Truth Or Nothing

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  • #65421


    Someone tell me how and i will just find where YOU did the same thing GENE!

    Here is the Post that I was SO harsh and PUFFED UP!  Show me where Gene since you are the Accuser.

    Quote (Not3in1 @ Aug. 31 2007,16:46)
    Quote (kenrch @ Aug. 31 2007,15:49)
    Mandy dear you are not offending me I'm just asking questions because I don't understand why someone would wnat to keep a pagan day……Christian.  A day that the World, athiest, and all drunks keep.  I'll bet Stu keeps Christmas.  BTW I “think” heathens who were worshipping a sun god on his birthday (Dec. 25th) was made christian by Constantine in order to unite his kingdom.

    Well, the pagens may have made the Day (Christmas), I don't know for sure, but I am celebrating the Day with joy and gladness.  I am not seeing the pagen intentions, nor is my heart leaning in any way towards those intentions; I just see Christ.  I believe that is what the passage in Col. is saying; don't let anyone give you a hard time about keeping certain festivals and Sabbaths – none of the “ceremony” means anything!  It's all about Christ.

    Hey, by the way, I like Stu.  I sort of think he used to be a sold out Christian and got burned somewhere along the line; or perhaps gave way to fear and the enemy got in and stole the seed that was planted in him?  I don't know, but at any rate, he is here…….and I believe the love of God can flow through us to him.

    See, as far as the date goes – I don't care when it (Christmas) is.  It doesn't matter to me, it's part of the ceremony that doesn't mean anything at all.  The only thing that matters is Christ, and our hearts towards the greatest gift and sacrifice every given!  That's just my take on this bro.

    Hi!, It's me   ,

    So you are saying “spiritually” you keep His birthday not the day itself.  You are following the Spirit by keeping Dec 25.

    I don't understand why their is a split of the same Spirit?  Something doesn't click.

    I don't know Stu I only know that he attacks God.  Their are some I believe born TARES.  Is Stu one?  I don't know I can only go by his fruit and his fruit seems to be rotten.  “You will KNOW them by their fruit”.

    You say that Col. 2:16 is saying not to judge those who want to keep a Festival.  Wow! Then you will be keeping God's holy days or does that just apply to Dec.25th?

    Col 2:14  Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;
    Col 2:15  And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.
    Col 2:16  Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:
    Col 2:17  Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ.

    Handwriting against us.
    Principalities and powers, triumphing over them
    Therefore let no man judge in holy days… but not pagan days?

    Sorry Sis I just can't see it your way.  If you can make “anyday” His birthday then I suppose you could make “anyday” His Sabbath day. If you can break the forth commandment then why not the other nine also?

    So we disagree OR agree to disagree, all that is nice but the fact is someone is wrong.  I'm not judging you Mandy I'm disagreeing with your belief as you have NO scripture for the worldly pagan holiday.  No scripture says NOT to keep Dec 25th.  Well I don't know about that but the facts says Jesus was not born on Dec. 25th and the facts say that pagans celebrated a false god on that day. Then we have the world that celebrate it and if it were a holy day would certainly be blaspheming God just by the way they keep it.  The fact is their are more suicides on Dec 25th then at anytime of the year, more automobile crashes resulting in deaths because of the partying on “Christ's Birthday”.  I'm sure He's pleased .

    See here's the thing your spirit see's nothing wrong with all this while my spirit dose.

    2Co 6:14  Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?

    While people say they are honoring Christ on this day.  While they stand before a tree decked out and open their presents that are under the tree, and take their last drink for the road, hoping not to get stopped by a Cop who has probably had a few also.  I can't see how that is honoring Christ!

    Well some do honor Christ!  But the fact is most do not.  It's just an excuse to party in the name of Jesus.  

    But you are among the few that dose.  But scripture says not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers.  But they believe.  Do they?  “You will know them by their fruit”.  A Christian walk is full of choices and the fact that Satan appears as an angel of light doesn't help, 2Cor.11:14.

    I'm sorry that I strongly disagree with your belief that you are free to keep a worldly day and that God will honor that.

    In His Peace,


    Gal 4:16  Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?


    Again I believe Gene should take a vote to kick me off for sharing the truth just the way he and everybody does!

    Next month I will be here two years and NEVER have I EVER had anyone say I was too harsh OR puffed up.  It's only been just lately when some don't like the way I speak to the women.  Sorry the women are just like the men according to scripture, Gal. 3:28.  If they don't like the way I speak “disagreeing with them” then (as scripture says) let them ask their husbands.  
    BUT it's NOT the women that started complaining it's the “men” who would rather say nothing than take a chance of getting on their wrong side :(

    I wonder in who's eyes am I wrong? God's eyes for sharing His truth Or Men because of the WAY I speak to women HA!

    Let God be true and Man a liar!


    2 Timothy 2:23-25

    Don't have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels.

    And the Lord's servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful.

    Those who oppose him he must gently instruct, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth…..

    We are close to unity here, brother's and sister's, let's not let anything get in the way of God's spirit moving among us! :)


    DEAR Ken
    The truth is we heard you the first time,

    you have such a great need to be heard, that is not ever going to be fulfilled by starting new threads, Many times all of us can share our thoughts in the post, and many times receive no reply or conformation, may I suggest that if you feel that you are not heard, this is part of the walk to patience, As we all desire to save others when we feel so certain of what we know, it comes down to, Gods timing, not our own timing, so we don’t become puffed up in ourselves, many of the prophets were ignored in past time, this did not mean they were wrong, let us rejoice in all things, for God is control,

    Ken please don't drag others names into arguments!
    I don't wish to play, look over here in the cookie jar today.

    Maybe t8 and kejonn will feel this thread should be deleted from the board, as most of this has been already posted else where? :)


    Psalm 112:4 “When darkness over takes you, light will come bursting in”

    Psalm 63:8 ” My Soul clings to you your right hand upholds me.”

    Romans 4:21 Do not waiver in my faith through unbelief, but God will use my circumstances to strengthen my faith and to give Glory to God.”

    Heb. 13:6 ” The Lord is my helper I will not be afraid God will never leave me or forsake me.”

    Philippians 1:6 ” He who began good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Jesus Christ.”

    1 Peter 5 :5-6 ” He will personally will come, restore you, you and make you strong, firm and stead fast.
    To Him be the power over ALL things forever and ever Amen!”

    Peace and Love Mrs.:D :D


    Quote (charity @ Sep. 05 2007,16:49)
    Maybe t8 and kejonn will feel this thread should be deleted from the board, as most of this has been already posted else where? :)

    My main purpose in having slight moderation rights is to delete spam and pornography posts. I volunteered for that because I kept seeing them and I usually visit this board several times a day so I knew I could help keep these rogue posts at bay.

    Besides, Ken's post and this thread do not violate any rules (yet). At most, if the thread got out of hand, it would be locked.


    Quote (charity @ Sep. 06 2007,09:49)
    DEAR Ken
    The truth is we heard you the first time,

    you have such a great need to be heard, that is not ever going to be fulfilled by starting new threads, Many times all of us can share our thoughts in the post, and many times receive no reply or conformation, may I suggest that if you feel that you are not heard, this is part of the walk to patience, As we all desire to save others when we feel so certain of what we know, it comes down to, Gods timing, not our own timing, so we don’t become puffed up in ourselves, many of the prophets were ignored in past time, this did not mean they were wrong, let us rejoice in all things, for God is control,

    Ken please don't drag others names into arguments!
    I don't wish to play, look over here in the cookie jar today.

    Maybe t8 and kejonn will feel this thread should be deleted from the board, as most of this has been already posted else where? :)

    Whatever charity, whatever you say! :(


    There is NOTHING wrong with that Post to Mandy about Christmas. Their are other post through out this forum that is just as OR worse as far as someone crying that it is offensive.

    “I'm sorry that I strongly disagree with your belief that you are free to keep a worldly day and that God will honor that”.

    Gee what should I have said perhaps “It's ok you can do what you want”?

    If you keep a pagan day then it is wrong. All the nice words in the world won't make keeping Christmas right.

    Again most people know this but said nothing. I suppose they didn't want to end up in the boat I'm in. But that's all right I'm in very good company just read the prophets just take a look at Stephen. So PILE on people! :)



    This has really gotten out of hand. Clearly it is not what you said, but how you said it that most people disagree with. Now, if you see nothing wrong with your delivery, then please let it rest.

    I no longer want my name attached to anything you are trying to prove or disprove. I understand that you may post and clip posts of other's anytime you wish, however, this is becoming obsessive in my opinion. And you are beginning to violate the rules here by being abusive.

    Abuse: Attack with words; mistreat, mis-treatment, coarse and insulting speech.

    PLEASE STOP! I have warned you twice, as the Bible teachings (warn a divisive person twice), and now I will have nothing to do with you. I have reviewed threads where you are doing nothing but arguing with the brethren and causing dis-harmony!

    If you would like to be “voted” off the board, I am ready to place my vote. You are harassing me by continuing to post your post to me regarding Christmas. You have PM'd me several times and have pressured me by continually demanding that I answer your questions! Again, PLEASE STOP.

    I have tried to encourage you. I have told you that I respect you; that I have learned from you; and that I love you. What have you said to me? Clearly, you are in for the argument and not for the peace. If a review was conducted to confirm that you are aggressively agitating the children of God here, it would be more than clear.

    I still believe in you, and I want us to be restored to one another. But I cannot take your “unruly” (as you have called it) behavior. It is hurting me and other's. Love does not hurt. You say the truth hurts (by cutting with the sword), but Jesus says the truth shall set us free! You say you have been given a message from God and you relate with the prophets who have been mistreated, however where have the prophets beaten someone down with the word they were given? I am beaten down this morning. Please, stop brother. No more harassment. Let's just pray for peace and be quiet with one another for a while? Agree? If you don't hear back from me, it is because I am taking a break from this whole situation, and from you. This does not mean I don't love you – because I do. It means I'm tired and weary of the fight.


    Ken I completely agree with Mandy, I just responded to you on the Sabbath and I had the feeling that you are asking because you want to argue with my Husband and I. Vote Mandy so will I. You have not shown Love to any that have disagreed with you. There are other People that know what you know about Christmas, but are we pushing it through Mandy's throat. That is what you are doing and Jesus never did that when He walked this earth and it is not God like. There is so much friction because of you, why do you have to do that. I just don't understand? You say you are a Christian, then acct like one. I love the Sinner, but I don't like the Sin and arguing is a Sin ,my Brother. Three People Ken
    Gen, Mandy and Mrs. have shown you when are you going to wake up.

    Peace and Love


    Ken I completely agree with Mandy,

    Now there's a supprise :laugh:

    Well it's funny! :D


    Quote (IM4Truth @ Sep. 07 2007,05:43)
    Ken I completely agree with Mandy, I just responded to you on the Sabbath and I had the feeling that you are asking because you want to argue with my Husband and I. Vote Mandy so will I. You have not shown Love to any that have disagreed with you. There are other People that know what you know about Christmas, but are we pushing it through Mandy's throat. That is what you are doing and Jesus never did that when He walked this earth and it is not God like. There is so much friction because of you, why do you have to do that. I just don't understand? You say you are a Christian, then acct like one. I love the Sinner, but I don't like the Sin and arguing is a Sin ,my Brother. Three People Ken
    Gen, Mandy and Mrs. have shown you when are you going to wake up.

    Peace and Love

    Sharing the truth is a sin? Being attacked because I shared the truth is a sin? Crying because you were shown the truth is a sin?

    I still ask someone to show me where I was SOOOO harsh in that post to N3in1 about Christmas. No one has!

    I'm tired of all this stuff because someone can't take being corrected wothout crying about how harsh the truth is.

    The truth is the truth is the truth AND THAT'S THE TRUTH :laugh:


    Ken You are a sad person, if you do not even know that it is wrong to arguee over scriptures. I will pray for you.

    Peace and Love Mrs.:blues: :blues:


    Quote (IM4Truth @ Sep. 08 2007,10:42)
    Ken You are a sad person, if you do not even know that it is wrong to arguee over scriptures. I will pray for you.

    Peace and Love Mrs.:blues: :blues:

    You do that Mrs :D !

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