Understanding ed

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  • #199774

    Hey everyone, Not that anyone has bought into ED's mystery number system but if anyone has and would like to make up anything about anyone and make it seem legit with numbers here is the easiest way to do it

    First of all simply go to a website with a calculator such as my favorite


    Now once you get there you can simply write phrases and then take the number of the phrase and put it next to it to make it seem important.

    Now ED likes to use certain numbers over and over to really give them a sense of importance so you could just look up that number and see all the words and phrases it adds up to, now remember they really don't mean anything but heck it's fun and ED has even built his spiritual career off of it.

    ED is Lucifer=111
    Lucifer hades=111

    Of course there is no actual connection but the numbers make it seem so


    “ed is lucifer” in English Gematria Equals: 666

    Scary huh, I hope that ones not true


    Maybe there is something to it

    Ed is lucifer=111
    Receive a mark=111
    Mark of beast=111
    “ed is lucifer” in English Gematria Equals: 666



    This is an 'Inappropriate thread'

    It will be deleted unless you can justify why you have created it.

    Please do so in your next post here.




    I think you make a good point!


    Ed J

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ June 25 2010,16:34)

    I think you make a good point!


    Hi WJ,

    Are you forgetting who the real enemy is? (Mark 8:31-38)

    1 John 4:20 If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar:
    for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen,
    how can he love God whom he hath not seen?

    Matt.5:23-24 Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar,
    and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee;
    Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled
    to thy brother (Click Here), and then come and offer thy gift. (Then Click Here)

    Ed J (Luke 21:33-36 / Eccl.9:12-16)
    http://www.holycitybiblecode.org (Isaiah 60:14)


    The reason why I created this thread was because ED has for several months set up a scenario of appearing to have special or secret knowledge
    While some may pay no attention to this “knowledge” others who do not understand his methods may be seduced by the repetitive use and structure
    of these “codes” lending them credibility when used with The Holy Bible.

    This has been an evolution initially ED presented his case calling these “the God Numbers” and his usage pro-spiritual and not derogatory or demeaning to individual or in my case
    The Quran or Islam and while I have no problem with anyone being derogatory or demeaning to something they don't heed to the problem was when I showed ED that his system
    worked well with Islam too but then I realized more and more that we were creating meaning not that there was any because if there was meaning ED wouldn't have been able to
    reject the positive Islam combinations and from that point he started creating all sorts of number codes as a tool to degrade and I had warned him previously that after looking over exactly
    how he was calculating that with not too much effort I could put together something that seemed dreadful if he “really believed”

    Notice in my first post I wrote

    Of course there is no actual connection but the numbers make it seem so

    Now also note I called the thread understanding ED which clearly gives him room to respond and explain if the system he uses is valid or invalid
    I believe especially here in the “skeptics” section it is appropriate to challenge his usage of numbers just as I have been challenged for my belief
    and commitment to Islam and The Quran.

    Finally I made the second post to make extremely clear that either he has to admit his system is essentially arbitrary , subjective and without merit
    or he has to consider he may be the beast of revelations(once again my view is the former)


    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ June 25 2010,16:34)

    I think you make a good point!


    God Bless :)


    Quote (Ed J @ June 25 2010,17:55)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ June 25 2010,16:34)

    I think you make a good point!


    Hi WJ,

    Are you forgetting who the real enemy is? (Mark 8:31-38)

    1 John 4:20 If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar:
    for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen,
    how can he love God whom he hath not seen?

    Matt.5:23-24 Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar,
    and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee;
    Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled
    to thy brother (Click Here), and then come and offer thy gift. (Then Click Here)

    Ed J (Luke 21:33-36 / Eccl.9:12-16)
    http://www.holycitybiblecode.org (Isaiah 60:14)

    How is it you still don't believe what YOU said about Keith:

    Hi Kieth,

    You do add a lot, helping others see “Bible Truth” that they would not ordinarily see;
    because while we all have this blind spot, others can see past our blind spot, while we cannot!

    He said nothing against you as a person nor did he argue but somehow you were offended and need an apology?

    Vanity of vanities



    You made a reasonable case.

    All of us have a 'pet topic' that is 'Scripturally unsafe' and try to germinate that seed of a top into a 'belief'.

    I know about EDj's numbers and have asked him many times to refine it and also to into account a demonstrate explaining the 'negatives'.

    However, please be mindful of trying to get others to make a personal attack on an indivual. This is caused 'mass bullying'.

    By all means make genuine robust counter claims and arguments but an outright attack encouragung others, is not on.

    Watch for the distress, that is the secret… If you vehently disagree because it is so unscriptural as to be 'heretical', then press the 'report this post' button. That's what it's for.
    Vigilantyism is not to be encouraged.


    Keep the post to genuine 'Cordial aggression'… So you can smile with you opposer afterwards…that's the secret…

    And Edj, please take note also.
    I have warned you already that you were distressing others with your numbers theiry, in its present form.
    I do see that you reduced it …but have started to grow it vigourously again…beware of the block…, else you yourself may come under further scrutiny.

    Keep it 'cordially aggressive'


    Ed, there is a point here. Like I said, if numbers are used in gemetria to prove something, they can be used in anyway, such as what they can say about you, if you believe your numbers are PROOF then do you also believe theyre proof your lucifer or 666? of course not, which is why I dont believe much of Gemetria.

    Tim Kraft

    The number system may be good it may be bad it may work or not work it may help or not help. Jesus did not use or teach such a system. I made Jesus lord of my life. I will follow him only. I hope those who use the number system are blessed. With love, TK


    Hey Ed.

    COMPUTER = 666.

    Might have to use your phone to make posts to Heaven Net, although technically speaking, smartphones are computers too.


    Jesus Christ
    Holy Spirit
    Jesus Is Lord
    Muhammad Glory
    The God Numbers
    Jesus Glory
    Lord Of Hosts
    Kenny Rogers
    He Who Is Chosen

    all equal 906 in English Gematria.

    What is the conclusion then?


    You know T8

    It's really funny how it got started with me and ED and the war of the number system
    at first he was using it positively but then I happened to notice that whenever I applied
    something positve about what I believe he suddenly would call foul the best example was
    when ED declared that 151 for what ever reason was super special like 117 so out of curiosty
    I added up ALLAH and the word =34 so I added 117+34=151 and ED from that point started down a bad path
    so bad as to develop numbers he had not previously stuck to nor gave meaning to until he was
    pertaining to me or anything Islam suddenly 114, 83, 71 all numbers that were not part of his system and
    are not in his book became relevent and that's when I realized there was no actual REAL system

    A real system would have say certain rules especially pertaining to math, in actual Numerology for instance each base number
    has a characteristic 1 pertains to leadership 2 pertains to cooperation 3 creativity and so on and on but ED's system has no
    sort of mechanism to interpret.

    I remember a good numbers story before basically it goes first there was man and he was alone 1 and of course being alone he like things done his own way but then God made him a mate 2 so he had to learn to cooperate and be peacefu.l their love caused them to procreate 3
    they had more fun and felt blessed but after creating a child they felt the need to build 4 a shelter,organize and manage thier life and upon
    realizing he to know more about his surroundings and continue to grow he traveled 5 and experimented he used his five senses to the fullest
    he realized there was so much more so upon returning to what was now his home 6 he decided that he would spend time having more children and building more homes so after a time when life was very social and filled with events he knew that he needed to insure that all the people
    reflected and remember 7 His creator God so he set aside another building that was set apart(holy) for the soul purpose of the study, contemplation and worship of God after some time when others wanted to move around switch houses and utilize various amounts of resources
    he had to commercialize 8 and invent capital or ways to regulate resources which also made him prosperous so after expanding he realized at some point during all the transactions some people were not creating wealth of their own or became less able to through age or sickness so he became philanthropic 9 and he knew that as at one point he was all alone he saw everyone now as one universal being that God created


    Quote (Ed J @ June 25 2010,01:55)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ June 25 2010,16:34)

    I think you make a good point!


    Hi WJ,

    Are you forgetting who the real enemy is? (Mark 8:31-38)

    1 John 4:20 If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar:
    for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen,
    how can he love God whom he hath not seen?

    Matt.5:23-24 Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar,
    and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee;
    Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled
    to thy brother (Click Here), and then come and offer thy gift. (Then Click Here)

    Ed J (Luke 21:33-36 / Eccl.9:12-16)
    http://www.holycitybiblecode.org (Isaiah 60:14)


    You have been found out. I have seen you on other forums pushing your agenda on those who do not know how or what to respond to.

    But you come here and find out differently! You have no special secrets or codes to interpret scriptures.

    I am interested in the truth and it doesn't matter if God speaks it through a Jack ass!

    BTW, I am in no way saying BD is a Jack ass!  :)





    Even after all this, I still think there is something to gematria, namely from the number system that the scriptures are written in because the number system is built into the alphabet and in Revelation it does say that we can work out the number of the beast.

    Some interesting facts with Greek Gematria.

    Jesus = 888
    Lord = 800
    Christ = 1480
    Saviour = 1408
    Son of man = 2960
    Truth = 64

    These are all multiples of 8.

    And if the beast is 666, then a pattern starts to emerge because 6 is the day man was created and the beast's number us said to be the number of man or a man.

    But I think this whole thing can be taken too far, even to the point of saying that it is not true if the gematria doesn't add up. The real problem with these numbers is that there are many variations and you can always cleverly add up what you want to say what you want. If it doesn't add up the way you want it, then change a few words till you get the desired result.

    The other thing is the English language is not a logical language. It takes from other languages and new words are created from slang, abbreviations, and technology that men name for whatever reason. Plus the number system is not built into the alphabet meaning that you can decide what number base to use increasing the chances of making it say what you want it to say.


    Hi Ed, I dont believe Gemetria proves anything myself but theres intersting things in numbers without needing to add anything up! example the number seven..

    Seven days of creation

    Noah took the clean beasts into the ark by sevens

    Seven days after Noah went into the ark the flood came.

    Seven colours of the rainbow

    The light of the sun is made up of seven distinct colours.

    Before Aaron and his sons entered their priestly work they were consecrated seven days

    On the day of atonement the high priest sprinkled the blood upon the mercy seat seven times.

    When Israel took the city of Jericho God told them to march around the city seven times.

    On the seventh day, they completed their marching.

    Seven feast days of the Lord… Passover, Unleavened, First-fruits, Pentecost, Atonement, Trumpets and Tabernacle

    There were seven branches on the Candlestick in the Holy Place in the Tabernacle.

    Solomon was seven years in building the Temple and kept the Feast for seven days

    Job had seven sons. When his friends came to visit him they sat seven days and seven nights in silence, and afterward they were required to offer a Burnt Offering of seven bullocks and seven rams.

    Naaman washed seven times in the Jordan.

    Seven years of plenty and seven years of famine in Egypt

    Jesus said to “forgive seventy times seven”

    The Saviour spoke seven words from the Cross.

    Seven Dispensations — Innocence, Conscience, Government, Patriarchal, Law, Grace, and Milleniah Age.

    Revelation: seven golden candlesticks, seven letters to seven churches, a book sealed with seven seals, seven angels standing before the Lord with seven trumpets, seven thunders and seven last plagues.

    The Bible has declared man's years to be three score and ten (70)

    The pulse beats slower every seven days.(seventh day of rest)

    Changes take place in the body every seven years.

    In music there are seven distinct notes which climax in a chord or octave at the beginning of a new seven.

    Some taken from here:




    This is what i keep saying to Edj.

    Has anyone seen my posts, or thought anything of it at the time?

    I told Edj that he may have something but he needs to develop it into a credible theory along with how to explain 'non God' words for his 'God numbers' and 'non bad' words for the 'non God numbers'

    Edj, did I not say this to you?


    Quote (t8 @ June 25 2010,17:48)
    Even after all this, I still think there is something to gematria, namely from the number system that the scriptures are written in because the number system is built into the alphabet and in Revelation it does say that we can work out the number of the beast.

    Some interesting facts with Greek Gematria.

    Jesus = 888
    Lord = 800
    Christ = 1480
    Saviour = 1408
    Son of man = 2960
    Truth = 64

    These are all multiples of 8.

    And if the beast is 666, then a pattern starts to emerge because 6 is the day man was created and the beast's number us said to be the number of man or a man.

    But I think this whole thing can be taken too far, even to the point of saying that it is not true if the gematria doesn't add up. The real problem with these numbers is that there are many variations and you can always cleverly add up what you want to say what you want. If it doesn't add up the way you want it, then change a few words till you get the desired result.

    The other thing is the English language is not a logical language. It takes from other languages and new words are created from slang, abbreviations, and technology that men name for whatever reason. Plus the number system is not built into the alphabet meaning that you can decide what number base to use increasing the chances of making it say what you want it to say.


    The problem is there is way to much room for error.

    As you said languages change and even words are lost in translation.

    So how in the world could it be said there is some secret code to the Bible which originated in different languages and alphabets with any accuracy at all?

    If there is some kind of numerical code then wouldn't it stand to reason that you would use the original languages, words, and alphabet?


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