Those who haven't heard the Gospel.

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    I was talking to my friend the other day, he doesn't believe in the Bible, but in Reincarnation and stuff. But we were talking, and he asked me some stuff that i didn't know how to answere. I mean, i do kind of, but not really into words you know. ok…If God is so loving and all, why would he send people to hell if they never heard the gospel? I mean, if someone in lets say africa never got the chance to hear about God or never got the chance to hear about it and all his life he just sat around hearing nothing but lies, then he dies, why would he be sent to hell if God is so loving and stuff? i don't know, i mean, i'm also curious.
    rochelle itsme



    I was talking to my friend the other day, he doesn't believe in the Bible, but in Reincarnation and stuff.  But we were talking, and he asked me some stuff that i didn't know how to answere.  I mean, i do kind of, but not really into words you know.  ok…If God is so loving and all, why would he send people to hell if they never heard the gospel?  I mean, if someone in lets say africa never got the chance to hear about God or never got the chance to hear about it and all his life he just sat around hearing nothing but lies, then he dies, why would he be sent to hell if God is so loving and stuff? i don't know, i mean, i'm also curious.
    rochelle itsme

    GoD is loving- to those who obey him- those who love theyre neigbour- paul talks about those who have not heard the gospel, how they will be Judged fairly, you dont need to be told to be kind to people before you do it. But then to others GoD with fire of torment he shows his Love. LoL.

    Who of you would sit and watch while children are being raped- tormented- all the sick things in the world- and not step in and stop it????

    Thats what GoD does!!!!

    So then- when its all over I think that rage is ganna become really overbearing- I think GoD knew he'd be really pissed and made hell for the people he doesnt like. It is really unfair – a little bit of life here- in exchange for eternal torment. But thats who GoD is!!! GoD is Hardcore!!! like so X-treamly Hardcore!!

    GoD is not so loving- not as the world or as mainstream church ignorantly believe.  GoD created hell- and will create the seccond death- or it has allready been created. Sure GoD could make everyone be happy and be in theyre own litlle worlds, kinda like a padded prison cell. Or he could make people never die no-matter what they did to eachother- But he hasnt set things like that- GoD must like his current system and who are we to argue. Of course we can ask him to maybe change things- But i dont think He will. He allready Sent Jesus through all that pain.

    This is a preety big question to answer. Theres like- all other things to consider.

    Well, Take for instance- abraham who decided he wasnt going to worship many idols- Many idols was all he was taught- why would he stop??? It is because GoD is not mocked- You will reap what you have sown. Other religions call it karma- and whatever else. So a person being told lies- GoD will take into account- he judges fairly-

    To sum it up- GoD doesnt just send them to hell for not hearing the gospel- Think about it, everyone before Jesus had hope- some even went straight to heaven from earth to remain in heaven. That was way before Jesus sacrifice.

    GoD has made Jesus the attoning sacrifice- Has given us power through his name- GoD has made Jesus King of all nations-

    With this Judgment thats handed to Jesus- he says that he will reward everyone according to their deeds.

    GoD is not a moron, As it says- He Looks down on earth, Looking at both GooD and Evil Men- to reward them according to what they do.

    Sure Its better to hear about Jesus- But all the regulations start and stop with the authority GoD gave to Jesus.

    Remember Jesus Broke Convention- and told some robber on a cross that he would go to heaven with him. Just because he pleased Jesus a lil' bit by sticking up for him. When everyone else had ran away- or hid.

    GoD truely has made Jesus Both Chirst and Lord!!!  

    These people that say you must do all the seremony ahead of action- of deeds- Is a fool!!

    We are Judged according to what we Do!


    Thats one part.


    The other About How can a GoD of love send people to hell.

    Well, We are not only told that he is a GoD of love But that he is a consuming fire- He loves those who love him- preety much- He says to those who have been evil- He will repay them with evil. But its not even that. He also has regulations and things that he considers evil that only effect the individual. This seems unfair- E.G. homesexuality

    But thats the thing- GoD is GoD and he can do whatever the hell he Likes. If you know that GoD is real, by things revealed to you- Trust in him cause theres no-one else thats ganna save you from GoD but himself.

    Personally, Id like another GoD But he is the only GoD we Got- and his rules are the way-

    He says in one part 'Does the axe weild itself against the one who holds it??' Like GoD's holding us- we are the axe… and he sayz –' does a pot say to the Potter- Why have you made me??' Like he's the potter – yeah. So whatever he says goes ^_^. But its finding that out thats the hard thing- He doesnt make it easy.


    Tell your friend to not forget the poor- GoD will not forget him. “whoever lends to the poor, lends to the Lord”

    Our first Gentile convert was shown the message of truth because He “gave alms to the Poor, and continually prayed”

    Prety much, If you dont want demons ruling your life in this world Then GoD's way is tha best.


    These are just some thoughts- There is more on hell here- on these forums- entitled, 'is hell eternal??'….=1;t=20

    Hell is not eternal- However, The seccond death is- And many who were in hell will be judged and rewarded according to what he has done.

    So GoD's preety fair.  *warning,  Not a mainstream teaching.

    Ill probs write more laterz- Or take a different approach later.

    Let me know what you think.


    Devine intervention is possible, however we are expected to be responsible for our actions. If God interviened every time something bad happened than we would not have free will and there would be no consiquineses for our actions.


    Yes true- GoD does intervene sometimes- But usually when people ask for protection- which is apart of free will. Like angels showing themselves to protect people- or Jesus walking through an angry mob who wanted to kill him at the start of his ministry.

    And for others- he gives more knowledge- But with a harsher Judgment on them if they are disobediant. So It evens up in the end. I like GoDs rules of fair final scoring.
    Jesus said 'to whoever is given much, Much is demanded'
    Demanded, yeah- also it says teachers are Judged more harshly- and that its worse for a person if they became a christian, then turned away.


    I do not believe that God sends people to hell if they have not heard the gospel.

    Did Moses or Elijah hear the gospel? No they didn't, yet they appeared in heavenly glory with Jesus before some of the disciples. We must remember that the gospel was given to the Church to preach. Before that, men were also saved by simply having real faith in God. This hasn't changed. So a person who hasn't heard the gospel today can still have faith in God, just as people did before the gospel was preached.

    Matthew 17:2-3
    2 There he was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light.
    3 Just then there appeared before them Moses and Elijah, talking with Jesus.

    Men can know God in at least 3 ways.

    1) Conscience
    2) Law
    3) Gospel

    Men can serve God with any one of these things and all men have a conscience.

    Conscience is made up of 2 words.

    1) Con = with. A Latin word, and is also the Spanish word for 'with'.
    2) science = knowledge.
    With Knowledge

    Conscience is the Law written in mens hearts.

    Romans 2:15
    since they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even defending them.

    Some men know the Law and some know the gospel, but all men have a conscience. So God can judge all men.

    I am also convinced that some people serve God more by mere conscience than some who know the gospel.

    Remember, to whom much is given, much is expected and to whom less is given, less is expected.

    Luke 12:48
    But the one who does not know and does things deserving punishment will be beaten with few blows. From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.

    Try the following writings:

    Does reincarnation conflict with the teachings in the bible?

    Are people condemned if they have never heard the gospel?

    Do the wicked burn in Hell forever?


    One of the greatest problems for those who have not heard the gospel is “godlessness”
    As it says in Job 27.8
    ” For what can the GODLESS man expect when he is cut off, when God requires his life?”
    Job 8.13
    “And the hope of the GODLESS will perish.”
    “And if the just man is saved only with difficulty what is to become of the GODLESS and the sinner?”.

    Which of those who do not follow the way of Jesus are not following idolatry? Whole cultures are idolatrous and can expect the wrath of God.

    The only time we see God's mercy expressed in the word for those who do not know the right way are the “God fearing” such as Cornelius. as in ACTS 10.1. So they need to be more than neutral to enjoy the blessing in my view.
    “All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God”
    it says in Romans3.

    Jn9.31″ We know that God does not hear sinners but that if someone is devout and obeys His will, He listens to him.”


    The MERCY of God is awesome and in my view more will find salvation that way that by following the narrow path. What do others think?


    At the dividing of the sheep and goats I do not believe we are the sheep but they are those without the Gospel. I believe those without knowledge of Jesus will be judged by their works, which reveals their motivation, if it is love then through that they fulfill the law. The price for them is still covered by the blood of Jesus as is all men from Adam on.

    Preaching the Gospel is necessary as it provides a much surer way to eternal life.




    Yes, alleluia, or Hallelujah (praise Jah) Let all creation praise Jah, and call on his name.

    “Everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah* will be saved.”

    However, how will they call on him in whom they have not put faith?

    How, in turn, will they put faith in him of whom they have not heard?

    How, in turn, will they hear without someone to preach?

    How, in turn, will they preach unless they have been sent forth?

    Just as it is written: “How comely are the feet of those who declare good news of good things!”” (Rom 10:13-15; *Compare Joel 2:32)


    Hi david,
    According to Joel this applies to the time of the changes in the sun and the moon-not yet.
    That is why it says”will be saved” here.


    “Everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah* will be saved.”

    However, how will they call on him in whom they have not put faith?

    How, in turn, will they put faith in him of whom they have not heard?

    How, in turn, will they hear without someone to preach?

    How, in turn, will they preach unless they have been sent forth?

    Just as it is written: “How comely are the feet of those who declare good news of good things!”” (Rom 10:13-15; *Compare Joel 2:32)

    I just thought because this thread was about the good news (gospel) this scripture about the good news was appropriate.
    Perhaps the calling on the name of Jehovah does apply to that time.
    But will they call if they haven't heard of him?
    And will they hear of him without someone to preach?

    So I'm not sure what point you were trying to make.


    Hi david,
    Timing matters in all scriptural revelation. You present a scripture that many preach as fully relevant now so it is important to put it in the timeframe for which it was intended.

    From the false reading of this verse has come the false teaching that the way of salvation is only by intellectual assent now and that is untrue and misleading for many.


    Nick. I suggest it wouldn't hurt to start calling on God now. So that when that time comes, you are already calling on his name.


    Hi david,
    That is an odd remark. What do you mean?


    Hi david,
    According to Joel this applies to the time of the changes in the sun and the moon-not yet.
    That is why it says”will be saved” here.

    What I mean is that those who are calling on God's name will be saved. Sure, that's in the future.
    But the logic follows that they will not be calling on his name at that time if they haven't put faith in him. And they won't put faith in him if they haven't heard of him, and how will they hear without someone to preach?
    Isn't that what it says?

    Nick. I suggest it wouldn't hurt to start calling on God now. So that when that time comes, you are already calling on his name.

    That is an odd remark. What do you mean?

    What I mean is that those who are calling on his name when that time comes will also be the ones calling on his name before that time comes.


    Quote (david @ April 10 2006,19:48)

    Hi david,
    According to Joel this applies to the time of the changes in the sun and the moon-not yet.
    That is why it says”will be saved” here.

    What I mean is that those who are calling on God's name will be saved.  Sure, that's in the future.
    But the logic follows that they will not be calling on his name at that time if they haven't put faith in him.  And they won't put faith in him if they haven't heard of him, and how will they hear without someone to preach?
    Isn't that what it says?

    Nick.  I suggest it wouldn't hurt to start calling on God now.  So that when that time comes, you are already calling on his name.

    That is an odd remark. What do you mean?

    What I mean is that those who are calling on his name when that time comes will also be the ones calling on his name before that time comes.

    Hi david,
    There is no motivation like terror to awaken faith in man. This is the time of Is 24. There are no atheists at the frontline in wartime.


    Every Knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess…

    God will save all His creation.

    Isaiah 46:10 And all my desire will I do. (God )


    Quote (itsme @ May 19 2004,04:49)
    I was talking to my friend the other day, he doesn't believe in the Bible, but in Reincarnation and stuff.  But we were talking, and he asked me some stuff that i didn't know how to answere.  I mean, i do kind of, but not really into words you know.  ok…If God is so loving and all, why would he send people to hell if they never heard the gospel?  I mean, if someone in lets say africa never got the chance to hear about God or never got the chance to hear about it and all his life he just sat around hearing nothing but lies, then he dies, why would he be sent to hell if God is so loving and stuff? i don't know, i mean, i'm also curious.
    rochelle itsme

    Hello, itsme, fun intended

    First, contrary what you have heard, hell is not a place for condemned sinners, it is nothing more then a grave. When you die they put you in a hell/grave. You are conscious of nothing, you wait for the resurrection.
    Second, no one has yet been condemned for ever. When ministers tell you, if you're not saved now, you will burn in hell for ever, THAT IS A FLAT OUT LIE, it shows their lack of understanding.
    When Jesus begins to reign on this earth, the millennium, he will resurrect all that are in their grave, good and bad, those that ignored him and those that never heard of him; he died for all, and all will be given the same chance to hear the truth and repent. No one will have to wonder what is truth and what is not, no one will have to wonder what church to go to. God will open the minds of all people so all can understand, and only those that will not listen then, will die again, the second death, eternal death, no torture.



    Every Knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess…

    God will save all His creation.

    Isaiah 46:10 And all my desire will I do. (God )

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