They sold thier souls for rock and roll

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  • #236818

    I had mentioned this series a few times, and have figured out how to post it with Ed's help. This series has been in a way both disturbing and a comfort to me. Disturbing because it shows pure evil. Comforting because it exposes it, and finally I feel that someone else recognises how r-n-r has unleashed powerful evil into the world, and the consequences, and I do not feel so alone. One thing to keep in mind though. They go into how hypocritical and evil Elvis was, but stop short of showing his shrine and idol next to Jerusalem. Also, I differ in that the author, like so many evangelist, says that these things have prepared the way for the anti-christ. I say he was already here, in Evils Presley. It was the start of this when he took the dark side of the blues, and mixed it with gospel, and copied their style, and made it popular with the rest of the world, so it has a high degree of racism. I hope this wakes up as many people as possible to the fact that every other speculation is just a distraction to what is really going on. Peace-Mark





    Mispost, but i am going to skip at part 5 to 15 and 16. I would suggest you watch the others, but I do not want to fill this site with too much. Peace




    and now 15 and 16. Keep in mind he is declaired “The King”, by the world. “They had womans hair but mens faces”….”Acting as their king was the angel in charge of the abyss -(destroyer)-(destruction or ruin)”- Revalation

    He started this crap, and not many notice……




    Ok, thats all the videos I'll post. Do you see what I'm talking about? It frustrates me that all the while the churches have been argueing about who has the correct doctrine, or worse a monopoly on grace, this has taken hold. I asked my 14 year old neice , who goes to a private school, “how many openly gay people go to your school?”, she replied,”I'd say about a third of them, especially the attractive and popular ones”. Wake up friends!!! Peace-Mark

    Ed J

    Quote (mikeangel @ Feb. 22 2011,23:47)

    Hi Mark,

    Look at the time-line 7:20 – 7:35.
    Note: the wording! (Click Here)

    Witnessing to the world in behalf of YHVH! (Psalm 45:17)
    117=יהוה האלהים (JEHOVAH GOD) YÄ-hä-vā  hä ĔL-ō-Hêêm!
    Ed J (AKJV Isaiah 49:16 / Isaiah 60:14 / Joshua 22:34)   …(Eccl.9:12-16)


    Mark! I don't really have to watch those videos. Mr. Armstrong has warned about Rock and Roll how evil it is a long time ago. I don't listen to any and don't like it. We are Easy music people…..If Elvis is Anti-Christ I would not know, but I don't think so. Look at the Pops Tiara on it in Latin is the number 666 written…..The Church also calls the Pop Holy Father, there is only one Holy Father and that is Jehovah God….not the Pop….
    Peace and Love Irene


    Quote (Baker @ Feb. 23 2011,10:48)
    Mark!  I don't really have to watch those videos.  Mr. Armstrong has warned about Rock and Roll how evil it is a long time ago.  I don't listen to any and don't like it.  We are Easy music people…..If Elvis is Anti-Christ I would not know, but I don't think so.  Look at the Pops Tiara on it in Latin is the number 666 written…..The Church also calls the Pop Holy Father, there is only one Holy Father and that is Jehovah God….not the Pop….
    Peace and Love Irene

    Yes Irene, I think it is very wrong that the church calls him that. I pray that God comes and straightens them all out very soon.

    I know that you and George are getting up there a little bit in age, so this music didn't have nearly the impact on you're generation than one say, in the 60's. The roots were laid in the 50's, but the ones who came of age in the 60's and 70's were guided by the Beatles and other bands who promoted evil in the lyrics and music, as this documentary shows. You cannot possibly realize the influance if you did not grow up in it, which is most of the people who run the country now did. Listen to the videos or not it goes much father thsn just r-n-r about evil and evil people, it goes into out right satan worshp that is being fed to the masses without anybody noticeing, through the media. Anyway hope ya'll are well-Mark


    By the way, I found this in investigating Georges claim along time ago-

    But in the case of VICARIVS FILII DEI, they do add up to 666. Isolate the numbers and this is what you get: 5 (v) + 1 (i) + 100 Â + 1 (i) + 5 (V) + 1 (i) + 50 (L) + 1 (i) + 1 (i) + 500 (d) + 1 (i) = 666.

    But there are problems with this. The first is that Vicarius Filii Dei, or “Vicar of the Son of God,” is not now, nor has it ever been, a title of the bishop of Rome. The second problem is that virtually no one, including many unsuspecting lay Catholics, knows that this papal “title” is a fabrication. To an untrained ear, it sounds enough like one of the pope's real titles, Vicarius Christi (Vicar of Christ), to pass the test. Unfortunately for those who traffic in this particular piece of pope fiction, the real title, Vicarius Christi, adds up to only a measly 214, not the infernal 666. In fact, none of the pope's official titles, such as Servus Servorum Dei (Servant of the Servants of God), Pontifex Maximus (Supreme Pontiff), or Successor Petri (Successor of Peter), will add up to 666. That's why you never see any of them used by anti-Catholics.

    If the person making this claim disputes these facts, ask him to furnish even one example of a papal decree, ecclesiastical letter, conciliar statement, or any other official Catholic document in which the pope calls himself or is referred to as the “Vicar of the Son of God.” He won't be able to find one, because none exist. Vicarius Filii Dei has never been a title of the pope.

    Can ya'll find an official church canon document showing this? Also, In my whole life, I have never seen a pope wear a crown, much less a crown inscribed with anything, just funny looking pointed hats. Peace-<ark


    Also, in looking for the document, it needs to be official. Not a commentary, or a state document, or fake, but a official church document showing that this is the popes title. Peace


    Quote (mikeangel @ Feb. 23 2011,11:28)

    Quote (Baker @ Feb. 23 2011,10:48)
    Mark!  I don't really have to watch those videos.  Mr. Armstrong has warned about Rock and Roll how evil it is a long time ago.  I don't listen to any and don't like it.  We are Easy music people…..If Elvis is Anti-Christ I would not know, but I don't think so.  Look at the Pops Tiara on it in Latin is the number 666 written…..The Church also calls the Pop Holy Father, there is only one Holy Father and that is Jehovah God….not the Pop….
    Peace and Love Irene

    Yes Irene, I think it is very wrong that the church calls him that. I pray that God comes and straightens them all out very soon.

    I know that you and George are getting up there a little bit in age, so this music didn't have nearly the impact on you're generation than one say, in the 60's. The roots were laid in the 50's, but the ones who came of age in the 60's and 70's were guided by the Beatles and other bands who promoted evil in the lyrics and music, as this documentary shows. You cannot possibly realize the influance if you did not grow up in it, which is most of the people who run the country now did. Listen to the videos or not it goes much father thsn just r-n-r about evil and evil people, it goes into out right satan worshp that is being fed to the masses without anybody noticeing, through the media. Anyway hope ya'll are well-Mark

    Greetings Marc…..Iam getting on in years myself(63)and I have listened to all the noise that has been branded as music..Lets take a look at some history of Rock and Roll…To start with its name…To Rock and To Roll was a term that comes from a gutter slang term used by rythem and blues entertainers in New Orleans that speaks to the act of making love…Alan Freid crossed the color barrier in the early fifties by promoting this term and the so called artists followed eg.Elvis,Chuck Berry and so on….The music evolved but the message has always been the same, Rebellion…with the exception of an elongated period of time where Love and Romance was in style at the same time country music was focused on drinking,adultry and a general exceptance of same,these videos speak to how far into toilet we have gone in order to entertain ourselves and justify our rebellion and perverscity…


    My Granpa (rip) called it dishpan music. He said it would sound better to beat a dishpan and scream. I just think that Evils was a catylist, and propelled the music as to where it is, hence, he is considered “The King” by hundreds of millions. I didn't know just how evil it was until I saw that series. With the youth more and more raising themselves, this is what we are going to be cursed with unless God intervenes imo. Peace-Mark


    Quote (mikeangel @ Feb. 23 2011,22:34)
    By the way, I found this in investigating Georges claim along time ago-

    But in the case of VICARIVS FILII DEI, they do add up to 666. Isolate the numbers and this is what you get: 5 (v) + 1 (i) + 100 © + 1 (i) + 5 (V) + 1 (i) + 50 (L) + 1 (i) + 1 (i) + 500 (d) + 1 (i) = 666.

    But there are problems with this. The first is that Vicarius Filii Dei, or “Vicar of the Son of God,” is not now, nor has it ever been, a title of the bishop of Rome. The second problem is that virtually no one, including many unsuspecting lay Catholics, knows that this papal “title” is a fabrication. To an untrained ear, it sounds enough like one of the pope's real titles, Vicarius Christi (Vicar of Christ), to pass the test. Unfortunately for those who traffic in this particular piece of pope fiction, the real title, Vicarius Christi, adds up to only a measly 214, not the infernal 666. In fact, none of the pope's official titles, such as Servus Servorum Dei (Servant of the Servants of God), Pontifex Maximus (Supreme Pontiff), or Successor Petri (Successor of Peter), will add up to 666. That's why you never see any of them used by anti-Catholics.

    If the person making this claim disputes these facts, ask him to furnish even one example of a papal decree, ecclesiastical letter, conciliar statement, or any other official Catholic document in which the pope calls himself or is referred to as the “Vicar of the Son of God.” He won't be able to find one, because none exist. Vicarius Filii Dei has never been a title of the pope.

    Can ya'll find an official church canon document showing this? Also, In my whole life, I have never seen a pope wear a crown, much less a crown inscribed with anything, just funny looking pointed hats. Peace-<ark

    Mark!  Whatever the Catholics believe about the Pop, it is fact that He still wears the Tiara, is it not? Don't they still call Him Holy Father?  Also I have not touched on the Mass.  There is so much more then what most Catholics don.t know.  We have a Book called the Two Babylonians, if you could get a hold of that, I recommend you read it…..I really don't believe that the Government of the Church will change, do you?  I know you are hoping some will.  And then what?  Will you then be a leader and leave the Church?.Mark I love you and mean well nothing against you personal….
    Peace and Love Irene

    Ed J

    Quote (Baker @ Feb. 25 2011,06:11)
     Will you then be a leader and leave the Church?

    Hi Irene,

    If he listens to you, would that not make him 'a follower'?
    Only if he decides for himself can he be “a leader”; right?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

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