Tummy ache

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  • #36444
    Ciara 10622

    I need a prayer! I feel like my energy's been drained out of me! I've been feeling sick for weeks since last year. I had an incident on my bed. Last week one night it happened again. I need someone to pray for me. I really want to get better.

    Ciara 10622

    🙁 I really want to get better. I feel fine for one minute. Then, I feel miserable all over.


    Quote (Ciara 10622 @ Jan. 10 2007,02:28)
    I need a prayer! I feel like my energy's been drained out of me! I've been feeling sick for weeks since last year. I had an incident on my bed. Last week one night it happened again. I need someone to pray for me. I really want to get better.

    Hi Ciara 10622:

    James 5:14-15 states: “Is any sick among you? Let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: and the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him”.

    And so, I am praying that God will heal you, and although I cannot anoint you with oil, I know that God will heal you if you believe.  Matthew 8:8 the centurian says to Jesus: “Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof: but speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed”.  

    Sometimes, however, God uses a doctor to accomplish the healing, and so if you don't see immediate results, please go to the doctor.

    God Bless


    Hi and welcome C1.
    There is a book of the Apochrypha called Ecclessiasticus and it says
    “If you are sick pray, then see the doctor”
    I agree with that thought as God uses men to dispense his mercy to all.


    Hey Nick, aren't you a doctor?

    Ciara 10622

    🙁 Yes Nh. I have a sick among me. I still don't feel good today either. I can't tell you why though, it's personal.


    🙂 Hey, Nick? Do you know what BB stands for?


    Bugs Bunny?
    Big Bird?


    bad belly?

    burnt bottom?


    Quote (t8 @ Jan. 29 2007,08:36)
    Bugs Bunny?
    Big Bird?

    Those are good guesses! I just wonder why it's illegal to go to the BB on this site?


    I know I have tried this before but could we get together say once a week and pray.  Pray that the Holy Spirit give us guidance and understanding.

    I could pray at any time.  If it's say 9pm for Nick and 3am for me I would have no problem being up to pray just so we would pray together.  

    Lets be one as Jesus prayed we would be!

    I H L,



    🙂 Hi, Ken! Sure, we could get together! That sounds great!

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