Unconditional love

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  • #150172

    Hi FOJ,
    Toss out the catholic theology books and let God teach you from the Word.


    I Have Never Read Anything On Catholocism


    Hi FOJ,
    Good call.

    Let scripture alone teach us and let it support itself.
    No additional inference or use of logic to tie it together.


    Anyway back to the topic of this forum

    Unconditional Love


    followerofJesus,Oct. wrote:


    I do accept Jesus and his teachings

    But by your own words it is clear that you don't

    I heard talk like this before

    and often it comes from the mouths of Jehovahs witnesses

    Not just accepting his teachings but obeying it as well.

    Enough of this

    This is not doing either of us any good

    Though we BOTH need to study the word

    Pray to GOD ask for Insight, Wisdom, Guidance, Understanding

    What do you say?[/quote

    This should be under the trinity section and I hope Nick is not going to get mad, please  since FOJ comes here, I did that.
    I would like to give you some Scriptures that can prove that there is no trinity.  But first I would like to tell you some details of my former understanding.  We came out of Catholic Church and I taught the doctrine of the trinity to all 4 of our Children.  The doctrine is 3in1 all equal,  However by Jesus own words He said this.
    John 14:28 …….for my Father is greater than I.  He always said too, that He will always do what His Father wants Him to.

    Ephesians 4:6  one God and Father of all, who is above all, and in us all.
    1 Corinth.8:4  ” “And that there is none other God but one.”
    Deut. 4:35 “Unto thee it was shewed , that thou mightiest know, that the LORD He is God, there is none else beside Him,”

    Deut. 6:4 “Hear, O, Israel, the LORD our God is one LORD.”

    The first Christian did not keep that Doctrine.
    It was a man made doctrine.  Quintus Septimus Florens Tertullian.  He was born in A.D. 155 by Pagan Parents.  e was educated in philosophy, Greek, and Latin.  It is said that the trinity doctrine is His best achievement for Christianity.

    Also after almost three centuries of brutal and bloody persecution of the Christians it was Constantine  in A.D. 313 who was the Roman emperor issued and edit permitting all Christians full freedom to practise their religion.

    A.D. 321 Constantine issued an edit forbidding work on Sundays and making it the day of worship.

    He not only changed the Sabbath worship to Sunday, but also changed all Holy Days into Holidays like Christmas and Easter.  He even changed the times.  We are since then under a Roman Calendar. If you have a James King Rye study Bible all the Months of God are listed there.  Also all the Holy Days are listed in Lev. 23
    There is much more on Constantine, but this is the most important of what He did.  Also I can prove to you, that Christ is not born on Dec. 25.  It was Nimrods Birthday.  All is so sad to me.
    Coming out of the Churches that teach the trinity is not easy, I understand that.  But if we love Brother, Sister, Mother more then Christ we are not worthy of Him.
    This information about Tertulliun is in the Encyclopedia Britannica.  We also have a Book given t us by a Baptist Minster about Tertullian.  What Constantine did is also in those Books.
    It is not my understanding.  And it was not easy for me to come out of the Catholic Church.  but today I am so thankful to God that He did call us out of that system.
    The next information should be under Constantine, I don't know how this got down here.
    In A.D. 324 Constantine established Christianity as the official religion of his empire.

    Peace and Love Irene


    Many people have come to 'disprove God'

    Has come to raise confusion

    We are warned that in the end times many deceivers would cone to deceive peoplem many false prophets

    So to all those who do not believe in Jesus

    Question whether he is God

    Have you been deceived?

    or Are you a False Prohet?

    I guess if you have been deceived, Only God can enlighten you

    If you are indeed a False Prophet, you wont admit it anyway

    Either way I advise that we all seek the truth

    Focus on Matthew 18 verse 6 and 7

    Often truth is mixed with lie

    which makes their deception attempts to confuse people so effective

    Proverbs is a very good book to focus on

    Chapter 9 is good


    Quote (followerofJesus @ Oct. 13 2009,17:15)
    Anyway back to the topic of this forum

    Unconditional Love



    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Oct. 12 2009,04:17)
    For all this is,”YOU’RE BIRTHRIGHT”:      
    You are born a son of God, inside of God; there is no outside of God! God is omnipresent, everywhere at all times.If God is not somewhere I need to know where He is not! God is like a bubble of creative, comprehensive source,or spirit that has no wall or sides forever! No form, all encompassing.He doesn't come and go he's already there. Only in a human mind can God be believed apart.So this being true we all came from the same source. In the beginning was God. God is all things and in all things. From this source of creative life came all that is. God created a physical body, called it man, breathed his life source into the man and he became a living soul. If you take the breath of God out of a man he is dead. So, where is God? God/Man make ONE. Every time a child is born and takes a breath of life/God, that is a child of God. The only way one could be apart from God is to believe he is. Only in the mind can you appear to move to or from God. In reality nothing changes. You are a son or daughter of God, a piece of God, part of God‘s substance, offspring of God.. Now and forever, no matter what crazy (religious) ideas you might have about yourself, that one thing cannot change. You will always be a child of God in Truth. No matter what religious, deceptive thoughts you may have believed, if you ever turn to the Truth this is what you are. Religion is mans created ideas of who and where God is and what he wants man to do. There are things written in the old testament where a man has declared something that he says, God said, but in Truth, the God of Jesus did not make that declaration. A recommendation, follow only what Jesus said! Wherever God is that is where you are. You must recognize your oneness with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Three plus one equals ONE! All from same source. In the beginning was God! Everything, then, came from God. This is your birthright! There is nothing for you to do, nothing to say except I now recognize and have become aware oh God of our ONENESS from the beginning!  Every religious doctrine, scripture, fable or story must align to ONE! Jesus taught ONENESS FOR BELIEVERS not separation. Religion teaches people to separate themselves from sinners, that is why there are so many doctrines and denominations.If you see sin in others you have judged them and made youself guilty! Your judgment does not affect them it affects you. The only actual sinner is one that believes he is a sinner. Religion teaches you good and evil and then tells you not to judge one another. If there is evil that you are not supposed to be a part of shouldn’t you know what it is? You can’t have a choice of good and evil and not make a judgment. The original fall of man was believing in good and evil. Religion teaches you that God loves you so much yet you never know when he might take your life, or make you sick. Jesus said the religious leaders appear clean and proper on the outside but on the inside they are full of dead men’s bones.So, if God is Omnipresent then everything is inside God. Nothing exists outside of God. God is Source of all things. God is all inclusive, no one is excluded or put out or away. Did anyone hear what was just written? No one is excluded! If the devil existed he would be included. Gay people are INCLUDED you pious religious fool’s. Gay’s are just as much son’s of God as anyone else. God is androgynous! Male and female! Humans are both male and female. What you fools must be thinking in your ignorance is that, if there is more female hormones in a man than male hormones God does not accept them? Your stupidity is only outdone by your hateful willingness to try to degrade another human being. May we all show more love & mercy than some of the religious, finger pointing, hate mongers! The Jesus you say you follow would never condemn anyone. How about you, why don’t you see if you can change yourself to lust and desire after your same sex. If you can’t change your sexual desires then how can they? How dare anyone tell another human being that because of their sexual choices they are not proper son’s of God. How dare anyone condemn another human for wanting to love and join with another. Beware those who believe in sin in the other person will personally reap the tortures and fires of hell (which is sickness and disease) within you as your sick condemnation works its work in your body! When those you call gays they are not being trampled under foot by misguided, Bible toting, finger pointers they are some of the funniest, happiest, zestful people I’ve ever seen. Most older religious folks look like they have been sucking on a lemon most of their lives because they believe in sin. Wash clean your hateful, spiteful heart of those evil doctrines so as to see clearly if you truly want to condemn their innocence. The wonder of Love is that no one is displayed as higher, better, smarter, nicer etc. just ONE/EQUAL! Read John 17:11 through 23. Six times Jesus refers to all being One in God. Read I Corinthians chapter twelve and note all the way through, One Spirit, One Lord, One God, One Body, One Christ, One message and One calling to all! That’s right, we are all called with the same calling of God. Whatever Jesus is, we are, there is no separation. We are his physical body, he is our spiritual body. ONE! All are accepted, all are loved, all are perfect, all are righteous, clean, pure!
    So, baptize yourself by washing away evil doctrines  (or doctrines that say there is evil) with the words of Christ. This is being baptized of the Holy Spirit. You believe and receive the Holy(Whole) Spirit; you accept what the Holy Spirit/words of God say about you. You become whole spirit when you no longer see yourself as separate from God. Water baptism is of no value to anyone as natural H2o water goes except for getting clean physically. It is a picture of the true baptism of Spirit. GOD’S WORDS are spirit and they are life. As you partake of or ingest Truth/Light, darkness belief’s go away and what is left is God/Truth/Holy Spirit. As awareness comes forth from the Truth it will wash away and cast out devils/deception or any unclean thoughts of unworthiness or sinful nature or anything contrary to perfection. This is the Truth baptism. Take the word of God and wash away all thoughts of unworthiness, ungodliness, sinfulness, un-forgiveness or any other thought that taints or detracts from the truth of pure perfection. Stand tall as the True Son of God that you are and tell everyone, whosoever accepts, becomes! Those destructive words come only from a misguided religious person, do this, don’t do that, that’s a sin, that’s wrong, you might go to hell if you do that, etc.! You only accept and believe, God has done the work. Know that you are pure. God has cleansed you with his word, the Truth, that you always were pure you were just indoctrinated wrong. You are clean and always were clean, you are God’s offspring, just believe it. The simplicity of the truth has caused many to stumble over the cornerstone, Jesus the Christ of God, the Spirit of God, and the Word of God. To just believe seems too easy. People think they must do something to be good or go somewhere or try something. Wrong, you already are! You were created perfect. You never were bad. In the beginning there was no evil. You are a child of or offspring of perfection. You came from perfection. Only error (sin) teaching has ever told you different if in reference to God. Learn to trust the words of Jesus, they are final. God Bless all, TK

    I keep losing my place trying to read it bro, a few paragrapsh would help.

    Tim I do enjoy r
    eading your stuff, but help me out a little.


    Quote (followerofJesus @ Oct. 13 2009,14:00)


    Its sad to know that you believe that Jesus is not God

    Are you Jehovahs witness?

    Im not a JW, and I dont believe Jesus is God, but I do believe he sits on his right hand.


    Hi FOJ,
    Is Jesus not the Son of God? He said he is and I believe him.


    Quote (followerofJesus @ Oct. 23 2009,00:12)
    Many people have come to 'disprove God'

    Has come to raise confusion

    We are warned that in the end times many deceivers would cone to deceive peoplem many false prophets

    So to all those who do not believe in Jesus

    Question whether he is God

    Have you been deceived?

    or Are you a False Prohet?

    I guess if you have been deceived, Only God can enlighten you

    If you are indeed a False Prophet, you wont admit it anyway

    Either way I advise that we all seek the truth

    Focus on Matthew 18 verse 6 and 7

    Often truth is mixed with lie

    which makes their deception attempts to confuse people so effective

    Proverbs is a very good book to focus on

    Chapter 9 is good

    The ones that do not believe in the trinity are not confused at all. However those that believe in the trinity worship in vain, according to Scripture.
    The trinity is not of God but of men. You should look up all post that are made in the trinity section. You might learn something. Nowhere i the Bible will you find the trinity written. One scripture that I like the best is
    Ephesians 4:6
    John 14:28
    1 Corinth.8:4
    I will write this one out.
    1 Corinth. 11:3 the head of every man is Christ, the head of a woman is man, and the head of Christ is God.

    Do yourself a favor and google Quintus Septimus Florens Tertullian.

    Tim Kraft

    Jesus said that he and the father were one! How many are one plus one? There is only one source with billions of aspects. Nick, are you a son of God? I say you are, what do you say? TK


    Hi TK,
    So one and one are two.
    Father and Son united in God's Spirit.
    How come you got confused as it is elementary?


    Quote (followerofJesus @ Oct. 23 2009,00:12)
    Many people have come to 'disprove God'

    Has come to raise confusion

    We are warned that in the end times many deceivers would cone to deceive peoplem many false prophets

    So to all those who do not believe in Jesus

    Question whether he is God

    Have you been deceived?

    or Are you a False Prohet?

    I guess if you have been deceived, Only God can enlighten you

    If you are indeed a False Prophet, you wont admit it anyway

    Either way I advise that we all seek the truth

    Focus on Matthew 18 verse 6 and 7

    Often truth is mixed with lie

    which makes their deception attempts to confuse people so effective

    Proverbs is a very good book to focus on

    Chapter 9 is good

    Tell me something did I prophecy, or did I show you by Scriptures, that the trinity is a false doctrine, and not of God.
    You have been warned and now it is up to you, if you heed or not. I will show you one more Scripture,and if the Shoe fits, wear it.
    Math. 15:9 In vain do they worship me, teaching the doctrine the commandment of men.
    Don't believe me.
    We are to prove all things it says in1 Thes. 5:21
    All what I have written about Tertullian are in the Encyclopedia Britannica. And in the Bible.


    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Oct. 23 2009,08:56)
    Jesus said that he and the father were one! How many are one plus one? There is only one source with billions of aspects. Nick, are you a son of God? I say you are, what do you say? TK

    We are one with them also. But the Holy Spirit is the Fathers Spirit and not a person. We are one in the believe that the LORD God our Father is greater then all. And I have given Scriptures to prove that. The trinity is nowhere to be found in the Bible.

    Franky T

    Here's a quick question….I was raised as a Jehovah's Witness all of my life, and altho I'm disfellowshipped and try to stay as far away from their organization as much as humanly possible. I'm trying to reconnect with my personal savior, and by doing so, I'm still finding it hard to believe that a God,(whom I will always call Jehovah) who displays his unconditional love every day in my life, would create a place for us as humans to spend all of eternity in a place of firery torment otherwise known as hell, for transgressions made in such a short period of existence. I mean don't get me wrong, but I think that given a different set of circumstances, maybe even a different upbringing, that even Hitler would have been deserving of a second chance

    Ed J

    Quote (Franky T @ Feb. 16 2010,01:29)
    Here's a quick question….I was raised as a Jehovah's Witness all of my life, and altho I'm disfellowshipped and try to stay as far away from their organization as much as humanly possible.  I'm trying to reconnect with my personal savior, and by doing so, I'm still finding it hard to believe that a God,(whom I will always call Jehovah) who displays his unconditional love every day in my life, would create a place for us as humans to spend all of eternity in a place of firery torment otherwise known as hell, for transgressions made in such a short period of existence. I mean don't get me wrong, but I think that given a different set of  circumstances, maybe even a different upbringing, that even Hitler would have been deserving of a second chance

    Hi Frank,

    This place of torment is only a temporary place for people.
    This has been misrepresented by many religious zealots.
    If you want the Scriptural backing just ask; OK?

    God bless
    Ed J


    Quote (Franky T @ Feb. 16 2010,01:29)
    Here's a quick question….I was raised as a Jehovah's Witness all of my life, and altho I'm disfellowshipped and try to stay as far away from their organization as much as humanly possible.  I'm trying to reconnect with my personal savior, and by doing so, I'm still finding it hard to believe that a God,(whom I will always call Jehovah) who displays his unconditional love every day in my life, would create a place for us as humans to spend all of eternity in a place of firery torment otherwise known as hell, for transgressions made in such a short period of existence. I mean don't get me wrong, but I think that given a different set of  circumstances, maybe even a different upbringing, that even Hitler would have been deserving of a second chance

    God who is love would never do that. (eternal torment)

    That is just a wedge people use to cause us to fear God for all the wrong reasons, to destroy the true love God first showed us.

    God doesnt stay angry forever. We get our love from God.
    True love has no fear.


    Quote (followerofJesus @ Oct. 12 2009,21:57)

    God Loves us (humans) ALOT.

    If you read the Bible you would know how much.

    Though I have had…difficulty…accepting Unconditional Love.

    Always thinking there is some sort of catch.

    Though its reassuring to Know that God loves us.

    When one feels distant from God.

    And or knows that what they are doing is Wrong in his eyes.

    Also when trials and tribulations come your way and one feels as though God has abandoned them even though Heb 13 verse 5 and Josh 1 verse 5 says otherwise.

    So how would someone remind themselves of Gods Love

    If there is any testimonies you want to share then that would be appreciated as well

    Peace and God bless you

    Hi followerof Jesus

    I try to please God. God called me first, so I learned that allthough he was disciplining me, it was out of love.

    I had to obey first and listen,

    There was a time after when I spent every spare minute I had on the net or reading books, trying to find some group of people who also shared my beliefs. Trying to find 'the truth' Eventually I started going to an adventist church. But in my searching, I lost God in the process, or so I thought. I even stopped praying. I started becoming overcome with problems, I started drinking. I became angry at people (where previously Id felt love).

    But I turned back to God. I forced myself to pray. I asked forgivness. And you know what- one day I felt God there again!

    Someone said to me-  you were never lost, God just wanted to let you learn on your own.

    When trails and tribulations do come your way, leave it all in Gods hands.
    I say 'whatever God wills', God knows all and all works out if you just leave it in Gods hands. Remaining peacefull is the key and allowing God to lead us. Trusting in him! Cause if you trust in him, that is all you need!

    Ed J

    Quote (karmarie @ Feb. 18 2010,08:38)

    Quote (Franky T @ Feb. 16 2010,01:29)
    Here's a quick question….I was raised as a Jehovah's Witness all of my life, and altho I'm disfellowshipped and try to stay as far away from their organization as much as humanly possible.  I'm trying to reconnect with my personal savior, and by doing so, I'm still finding it hard to believe that a God,(whom I will always call Jehovah) who displays his unconditional love every day in my life, would create a place for us as humans to spend all of eternity in a place of firery torment otherwise known as hell, for transgressions made in such a short period of existence. I mean don't get me wrong, but I think that given a different set of  circumstances, maybe even a different upbringing, that even Hitler would have been deserving of a second chance

    God who is love would never do that. (eternal torment)

    That is just a wedge people use to cause us to fear God for all the wrong reasons, to destroy the true love God first showed us.

    God doesnt stay angry forever. We get our love from God.
    True love has no fear.

    Hi Karmarie,

    Religious leaders use this futuristic threat to get people under their control!
    The systems of religion and traditions of men communicate
    distortions of truth, confusion of mind, and distractions of spirit

    God bless
    Ed J

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