Top 100 christian forums

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  • #22263
    Guest (you can put the button code in the description area of one of your forum categories, if there is no other way to install the button code when you sign up)

    There were over 200 Christian forums signed up on the Top 100 Christian Forums, which was the original topsite for just Christian forums.

    I cancelled the whole thing because I was frustrated and discouraged by all the dissension in Christendom in seeing all the different views, in their not willing to change.

    However, as you can see I have solved this issue, and welcome your forum back again, in approaching this matter in a new way. Praise the Lord!

    Love, in Christ,


    Hi Parture,
    My hope is that those who are not yet part of the Body, because they have not known about the gate they must go through, will wake up and live.
    Many talk the talk but do not know about entering the kingdom first.
    Nothing else matters till we have obeyed the righteous demands of God that we be born again of water and the Spirit-who is the life of the Body of Christ.

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