They know not what they do? More proof

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  • #793839

    No, Actually God controls me and what little nudgings He would give you will now be none for 3 days, this is what I have been told arrogance is the reason. God knows best.


    Hi BD,

    Sadly you are deceived.

    Your god is not the God of Creation.


    Hi BD,

    Resist satan and he will flee from you.

    You do not need to be oppressed by the god of this world.


    Hi BD,

    It seems that your nudgings are from another source.

    And not of truth.


    Hi BD,

    You do not know what spirit you are of.


    3 days nick


    Hi BD,

    You disperse your curses but to no avail.

    Bless you


    Hi BD,

    “He that is in you IS GREATER than he who is in the world”

    Hopefully you will learn that the Spirit of God is not controlled by your spirit.

    And perhaps you will realise that you are being LIED TO?


    Hi BD,

    If you are being lied to does that not warn you to turn back?



    Hi BD,

    Sadly you are deceived.

    Your god is not the God of Creation.

    I agree with the first statement most many on this board are deceived.

    I have not seen evidence that supports the second statement.



    Do you believe God can be tempted by evil?
    Do you believe God has a body?
    Do you believe God is all knowing?
    Do you believe God is present everywhere?
    Do you believe God is eternal?
    Do you believe God is unchanging?
    Do you believe God is the only Creator?
    Do you believe God is all powerful?
    Do you believe God is all wise?

    There is more but that is a start.



    I have no idea what the Trinitarians view of the Trinity was in Mohamed’s day.

    I do know that Trinitarians battle among themselves over the definition.

    I see his teachings that Jesus did not sacrifice himself as a worse error.


    hi KW,

    You need to know our God so you can distinguish the imposters.

    Keep it simple.


    The world would have us amalgamate all the gods that men worship with our God.

    That is deeply insulting to Him.

    Ed J

    Hi BD,

    “There was in the days of Herod, the king of Judaea, a certain priest named Zacharias, of the
    course of Abia: and his wife was of the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elisabeth.” (Luke 1:5)

    This verse in NOT a cliche, but it’s to show that Elisabeth’ lineage was of a “FULL LEVITE” (the Priesthood).

    That would make Mary’s linerage: ½ Levite (Priest) and ½ Judah (King)
    Judah on her father’s side and Levite on her mother’s side.

    Mary’s mother and Elizabeth’s mother were sisters.
    NOT sisters in the faith, but BLOOD SISTERS!

    Muhammad got it WRONG! …wrong god, wrong message, wrong facts!

    Nick and everybody else here sees it, you are in denial
    Muhammad is the false prophet of Revelation.


    Ed J

    Now, using your own judgement you are saying that the bible writers are confused and thereby completely false, I do this to you all the time EDJ…create a valid argument. If you do not know a culture you will obsess on things you simply cannot comprehend.

    NO, I have instead shown you that the quran is error and thereby completely false.

    Ed J

    3 days nick

    The spirit controlling you can make you run from the truth,
    but it cannot hide you from the truth.



    Hi BD,

    It must be quite alarming to you to find the spirit you have trusted is weak and unreliable.

    Come back to the Son of God in whom are hidden all the treasures of the kingdom.

    Ed J


    (1)I have no idea what the Trinitarians view of the Trinity was in Mohamed’s day.

    (2)I do know that Trinitarians battle among themselves over the definition.

    (3)I see his teachings that Jesus did not sacrifice himself as a worse error.

    Hi Kerwin

    1) The same as it is now.
    2) Really, who?
    3) This is not proof to you that Muhammad’s god ‘al-lah’ is not the God of the bible?

    Better look at Gal.1:8 and 2Cor.11:14 again

    God bless
    Ed J

    Ed J

    What trinitarian do you know of that says something different than:
    Father, Son, and HolySpirit ?


    Hi Kerwin you wrote:


    Do you believe God can be tempted by evil?


    Do you believe God has a body?

    God is something we can never fully comprehend

    Do you believe God is all knowing?


    Do you believe God is present everywhere?

    either present or represented everywhere but no, God is not my waste matter although he is aware of it, I remember a person saying God is everything, they said He is even Shit and at that point I realized I was talking to Satan and said No God is not Everything God is God and we should never confuse the creator with the creation.

    Do you believe God is eternal?

    As far as anyone can know the concept of the meaning of eternity I will say I do not believe anything or anyone else has that quality

    Do you believe God is unchanging?

    I 100% believe God is unchanging but with that being said who knows God 100% changes in our understanding are often viewed as God changing when God has no need to change we only need to under-stand

    Do you believe God is the only Creator?

    There is no reason to ever believe there is more than One creator: If there was one of them would easily be able to exert their will and not the will of God……There is none else

    Do you believe God is all powerful?

    Yes, and being all powerful includes not being able to have a weak attribute such as God can not, not be God

    Do you believe God is all wise?

    Wisdom is time and knowledge and therefore God would be default The Most Wise

    There is more but that is a start.

    God Bless

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