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  • #93018

    Mandy! I had all kind of trouble and could not Log back in. So my Granddaughter set up yet another e-mail address and a new users name. I am using my real name. Don't ask ne what happend will all. Sorry I could not respond to you last night.
    Love Irene


    Mandy and I lost my editing rights, sorry made some spelling error.
    Love Irene


    Oh for goodness sake – you have had a time of it with user names!

    Well, on the bright side you have your light on now! :) And folks will know you name. I like it. It won't take long for t8 to give you your editing rights again.

    Now I wonder if Chap will think someone has hijacked your account again? :laugh:


    Quote (charity @ June 16 2008,21:00)

    Quote (Not3in1 @ June 16 2008,19:29)
    This topic has a huge amount of hits!  There must be a lot of folks out there who are uncertain about God?

    Folks listen, it's difficult to prove anything related to the supernatural/heaven/God/miracles.  But I encourage you to look around at this beautiful world we live in.  It's amazing, isn't it?  How do you think it got here?  A bang in the sky is one theory, but bangs and bumps cannot produce such beauty.  In my opinion, there had to be a grand designer.  There are too many color's and textures and animal life.  Our bodies have back-up sytems and are so intricate in every way.  There are cycles in nature and in our lives.  Everything seems to have purpose and significance.

    I encourage you to let go of your fears or preconceived notions about God.  I also encourage you to let go of indoctrinational teaching and rules.  I encourage you to look up at a stary sky this summer and just wonder and pray.  Ask God to reveal himself to you.  Don't limit him by saying, “Do this or do that so I will know that you are God.”.  Just ask for a revelation.  When it happens, you will know.  Out of this experience, faith will grow.

    Don't get hung-up on organized religion and leader's.  If you love God and love your neighbor, your further ahead than those who worship God but their hearts are far from him.

    Try this:  instead of questioning…….believe and see what happens.  


    Love to all who struggle and are in need of hope!
    Jesus is the answer.  He leads us on a path that gives us what we need.


    I love it when you do these posts :)

    keep it up!!!!

    Thanks, sis. Sometimes I check out threads that have a lot of hits and try to bump them.

    At any given time there are dozens of “guests” that visit this site………….looking for hope.

    Love ya,


    To give bump to you then

Viewing 5 posts - 681 through 685 (of 685 total)
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