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- January 9, 2007 at 12:51 am#36304
ParticipantHi W,
That grouping formed itself as a stance against true knowledge.January 9, 2007 at 12:54 am#36307Worshipping Jesus
ParticipantQuote Hi W,
That grouping formed itself as a stance against true knowledge.NH
Its the Arian sects that deviate and deny and twist and ignore scripture!
January 9, 2007 at 12:58 am#36309NickHassan
ParticipantHi W,
None of us are joined to any one religion and some of us are one in Christ. Arius was a false teacher and we do not follow him. But we who agree here abhor the arrogant godless teachings of catholicism and her daughters still preached by the multitude who are deceived and follwing the wide road.January 9, 2007 at 6:56 am#36328Worshipping Jesus
ParticipantQuote Hi W,
None of us are joined to any one religion and some of us are one in Christ. Arius was a false teacher and we do not follow him. But we who agree here abhor the arrogant godless teachings of catholicism and her daughters still preached by the multitude who are deceived and follwing the wide road.NH
Have you checked lately what Arius believed?
“That God was not always the Father, but that there was a period when he was not the Father; that the Word of God was not from eternity, but was made out of nothing; for that the ever-existing God (‘the I AM’—the eternal One) made him who did not previously exist, out of nothing; wherefore there was a time when he did not exist, inasmuch as the Son is a creature and a work. That he is neither like the Father as it regards his essence, nor is by nature either the Father’s true Word, or true Wisdom, but indeed one of his works and creatures, being erroneously called Word and Wisdom, since he was himself made of God’s own Word and the Wisdom which is in God, whereby God both made all things and him also. Wherefore he is as to his nature mutable and susceptible of change, as all other rational creatures are: hence the Word is alien to and other than the essence of God; and the Father is inexplicable by the Son, and invisible to him, for neither does the Word perfectly and accurately know the Father, neither can he distinctly see him. The Son knows not the nature of his own essence: for he was made on our account, in order that God might create us by him, as by an instrument; nor would he ever have existed, unless God had wished to create us.”Dont you believe the Word had a beginning?
Correct me if I am wrong!
January 9, 2007 at 7:30 am#36332NickHassan
ParticipantHi W,
Do you expect me to disagree with every word of any deceiver?
Do you agree with anything Arius says?
Deception is subtle.
Rebellion is overt.
Drink from your own well.
Find the true path yourself and follow NO MANJanuary 9, 2007 at 11:24 am#36374Cult Buster
Quote Arius was a false teacher and we do not follow him. Yes you do Nick.
Quote Arius
“That God was not always the Father, but that there was a period when he was not the Father; that the Word of God was not from eternity, but was made out of nothing; for that the ever-existing God (‘the I AM’—the eternal One) made him who did not previously exist, out of nothing; wherefore there was a time when he did not exist, inasmuch as the Son is a creature and a work. That he is neither like the Father as it regards his essence, nor is by nature either the Father’s true Word, or true Wisdom, but indeed one of his works and creatures, being erroneously called Word and Wisdom, since he was himself made of God’s own Word and the Wisdom which is in God, whereby God both made all things and him also. Wherefore he is as to his nature mutable and susceptible of change, as all other rational creatures are: hence the Word is alien to and other than the essence of God; and the Father is inexplicable by the Son, and invisible to him, for neither does the Word perfectly and accurately know the Father, neither can he distinctly see him. The Son knows not the nature of his own essence: for he was made on our account, in order that God might create us by him, as by an instrument; nor would he ever have existed, unless God had wished to create us.”WJ.
January 9, 2007 at 5:33 pm#36399NickHassan
ParticipantHi CB,
“Thou art the Christ , the Son of the Living God.”
Do you believe this?January 10, 2007 at 9:20 am#36524retepmurT
ParticipantRight on Brother Hassan!!!!!!!!
larryJanuary 10, 2007 at 10:36 am#36525Proclaimer
ParticipantQuote (WorshippingJesus @ Jan. 09 2007,19:37) We are to busy defending against the Non-Trinitarians.
Of course you are.Just like JWs defend against non-JWs and Catholics defend against non-catholics.
All these sects defend themselves and yet they all read the same scripture.
The problem is that too many people have itching ears and they follow after men who draw them away from Christ and the truth.
The Trinity is the biggest cult of all and it wants exclusivity. All who believe in the Trinity are to a degree, Catholic. Trinitarians oppose all the other (smaller) cults, and also the teachings of Christ and Paul. Christ and the Apostles taught that there is one God the Father. Not One God the Father, Son, Spirit as Trinitarians do today.
The falling away from the truth is complete. Next, the Evil One is to be revealed and then the glorious return of Christ.
The Way is the way of truth. The Way is shown clearly in scripture.
Let those who have ears hear and who have eyes, see.
January 10, 2007 at 11:22 am#36527Cult Buster
Quote Christ and the Apostles taught that there is one God the Father. Not One God the Father, Son, Spirit as Trinitarians do today. 1Co 8:6 But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him.
The above passage must mean
there is one God the Father and one Lord Jesus Christ
By omitting the comma after God, the whole meaning changes. Remember that there were no commas in the original Greek.
We cannot use 1Co 8:6 to deny the truth of other statements of Paul which confirms that Christ is fully God.
There is one God the Father and one God the Son and one God the Holy Spirit.
There is also One Lord the Father and One Lord Jesus Christ and One Lord the Holy Spirit.
Mat 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
January 10, 2007 at 6:49 pm#36551NickHassan
ParticipantHi CB,
So do say that Jesus IS God the Father from 1Cor 8?
Then you say there are three gods?
I wonder when WJ will say anything about your views which contrast alarmingly with his, but perhaps the brotherhood will not break with each other.January 15, 2007 at 5:11 am#37136Cult Buster
ParticipantTo make it clearer for you to grasp, try to focus on the following. Even the Jews understood that Jesus was claiming to be God. The great God that spoke face to face with Abraham and others.
Exo 3:14 And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.
Jesus Himself claimed to be the “I AM” God of the old testament.
John 8:56 Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw it, and was glad.
John 8:57 Then said the Jews unto him, Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham?
John 8:58 Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I AM.
John 8:59 Then took they up stones to cast at him: but Jesus hid himself, and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by.The Jews knew that Jesus was referring to Himself as ”I AM”, the Almighty God, that is why they took up stones to cast at Him. They thought that He was a man claiming to be God.
The clearly Jews understood that Jesus was Himself claiming to be God.Here is some more food for thought; the words of Jesus our God.
Joh 6:35 I AM the bread of life:
Joh 6:41 I AM the bread which came down from heaven.
Joh 8:12 I AM the light of the world
Joh 8:23 I AM from above:
Joh 10:9 I AM the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved
Joh 10:11 I am the good shepherd:
Joh 11:25 I AM the resurrection, and the life:
Joh 14:6 I AM the way, the truth, and the life:
Joh 15:1 I AM the true vine
Joh 13:13 Ye call me Master and Lord: and ye say well; for so I AM.
Joh 8:24 …for if ye believe not that I AM he, ye shall die in your sins.
Rev 4:8 And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him; and they were full of eyes within: and they rest not day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.
All praise to God the Father… God the Son Jesus Christ… and God the Holy Spirit! ALL Three merit perfect praise. Holy, Holy, Holy! If there is only one God they would not have repeated the worshipful praise three times.
Holy! Holy! Holy!
January 15, 2007 at 5:15 am#37141NickHassan
ParticipantHi CB,
Is “I AM” a special code?
I am amazed.
Can children find these da vinci codes?January 15, 2007 at 5:36 am#37147Cult Buster
ParticipantIs that the best you can do NH?
Isa 42:20 Seeing many things, but thou observest not; opening the ears, but he heareth not.
January 15, 2007 at 9:25 am#37207NickHassan
ParticipantHi CB,
We do not listen to the loud voices of strangers.January 16, 2007 at 7:13 am#37273Worshipping Jesus
ParticipantQuote Of course you are. Just like JWs defend against non-JWs and Catholics defend against non-catholics.
All these sects defend themselves and yet they all read the same scripture.
The problem is that too many people have itching ears and they follow after men who draw them away from Christ and the truth.
The Trinity is the biggest cult of all and it wants exclusivity. All who believe in the Trinity are to a degree, Catholic. Trinitarians oppose all the other (smaller) cults, and also the teachings of Christ and Paul. Christ and the Apostles taught that there is one God the Father. Not One God the Father, Son, Spirit as Trinitarians do today.
The falling away from the truth is complete. Next, the Evil One is to be revealed and then the glorious return of Christ.
The Way is the way of truth. The Way is shown clearly in scripture.
Let those who have ears hear and who have eyes, see.
What woke you from the dead?
And I suppose that your sect has ALL TRUTH AND KNOWLEDGE?
Most cults claim that they have all truth!
So because t8 the Prophet of heaven.net says that everyone else is decieved and he is right, then we should all run to the alter of heaven.net and repent at his feet, for he has THE TRUTH?
You say…
Quote The Way is the way of truth. The Way is shown clearly in scripture. Then why do you deny the scriptures t8.
Come on sir. Please give me your interpretation of these scriptures.
Matt 12:29
And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments [is], Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord:I Jn 5:20
And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life.Then we see Jn 1 and Heb 1. And of course many others.
Jn 1:
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2 The same was in the beginning with God.
3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.Heb 1:
8 But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom.
9 Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.
10 And, Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the works of thine hands:
11 They shall perish; but thou remainest; and they all shall wax old as doth a garment;
12 And as a vesture shalt thou fold them up, and they shall be changed: but thou art the same, and thy years shall not fail.
13 But to which of the angels said he at any time, Sit on my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool?Then we have…
19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.I Tim 3:16
16 And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.Isa
6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counseller, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
7 Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.Rev 1:8
8 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.11 Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and, What thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia; unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea.
17 And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last:
18 I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.Rev 22:
12 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.
13 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.Acts 20:28
Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.Jn 20:
And Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and my God.This is only a few of the many more that support the trinitarian view.
But all I ever see the followers of Arian quote here is…
Icor 8:5
For though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth, (as there be gods many, and lords many,)
6 **But to us** [there is but] one God, the Father, of whom [are] all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom [are] all things, and we by him.Have you ever noticed t8, that the Writers of the New Testament almost always mentions the Son and the Father together.
This is because the writers by the Holy Spirit wanted us to know that the Father and the Son were not the same person.
They had to deal with Gnostisism creeping in the Churchs in their day.
There is no contradiction here, unless you read it like you do which contradicts other scriptures that says Jesus is God, One with the Father and the Holy Spirit!
There is ONE God..
The Father, of whom [are] all things, and we in him;
The Lord Jesus Christ, by whom [are] all things, and we by him.If you accept the above scriptures litteraly as they are, then they can only make sense from a trinitarian view.
God never changed his mind, you cant serve two masters?
Either God is One or you are committing Idolatry by calling Jesus Lord and Master and serving him!
By the way you can throw a bunch of scriptures back that says that Jesus is the Son, as if to say that trinitarians when they say that the Word is God they are saying that the Father and the Son is the same person.
Heres what a typical response sounds like when they dont want to address certain scriptures….
How can God be the Son of whom he is the Father?
How can God dwell in GodThis is a run away turn the face diversional tactic.
So come on t8.
You say we should accept the whole of scriptures.
So give me your take on the scriptures above.
There is enough Trinitarian knowledge here to expose the lies with the scri
pture.January 16, 2007 at 8:24 pm#37305NickHassan
ParticipantHi W,
Jesus is the WAY.
If he was God in flesh he was unlike to us and we cannot follow in the way.January 17, 2007 at 1:39 am#37333Worshipping Jesus
ParticipantQuote Hi W,
Jesus is the WAY.
If he was God in flesh he was unlike to us and we cannot follow in the way.NH
If you follow the way you are following God!
January 17, 2007 at 3:09 am#37337NickHassan
ParticipantHi W,
We follow the Son of God, the man from heaven. He is the way TO God.February 13, 2007 at 1:36 am#40230quitarguingoverstupidstuff
ParticipantI apologize to everyone I may have offended in these forums.
Please don't look at me as an example of what a JW is, I haven't been one in over 10 years.
Anyway, I'm sorry for anyone in these forums that I've upset. I'm going to get my life on track, so I will no longer be joining in on these conversations for quite some time, if ever again.
I don't want my opinions to offend anymore people, so again I apologize to all.
The complete board is back to being your's Nick……………may your efforts of spreading “your” truth bring you all the happiness you can get from it.
And to anyone on this site that bashes the witnesses, please remember this, It's not the witnesses you are bashing, but Jehovah.
And to all you “born again” Christians who love using Jesus name……..please think about this info:
God’s name is Jehovah
“We do not say that “Jehovah” is the correct pronunciation of God's name. For that matter, neither is “Jesus” the correct pronunciation of Christ's name. But according to the Aramaic language which Christ and his apostles spoke, his name was pronounced “Yeshu'a”……. But “Jesus” is only our colloquial way of pronouncing his name, and we do not find fault with you for using it instead of Yeshu'a.
It might be added here what the meaning of the Son of God's name “Jesus” is, whilst he dwelt on earth as a man, as used by all translations. According to Weymouth this name means “Jehovah is Salvation.”(The New Testament in Modern Speech, ftnote 21 under Matthew 1:21.) He is entirely right. So every time anyone uses this name, Jesus, (which is not the original pronunciation of it in the 1st century) he is using and supporting a form of The Divine Name JEHOVAH
“Those who reject the English “Jehovah” and insist on using the Hebrew pronunciation[Yahweh] would do well to ask themselves why they say “Jesus Christ,” when that was not the way his name was pronounced in Hebrew. That is the English way, derived from the Greek language. In Hebrew, Jesus would be closer to “Yehshua” and Christ would be “Mash'edahh.” So, as we say “Jesus Christ” in the English language, we also say “Jehovah,” both being correct when speaking English.”
I again apologize to everyone I may have offended….
My only request was that you quit arguing over stupid stuff, and focus on the more important issues in these last days, but even I can't seem to stop arguing, so I'm bowing out to go do what I know I need to do to get my life back on track.
There's no need to respond to my messages anymore, because I'm now saying good buy to you all…………….
May all of your searches for “truth” bring you to what it is you are searching for.
Peace to all….I'm out!
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