The two witnesses of revelation

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  • #373721

    Sorry J42,
    If the two witnesses are men who are they in your opinion ?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 16 2014,19:40)
    Sorry J42,
    If the two witnesses are men who are they in your opinion ?


    Did you miss my post?
    I already told you, Moses and Elijah.


    Hi J42,
    Yes I must have.

    So why are these men special and above all the anointed men of the NT.
    What makes them unique sources of fresh oil?



    No one is special, all are just God's tools.
    God uses any tool he likes.



    Hi WU,
    There is no division in Christ
    1Cor 12.25


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 17 2014,09:39)
    Hi WU,
    There is no division in Christ
    1Cor 12.25

    The least in the kingdom will also be the greatest.



    Hi WU,
    Unlikely prophets who have been killed or died will be asked to go through it all again


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 17 2014,06:59)
    Hi J42,
    Yes I must have.

    So why are these men special and above all the anointed men of the NT.
    What makes them unique sources of fresh oil?

    They are just chosen for the job,
    and God chose to keep their bodies.

    God can bring back to life in “the flesh”.  This means that they are able to die again, and they will so that scriptures can be fulfilled as they will be killed by the false prophet.

    Moses died peacefully the first time, and not because of tribulation.  There is no record of Elijah dying, as he was picked up in a chariot. So God has preserved him for a purpose.

    Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt and travelled for 40 years.  He died before reaching the “promised land”.
    He will now witness how the Israelites destroyed themselves spiritually, and caused their land to become a desolation because of their backsliding.

    Also, another thought comes to mind.
    The anti-christ Jews have watered down, twisted and distorted  the holy bible.
    This has caused a lot of divisions in the christian world.
    They have covered the truth to serve their own agenda.
    Moses will testify the true Word of God, and it's interpretation from the original writings.  
    They will do exploits.
    The christians not accepted and left in Babylon the great will take part in the plagues and see their own shame, how they were deceived.
    Nothing is kept hidden.

    Oil is knowledge.  Spiritual knowledge.  Oil is the fuel for salvation.  It is not blind faith, but has substance.
    These two prophets are given all knowledge.


    Hi J42,
    Surely all in Christ are spared the SECOND DEATH.
    You see you are adding human concepts to force your ideas


    Hi J42,
    Where is oil shown as KNOWLEDGE in scripture?


    Hi J42,
    scripture does not say they are prophets=men
    It does say they will prophesy- which brings in other possibilities


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 17 2014,12:03)
    Hi J42,
    Surely all in Christ are spared the SECOND DEATH.
    You see you are adding human concepts to force your ideas


    Are you searching for truth?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 17 2014,12:03)
    Hi J42,
    Surely all in Christ are spared the SECOND DEATH.
    You see you are adding human concepts to force your ideas


    Maybe you can tell me why the devil disputed the angel over Moses dead body?

    Why was Elijah taken up and did not see death?

    Who was given the power to turn water into blood, and send out plagues?
    Who was given the power to stop the rain?

    Does your mind ever inquire we things happen to be so?
    or do we just put it in the “to hard basket” and give it no thought at all?

    The spirit searches all things Nick.


    Hi j42,
    Those things happened.
    But we should not presume they relate to this situation


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 17 2014,12:10)
    Hi J42,
    scripture does not say they are prophets=men
    It does say they will prophesy- which brings in other possibilities


    What bible are you reading?
    You are missing out on valuable knowledge.

    If there's no oil in our lamp, the flame will die out.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 17 2014,12:04)
    Hi J42,
    Where is oil shown as KNOWLEDGE in scripture?

    Matthew 25:3 They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them:

    Matthew 25:4 But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.

    Matthew 25:8 And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out.


    They are all waiting for the groom,
    therefore they are all believers waiting for “the day”
    The ones who took no oil, had no fuel to shine their “light”
    “light” is truth.
    You should know this.
    Truth is knowledge, spiritual knowledge.
    It protects us Nick, and guides the way so that we are not in the dark, sleeping or deceived.

    We don't run around with blind faith, or the devil will have a feast on us.
    This is our job to search the scriptures, and find out the whole plan of God. The whole truth.
    This is the spirit of prophecy.
    The spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus Christ.

    God is a revealer of secrets also.
    He does exploits.
    We connect the dots to the scriptures,
    and understand the deep things of Satan,
    the methods he uses to deceive the whole world,
    he has contaminated everything from our daily food to the Word of God, the most important food to us.


    Hi j42,
    Just because we disagree does not show who is right.
    PROVE all things
    One verse and an assumption does not form the foundation


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 17 2014,12:56)
    Hi j42,
    Those things happened.
    But we should not presume they relate to this situation


    Isn't this subject about the two witnessess?
    How can you say it's not related, and not to presume?
    I am showing you here.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 17 2014,13:06)
    Hi j42,
    Just because we disagree does not show who is right.
    PROVE all things
    One verse and an assumption does not form the foundation


    How can you say the word prophets are not mentioned?
    What bible are you reading?
    We don't have to agree Nick,
    but the light has to be shined.


    Hi j42,
    Indeed Moses died and Elijah was taken up.
    Why we were never told but should you not consider Enoch too?

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