Three Heavens

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  • #19225

    In Genesis verse one, God created the heaven and the earth. This is
    the first heaven or as we know it, outer space. In verse 14, God
    said, let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide
    the day from night. and let them be for signs and for seasons, and
    for days. Verse 14 thru 18 are are speaking of the heaven we know as

    In verse six, God said, let there be a firmament in the mist of the
    waters, and let devide the waters from the waters. This is the second
    heaven or as we know it today, our atmosphere. In verse 7, It says
    God made the firmament and devided the waters which were under the
    firmanent from the waters from the waters that were above the
    firmament, and it was so. In verse eight, God called the firmament
    heaven. This is the second heaven. In verse 20, it says God created
    foul to fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.

    The scripture is speaking of two heavens in Genesis, for it is
    impossible for foul to fly in the heaven we know as outer space.
    Proof that this is speaking of more then one heaven is found in the
    first verse of Genesis two, thus the heavens and the earth were
    finished. Notice, the word heaven is plurul, meaning more then one
    heaven. This is not a translation error. Now if we were to put them
    is the correct order, naturally, spiritual heaven would be first,
    outer space second, and them the atmosphere third.

    3rd) 2Cr 12:2 I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago,
    (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I
    cannot tell: God knoweth;) such an one caught up to the third


    Hi H,
    Of course the real heaven, the throne of God was in existence with the angels and the sons of God, before the creation of visible matter and earthly beings and other things.


    Nick, can I ask you why the comment? I posted this article as a learning piece. It is just a fact. Something provable in scripture. Many people look at heaven as just space period.


    Hi H,
    We are an open forum and all are invited to add or explain or enlarge any scriptural presentations so we can all learn from the light God sheds among us.
    Often a comment brings another aspect to look into or something we have never considered before.
    As much as is possible we work together. This is a shared task of delving for precious truth and we will never be finished.


    Jesus, was the beginning of creation.


    Hi H,
    What does that verse mean to you?
    Do you have others as witnesses?


    In the beginning was the Word.


    Hi H,
    Yes and the Word was with God and everything that came into being thence was created through the only begotten Son of God.


    The Father created all things through the Son and by the Son through the ministry of the Holy Spirit.


    I am responding to the question on heaven. Although there is more reference in scripture to the heavens, this will help in understanding the differences God willing.


    For KW


    For KW


    For mb



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