This is my God

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  • #57887

    I am curious what some may respond to this. With no debate of scripture this story tells of the God I know.

    The sand was smooth under my feet. Much smoother then my mood.
    Although my plight had existed for years it had been worse lately. As I watched my children grow up and leave the nest, I realised that I would soon be alone. Alone what a hideous word. Like a pitifull howl in the night. A howl of desparation from the heart.
    I cried out to God for help. I complained to Him of my loneliness and desperation. I even went so far as to accuse Him of not loving me or at the least loving others more then me. “Why did I have to be so alone?” “Why do you not show me your love ?”
    As I walked the deserted beach the darkness seemed to penitrate to the core of my being Then as if to break the gloom there was a small light, faded by the fog but there none the less. As I drew closer I saw a beach house, hidden among the dunes. The light coming thru the window was so inviting that I could not resist a peek inside. There, inside was a warm fire and candles all around. I could hear strings through the walls. A sweet tender melody that seemed to lift my spirit. I knew I was being very rude, but since I saw no one there I took a chance to look a little longer. What a romantic sight. I could not help imagining myself sitting on that couch with one I loved. Better yet on the rug beside the fire. Oh what joy that would be, what pure delight. But then reality struck my heart like a henchman's axe to cut assunder my hope.
    I turned asside to continue my mornfull pace when I spot a waft of reflective light. It was the reflection of a face steadily approaching me. I thought at first it was a woman's face but only an angel could be this beautifull. No, No this must be an angel gliding toward me. Perhaps my lonely heart had finally broke. Perhaps I had died, but then she spoke and music played from her lips. The melody that was her voice sent delight down my spine. She said “Hello?” a question of such importance that I dared not answer for fear of breaking the spell she had cast on me.
    No painters vision or poets words could have told of her. Her walk had the grace of a summers breeze accross the grass. I had to look to see if she even left footprints so light was her gait.
    She spoke again,”Are you alright? Would you like to come in and warm yourself?” Under normal circumstances I would have thought a woman brazen to ask a stranger into her house, but her question was so innocent that I could assign no bad thought to her. I stumbled out the word “OK” and followed her to the porch. We entered the room and I could smell the sweet incense burning on the table. A fragrance that seemed to inhance the feelings of passion I could feel rising in my heart.
    Do not missunderstand my intentions. I would have been happy just to gaze at her for hours, so great was her beauty.
    She ask me if I would like a cup of tea and to please sit down on the couch. I sat, still dumfounded at what was happening.
    She returned with a cup of steaming tea for both of us. The spicy yet sweet taste of the tea mimiced the moment. She sat on the hearth opposite me and told me her name was Gwen. Short for Gwinivere. It was easy to imagine any man becoming a Lancelot for her. Willing to fight the dragons of life to posses her.
    We chated on and on about nothing important, yet the conversation never seemed to lack interest. After what seemed a very short time I noticed the fire had gone out. I offered to build her a new fire but she said ” No matter it is time to start the day anyway.” At first I did not know what she meant then saw the sunlight streaming through the eastern window. We had talked all night! I imediately appologised for over staying my welcome and she said she had enjoyed our talk. As I was thanking her for her hospitality and preparing to leave she walked up close to me and said very sweetly, “I hope you will not be a stranger to this beach.”
    My heart leapt at the thought of seeing her again. I told her I would be on the beach every chance I could.
    I walked to the door and as I was about to walk out she took my hand in a very light embrace. I do not think a high tension electric wire could have sent more shivers down my spine. It reminded me of the line from the Movie “Sleepless in Seattle” Where the main character (Tom Hanks) says “It was magic.” Her touch was more then magic it was near to being prophetic as coming from the heart of God himself.
    As I turned to walk away I could feel her sweet gaze on me. I rounded a sand dune and she and her beach cottage were no longer in sight. I could hardly place one foot in front of the other so strong was the impact of that encounter. I could not just leave, I had to go back. So much was her drawing on me. I retraced my steps and when I came around the last dune I was stunned to see the cottage and she had completely dissapeared.
    Shock is too mild a word to describe my emotions of the time. I was not sure how to react. I remember a wise mentor telling me once that when I was lost just ask God for a map. I instantly dropped to my knees and ask God to tell me what this all meant.
    To my surprise He answered…….
    ” Did you not ask me to show you my love?” “Did you not ask why you feel so alone?”
    “Let me interpret this vision for you.”
    ” You have walked in a place that is very beautifull in the daylight, but you chose to walk there in the dark. You chose to lament your circumstances rather then talking to me about them. When you did call on me, I came to show you how I feel about you.”
    “I showed you a place to abide with me that was warm and inviting. A place to fullfill your emotional wellbeing.
    My music was playing to soothe you. You wanted more then that place alone. You wanted companionship and love in that place. I heard that cry of your heart too and as you turned aside I showed up as a beautifull lover. I invited you in and served you a warm spicy and sweet drink to feel you with warmth from the inside.
    I told you my name, indicating that I can be won, even as a lady of the age of chilvery can be won, and you recognised that you could be my knight.”
    “I gave you comfort and spoke to you thru the long dark night untill the daylight returned to your world.”
    “When you began to leave I TOUCHED you with an everlasting touch and ask you to come visit me again.”
    “In otherwords…… I came to love you.”


    Hi Martian,

    I hope that you are not the one who had this vision. It is clearly a ruse of the devil, preying on someone in a vulnerable emotional state. The story of the man seduced by the harlot in Proverbs 2, 5, and 7 comes to mind. I also recall Paul's warning not to take your stand on visions you have seen (Colossians 2:18). And, of course, even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. 2 Corinthians 11:4.

    We're most vulnerable when we are led by our emotions. The Bible is clear that wisdom and understanding are the path for God's people. We can't let our emotions trick us like this.




    It seems the story is turned around, for the Church, Gods chosen are the Bride. Christ is the husband seeking and calling to his Virgins to enter into intimate fellowship with him.



    Quote (Tim2 @ June 13 2007,09:16)
    Hi Martian,

    I hope that you are not the one who had this vision.  It is clearly a ruse of the devil, preying on someone in a vulnerable emotional state.  The story of the man seduced by the harlot in Proverbs 2, 5, and 7 comes to mind.   I also recall Paul's warning not to take your stand on visions you have seen (Colossians 2:18).  And, of course, even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.  2 Corinthians 11:4.  

    We're most vulnerable when we are led by our emotions.  The Bible is clear that wisdom and understanding are the path for God's people.  We can't let our emotions trick us like this.


    You are certainly a product of your doctrine. It is astounding that anyone could be that terribly hard hearted. I knew you were irrational and judgemental now you have proven yourself to have no concept of heart.

    Get over yourself —-


    Well about what I expected. Posting anything of this nature with some on this board is like setting up a day care run by child molestors and expecting a good outcome.


    Hi Martian,
    You are always so negative.
    Is life so bad?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 13 2007,12:02)
    Hi Martian,
    You are always so negative.
    Is life so bad?

    Actually Life is very very good. My posts are not intended to be negative. You are right. I should not attack in return. I should just laugh at their silliness. Kind of like laughing at children puffing themself up. At least they are entertaining. Kind of like watching the slapstick of the Three Stooges.


    Hi ma,
    Is that not just another form of negativity?



    Nice story; you are quite the writer with a gift for words. Reading it made me want to go and make some orange spice tea! :)

    I'm not sure what it all means but thanks for sharing it with us.


    Quote (Tim2 @ June 13 2007,09:16)
    Hi Martian,

    I hope that you are not the one who had this vision.  It is clearly a ruse of the devil, preying on someone in a vulnerable emotional state.  The story of the man seduced by the harlot in Proverbs 2, 5, and 7 comes to mind.   I also recall Paul's warning not to take your stand on visions you have seen (Colossians 2:18).  And, of course, even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.  2 Corinthians 11:4.  

    We're most vulnerable when we are led by our emotions.  The Bible is clear that wisdom and understanding are the path for God's people.  We can't let our emotions trick us like this.


    Hi Tim,

    I don't understand your response to this little story of love.

    If it had been satan taking credit for showing this lonely man some love, then I would agree that it was a ruse from the devil. But satan would surely not give credit to God for making this man feel good. And it was clearly stated that God wanted the man to feel love and a closeness that he was in need of.

    I thought that it was well written and inspirational, as well as rated R. We could use more love stories that are fit for the entire family to read.

    Lighten up your heart Tim. It is true that “Bible is clear that wisdom and understanding are the path for God's people. “
    But God just may use stories such as this to bring people to want to read the bible.



    My response is based on the fact that a vision in which a man is seduced by a woman is claimed to show the love of God. I don't think so.


    Quote (Tim2 @ June 14 2007,04:27)
    My response is based on the fact that a vision in which a man is seduced by a woman is claimed to show the love of God.  I don't think so.

    According to Webster, seduce is:
    Etymology: Late Latin seducere, from Latin, to lead away, from se- apart + ducere to lead — more at TOW
    1 : to persuade to disobedience or disloyalty
    2 : to lead astray usually by persuasion or false promises
    3 : to carry out the physical seduction of : entice to sexual intercourse

    I saw none of these in that story. I guess a person can see that for which he is looking.

    Thanks for clarifying the reason behind your response.



    Quote (TimothyVI @ June 14 2007,01:18)

    Quote (Tim2 @ June 13 2007,09:16)
    Hi Martian,

    I hope that you are not the one who had this vision.  It is clearly a ruse of the devil, preying on someone in a vulnerable emotional state.  The story of the man seduced by the harlot in Proverbs 2, 5, and 7 comes to mind.   I also recall Paul's warning not to take your stand on visions you have seen (Colossians 2:18).  And, of course, even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.  2 Corinthians 11:4.  

    We're most vulnerable when we are led by our emotions.  The Bible is clear that wisdom and understanding are the path for God's people.  We can't let our emotions trick us like this.


    Hi Tim,

    I don't understand your response to this little story of love.

    If it had been satan taking credit for showing this lonely man some love, then I would agree that it was a ruse from the devil. But satan would surely not give credit to God for making this man feel good. And it was clearly stated that God wanted the man to feel love and a closeness that he was in need of.

    I thought that it was well written and inspirational, as well as rated R. We could use more love stories that are fit for the entire family to read.

    Lighten up your heart Tim. It is true that “Bible is clear that wisdom and understanding are the path for God's people. “
    But God just may use stories such as this to bring people to want to read the bible.



    Those who feel that the salvation of the world rests on their shoulders have a heavy burden to bear. Most of the time, these people must remain critical and judgemental; that is, if they have any hope of saving you from eternal damnation!


    Very interesting. I guess true attitudes are being shown.
    It astounds me that some could not see the sweetness of God revealing Himself as the lover of our souls and caring for our loneliness and desperation.
    It is wonderfull that not3in1 and TimIV can see the heart of the dream. AS for others how can I expect them to see anything of the heart of God when their beliefs are based on relationship with creeds and mystical doctrines rather then God's heart, character and nature.




    Quote (TimothyVI @ June 14 2007,07:07)

    Quote (Tim2 @ June 14 2007,04:27)
    My response is based on the fact that a vision in which a man is seduced by a woman is claimed to show the love of God.  I don't think so.

    According to Webster, seduce is:
    Etymology: Late Latin seducere, from Latin, to lead away, from se- apart + ducere to lead — more at TOW
    1 : to persuade to disobedience or disloyalty
    2 : to lead astray usually by persuasion or false promises
    3 : to carry out the physical seduction of : entice to sexual intercourse

    I saw none of these in that story. I guess a person can see that for which he is looking.

    Thanks for clarifying the reason behind your response.


    Thank you for this response. I could not have said it better. There was no indication of seduction in any way.



    Psa 22:19 But be not thou far from me, O LORD: O my strength, haste thee to help me. Deliver my soul from the sword; my darling from the power of the dog.
    Save me from the lion's mouth: for thou hast heard me from the horns of the unicorns.
    I will declare thy name unto my brethren: in the midst of the congregation will I praise thee.
    Ye that fear the LORD, praise him; all ye the seed of Jacob, glorify him; and fear him, all ye the seed of Israel.
    For he hath not despised nor abhorred the affliction of the afflicted; neither hath he hid his face from him; but when he cried unto him, he heard.
    My praise [shall be] of thee in the great congregation: I will pay my vows before them that fear him.
    The meek shall eat and be satisfied: they shall praise the LORD that seek him: your heart shall live for ever.

    Psa 10:17 LORD, thou hast heard the desire of the humble: thou wilt prepare their heart, thou wilt cause thine ear to hear: To judge the fatherless and the oppressed, that the man of the earth may no more oppress.

    1Th 2:19 For what [is] our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? [Are] not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming? For ye are our glory and joy.


    Quote (charity @ June 14 2007,15:53)

    Psa 22:19  But be not thou far from me, O LORD: O my strength, haste thee to help me.  Deliver my soul from the sword; my darling from the power of the dog.
    Save me from the lion's mouth: for thou hast heard me from the horns of the unicorns.
    I will declare thy name unto my brethren: in the midst of the congregation will I praise thee.
    Ye that fear the LORD, praise him; all ye the seed of Jacob, glorify him; and fear him, all ye the seed of Israel.
    For he hath not despised nor abhorred the affliction of the afflicted; neither hath he hid his face from him; but when he cried unto him, he heard.
    My praise [shall be] of thee in the great congregation: I will pay my vows before them that fear him.
    The meek shall eat and be satisfied: they shall praise the LORD that seek him: your heart shall live for ever.

    Psa 10:17  LORD, thou hast heard the desire of the humble: thou wilt prepare their heart, thou wilt cause thine ear to hear:  To judge the fatherless and the oppressed, that the man of the earth may no more oppress.

    1Th 2:19  For what [is] our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? [Are] not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming?  For ye are our glory and joy.



    Hi M,
    Is this a true story?
    Did it happen to you or someone you know?
    If it is rather a legend or myth imagined by someone then why should we let it mould our view of God?
    Should we not rather rely on what is revealed in scripture?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 15 2007,08:41)
    Hi M,
    Is this a true story?
    Did it happen to you or someone you know?
    If it is rather a legend or myth imagined by someone then why should we let it mould our view of God?
    Should we not rather rely on what is revealed in scripture?

    If you do not think this reveals the heart of God toward His people then I feel sorry for you.

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