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- July 30, 2014 at 10:14 am#533209
Participant2 Timothy 3:1-17 Remember, the final age of this world is to be a time of turmoil! People will love nothing but self and money, they will be boastful, arrogant and abusive. Disobedient to parents, devoid of gratitude, piety and natural affection. They will be uncontrolled in their violence, hating all goodness, perfidious, foolhardy and self important. They will love their pleasures more than their God. While preserving the outward form of religion, actually, they deny its power. Have nothing to do with them.
Persecution will indeed come to everyone who wants to lead a godly life as a follower of Christ Jesus, while evil doers and imposters will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. But for your part, stand by the truths you have learned and are assured of, because you are familiar with the Holy scriptures which have the power to make you wise and lead you into salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.
All inspired scripture has its use for teaching the truth, refuting error and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be capable and equipped for good works of every kind.
2 Timothy 4:1-5 Before God and before Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, I charge you solemnly by His coming appearing and Millennial reign – to proclaim the gospel, press it home, in season and out of season, use argument, reproof and encouragement with all the patience that teaching requires.
For the time will come when people will not stand sound teaching, but each will follow his own ideas and will gather crowds to hear whatever they fancy. They will stop their ears to the truth and turn aside to myths.
But, you must keep your head whatever happens; put up with hardship, work to spread the gospel and discharge all the duties of your calling.
1 Timothy 1:3-11 I asked you, Timothy, to instruct certain people to refrain from teaching erroneous doctrines and devoting themselves to interminable myths and fruitless genealogies, which give rise to mere speculations that do nothing to further God’s plan for humans, that works through faith in Him. The goal of this Command is love, which comes from a pure heart, a good conscience and a genuine faith. Through a lack of these attributes, some have gone astray into a plethora of theories and false notions. They set out to be teachers of the Law, but they do not know what they are talking about or the true meaning of the Word.
We all know the Law is a good thing, if it is used properly, it’s there not just for the righteous, but is necessary for the lawless and sinful, the godless and worldly, the murderers and fornicators, perverts, liars, perjurers, in fact all whose behaviour flouts the glorious Gospel of God.‘The end of this era, will be a time of turmoil’, Paul may be referring to the Tribulation period, but we have for the last 100 years experienced many wars and disasters. Matt. 24:6-8
‘Persecution will come to everyone who follows Jesus’, This totally refutes any ‘pre-wrath rapture’. 1 Peter 4:12 However, righteous Israel will be taken to a place of safety during the Great Tribulation. Rev. 12:14
‘While preserving the outward form of religion, they deny its power’. Many, so called Christian Churches have deviated so far from the true Gospel, they are no longer a Church of God. Isaiah 58, Jude 1-25, Rev. 3:14-22
‘The time has come when people refuse sound teaching’, they ignore, allegorise or place Bible prophecy into past history, so have no proper understanding of what will happen soon. Isaiah:29:13-14, Isaiah 30:8-11
‘False teachers are more prevalent than ever, promoting their erroneous doctrines.’ Ministries, TV shows, books, etc, on the end times are a big business. Their judgement comes, false teachers will all meet their end on the Day of wrath. Jer.14:13-16, Isaiah 56:9-12July 30, 2014 at 10:30 am#533241Wakeup
Yes. the falling away has started, next will come the false prophet to the scene.
He will show great lying wonders(technology) He will bring peace for an hour.
The world will accept him to be worshipped. Then He will force his mark upon all.
Then He will marched into israel to help israel to destroy the Dome of the rock.
The jews will rebuild their temple,but He will have it for himself.
The Medes and allies will stand up, and cross the euphrates, this will be the 3rd ww.
A war of men against men. The war will be shortened by the appearing of Christ in the clouds.
Three froglike expressions will come out of the mouth of the dragon,beast,and false prophet, to gather them together,
to make war with the Lamb. This will be armageddon. babylon will be destroyed in one day.wakeup.
July 30, 2014 at 1:25 pm#533425keras
ParticipantMy beliefs according to Bible prophecy:
Yes. the falling away has started, next will come the false prophet to the scene. The next event will be the Day of the Lord’s wrath.
He will show great lying wonders(technology) He will bring peace for an hour. Technology? Peace for 3 1/2 years.
The world will accept him to be worshipped. Then He will force his mark upon all. New Israel; Beulah, won’t worship him or accept his mark.
Then He will marched into israel to help israel to destroy the Dome of the rock. The A.C. will conquer Beulah after 3.5 years, but Dome is gone in the DoL.
The jews will rebuild their temple,but He will have it for himself. The Jews are only 2/6ths of Beulah. All Israel will build the Temple.
The Medes and allies will stand up, and cross the euphrates, this will be the 3rd ww. There will be no war, just a destruction from the Almighty.
A war of men against men. The war will be shortened by the appearing of Christ in the clouds. You need to go by what the Bible actually says, not your interpretation.
Three froglike expressions will come out of the mouth of the dragon,beast,and false prophet, to gather them together,
to make war with the Lamb. This will be armageddon. babylon will be destroyed in one day.August 7, 2014 at 3:55 am#616474Wakeup
The fp will come with lying wonders,this is by the means of using technology.
But before this;the nwo must be agreed upon by the ten kings.rev 17:17.
To agree to give their power to the one system; for God has put it in their hearts to agree.
The nwo beast will so called help israel to destroy the dome of the rock.
By coming in, and occupy israel. Israel has made a covenant with death.(isa 28:15–18).
The fp will have the new build temple for himself.
The destruction of the dome will cause the king of the Medes and allies to stand up.
This is the war of men against men (3rdww).
His power will only be for 3/half years.During this time God will send His two witnesses to prophecy for 3/half years.
The world will hate those two, seeing them as the bad guys. (maybe seen as fp and the ac).
The nwo beast will kill them two, and leave them unburied for 3/half days, for the world to see.
Then the two will be taken up in the clouds.
Then that same hour an earthquake in israel; 7000died.
Then QUICKLY,the seveth trumpet will sound; which is the coming.
Christ and His army will be in the clouds.
The armies of both sides will gather to make war with the Lamb.(this is armageddon).
The cities of the nations will be no more,all in heaps. Babylon has fallen has fallen.
The kingdom will be set up in israel,capitol city;Jerusalem the city of peace.
With understanding it is so simple.
August 7, 2014 at 4:02 am#616475Spock
Mark 2.21-22 “No one sews a piece of unshrunk cloth on an old cloak; otherwise, the patch pulls away from it, the new from the old, and a worse tear is made. And no one puts new wine into old wineskins; otherwise, the wine will burst the skins, and the wine is lost, and so are the skins; but one puts new wine into fresh wineskins.”
The apocalyptic mumbo jumbo is rank speculation based on old nonsense that will never come to pass.
August 7, 2014 at 4:12 am#616494Wakeup
I know you are seeking,but wont let go of what you have picked up along the way.
I say just let go, and start with the new testament, and you shall find the treasures.
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