The Word and the Light

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    OK, we'll get that part settled: no miracles until after the baptism. :) . I agreed with that some posts back but failed to make it clear.


    Hi KJ,
    So where does scripture says that as a child Jesus was supernatural?


    Nothing about him being supernatural. I can't recall that I asserted that he was. Unless you think that the ability to completely resist sin is supernatural. But there should some reason for this because we know no human can completely resist sin. Yet, only one human was born of the Holy Spirit. There's where my thought lies; he was able to successfully resist sin because he was not born of the spirit of the ruler of this world. IOW, his flesh came from Mary, his spirit came from the Holy Spirit.

    Right now, I can see no other reason to support his ability to resist sin completely. This did not eliminate the war within him, but it allowed him to open up fully to the direction and power of the Spirit to overcome sin.


    Hi KJ,
    Was he born with advantages over us?
    Can we follow him if so?


    The Jews followed YHWH (sometimes anyways :cool:). Can you get any more advantageous than that? Let me ask you then, why would Yeshua need to be born of a virgin, of the Father and Mary, if he ended up just like the rest of us? Just so he could be called “Son of God”? There is Isaiah 7:14, but God could have accomplished this feat outside of the union of Mary and the Holy Spirit. Is there any prophecy that foretells of this conception beyond Is. 7:14?


    Hi KJ,
    So as the Jews followed God so did Christ.
    So he was just like any other Jew.
    We know he was just like us because scripture says so.

    Heb 2
    “16For verily he took not on him the nature of angels; but he took on him the seed of Abraham.

    17Wherefore in all things it behoved him to be made like unto his brethren, that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people.

    18For in that he himself hath suffered being tempted, he is able to succour them that are tempted.


    The “seed of Abraham” will be adopted.

    Jesus was born a son of God (not only was he born a son of God – he is the ONLY biological son of God). Jesus is not adopted.

    Ponder, ponder…………if Jesus wasn't a biological kid of God, he would need to be adopted, wouldn't he? No such thing is ever said of Jesus.


    Hi not3,
    A biological son of God.


    God is Jesus' Father – literally!


    Son of God.
    Lk 1
    “34Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?

    35And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God. “


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ July 14 2007,08:09)
    Hi KJ,
    Was he born with advantages over us?
    Can we follow him if so?

    Your previous post to this one has answered your own question!

    Yes – Jesus was born with advantages over us – he is the Son of God (literally). This is a clear advantage over common man.

    We will be adopted.
    Jesus already belongs.


    Quote (Not3in1 @ July 14 2007,16:43)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ July 14 2007,08:09)
    Hi KJ,
    Was he born with advantages over us?
    Can we follow him if so?

    Your previous post to this one has answered your own question!

    Yes – Jesus was born with advantages over us – he is the Son of God (literally).  This is a clear advantage over common man.

    We will be adopted.
    Jesus already belongs.

    Hi not3,
    Are you not yet a daughter? Is Christ not yet your brother?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ July 14 2007,11:36)
    Hi KJ,
    So as the Jews followed God so did Christ.
    So he was just like any other Jew.
    We know he was just like us because scripture says so.

    Heb 2
    “16For verily he took not on him the nature of angels; but he took on him the seed of Abraham.

    17Wherefore in all things it behoved him to be made like unto his brethren, that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people.

    18For in that he himself hath suffered being tempted, he is able to succour them that are tempted.

    Interesting. Modern translations show a departure from the KJV in this verses, at least in verse 16. NASB:

    Hebrews 2:16-18
    16 For assuredly He does not give help to angels, but He gives help to the descendant of Abraham.

    17 Therefore, He had to be made like His brethren in all things, so that He might become a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people.

    18 For since He Himself was tempted in that which He has suffered, He is able to come to the aid of those who are tempted.

    Verse 17 supports you view, but 18 goes indepth by saying he was tempted just as we are. I have never disagreed with this, but I still assert that his spiritual side was of the Holy Spirit and not of the spirit of the ruler of this world. That is why he was able to thoroughly resist these temptations. Just as when we are reborn to the Spirit. But the difference is, we are adopted into the Spirit, he was born into the Spirit. That is why we cannot always thoroughly resist sin.


    Hi kj,
    What does this mean?
    “I have never disagreed with this, but I still assert that his spiritual side was of the Holy Spirit and not of the spirit of the ruler of this world. “

    Again you say he has SIDES?

    We know he had his OWN SPIRIT because it left him at death as it does with the death of all men.

    Ecc 12
    7Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.
    Mt 27.50
    “50And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice, and yielded up His spirit. “

    He also had the Holy Spirit in which he lived on.

    1Peter 3
    “18For Christ also died for sins once for all, the just for the unjust, so that He might bring us to God, having been put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the spirit; “

    We are similar.

    Rom 8
    ” 16The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: “


    So the Word that came is by the anointing, the Spirit of prophecy.

    Tim Kraft

    To all: Maybe there is a simpler way to look at the union of God and man. God is, was, and forever will be. God is all and in all, there is no place God is not! God is spirit and life and his word(s). Man has life because of God/spirit/life that is in him. There is only ONE. God is everywere and in everything. God is his word. God created Adam and breathed his spirit/word into him for life.God expressed Jesus (with his word/spirit/life) and he dwelt among us.We are all children of God with Gods life force/spirit/word/ within. There is no separation between God/Man/and the “whole” spirit. They are ONE, per Jesus at John chap.14! Jesus prayed that we would see/perceive the oneness. The separation that we feel is created by misunderstanding the truth.Only our beliefs can create the illusion of being separated from God. Wrong thinking or error/sin of thought that we are separated from God for any reason. That is sin! Sin is believing that anything could separate you from God. That is why a person who believes they have sin or are in sin can have no part in God. There is no sin in God. God is the truth. You cannot have error/sin in the truth. Jesus has no sin/misunderstanding of the truth. The temptation we hear about is a temptation to not believe this truth. God does not move in and out, he is everywhere, already there. It is only the awareness of the mind that changes. If the mind believes that something it did separates it from God, then to that mind it will be so as an illusion not the truth. Only unbelief of this truth could separate you from God. Even then, not in reality. Sin/unbelief is an illusion of mans mind that he is not one with God for some reason. The filling of the spirit/words of God enlighten the mind to greater awareness of truth. As light comes, darkness falls away. What is left is God/Man as in the beginning. We don't fight against flesh and blood or other human beings, we fight darkness, and lies against the truth, man made doctrines that usurp our complete awareness as sons of God.
    Just some thoughts, God bless all, TK


    Quote (Tim Kraft @ June 11 2010,21:04)
    To all:  Maybe there is a simpler way to look at the union of God and man.  God is, was, and forever will be. God is all and in all, there is no place God is not! God is spirit and life and his word(s). Man has life because of God/spirit/life that is in him. There is only ONE. God is everywere and in everything. God is his word. God created Adam and breathed his spirit/word into him for life.God expressed Jesus (with his word/spirit/life) and he dwelt among us.We are all children of God with Gods life force/spirit/word/ within. There is no separation between God/Man/and the “whole” spirit. They are ONE, per Jesus at John chap.14! Jesus prayed that we would see/perceive the oneness. The separation that we feel is created by misunderstanding the truth.Only our beliefs can create the illusion of being separated from God. Wrong thinking or error/sin of thought that we are separated from God for any reason. That is sin! Sin is believing that anything could separate you from God. That is why a person who believes they have sin or are in sin can have no part in God. There is no sin in God. God is the truth. You cannot have error/sin in the truth. Jesus has no sin/misunderstanding of the truth. The temptation we hear about is a temptation to not believe this truth. God does not move in and out, he is everywhere, already there. It is only the awareness of the mind that changes. If the mind believes that something it did separates it from God, then to that mind it will be so as an illusion not the truth. Only unbelief of this truth could separate you from God. Even then, not in reality. Sin/unbelief is an illusion of mans mind that he is not one with God for some reason. The filling of the spirit/words of God enlighten the mind to greater awareness of truth. As light comes, darkness falls away. What is left is God/Man as in the beginning. We don't fight against flesh and blood or other human beings, we fight darkness, and lies against the truth, man made doctrines that usurp our complete awareness as sons of God.
    Just some thoughts, God bless all, TK


    this is great,if you understand it this way,but now you have to apply it to your every day live,otherwise the wisdom that you have aquired would be useless does it ??

    by applying that wisdom from above the light of Christ will now guide you.



    Hi TK,
    God is not in every man but only those of Him.
    He is close to everyone though.[Acts 17]


    The Question is is The Word made flesh a God or just a Son of God….. When I read in John and Hebrew 1:8 it is clear to me, that even God our Heavenly Father is calling Jesus God….So is that true or is He a lower God then Jehovah God? I believe that He is a Mighty God but Jehovah is Almighty God. I honor Jesus as that and pray and praise to our Jehovah God…. Jesus is coming again as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Rev. 19:16 When you see LORD mostly in the Old Testament Scriptures it mostly says LORD all letters in capital, which I think is Jehovah God…Jesus is the Light of this World and so we should also become like Him, and let our Light shine….
    Peace and Love Irene


    Quote (Arnold @ June 12 2010,08:14)
    The Question is is The Word made flesh a God or just a Son of God…..  When I read in John and Hebrew 1:8 it is clear to me, that even God our Heavenly Father is calling Jesus God….So is that true or is He a lower God then Jehovah God?  I believe that He is a Mighty God but Jehovah is Almighty God.  I honor Jesus as that and pray and praise to our Jehovah God…. Jesus is coming again as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  Rev. 19:16  When you see LORD mostly in the Old Testament Scriptures it mostly says LORD all letters in capital, which I think is Jehovah God…Jesus is the Light of this World and so we should also become like Him, and let our Light shine….
    Peace and Love Irene


    God called and made moses a god


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