The Way

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  • #23268

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Aug. 01 2006,22:45)
    Hi kenrch,
    You make love sound a lot like hate

    “Nick you already have the love of a snake and your words are as vinom.  But that's alright I still love you!”

    I'm sorry that you feel that way.

    When are you going to take a stand on your teaching and say that you would murder your child because he could not be baptized.

    Now that is Love.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Aug. 01 2006,22:45)
    Hi kenrch,
    You make love sound a lot like hate

    “Nick you already have the love of a snake and your words are as vinom.  But that's alright I still love you!”

    Nick, what it sounds like Kenrch is saying to me is that even after your bite, he still loves you.


    So let us first show we love God by doing as He says and abiding in the Word.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Aug. 03 2006,03:06)
    So let us first show we love God by doing as He says and abiding in the Word.

    Nick God knows my heart. I just don't like someone who teaches that my Father is a murderer and then refuses to admit they were wrong.

    Abiding in His word? I give scripture and all you have is your opinion but you believe you are right.

    Is that how you show you love God? I'm sorry but you say one thing then do the opposite. You keep trapping yourself.


    So moving right along.
    Jesus is the way.
    He was
    baptised in water
    baptised in the Spirit
    and sacrificed for us
    so that the water, the Spirit and the blood are witnesses for him
    and if we follow him can also be witnesses before God for us[1Jn 5.7-8]
    Unto eternity. Alleluia.


    Was Jesus saved before or after he recieved water baptism?


    Why did Jesus need saved? He never sinned.




    He was without sin before the baptism of water. He was without sin before the Holy Spirit came upon him. Yet, why did he recieve the baptism? He did it as symbolic of his death and resurrection. Just as we are to do. It doesn't save us, but it glorifies God. It tells the world that we are new creatures in Christ. That we have been born again on the inside. It is the outward symbolic act of what happened to the inward man.

    malcolm ferris

    Quote (heiscomingintheclouds @ Aug. 03 2006,18:52)
    He was without sin before the baptism of water. He was without sin before the Holy Spirit came upon him. Yet, why did he recieve the baptism? He did it as symbolic of his death and resurrection. Just as we are to do. It doesn't save us, but it glorifies God. It tells the world that we are new creatures in Christ. That we have been born again on the inside. It is the outward symbolic act of what happened to the inward man.

    I think also it was symbolic of the preparation of the sacrifice, he being the sacrificial lamb of God. It was part of the ordinances of the OT that the sacrifice be washed before being presented, I think. Hence his words to John the baptist – 'suffer it to be so for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.'


    Hi H,
    You say
    “He was without sin before the baptism of water. He was without sin before the Holy Spirit came upon him. Yet, why did he recieve the baptism? He did it as symbolic of his death and resurrection.”

    But Jesus said in Matt 3.15
    “15But Jesus answering said to him, “Permit it at this time; for in this way it is fitting for us (A)to fulfill all righteousness.” Then he permitted Him”


    Dear Nick,

    Excellent point. Thank you. And he fulfilled all righteousness by doing the will of the Father. He was without sin.


    Must those following the way of Jesus be proven by speaking in tongues or miracles?
    It is surely more important that they manifest Christ in them in the fruit of the love of God, the love of righteousness, love of truth by abiding in the Word.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Aug. 11 2006,03:01)
    Must those following the way of Jesus be proven by speaking in tongues or miracles?
    It is surely more important that they manifest Christ in them in the fruit of the love of God, the love of righteousness, love of truth by abiding in the Word.

    You asked this question Nick and let it be answered by Jesus.

    Mark 16:15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

    16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.

    17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

    18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.


    Hi H,
    Do not get me wrong. I believe God wants all His people to be fully equipped with all the fruit and the gifts of His spirit and we should seek them all. The church of the harlot is instead dead,and we should let the dead bury the dead.


    And do not get me wrong, that it is charity, the love of Christ that matters most in the faith. For what is faith without love? What is works without love? If not this the same trap that those of the Old Testament fell into? Did they not forget the greatest commandment?

    Love the Lord God, with all your heart, mind and soul.

    For if they would have done this, they would have knew the Son. But because they stopped loving the Father, they became strangers and knew not the Son.


    Good post heiscomingintheclouds.


    Thank you t8, but it is not heiscomingintheclouds that deserves any thanks, lest the man have room to boast. It is he who is in me that deserves the praise. Thank you Lord Jesus. And thank you Father God for sending your Holy Spirit to nurture us.

    For you to say good post is because the Holy Spirit moved you. It is that same spirit that all truth is revealed to all saints. Praise God. And it is wonderful to have you back posting again. I know you are busy. I know you have little ones and they require allot of attention. Cherish these times with them. I miss my times. They are wonderful memories. Children are such a blessing. It is no wonderder Jesus had such a passion for them. I don't know how anyone cannot.


    We do need to follow the way to be safe.

    malcolm ferris

    In Mark the statement was 'and these signs will follow the beleivers' – and it is true they do.
    But it is equally true that signs precede the unbeleivers and make-beleivers.
    Perhaps the fact that the signs follow and do not go before the preaching of the Word is what differentiates them.
    In Matthew 7 Jesus says of many that they do many wonderful works in his name
    Yet he disowns them – becuase they did not do his will.
    They seem to put the works that they have done before the Word.
    But Grace and the preaching of what God has done for us always comes before the Works that we do in appreciation and according to His will.

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