were multiples of 8, (800 each). But even in all that, Jesus Hebrew name was Joshua/Yeshua.

    Hi T8,

    In case you have forgotten, here is what was said in our last discourse.
    I re-Posted this to refresh your memory. It is taken from… Click Here
    Perhaps now that you are more familiarized with “Gematria”(74),
    you may begin to understand it's significance! Here is the transcript…

    People going off on tangents with Gematria are nothing more than a distraction
    away from the truth of God. This could be a reason why mainstream Christianity
    believes Gematria is nothing more than numerology, calling it Satanic at its core.

    Language should always supersede numbers when it comes to tying ideas together.
    Numbers, however, can and should be used as a second witness though; using
    them to help illustrate concepts of GOD more fully. Previously overlooked facts
    (for example in a criminal case) can lead to much different conclusions.

    In a civil case who speaks first plays a larger role than the defense. However
    in a criminal case, he who speaks first changes NO Facts pertinent to the case.
    I believe this is the case with Gematria. Lies and deceptions are perpetuated
    when evidences that substantiate the truth are ignored, or left un-investigated;
    leaving only distractions away from the truth.

    (I interject here to point out that Lucifer equals 74!)
    (Note: Chapter 23 is now done)

    It says plainly in Isaiah 53:12…

    …“ He (Ιησους=888 Ē-Ā-Soos=74) was numbered with the transgressors;”…
    I’m writing about this very subject in Chapter 23 of my free e-book.
    Here is a little background on this subject for you.

    Paul’s Greek-written manuscripts have the Hebrew name [יהשוע] YÄ-shü-ă
    translated into Greek as [Ιησους] Ē-Ā-Soos. Note the similarity in pronunciation
    and Gematria values for both Ē-Ā-Soos=74 and Jesus=74. While Gematria keeps
    mathematical connections in English, it tells nothing of GOD’s name [יה] YÄ being
    linguistically distanced further and further from His Word by re-transcribing a previous
    translation. Specifically, instead of transcribing the authentic Hebrew Name (יהשוע),
    the King James linguistics instead transcribed the Greek name for Jesus (Ιησους);
    which is unauthentic because it is a “translation of a translation”.
    [יהשוע] translates directly into “English”=74 as [Joshua=74] YÄ-shoe-ă=74.

    Jesus’ authentic name [יהשוע] YÄ-shü-ă has a direct connection to GOD’s name [יה]
    in that YÄ is the first part of Jesus’ Hebrew name. GOD’s name is not vocalized in
    the English translation of the name Jesus and therefore misses the precise exactness
    and direct authentic connection to God’s Hebrew name [יה] YÄ. JESUS’ NAME IN HEBREW
    יהשוע MEANS: (“YÄ IS SALVATION” [יה]+[ ישע]= יהשוע) THE SALVATION OF “GOD THE FATHER”.
    Therefore [יהשוע] “Jesus” name authentically establishes [יהוה] “JEHOVAH” as the Highest Name.
    (Phil. 2:9,11: Wherefore [Holy Spirit=151] has highly exalted [Jesus=74] giving Him a name which
    is above every name, to the glory of [GOD The Father=117].) Neither is there salvation in any other
    name: for there is no other name given among men (עושהי), whereby we must be saved. (Acts 4:12)
    People speaking fluent Hebrew know that in essence, [יהשוע] YÄ-shü-ă means: “YÄ is Savior”.
    “The Savior”=117 because “GOD The Father”=117 is the savior! (Gal. 1:1)

    My research has caused me to adjust what I have written a couple of times already.
    So I take all responses seriously. Here is an example.

    “Then we shall know, if we follow on to know the LORD (YHVH=63):
    his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain,
    as the latter rain and former unto the earth. (Hosea 6:3) [The Latter Rain=151 & Former Rain=117].

    I always thought that the former rain was during the time that the old Testament was written,
    and the latter rain started at Pentecost; but my research has convinced me this to be the case.

    The three main feasts of God are…

    1)  The Passover=148                made possible by           Joshua Messiah=148
    2)  Pentecost=117                        started the                   Former Rain=117
    3)  Feast of Booths=151                  begins                      The Latter Rain=151

    If this information is accurate, then this doctrine is actually part of the latter rain!

    “My (YHVH’s) doctrine shall drop as rain. My speech shall distil as dew,
    AS THE SMALL RAIN upon the tender herb, and AS THE SHOWERS upon
    the grass: Because I will publish the Name of “The LORD” (YHVH YÄ-hä-vā):
    and ascribe greatness to our GOD.” (Deuteronomy 32:2-3)

    Thanks and God bless,
    Ed J

    yashua in Simple Gematria Equals
    : 75

    Can you explain?

    The systems of religion and traditions of men communicate…
    distortions of truth, confusion of mind, and distractions of spirit

    Ed J

    Quote (bodhitharta @ Nov. 16 2010,12:49)
    Do you realize that you have never denied once that you are Lucifer

    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 15 2010,13:14)

    Quote (bodhitharta @ Sep. 22 2010,14:01)
    Are you God?

    Quote (bodhitharta @ Nov. 15 2010,10:34)
    are you Lucifer?

          quran = Babylon (meaning confusion!)

    Look everybody: at how confused BD really is! (Rev.18:2,4)

    Quote (bodhitharta @ Nov. 15 2010,10:22)
    ED, The LORD God is ONE LORD.

    Quote (bodhitharta @ Nov. 15 2010,10:34)
    ED is Lucifer

    Look everyone at just how confused BD really is!!!!

    For the reader's sake:
    I(Ed J) no longer Post directly to BD, nor answer his postulating questions,
    because BD continues to make outrageous personal attacks
    which go ignored by the owner of this site.


    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 16 2010,13:00)

    Quote (bodhitharta @ Nov. 16 2010,12:49)
    Do you realize that you have never denied once that you are Lucifer

    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 15 2010,13:14)

    Quote (bodhitharta @ Sep. 22 2010,14:01)
    Are you God?

    Quote (bodhitharta @ Nov. 15 2010,10:34)
    are you Lucifer?

          quran = Babylon (meaning confusion!)

    Look everybody: at how confused BD really is! (Rev.18:2,4)

    Quote (bodhitharta @ Nov. 15 2010,10:22)
    ED, The LORD God is ONE LORD.

    Quote (bodhitharta @ Nov. 15 2010,10:34)
    ED is Lucifer

    Look everyone at just how confused BD really is!!!!

    For the reader's sake:
    I(Ed J) no longer Post directly to BD, nor answer his postulating questions,
    because BD continues to make outrageous personal attacks
    which go ignored by the owner of this site.

    See T8 I told you ED was identifying himself with God. Notice how he thinks I have called him both lucifer and God although it is clear that I was not calling him God saying to him:

    ED, The Lord God is One Lord

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