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- October 12, 2009 at 9:57 am#149856
God Loves us (humans) ALOT.
If you read the Bible you would know how much.
Though I have had…difficulty…accepting Unconditional Love.
Always thinking there is some sort of catch.
Though its reassuring to Know that God loves us.
When one feels distant from God.
And or knows that what they are doing is Wrong in his eyes.
Also when trials and tribulations come your way and one feels as though God has abandoned them even though Heb 13 verse 5 and Josh 1 verse 5 says otherwise.
So how would someone remind themselves of Gods Love
If there is any testimonies you want to share then that would be appreciated as well
Peace and God bless you
October 12, 2009 at 11:17 am#149859Tim Kraft
ParticipantFor all this is,”YOU’RE BIRTHRIGHT”:
You are born a son of God, inside of God; there is no outside of God! God is omnipresent, everywhere at all times.If God is not somewhere I need to know where He is not! God is like a bubble of creative, comprehensive source,or spirit that has no wall or sides forever! No form, all encompassing.He doesn't come and go he's already there. Only in a human mind can God be believed apart.So this being true we all came from the same source. In the beginning was God. God is all things and in all things. From this source of creative life came all that is. God created a physical body, called it man, breathed his life source into the man and he became a living soul. If you take the breath of God out of a man he is dead. So, where is God? God/Man make ONE. Every time a child is born and takes a breath of life/God, that is a child of God. The only way one could be apart from God is to believe he is. Only in the mind can you appear to move to or from God. In reality nothing changes. You are a son or daughter of God, a piece of God, part of God‘s substance, offspring of God.. Now and forever, no matter what crazy (religious) ideas you might have about yourself, that one thing cannot change. You will always be a child of God in Truth. No matter what religious, deceptive thoughts you may have believed, if you ever turn to the Truth this is what you are. Religion is mans created ideas of who and where God is and what he wants man to do. There are things written in the old testament where a man has declared something that he says, God said, but in Truth, the God of Jesus did not make that declaration. A recommendation, follow only what Jesus said! Wherever God is that is where you are. You must recognize your oneness with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Three plus one equals ONE! All from same source. In the beginning was God! Everything, then, came from God. This is your birthright! There is nothing for you to do, nothing to say except I now recognize and have become aware oh God of our ONENESS from the beginning! Every religious doctrine, scripture, fable or story must align to ONE! Jesus taught ONENESS FOR BELIEVERS not separation. Religion teaches people to separate themselves from sinners, that is why there are so many doctrines and denominations.If you see sin in others you have judged them and made youself guilty! Your judgment does not affect them it affects you. The only actual sinner is one that believes he is a sinner. Religion teaches you good and evil and then tells you not to judge one another. If there is evil that you are not supposed to be a part of shouldn’t you know what it is? You can’t have a choice of good and evil and not make a judgment. The original fall of man was believing in good and evil. Religion teaches you that God loves you so much yet you never know when he might take your life, or make you sick. Jesus said the religious leaders appear clean and proper on the outside but on the inside they are full of dead men’s bones.So, if God is Omnipresent then everything is inside God. Nothing exists outside of God. God is Source of all things. God is all inclusive, no one is excluded or put out or away. Did anyone hear what was just written? No one is excluded! If the devil existed he would be included. Gay people are INCLUDED you pious religious fool’s. Gay’s are just as much son’s of God as anyone else. God is androgynous! Male and female! Humans are both male and female. What you fools must be thinking in your ignorance is that, if there is more female hormones in a man than male hormones God does not accept them? Your stupidity is only outdone by your hateful willingness to try to degrade another human being. May we all show more love & mercy than some of the religious, finger pointing, hate mongers! The Jesus you say you follow would never condemn anyone. How about you, why don’t you see if you can change yourself to lust and desire after your same sex. If you can’t change your sexual desires then how can they? How dare anyone tell another human being that because of their sexual choices they are not proper son’s of God. How dare anyone condemn another human for wanting to love and join with another. Beware those who believe in sin in the other person will personally reap the tortures and fires of hell (which is sickness and disease) within you as your sick condemnation works its work in your body! When those you call gays they are not being trampled under foot by misguided, Bible toting, finger pointers they are some of the funniest, happiest, zestful people I’ve ever seen. Most older religious folks look like they have been sucking on a lemon most of their lives because they believe in sin. Wash clean your hateful, spiteful heart of those evil doctrines so as to see clearly if you truly want to condemn their innocence. The wonder of Love is that no one is displayed as higher, better, smarter, nicer etc. just ONE/EQUAL! Read John 17:11 through 23. Six times Jesus refers to all being One in God. Read I Corinthians chapter twelve and note all the way through, One Spirit, One Lord, One God, One Body, One Christ, One message and One calling to all! That’s right, we are all called with the same calling of God. Whatever Jesus is, we are, there is no separation. We are his physical body, he is our spiritual body. ONE! All are accepted, all are loved, all are perfect, all are righteous, clean, pure!
So, baptize yourself by washing away evil doctrines (or doctrines that say there is evil) with the words of Christ. This is being baptized of the Holy Spirit. You believe and receive the Holy(Whole) Spirit; you accept what the Holy Spirit/words of God say about you. You become whole spirit when you no longer see yourself as separate from God. Water baptism is of no value to anyone as natural H2o water goes except for getting clean physically. It is a picture of the true baptism of Spirit. GOD’S WORDS are spirit and they are life. As you partake of or ingest Truth/Light, darkness belief’s go away and what is left is God/Truth/Holy Spirit. As awareness comes forth from the Truth it will wash away and cast out devils/deception or any unclean thoughts of unworthiness or sinful nature or anything contrary to perfection. This is the Truth baptism. Take the word of God and wash away all thoughts of unworthiness, ungodliness, sinfulness, un-forgiveness or any other thought that taints or detracts from the truth of pure perfection. Stand tall as the True Son of God that you are and tell everyone, whosoever accepts, becomes! Those destructive words come only from a misguided religious person, do this, don’t do that, that’s a sin, that’s wrong, you might go to hell if you do that, etc.! You only accept and believe, God has done the work. Know that you are pure. God has cleansed you with his word, the Truth, that you always were pure you were just indoctrinated wrong. You are clean and always were clean, you are God’s offspring, just believe it. The simplicity of the truth has caused many to stumble over the cornerstone, Jesus the Christ of God, the Spirit of God, and the Word of God. To just believe seems too easy. People think they must do something to be good or go somewhere or try something. Wrong, you already are! You were created perfect. You never were bad. In the beginning there was no evil. You are a child of or offspring of perfection. You came from perfection. Only error (sin) teaching has ever told you different if in reference to God. Learn to trust the words of Jesus, they are final. God Bless all, TKOctober 12, 2009 at 12:00 pm#149861followerofJesus
we are all born into Sin. due to Adam and Eve's decision in the Garden of Eden
Yes there has been and in some places still is A lot of Christians who Says stuff like “God hates the world” etc…
Though I would not agree with homosexuality.
I can not condone how they may be treated.
Only God is perfect
Lucifer was then fell Ezekiel 28
Your doctrine is different
I would Just stick with Following Jesus
God loves us
John 3 verse 16 – 21
Read Romans 8
God Hates Sin read leviticus 18
He hates it for it seperates us from him
He has made it clear what he feels about Sin and those who continue doing what he says is wrong
Though If you Study Romans 8 you would see that he never stops loving us
It seems that you have been burned by people (forgive me if I am wrong)
Though God can heal anything
Turn to him
Ask him to help you Matthew 7 verse 7 and 8
True God came to the world to save it
and Religion is a Man made thing
Though one should not Brandish every believer for the actions of a few
Satan specifically targets believers and often such people who are often described as “extreme Christians”
Cause people to Hate Christians, Some even end up Hating God, then they read the Bible make up their own mind about it and feel “enlightened”Many people interpretate the message of The Bible
Though there are other Christians who preach what has come to be known as “the comfortable gospel” where they speak about God but does not want to tell the truth as it is
for Example Jesus is the ONLY WAY. Focus on John 3 verse 17 – 19
Often people believe that they can go their own way. Don't need God. Don't believe Hell exists.
Though we CAN NOT save ourselves Ephesians 2 verse 8It is either Darkness or the Light, Good or Evil, God or Satan
There is No middle ground
So many people say they are Christian but still living in Sin
Until Jesus comes back and put an end to Sin The Grave and the Devil
We will always be under its influence
So we can only turn to God submit to him and ALLOW him to guide us
Hope this helps you
Yes I know God is omnipresent, though what you said was…misguided
Pray to God
October 12, 2009 at 6:15 pm#149891NickHassan
ParticipantQuote (Tim Kraft @ Oct. 12 2009,23:17) For all this is,”YOU’RE BIRTHRIGHT”:
You are born a son of God, inside of God; there is no outside of God! God is omnipresent, everywhere at all times.If God is not somewhere I need to know where He is not! God is like a bubble of creative, comprehensive source,or spirit that has no wall or sides forever! No form, all encompassing.He doesn't come and go he's already there. Only in a human mind can God be believed apart.So this being true we all came from the same source. In the beginning was God. God is all things and in all things. From this source of creative life came all that is. God created a physical body, called it man, breathed his life source into the man and he became a living soul. If you take the breath of God out of a man he is dead. So, where is God? God/Man make ONE. Every time a child is born and takes a breath of life/God, that is a child of God. The only way one could be apart from God is to believe he is. Only in the mind can you appear to move to or from God. In reality nothing changes. You are a son or daughter of God, a piece of God, part of God‘s substance, offspring of God.. Now and forever, no matter what crazy (religious) ideas you might have about yourself, that one thing cannot change. You will always be a child of God in Truth. No matter what religious, deceptive thoughts you may have believed, if you ever turn to the Truth this is what you are. Religion is mans created ideas of who and where God is and what he wants man to do. There are things written in the old testament where a man has declared something that he says, God said, but in Truth, the God of Jesus did not make that declaration. A recommendation, follow only what Jesus said! Wherever God is that is where you are. You must recognize your oneness with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Three plus one equals ONE! All from same source. In the beginning was God! Everything, then, came from God. This is your birthright! There is nothing for you to do, nothing to say except I now recognize and have become aware oh God of our ONENESS from the beginning! Every religious doctrine, scripture, fable or story must align to ONE! Jesus taught ONENESS FOR BELIEVERS not separation. Religion teaches people to separate themselves from sinners, that is why there are so many doctrines and denominations.If you see sin in others you have judged them and made youself guilty! Your judgment does not affect them it affects you. The only actual sinner is one that believes he is a sinner. Religion teaches you good and evil and then tells you not to judge one another. If there is evil that you are not supposed to be a part of shouldn’t you know what it is? You can’t have a choice of good and evil and not make a judgment. The original fall of man was believing in good and evil. Religion teaches you that God loves you so much yet you never know when he might take your life, or make you sick. Jesus said the religious leaders appear clean and proper on the outside but on the inside they are full of dead men’s bones.So, if God is Omnipresent then everything is inside God. Nothing exists outside of God. God is Source of all things. God is all inclusive, no one is excluded or put out or away. Did anyone hear what was just written? No one is excluded! If the devil existed he would be included. Gay people are INCLUDED you pious religious fool’s. Gay’s are just as much son’s of God as anyone else. God is androgynous! Male and female! Humans are both male and female. What you fools must be thinking in your ignorance is that, if there is more female hormones in a man than male hormones God does not accept them? Your stupidity is only outdone by your hateful willingness to try to degrade another human being. May we all show more love & mercy than some of the religious, finger pointing, hate mongers! The Jesus you say you follow would never condemn anyone. How about you, why don’t you see if you can change yourself to lust and desire after your same sex. If you can’t change your sexual desires then how can they? How dare anyone tell another human being that because of their sexual choices they are not proper son’s of God. How dare anyone condemn another human for wanting to love and join with another. Beware those who believe in sin in the other person will personally reap the tortures and fires of hell (which is sickness and disease) within you as your sick condemnation works its work in your body! When those you call gays they are not being trampled under foot by misguided, Bible toting, finger pointers they are some of the funniest, happiest, zestful people I’ve ever seen. Most older religious folks look like they have been sucking on a lemon most of their lives because they believe in sin. Wash clean your hateful, spiteful heart of those evil doctrines so as to see clearly if you truly want to condemn their innocence. The wonder of Love is that no one is displayed as higher, better, smarter, nicer etc. just ONE/EQUAL! Read John 17:11 through 23. Six times Jesus refers to all being One in God. Read I Corinthians chapter twelve and note all the way through, One Spirit, One Lord, One God, One Body, One Christ, One message and One calling to all! That’s right, we are all called with the same calling of God. Whatever Jesus is, we are, there is no separation. We are his physical body, he is our spiritual body. ONE! All are accepted, all are loved, all are perfect, all are righteous, clean, pure!
So, baptize yourself by washing away evil doctrines (or doctrines that say there is evil) with the words of Christ. This is being baptized of the Holy Spirit. You believe and receive the Holy(Whole) Spirit; you accept what the Holy Spirit/words of God say about you. You become whole spirit when you no longer see yourself as separate from God. Water baptism is of no value to anyone as natural H2o water goes except for getting clean physically. It is a picture of the true baptism of Spirit. GOD’S WORDS are spirit and they are life. As you partake of or ingest Truth/Light, darkness belief’s go away and what is left is God/Truth/Holy Spirit. As awareness comes forth from the Truth it will wash away and cast out devils/deception or any unclean thoughts of unworthiness or sinful nature or anything contrary to perfection. This is the Truth baptism. Take the word of God and wash away all thoughts of unworthiness, ungodliness, sinfulness, un-forgiveness or any other thought that taints or detracts from the truth of pure perfection. Stand tall as the True Son of God that you are and tell everyone, whosoever accepts, becomes! Those destructive words come only from a misguided religious person, do this, don’t do that, that’s a sin, that’s wrong, you might go to hell if you do that, etc.! You only accept and believe, God has done the work. Know that you are pure. God has cleansed you with his word, the Truth, that you always were pure you were just indoctrinated wrong. You are clean and always were clean, you are God’s offspring, just believe it. The simplicity of the truth has caused many to stumble over the cornerstone, Jesus the Christ of God, the Spirit of God, and the Word of God. To just believe seems too easy. People think they must do something to be good or go somewhere or try something. Wrong, you already are! You were created perfect. You never were bad. In the beginning there was no evil. You are a child of or offspring of perfection. You came from perfection. Only error (sin) teaching has ever told you different if in reference to God. Learn to trust the words of Jesus, they are final. God Bless all, TK
Hi TK,
Such new age teaching denies the gospel of salvation brought by Jesus and turns your fol
lowers away from the door they should enter.No magic
October 12, 2009 at 8:20 pm#149931Tim Kraft
ParticipantNick: Do you really believe that I have denied the gospel of salvation brought by Jesus and turned people away from Jesus or are you just trying to hurt my feelings? You can disagree with me and yet not try to throw me under the bus! You have put a lable on what I have learned in my bedroom, by myself for over 20years. You call it new age teaching.I don't really know what that is but the teachings of Christ are over two thousand years old so I would hardly call it new age. Jesus did also call it New Testament. You keep refering to magic. Magic is like someone using their will to manipulate unseen powers or dieties by rituals or incantations or with severe treatment of the body denying it food(fasting) or attempting to influence higher powers to benefit ones needs or desires. Yep if you look at religion honestly its been trying to manipulate God to do or not do certain things for the betterment or detriment of others for thousands of years. They were clearly wrong or Jesus would not have had to come and tell the Truth of God. If anybody has a religion or beliefs that look anything like the old testament church thay are going back to the same mire and muck they were stuck in before. Mostly the same rules and regulations, sin here, sin there when nobody will even answer me as to what sin is. Is it something you do or is it something you believe. Its everybodies right to choose what they believe about God and so they do. But teaching young people that they are born in sin is a bare faced lie! If sin is doing bad or doing wrong how could you be born into it. Then they say you have a sin nature. That is a lie! Its actually blaspheming God because God is in each human. He is the life force. There is not enought room to go through it all but when I spend the time to write my heart into a post I hate to hear one of the foundational people tell me that I am denying Jesus and his salvation. But it is not me leading them back to the previous old failing ways of the old covenent religion. One thing we know for sure, Jesus the Lord said, wide is the way to destruction and many will follow. Narrow is the way to eternal life and few there are that find it. Im just looking for a few good men! God bless you, TK
October 12, 2009 at 8:24 pm#149932NickHassan
ParticipantHi TK,
The coming of Jesus and his teachings has not washed clean mankind.
You must be born again.October 13, 2009 at 12:21 am#149955followerofJesus
Nick Hassan I think you are mistaken
For the Blood of Jesus Cleanses us from ALL sins
remember 1 John 1 verse 9
It is By the Blood of Jesus we are forgiven
Set free
Yeah being born agian is essential to our entry in Heaven
Though Forgiveness of Sin is Essentail
For God hates Sin
Sin seperates us from God whether we are born again or not
God (Jesus) died for the sins of humanity
Though Ultimately it is free will
We will at one point or another need our sins forgiven
God forgive us of Sins and as we Submit to the Holy Spirit
He helps us become more Like Christ
For we are told to be Holy as He is Holy
Until the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ
We will still be in need of forgiveness
For we may very well sin
As long as we (humans are sourrounded by Sin and its Influence we can succumb to it
Though God has Given us away out
Away for our sins to be Forgiven Jesus Christ
When Christ comes back to earth
He will put an end to sin, the grave and the Devil
October 13, 2009 at 12:55 am#149961NickHassan
ParticipantHi FOJ,
And the false church with their false trinity teachings.October 13, 2009 at 2:01 am#149973942767
ParticipantQuote (Tim Kraft @ Oct. 13 2009,08:20) Nick: Do you really believe that I have denied the gospel of salvation brought by Jesus and turned people away from Jesus or are you just trying to hurt my feelings? You can disagree with me and yet not try to throw me under the bus! You have put a lable on what I have learned in my bedroom, by myself for over 20years. You call it new age teaching.I don't really know what that is but the teachings of Christ are over two thousand years old so I would hardly call it new age. Jesus did also call it New Testament. You keep refering to magic. Magic is like someone using their will to manipulate unseen powers or dieties by rituals or incantations or with severe treatment of the body denying it food(fasting) or attempting to influence higher powers to benefit ones needs or desires. Yep if you look at religion honestly its been trying to manipulate God to do or not do certain things for the betterment or detriment of others for thousands of years. They were clearly wrong or Jesus would not have had to come and tell the Truth of God. If anybody has a religion or beliefs that look anything like the old testament church thay are going back to the same mire and muck they were stuck in before. Mostly the same rules and regulations, sin here, sin there when nobody will even answer me as to what sin is. Is it something you do or is it something you believe. Its everybodies right to choose what they believe about God and so they do. But teaching young people that they are born in sin is a bare faced lie! If sin is doing bad or doing wrong how could you be born into it. Then they say you have a sin nature. That is a lie! Its actually blaspheming God because God is in each human. He is the life force. There is not enought room to go through it all but when I spend the time to write my heart into a post I hate to hear one of the foundational people tell me that I am denying Jesus and his salvation. But it is not me leading them back to the previous old failing ways of the old covenent religion. One thing we know for sure, Jesus the Lord said, wide is the way to destruction and many will follow. Narrow is the way to eternal life and few there are that find it. Im just looking for a few good men! God bless you, TK
Hi TK:Sin is the transgression of God's eternal law, which are the ten commandments.
Quote 1Jo 3:4 ¶ Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law. Quote Deu 5:6 ¶ I [am] the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. Deu 5:7 ¶ Thou shalt have none other gods before me.
Deu 5:8 ¶ Thou shalt not make thee [any] graven image, [or] any likeness [of any thing] that [is] in heaven above, or that [is] in the earth beneath, or that [is] in the waters beneath the earth:
Deu 5:9 Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God [am] a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth [generation] of them that hate me,
Deu 5:10 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments.
Deu 5:11 ¶ Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain: for the LORD will not hold [him] guiltless that taketh his name in vain.
Deu 5:12 ¶ Keep the sabbath day to sanctify it, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee.
Deu 5:13 Six days thou shalt labour, and do all thy work:
Deu 5:14 But the seventh day [is] the sabbath of the LORD thy God: [in it] thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thine ox, nor thine ass, nor any of thy cattle, nor thy stranger that [is] within thy gates; that thy manservant and thy maidservant may rest as well as thou.
Deu 5:15 And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and [that] the LORD thy God brought thee out thence through a mighty hand and by a stretched out arm: therefore the LORD thy God commanded thee to keep the sabbath day.
Deu 5:16 ¶ Honour thy father and thy mother, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.
Deu 5:17 ¶ Thou shalt not kill.
Deu 5:18 ¶ Neither shalt thou commit adultery.
Deu 5:19 ¶ Neither shalt thou steal.
Deu 5:20 ¶ Neither shalt thou bear false witness against thy neighbour.
Deu 5:21 ¶ Neither shalt thou desire thy neighbour's wife, neither shalt thou covet thy neighbour's house, his field, or his manservant, or his maidservant, his ox, or his ass, or any [thing] that [is] thy neighbour's.
The scriptures state that all men have sinned or transgressed God's eternal law. When one breaks the law, there is a penalty that has to be paid.
Jesus has paid that penalty for all of humanity, and so, if you believe that God has sent His Only Begotten Son, to pay the penalty that you owed because of having broken God's law, you can come to God with a repentant heart and be forgiven for your transgressions.
Love in Christ,
MartyOctober 13, 2009 at 4:09 am#150025georg
ParticipantNick It say's that all have fallen short of the glory of God. Are you not among them? As Human Beings we will Sin, just that Sin is not imputed to us. And John tells us if we think that we don't sin, the truth is not in us. I know I still sin, even though the length between those Sins get longer and longer. Until one day, I will be like Christ, and sin no more. To that day I am forever looking forward to. Because sin hurts and it should, since we have God's Holy Spirit.
Peace and Love IreneOctober 13, 2009 at 10:10 am#150056followerofJesus
ParticipantWell puut Irene
October 13, 2009 at 6:21 pm#150104followerofJesus
ParticipantFalse trinity teachings?
You should not be sending such acusations
I do not want to get in an argument
And if you do know about the Holy Trinity theres not much I can do
God is God
The Holy Trinity is often a discussed topic
How can you believe that Jesus is the Son of God and Not God?
Jesus Christ Is God
Whether You believe it or not
Holy Spirit is God
Whether you believe it or not
Jehovah is God
Whether you believe it or not
So don't go around throwing such accusations
such as Fale church False Holy trinity teachings
October 13, 2009 at 6:23 pm#150108NickHassan
ParticipantHi FOJ,
Where is this HOLY TRINITY taught in the bible?
If it is not taught there who really is your teacher?October 13, 2009 at 7:17 pm#150135followerofJesus
ParticipantSo do you really think that Jesus is Not God?
October 13, 2009 at 8:57 pm#150146NickHassan
ParticipantHi FOJ,
Exactly he is not our God but the Son of that God.[1Cor8]
Did you think the one we follow was his own God?[Jn20.17]October 13, 2009 at 9:00 pm#150150followerofJesus
Its sad to know that you believe that Jesus is not God
Are you Jehovahs witness?
October 13, 2009 at 9:10 pm#150153NickHassan
ParticipantHi FOJ,
No thanks.
Why should we believe what men teach ahead of what the TEACHER says?
Are you not following Christ, the Son of the living God?October 13, 2009 at 9:27 pm#150156followerofJesus
follow this link
it might help you
regardless what you believe I follow Jesus Christ
October 13, 2009 at 9:33 pm#150160NickHassan
ParticipantHi FOJ,
Do you?Following him surely includes accepting his teachings
But you offer the words of other men as he never mentioned any trinity.
Wake up.October 13, 2009 at 9:42 pm#150168followerofJesus
I do accept Jesus and his teachings
But by your own words it is clear that you don't
I heard talk like this before
and often it comes from the mouths of Jehovahs witnesses
Not just accepting his teachings but obeying it as well.
Enough of this
This is not doing either of us any good
Though we BOTH need to study the word
Pray to GOD ask for Insight, Wisdom, Guidance, Understanding
What do you say?
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