This is my God

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    Quote (Samuel @ Oct. 22 2007,09:03)
    I'm not sure what to make of this.

    However, GOD does work in mysterious ways.  So…in that aspect I'm not going to be the one to say that this vision or dream was from GOD or not from GOD.

    I'm a rather lonely person myself…I've prayed that if GOD so fit for me to have a companion that he might send me one in a way for me to know that it was indeed from him and his choice for me…Think the story of Rebeca in the bible.

    I've probably not had the hardest life…i'm quite sure that some people out there have had it far worse than me…I at times I've thought I've had it pretty bad…I think we all do sometimes.  My only thought is GOD save those people that really do have it bad.

    I've been through my mother and fathers divorce…Had a step mother that beat me and abused me physically, Been in and out of relationships due to mental problems.  Had my own family completely “DIS-OWN” me…and turn their backs on me…Save for my Father.  It's really sort of an ironic reality actually…almost like GOD saying even when everything else is lost, and you think no one loves you…I do, and I am there, I am with you even unto the end of the world.

    I honestly felt that if I were to die the only person that would be there in this whole world is my (In the flesh, real life) father.
    But, I know my heavenly father…is going to be standing there as well, with arms wide open.  I know hes not gonna let me sink, hes not gonna let me fall, hes not gonna let me drowned.  Hes gonna make a way for it to work…if GOD wants me to have something…hes gonna give it to me.  My GOD knows me and knows where I'm at….and my GOD LOVES ME…more than anything or anyone on this spinning blue rock.

    Before, I had started back living my life for GOD …yeah Satan tried to make me fill loved with his mindless contraptions and delusions.  He had me enslaved so badly by those online RPG video game demons…where I would log on to and plunge myself in to a fake make-believe world and pretend that people there loved me.  But they didn't…it was all a BIG FAT LIE!

    GOD DOES LOVE ME THOUGH! and its not a LIE! and its the TRUTH! and its REAL! and one day I'm going to be with him and he with me!

    Hi Samuel..I pray God will return all that was yours, and is your reward, from the beginning.

    and may everything you have ever gone thru… on this earth, become the molding and way to the purifing and pefecting of your soul unto life for ever and ever, eternity Amen


    I write this in concern of God's Love for the world, for the sake of his glory…

             The earth is a valley of the shadow of death, and there are many men, women and children bathing themselves in the thick, grimy tar hidden throughout the earth; and parasites of giant snakes, centipedes, spiders and among other disgusting looking creatures were going into them.  The shadow of death is the darkness called ignorance; the tar represents sinful deeds; and the parasites in the form of giant snakes, centipedes, roaches and among other disgusting looking creatures represents demons or spiritual parasites of lust, greed, envy and other sinful desires that causes people to become slaves to sin.  Then a light had dawned and the Fire of God came to baptize the world with his Spirit.  

             In their helplessness, he took pity on them; in their suffering, he intervened.  Without them being able to cry out, he heard his sheep; he heard the pain and sorrows buried deep in their souls.   His anger burned against the enemy; his wrath is stirred against rebellion.  He tore open the heavens, and with a gentle hand, he rescued us.

              This is the Word in which Christ proclaimed; through his examples, God's salvation was clearly seen.  Christ is the gentle hand of God; and he is still at work to this very day!

             Glory and praise belongs to God the Father in the name of Jesus Christ!  Amen


    Quote (seeking the truth @ Jan. 30 2008,06:45)
    I write this in concern of God's Love for the world, for the sake of his glory…

             The earth is a valley of the shadow of death, and there are many men, women and children bathing themselves in the thick, grimy tar hidden throughout the earth; and parasites of giant snakes, centipedes, spiders and among other disgusting looking creatures were going into them.  The shadow of death is the darkness called ignorance; the tar represents sinful deeds; and the parasites in the form of giant snakes, centipedes, roaches and among other disgusting looking creatures represents demons or spiritual parasites of lust, greed, envy and other sinful desires that causes people to become slaves to sin.  Then a light had dawned and the Fire of God came to baptize the world with his Spirit.  

             In their helplessness, he took pity on them; in their suffering, he intervened.  Without them being able to cry out, he heard his sheep; he heard the pain and sorrows buried deep in their souls.   His anger burned against the enemy; his wrath is stirred against rebellion.  He tore open the heavens, and with a gentle hand, he rescued us.

              This is the Word in which Christ proclaimed; through his examples, God's salvation was clearly seen.  Christ is the gentle hand of God; and he is still at work to this very day!

             Glory and praise belongs to God the Father in the name of Jesus Christ!  Amen

    Christ is the gentle hand of God, and is still at work to this day! I sure agree with that. We are under His Blood and because of it are saved. We are born again and received the Holy Spirit and understand what God wants us to understand and will have eternal life. Each of us in our order. First Jesus Christ then those that sleep in Christ and those that are still alive at His coming. Christ will also be at work in the Millinium with the elect, until all is under His feet. Then He will give the Kingdom back to the Father, so God can be all in all. Peace at last.
    Peace and Love Mrs.


    God's Sceptor
            As it is written, 'He shall rule them with an iron sceptor..'  In order to understand this, one must understand what the sceptor is.  A sceptor is a king's instrument that holds power, authority and sovereignty.  No king rules without it.  Yet, God's sceptor is the Holy Spirit; his Scepter is, in another words, like a rod which draws out a sword.  As God told me, “To the right of the Father is the Son, to the right of the Son is his Scepter, then the church.”  What this means is that the Scepter is the Church filled with the Holy Spirit; God's 'instrument' filled with his Word and we know that the Word of God is the Sword that comes out of the mouth of the King of Kings.  That's why Christ said, “Even the Queen of the south will rise and judge men…” to further explain to his disciples in parables that those filled with the Holy Spirit are like those who have become God's Scepter.  It's important to understand the Word of Truth because it's not Christ who will condemn, but the Saints.  

             It is also written, 'With it, he shall judge and rule over the nations..'  That means, God's Scepter, which is the Church filled with the Holy Spirit, will be made kings and rulers over provinces and that's why the Revelation speaks of the 'lots' given to each tribe (church) that is to recieve an inheritance of land.  Wherefore, just as God the Father handed all judgement and power over to the Son, the Son hands all judgement and power over to the Holy Spirit.  Learn this lesson when God told David and then Solomon, “All this time I have been with you and your Fathers, you have built me neither a house or a place to dwell and I have not yet found a worthy place to rest my head…”  The Temple of Solomon that he built for God prophesies that the Holy Spirit will come to dwell in men just as he dwelled in a house made by men.  In Revelations it is written that God will send his spirit out and if it doesn't return to him, he will say, “Look, my Spirit has found rest.”  Meaning, the Holy Spirit will dwell in the individual that has recieved him and will live in him as God had lived in the Temple of Solomon.  That's why as God dwelled in the Temple of Solomon, whoever gives him rest (accept him into their hearts), he will consider that man as being his Temple since God's Spirit lives in him.  And whoever is God's Temple can be assured that they have become God's Scepter of Truth.

             That's why Christ says, “He who speaks the Word of God is a man of Truth..”  And a man of truth is God's Scepter of Truth!  

     The Lord says, “When you plant a seed, it must first firmly establish its roots if it want to be prosperous and strong.  So also, when one recieves the Holy Spirit, He will firmly establish his house (Kingdom of Heaven) in anyone who holds on to his Word of Truth (Holy Spirit).  Again, anyone who has faith is like good soil; when a seed is planted within him, it establishes its roots and then breaks through the surface of the earth; so also the Kingdom of Heaven (the Holy Spirit) will forcefully advance through his servants to reveal Himself to the World.  You are an instrument and when you hear (understand) when I say to you, 'Sit here, while I make your enemies a footstool for your feet,' then you will know I have firmly established my House in you.”  Let he who has an ear, let him hear.  Glory be to God!!

    Blessing to all..


    Quote (kejonn @ July 13 2007,14:28)

    2 Cor 2:1-3 – Are we beginning to commend ourselves again? Or do we need, as some, letters of commendation to you or from you? You are our letter, written in our hearts, known and read by all men; being manifested that you are a letter of Christ, cared for by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.

    Ezekial 36:26 – “Moreover, I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; and I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.

    Martian seems to be gone, but his “story lives on”. It is not wise to judge a man's heart without knowing his relationship with Christ.

    If you disliked his story, please refrain from reading Song of Solomon.

    I agree.

    The story/vision/dream was a good one.

    There was no deceptive angle in the there from what I can see.

    Of course with any parable or vision, it can be taken anyway the heart desires.

    But God speaks to the heart and gives visions to the hearts of men who recieve them. Often they are very personal and meet the need of the person who recieved it.

    Why should it cause offense to others?


    Quote (t8 @ Jan. 30 2008,13:36)

    Quote (kejonn @ July 13 2007,14:28)

    2 Cor 2:1-3 – Are we beginning to commend ourselves again? Or do we need, as some, letters of commendation to you or from you? You are our letter, written in our hearts, known and read by all men; being manifested that you are a letter of Christ, cared for by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.

    Ezekial 36:26 – “Moreover, I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; and I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.

    Martian seems to be gone, but his “story lives on”. It is not wise to judge a man's heart without knowing his relationship with Christ.

    If you disliked his story, please refrain from reading Song of Solomon.

    I agree.

    The story/vision/dream was a good one.

    There was no deceptive angle in the there from what I can see.

    Of course with any parable or vision, it can be taken anyway the heart desires.

    But God speaks to the heart and gives visions to the hearts of men who recieve them. Often they are very personal and meet the need of the person who recieved it.

    Why should it cause offense to others?

    Somebody who can make something evil out of such a beautiful Story has no Love in their heart and should examine themselves. When one is lonely God is always there for us, all we have to do is reach out for Him. And I believe that is what the Story is teaching us.

    Peace and Love Mrs.

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