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  • #65886

    thehappyman I cannot take credit for creating the beautiful lyrics in that Song. But I typed it up from my heart for all. We bought the Song Book when we belonged to the World Wide Church of God. I will share some more with you in the future. There are some real nice ones. They make good prayers to the Lord.
    I am happy I was of help to your friends and family.
    Peace and Love always Mrs.


    Wow ….!…..My Mother and my brother's are members of the Wide World Church of God . In Cinic. Ohio. My Mother has passed a couple years ago to be with the Lord. Awesome huh. wow ….I'm feeling like a child full of joy. Thank you for sharing that.


    HeavenNet family,

    I have just recently found out that I have a rare disease. I had intended to take some time off from reading/posting here to return to some Bible studies that I abandoned when I found this site, and I have been able to do some studying; however, now that I have this condition, I've been in a state of fear. One of my first responses was to come here and ask for prayer.

    I may have a brain tumor that will need to be removed. I'm scared. I do trust my heavenly Father, and I know he holds my life in his hands. But it's frightening to know that you have this “thing” that is wrong with you. I had been wondering why I was feeling to fatigued and falling into a dark depression (which is the opposite of my usual nature). Anyway, I don't have many details right now. Just enough to be scared and enough to make me run here……to you all……my brother's and sister's. Please, please pray for me and my family. Pray for healing. Pray for God's will to be done, whatever that may mean for me.

    I will be spending some time here again, quietly studying. I need something to keep my mind busy. And to be honest, I need the support right now.

    Much love to everyone,


    Hello Mandy,
           I know of some what that you are going through. Remember ; If God be for you who could be against you.  

        In 1989 I had a seizure while driving home from work and (a tumor leaked in my brain.) I finished driving home and took a shower and went to bed. See; (greater is he that is in you and I),  and my fear left me. I woke up to go to work and found I had a time speaking and my balance was off. Yet my work always seem to be second so I went to work. I told my boss what happened and well , I haven't worked since.
       I had brain surgery. The tumor in the vain leaked and they went in to remove it. To my surprise , it's now 2007 and have seen my grandchildren be born. The doctors stated that my confidence in my faith was awesome , later they mentioned that my faith made everything so much better , (in so many words). I forget things and I take meds, (don't we all) and my pains are manageable and I joke about it because, truly, life has dominion over us in Christ Jesus. I still go through depression , but every day I rebuke it and sing songs of Zion.

                   Beloved Almighty Father I read the words and I have felt the confusion, so Abba please address this situation with thine loving hand and spoken word of healing. As You have made the lily and so make her a new. Bless her family with kind wisdom and understanding through meekness in it's maturity. Bless her pastor and friends , may they be sent to help her with gentleness , goodness and long-suffering.
                   Abba , may You listen to her heart beat , her breathing, her prayers of temperance ,
    Abba ,


    Quote (Not3in1 @ Sep. 27 2007,18:31)
    HeavenNet family,

    I have just recently found out that I have a rare disease.  I had intended to take some time off from reading/posting here to return to some Bible studies that I abandoned when I found this site, and I have been able to do some studying; however, now that I have this condition, I've been in a state of fear.  One of my first responses was to come here and ask for prayer.

    I may have a brain tumor that will need to be removed.  I'm scared.  I do trust my heavenly Father, and I know he holds my life in his hands.  But it's frightening to know that you have this “thing” that is wrong with you.  I had been wondering why I was feeling to fatigued and falling into a dark depression (which is the opposite of my usual nature).  Anyway, I don't have many details right now.  Just enough to be scared and enough to make me run here……to you all……my brother's and sister's.  Please, please pray for me and my family.  Pray for healing.  Pray for God's will to be done, whatever that may mean for me.

    I will be spending some time here again, quietly studying.  I need something to keep my mind busy.  And to be honest, I need the support right now.

    Much love to everyone,

    :( Holding your Hand my presious sister, My hearts bowed to the lord in continuous prayer, and with thanks giving ,towards God whom has promised that he shall hear our cry for help and confort before we have even asked



    Quote (Not3in1 @ Sep. 27 2007,13:31)
    HeavenNet family,

    I have just recently found out that I have a rare disease.  I had intended to take some time off from reading/posting here to return to some Bible studies that I abandoned when I found this site, and I have been able to do some studying; however, now that I have this condition, I've been in a state of fear.  One of my first responses was to come here and ask for prayer.

    I may have a brain tumor that will need to be removed.  I'm scared.  I do trust my heavenly Father, and I know he holds my life in his hands.  But it's frightening to know that you have this “thing” that is wrong with you.  I had been wondering why I was feeling to fatigued and falling into a dark depression (which is the opposite of my usual nature).  Anyway, I don't have many details right now.  Just enough to be scared and enough to make me run here……to you all……my brother's and sister's.  Please, please pray for me and my family.  Pray for healing.  Pray for God's will to be done, whatever that may mean for me.

    I will be spending some time here again, quietly studying.  I need something to keep my mind busy.  And to be honest, I need the support right now.

    Much love to everyone,

    May the Lord give you peace. Decades ago while going through a trial I wrote “trust God” on a small sheet of paper and taped it where I would see it often. I still have that piece of paper and when I see it it helps me to remember that God has delivered me in the past. However at other times I've had to endure trials but He was with me (actually it was during those times I grew closer to Him). What satan has meant for evil, God has meant for good. So may you find that peace that passes all understanding and it is my prayer that you would be miraculously healed, but know either way that God is with you, and He Loves you, and has your best in mind (trust in that).

    We love you too – Wm


    Quote (Not3in1 @ Sep. 27 2007,18:31)
    HeavenNet family,

    I have just recently found out that I have a rare disease.  I had intended to take some time off from reading/posting here to return to some Bible studies that I abandoned when I found this site, and I have been able to do some studying; however, now that I have this condition, I've been in a state of fear.  One of my first responses was to come here and ask for prayer.

    I may have a brain tumor that will need to be removed.  I'm scared.  I do trust my heavenly Father, and I know he holds my life in his hands.  But it's frightening to know that you have this “thing” that is wrong with you.  I had been wondering why I was feeling to fatigued and falling into a dark depression (which is the opposite of my usual nature).  Anyway, I don't have many details right now.  Just enough to be scared and enough to make me run here……to you all……my brother's and sister's.  Please, please pray for me and my family.  Pray for healing.  Pray for God's will to be done, whatever that may mean for me.

    I will be spending some time here again, quietly studying.  I need something to keep my mind busy.  And to be honest, I need the support right now.

    Much love to everyone,

    Hi Mandy:

    I am praying for you sister. May God comfort you and your family as you go through this trial. God will see you through it sister. He did not say we would not these trials but that He would see us through them. The song goes: “If I never had a problem, I wouldn't know that God could solve them…Through it all, I've learned to trust in Jesus, I've learned to trust in God”.

    1 Peter 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant F1 mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4 To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you, F2 5 Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.

    6 Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations: 7 That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ: 8 Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory: 9 Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls.

    Mandy, I am confident that you will be just fine. God Bless you and your family.


    Quote (Not3in1 @ Sep. 27 2007,01:31)
    HeavenNet family,

    I have just recently found out that I have a rare disease.  I had intended to take some time off from reading/posting here to return to some Bible studies that I abandoned when I found this site, and I have been able to do some studying; however, now that I have this condition, I've been in a state of fear.  One of my first responses was to come here and ask for prayer.

    I may have a brain tumor that will need to be removed.  I'm scared.  I do trust my heavenly Father, and I know he holds my life in his hands.  But it's frightening to know that you have this “thing” that is wrong with you.  I had been wondering why I was feeling to fatigued and falling into a dark depression (which is the opposite of my usual nature).  Anyway, I don't have many details right now.  Just enough to be scared and enough to make me run here……to you all……my brother's and sister's.  Please, please pray for me and my family.  Pray for healing.  Pray for God's will to be done, whatever that may mean for me.

    I will be spending some time here again, quietly studying.  I need something to keep my mind busy.  And to be honest, I need the support right now.

    Much love to everyone,


    My heart is heavy after reading this. But God is good! There is a reason for everything in our lives, and God has a reason for this. You will know why some day. But in the meantime, I do offer up prayer for you and your family in this trying time. First the busyness of the remodel, and now this! Just remember that trials help us grow closer to Him. And they can also help those in your life grow closer to Him as they see you hold fast to His promises.

    While reading your post, I was reminded of the song by Scott Krippayne that basically says “Sometimes He calms the storm, and other times He calms His child”. Either way, He is in full control!

    I will be praying!


    Thank you for sharing your story with me, it really gave me the courage that I am needing.  If you suffer with depression, then my “Happy” brother, God is working a mighty thing in your life!  I would have never known that from your posts that are filled with love and understanding.  Thank you, brother, for caring for me and for praying.

    The Spirit is on you sister, and I value your prayers so much.  Thank you for your friendship (on and off the boards).

    What you shared spoke to me, “What Satan has meant for evil, God has meant for good.”  I will carry this with me.  I know that Satan is attacking me in my body because he can't seem to attack my spirit.  Please pray for protection.  Thank you for your insight, brother!

    I love the song you shared, I believe Andre Crouch sang it back in the 70's during the “Jesus Movement.”  And it's so true, there will be trials.  We are not free from them in this life.  But we are free in Christ.  I trust your prayers and thank you, brother.

    I also know of the song that you shared.  I'm beginning to wonder what God's plan is for this situation.  It might be that the child will be calmed while the storm rages around me….  It's frightening, but I have to be like a little child and reach out for the Father's hand and trust that he loves me through it all.  Your kind words help me to remain calm, and that is no small thing during this time of uncertainty.  Bless you, brother.



    I am also praying for you and yours.

    As kejonn and others have expressed so well. “God is In control”. We are more than conquerers through him who loves us.

    Blessings Keith :)


    Brother Keith,
    It's comforting to know you are praying. I have come to really cherish the fact that you keep me in your prayers; that you remember me. I definitely feel “out of control” so it nice to rest in the fact that God is “in control” of what happens to me. My faith is being increased (and tested). Thank you for your prayers, brother.

    Mr. Steve

    Dear Mandy;

    When I read of your post, something inside me said now is the time Mr. Steve to apply your faith for your sister in need of healing.

    In the scriptures, a couple of people said, Lord if thou wilt thou canst make me whole. The Lord responded I am willing, be thou made whole. Christ has not changed. Christ healed many people that didn't even know he was the Son of God. Most of the miracles in John were done by Christ' own volition, not the faith of others. I saw that just this Summer.

    With respect to healing, Christ said perhaps more than any other statement, according to your faith be it unto you. The gospel magnifies faith in Christ. Faith is believing to receive something specifically. If you don't know what you're believing for how do you know when you receive it. So you must have something specific in mind. You do- your healing.

    Bartimeaus cried unto the Lord to have mercy on him and the people tried to quiet him. Finally, the Lord stopped and said what do you want me to do for you. He responded, that I may receive my sight. Jesus, responded thy faith hath made thee whole. The lesson is that first we have to know what we need. You already know that part. Next, we have to know where the remedy is for our need. All of the people in the scripture that were healed by Christ requested Christ to specifically heal them or another person went to the Lord specifically on their behalf.

    Even though you are naturally filled with fear, I hereby join my faith with you and the entire family on and believe that Christ is making you whole of your illness now. Everyone Christ healed he healed now so why not just believe according to the scriptures and receive it by faith now. See yourself healed in the name of Jesus. See your doctors and your friends rejoicing at the healing report.

    As humans we question why certain things happen to us. But know this, Jesus never declined to heal anyone in scripture. In Mark, the people rushed in the streets and laid people by the way just to touch the hem of his garment and as many touch him were made whole. Touch him now.
    Some verses say they just through the sick at Jesus in a pile and he healed them all. Can you imagine witnessing the healing miracles of Christ first hand. His word is alive. Read the stories in Mark and imagine yourself there. Imagine yourself one of them who touched the hem of his garment. His word is life and is eternal. His word will never pass away.

    Jesus never asked anyone why they wanted to be healed. Motive is not an issue with Christ to heal you. You receive according to your faith.

    I'm reminded where a man's friends let him down through the roof of a house just to get to Jesus to be made whole. As they were letting him down through the roof do you remember what Jesus said? Jesus seeing their faith, declared thy sins are forgiven, take up your bed and walk. Christ did not say, wow he's desparate, wow what an idea going through the roof, or wow they must really love this man, even though all were true. The solitary truth was that Christ saw their faith in him to be made whole. Just know right now that Christ is your healer and be thou healed this very hour. We can even believe for you right now. We hereby let you down through the roof in faith believing to receive. I'm so excited to hear what Christ is going to do for you now.

    Every person in scripture that Christ healed he healed now so we can believe right now for your healing, and praise the name of Jesus Christ for it.

    There was even a woman of Canaan that came to Jesus for her daughter who was grieviously vexed with a devil. Mathew 15:21 The scriptures say Jesus answered her not a word. His disciples came to Jesus and said send her away she's following hard after us. Jesus said I am not called but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Then she came to Jesus and worshipped him saying Lord help me. He answered and said it is not meet to take the children's bread and to cast it to dogs. She responded Truth Lord yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters' table. Do you remember what Christ said next, Oh Woman, great is thy faith and her daughter was made whole from that very hour.

    This story is bursting through the seams to have faith in Christ. This woman wasn't even believing for herself she was believing for her daughter for deliverance from demonic vexation. Look at what she had to go through. First she had to recognize Jesus, then contend with his disciples, then she worshipped Jesus, then she contended with Jesus, and finally Jesus acknowledged her faith was great. Where faith is in Christ, there is the kingdom of God, it comes not with observation and is not limited by time or the age we live. Remember Jesus said great is thy faith. Faith in what? In Christ.

    Some of the people in the scriptures even had to contend with the disciples to get past them to get to Jesus. You may contend with them, but just realize they know not the truth, and continue to seek Jesus. According to your faith be it unto you sister. We are all believing for your complete healing. Read the Gospel of Mark everyday. The rush was on to find Christ where ever he went. He's coming to you today.

    May the Lord cause his face to shine upon you abundant right now in Jesus name.



    Mandy So sorry to hear of your Sickness. I will pray for you always, you are in God's Hand's. I know how scared you are.
    Let me share my story with you , Mandy, it will be alright, I feel. The first time I almost died was when I was 8 years old in Germany. I had been in and out of the Hospital and the Doctors did not know what was wrong even tho long worms were coming out of my mouth. The Ambulance Driver told us to go to a Doctor that has a Brother in America that has good medication. When the Doctor took a look at me He said;” She is full of worms , I have two different kinds of medication ,if the first stays in Her stomach ,she will have a chance, otherwise I will give Her a week to live. Needless to say, I did. The second time I came close to death was 2 years ago. First let me list all the Diseases that I have. I started with Asthma when I was 21. When I was 35 I was so sick that I collapsed in the Hospital Hallway. Nobody knew what was wrong with me. To make a long story short after much testing I was diagnosed with Lupus. Lupus patients usually live about 15-20 years after being diagnosed. It has been over 25 years now for me. At first I did not take steroids, because I knew what kind of side effect they had, until I ended up in a wheelchair and could not dress myself or feed myself. So I gave up and have been taking a small dose of steroids. Then came the Day that I was diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure. Nice I thought. Then after several years, I got sick again and had such High Blood Pressure, that I thought I was going to have a Heart Attack. I broke both of my shoulders and my Husband had to dress me again, could not do anything. That was 9 years ago. Since then I have been in and out of the Hospital mainly with my Asthma. One time I got an phenomia with a 105 temp. and my Blood pressure dropped to 54 over 30, the Surgeon was called in and He scared our Family half to dead, because He said I do not know if I can save Her , because I think Her Intestines are detereated and I don't know if I can save Her, because of all the steroid she has taken.. I was in I.C.U. for 4 Days and in the Hospital. all together for 4 moths. My Asthma turned into C.O.P.D. and I am on Oxygen 24 hours a Day. I am also a Diabetic now. And have Osteoporosis and Rheumatory Arthritis. My fingers are getting crooked, and my back is bent. I shrunk 3 inches. Have Nerve Damage in my feet and they hurt sometimes really bad.

    I have told you all this to have Faith and don't be scared, all will be O.K. that is what I had told my Family when the Doctor almost gave me up.

    You have a second Family here and we will pray that you can depend on. And remember God loves you and so do I.

    Peace and Love Mrs.


    Mandy A Song For You

    I'LL Never Leave You

    Five sparrows are for two farthings yet not one will fall to the ground.
    That is, lest our Heavenly Father shall know for He hears every sound.

    You know you are worth more then sparrows He numbers the hairs on your head.
    He knows all your needs and desires so remember the words He has said:”

    I'll never leave you Never forsake you
    I'll be your helper and your friend Fear not the things that some men can do
    I will be with you till the end.”

    We're given a special commission To finish with all of our might
    Behold, I lift your eyes to the harvest you'll see how the fields are all white
    We're bringing a message of good news we'll sing to the world with one voice
    So hasten the day when our Master will say
    “Together let's truly rejoice.”
    “I'll never leave you, You're MY FRIEND.

    I'll never leave you never forsake you, YOUR MY FRIEND.

    Peace and Love Mrs.:D :D :D


    Quote (Mr. Steve @ Sep. 28 2007,07:47)
    The rush was on to find Christ where ever he went. He's coming to you today.

    Brother Steven,

    You have great faith. You have stepped out in courage to give me this message, and I thank you from my heart.

    I remember when my mother was dying of lung cancer, I extended my faith and annointed her with oil and prayed a healing prayer over her – she died the following week.

    Ever since then, I confess, I have not had much faith in miracles or the “healing power” of Christ. This is to my shame and I have asked for forgiveness and covering because of this. I have also asked for more faith, for even our faith is a gift from God. I can do nothing but wait on him. I will also muster the courage to bind my faith with yours and everyone one of you who are praying for me. Perhaps the Lord will shine on me and see fit to increase my faith (and yours) through healing! That would be a glorious day, indeed.

    I will keep you posted. I see the Doctor on Tuesday and tests will follow.

    Thank you for your faith, brother. I am going ask if I can borrow some from you, OK? :) I feel that my burdens are being shared by you, and other's. I almost didn't come back to HeavenNet to ask for prayer, but I was impressed to do so. I'm so glad that I did. What a comfort family can be. What a blessing! God bless you, Steven. And much love to you, Mandy


    Quote (IM4Truth @ Sep. 28 2007,07:47)
    You have a second Family here and we will pray that you can depend on. And remember God loves you and so do I.

    Hi Mrs.,

    I am so blessed by your testimony. I can't imagine living with all of those illnesses. You are truly suffering, and have suffered greatly; I pray the LORD will bless you.

    I hold dear to my heart – your prayers for me. Your reassuring voice has been heard and has a calming affect on my spirit (what a huge blessing that is in the face of fear). I've always had a fear of dying, even when I was little. So, Satan is playing me. I need to borrow Steven's faith and claim healing! Faith, faith, faith! Faith for us both, Mrs. :)

    Love to you,


    Dear Sis,

    Three years ago I was told I had five years to live. Up to date my conditrion has not changed.
    When the doctor told me that the Spirit came upon me like never before. For two weeks my feet never touched the ground, it was as if It was graduation day!

    Anyway what I'm trying to say is “HAVE NO FEAR”. And pray that His will be done! It might sound strange but I count it a blessing that I know that I have but a short time. The LORD does nothing at random. There is a reason for everything, EVERYTHING! Give your whole self to God and rest in Him Knowing that HE is in charge.

    May the Spirit give you rest,



    Brother Ken,

    Wow. I have no idea what it feels like to be handed a death sentence, per se. My mother was told that she would only live 6 months (she lived a year), and I wondered what it felt like to be told this kind of news? We think we are going to live forever. We think that we will be old and gray with a full life behind us before we finally die. I wonder what it feels like to KNOW you wil not see a certain age? Maybe it is a blessing, as you say, to know your time is short. There is a country singer I like who has a song out that goes something like, “… like you were dying….” and I've pondered that many times. Well, the Lord bless you Ken. If you'd like, please share about your condition and we can all join you in prayer for healing.

    Fear is a biggie for me. I've always been a fraddy-cat (scared of the dark, even slightly scary movies, bumps in the night, possible things that could happen to my kids and the list goes on), it's no way to live when you are a child of the heavenly Father. I've asked for deliverance over fear, and I continue to ask. Yes, may God's will be done in my life and in yours. Take care, Ken. And thanks for replying here……I was waiting for you to chime in. I thought that perhaps you had such ill feelings towards me that you would not even pray for me? I'm glad to know that is not the case.
    Much love,


    Quote (Not3in1 @ Sep. 29 2007,03:41)
    Brother Ken,

    Wow.  I have no idea what it feels like to be handed a death sentence, per se.  My mother was told that she would only live 6 months (she lived a year), and I wondered what it felt like to be told this kind of news?  We think we are going to live forever.  We think that we will be old and gray with a full life behind us before we finally die.  I wonder what it feels like to KNOW you wil not see a certain age?  Maybe it is a blessing, as you say, to know your time is short.  There is a country singer I like who has a song out that goes something like, “… like you were dying….” and I've pondered that many times.  Well, the Lord bless you Ken.  If you'd like, please share about your condition and we can all join you in prayer for healing.

    Fear is a biggie for me.  I've always been a fraddy-cat (scared of the dark, even slightly scary movies, bumps in the night, possible things that could happen to my kids and the list goes on), it's no way to live when you are a child of the heavenly Father.  I've asked for deliverance over fear, and I continue to ask.  Yes, may God's will be done in my life and in yours.  Take care, Ken.  And thanks for replying here……I was waiting for you to chime in.  I thought that perhaps you had such ill feelings towards me that you would not even pray for me?  I'm glad to know that is not the case.
    Much love,

    As I have said I don't care what “other” beliefs one has IF that person believes that Jesus was God's Son who died for Our sins then they are my Brother /Sister in the Lord.

    My fear is getting through death :D I know what comes after :D I would like to just pass away with a smile on my face in my “own” bed. :laugh:

    Of course it is whatever the Lord wills. Jesus prayed that this cup would pass “but nonetheless Thy Will Be Done”.

    This is what I have done. I have put it in God's hands. Whatever HE wants I will accept. Some people suffer before death while others (as I've said) die with a smile on their face with seems like no pain whatsoever.

    Mandy death is just another part of life, ETERNAL life.

    1Co 15:36 You foolish person! What you sow does not come to life unless it dies.

    Heb 9:27 And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment,

    2Co 5:1 For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.
    2Co 5:2 For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven:
    2Co 5:3 If so be that being clothed we shall not be found naked.
    2Co 5:4 For we that are in this tabernacle do groan, being burdened: not for that we would be unclothed, but clothed upon, that mortality might be swallowed up of life.
    2Co 5:5 Now he that hath wrought us for the selfsame thing is God, who also hath given unto us the earnest of the Spirit.
    2Co 5:6 Therefore we are always confident, knowing that, whilst we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord:
    2Co 5:7 (For we walk by faith, not by sight:)
    2Co 5:8 We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.
    2Co 5:9 Wherefore we labour, that, whether present or absent, we may be accepted of him.

    Seek the Comforter and He will comfort.



    Ken I have praying for you for some time know and having but as short time to live is somewhat a Blessing, because you can prepare yourself. To look over your life and see where could I have been done better and then say I am sorry to God.
    When we die the next time we open our eyes we will have a much better body and that will be so great, right? I am so sorry we both had this disagreement about the Sabbath. You can be assured about it tho, I am keeping many Days like the Sabbath with the Lord, since I am so sick. Like I said before We have gotten so used to doing all our cleaning on Fridays and all other works during the Week, we never do any work on the Sabbath anyway. Maybe it is still in our Blood since we kept it for long. Well lets not get into that now. Just wanted to tell you that I am praying for you.

    Peace and Love Mrs.:D :D

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