The two witnesses of revelation

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  • #195997

    “There are at least three men of God in history who have walked under the mantle and anointing of the great prophet Elijah: Elijah himself, the prophet Elisha, and also John the Baptist (who came 'preparing the way of the Lord' at His first coming).

    Now that we are approaching Christ's return, the Bible states that we can once again expect God to raise up such bold and anointed messengers who will go forth “in the spirit and power of Elijah” just prior to His return.

    A high majority of so-called Christians are, in fact, living a deceived life. They talk Jesus and play church, but do not live it… Because of this our Lord said He would spue them out of His mouth. The Bible describes the condition of this type Christian in Revelation 3:14-22.”

    God also spoke to him about the coming 'Elijah' ministries. He was to share with others that, “God is now in the process of recruiting an army with which He will shake this old world one more time. By working through His soldiers, God will produce great miracles that will shake the established hierarchy of the so-called organized religion that is in this world today.

    These soldiers that God is now recruiting will demonstrate the power of God to a greater extent than did the disciples in the Pente- costal age. Some will be even greater demonstrations than that of Elijah… God's recruitment for this army has been going on for some time. Some of these soldiers have been brought up to a certain level of faith and placed in a “holding” position where they shall remain until He has brought all the new ones up to that level.

    “I declare unto you that you the soldiers who are being re- cruited now to join with those who have been recruited in the past, will bring to this world the spirit of Elijah. Again the purpose is to make straight the paths of the coming of the Lord for He is about to come again! You that sleep, now is the time to awaken!


    Hi KM,
    Unless the Lord builds the house the builders work in vain.
    Most denominations do not preach the truth so as folk can be saved.
    What would it help if they travelled over land and sea to make proselytes?


    Nick, do you think God could raise up an army in these last days? Have you ever felt you can 'control' weather? Raise a storm? feel a power within, where you could speak words for God, because this is what the power of the Spirit can do. I believe people are being made ready for the last days.


    Hi KM,
    The true gospel is the place to start.
    seek ye first the kingdom


    Thanks for sharing that KM.

    Elijah does indeed precede the coming of Christ.


    Your welcome, It is interesting.

    Ed J

    Quote (katjo @ June 13 2010,00:49)
    Ed, what did you mean the two witnesses is the Old and New Testament Huh??


    Hi Katjo,

    You have me confused with Georg; that is what Georg says.

    God bless
    Ed J


    Sorry Ed, Cant figure out were He got that at!



    Quote (katjo @ June 17 2010,08:41)
    Sorry Ed, Cant figure out were He got that at!


    Go back to page 23 and find out for your self.


    Did anyone see that the sun is predicted to start going through a more active phase in the next couple of years that could cause major problems on earth?


    Nick, iv been saying that for the last two years. No-one listens to me, scientists would say im dreaming.

    Ed J

    Quote (seek and you will find @ Mar. 23 2008,06:19)
    This an article that my Husband has written with intense studying.

    The two Witnesses

    Rev. 11:1   “And there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and the angel stood, saying,
    rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein.”
    John was told to measure the temple; this is God’s spiritual temple, the saints. And the altar; the altar is were you offer up your sacrifice, John was told to measure their sacrifices too, because they are the worshippers of God. Describing the reed as a rod is to say, saints need correction and discipline too.
    Rev. 3:19   “As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten, be zealous therefore and repent.”
    Job thought he was a righteous man, even argued with God about that, and what did he have to go through before he learned what his problem was.
    Rev. 11:2   “But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for
    it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they treat under foot forty and
    two month.”
    The court outside the temple are the gentiles, none believers; measure them not. They will be measured during Christ’s millennium. The holy city is the New Jerusalem coming down from heaven.
    Rev. 21:2  “And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.”
    It is the place Jesus had prepared for them. The saints were the once trodden under foot, persecuted for 42 month. Notice the length of time in the next verse.
    Rev.11:3  “And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.”
    We read in another place that the saints were to be trodden under foot by Antichrist, for 42 month.
    Rev. 13:5   “And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two month.”
    And again, the same length of time is mentioned in years in the book of,
    Dan. 7:25    “And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws; and they shall be
    given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.”
    Whether you count in month, or years, it all ads up 1260 days, only God counts a year for a day, or 1260 years, the length of Antichrists reign. (See Antichrist) The two witnesses were witnessing all through his reign, and far beyond. This shows us that these two witnesses are not two individuals.
    v. 4    “These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the god of the earth.”  
    Hear the two witnesses are called olive trees and candlesticks. Olive Trees are the source of the oil, the oil symbolizes God’s Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit is what gives us understanding, and we receive the Holy Spirit and understanding by reading the two witnesses, the Old and the New Testament; they are the two witnesses, the word of God. A candlestick holds up the candle so when the candle is lit it can light up the dark. The saints, the real witnesses or candles, received their faith and strength from the two witnesses to stand before the god, ruler, of the earth, Satan.
    2 Cor. 4:4   “In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not…”
    Jesus spoke of these two witnesses too.
    John 5:39   “Search the scriptures; (Old Testament) for in them ye thing ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify (witness) of me.”
    Mat. 24:14   “And this gospel (New Testament), of the kingdom shall be preached in all
    the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.”
    Is anyone taken the next verse literal?
    Rev. 11:5   “And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies: and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed.”
    God would never turn a human being into a fire breezing dragon. However, if you remain an enemy of God during the millennium, you will be destroyed in the lake of fire. The hurt you can do to the word of God, the two witnesses, is not believing it; and that will cause you the greatest hurt.
    v. 6     “These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy:
    and have powers over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with
    all plagues, as often as they will.”
    In the days of Moses and Elijah, the days of their prophecy.  Elijah stopped the rain for three and a half years during the time of his prophecy.
    Luke 4:25   “But I tell you of a truth, many widows were in Israel in the days of Eli’as,
    when the heaven was shut up three years and six month, when great famine was
    throughout all the land.”
    Moses came to Pharaoh with Gods demand to let his people go, when he refused  
    to listen he had to suffer the consequences; read Exodus chapters 7 – 12. If we don’t listen to his word we will suffer likewise, Hurricanes, Tornados, Earthquakes, Floods, Droughts, etc. Again, God would not give any one human that kind of power to do as he pleases. Of course, we could say, all these catastrophes are all “natural disasters” I say they are a “Heads up” from God.                
    Rev. 11:7   And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascended out
    of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them.”  
    The two witnesses, the Old and the New Testament, is what gave the saints strength, what they relied on, and put their faith and trust in, even gave their life for. The work of the two witnesses was finished when the persecution of Antichrist stopped. (See Antichrist) But the witnessing never stopped.  What is killing the two witnesses is the beast, the government. I thing its no secret that no worldly government has any use for religion, it is however a useful and tolerated nuisance. They help keep people in check with their believes; and sometimes with their superstition. Even the Romans knew that, they allowed every conquered nation to practice their religion as long as they would pay homage to the Emperor. Christianity is a government’s worst enemy it demands honesty; morality and accountability; at least it used too. And the beast that came out of the bottomless pit, the “League of Nation” now the “United Nations” (See the seventh Head), is not in support of it. They are infect trying to kill the two witnesses by supporting the attempt to make this world, a secular world.
    v. 8     “And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is
    called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.”
    Most people would assume that this great city is Jerusalem; it is not. For one thing Jesus was crucified outside the city. This city is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt. What Egypt and Sodom symbolize is sin and perversion. In other words this great city is the world, Satan’s world. That is where Jesus was crucified. There are no real bodies lying in the streets either. The dying of the two witnesses is happening in the bodies of them that call themselves Christians but pay no attention to the word of God.
    v. 9     “And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and a half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves.”  
    The whole world can see what is happening. The killing off of the two witnesses is evidenced every night by the news, in the entire world. Morality and decency are decreasing immorality and crime is increasing. There is no real life in people; they are
    the dead bodies not quite ready for burial yet; but as the three and a half days indicate, a fraction when you compare them to the 1260 years of Antichrists reign, this condition will last only a short time, already people are beginning to realize what is happening. But for now;
    v. 10    “And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and
    shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that
    dwelt on the earth.”
    People are so happy to sin freely, to do as they please and not have to feel bad   embarrassed or ashamed; every body is doing it, no more restrictions. Who wants to listen to those two prophets anyway? Lets have some fun instead; even the beast is on our side. People no longer demand accountability from our leaders, so they don’t have to fear they will be held accountable either.  
    v. 11    “And after three days and a half the Spirit of life from God entered into them, and
    they stood upon their feet; and great fear fell upon them which saw them.”
    We do now live in the very last days of our time; people are sensing it and are fearful, not knowing what to believe or what will happen. So they flock into churches and hope for the rapture, that will never come. Some people are beginning to stand up for the two witnesses and are looking for God’s Spirit, for life. This is not what the beast wants, and regrettably not enough people demand a change. Government fears changes for the better, the beast wants to be in control.  
    v. 12    “And they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them, come up hither.
    And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud; and their enemies beheld them.”
    If we understand that no one goes to heaven, than we should know that this is meant metaphorical. God has promised protection to those that love him in the day of his wrath.
    Zeph. 2:3   “Seek ye the LORD all ye meek of the earth, which have wrought his
    judgment; seek righteousness, seek meekness; it may be ye shall be hid in the day
    of the LORD’s anger.”
    A cloud usually hides what is behind it, and that is the meaning of verse 12, God will protect you, hide you from his wrath. Not that he is going to take you to heaven; this has nothing to do with the rapture, only with the safety of those that have God’s Holy Spirit. His call will be a call to safety, not to heaven. The enemies of God will become aware of that, because the wrath is on them.
    Rev. 11:13   “And the same hour was there a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the
    city fell, and in the earthquake were slain of men seven thousand: and the remnant were affrighted, and gave glory to the God of heaven.”
    This great earthquake is how God will punish the world. Whether it is one big earthquake really makes no different, God has many options; what is important is that this shaking of the earth, does affect the entire world. The tenth of the city; what city? The world is the city, remember verse 8? Also the number seven is God’s number of perfection, seven therefore is the perfect thousands of men slain; and if a tenth of the world is destroyed? How many would be the perfect thousand killed? Those that are killed outright may be the lucky ones. Consider the disasters we have experienced, Hurricanes, Tornados, Tsunamis, ect; how long did people have to wait till help arrived? Only then, there will be no help, from anywhere. It will be God’s wrath on all mankind.  
    Is. 13:11   “And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity;
    and I will cause the arrogance of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible.”
    That is why it’s good to know,
    Nah. 1:7   “The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them
    that trust in him.”

    Peace and Love Mrs.

    P.S. I hope that you read this all.

    For Katjo


    Quote (karmarie @ June 15 2010,12:55)

    “There are at least three men of God in history who have walked under the mantle and anointing of the great prophet Elijah: Elijah himself, the prophet Elisha, and also John the Baptist (who came 'preparing the way of the Lord' at His first coming).

    Now that we are approaching Christ's return, the Bible states that we can once again expect God to raise up such bold and anointed messengers who will go forth “in the spirit and power of Elijah” just prior to His return.

    A high majority of so-called Christians are, in fact, living a deceived life. They talk Jesus and play church, but do not live it… Because of this our Lord said He would spue them out of His mouth. The Bible describes the condition of this type Christian in Revelation 3:14-22.”

    God also spoke to him about the coming 'Elijah' ministries. He was to share with others that, “God is now in the process of recruiting an army with which He will shake this old world one more time. By working through His soldiers, God will produce great miracles that will shake the established hierarchy of the so-called organized religion that is in this world today.

    These soldiers that God is now recruiting will demonstrate the power of God to a greater extent than did the disciples in the Pente- costal age. Some will be even greater demonstrations than that of Elijah… God's recruitment for this army has been going on for some time. Some of these soldiers have been brought up to a certain level of faith and placed in a “holding” position where they shall remain until He has brought all the new ones up to that level.

    “I declare unto you that you the soldiers who are being re- cruited now to join with those who have been recruited in the past, will bring to this world the spirit of Elijah. Again the purpose is to make straight the paths of the coming of the Lord for He is about to come again! You that sleep, now is the time to awaken!

    Greetings K……. Iam onboard with your accertion and the great awakening is at hand….it is just a matter of a few more awe inspiring developments before the called as well as the wise will bend their knees and bow their heads..

    Tim Kraft

    Malachi 4:5—….I will send you Elijah the prophet, BEFORE, the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord…! Jesus interpreted the coming of John the Baptist as Elijah who was to come…..[before] the great and terrible day of the Lord!! The Law and the prophets were UNTIL John the Baptist, since then (since John) the Kingdom of God is preached by Jesus. The Law and the prophets ended at John, just before Jesus! The Law and the prophets were fulfilled. The new way is the Kingdom within. Spirit dwelling in man! No more works for salvation. The law is in your heart not written on tablets of stone. Love is the law and the prophets of today. Jesus is the day of rest. The day of Salvation, Jesus, the Sabbath rest in God. Does anyone hear? Does anyone care? Luke 16:16 as spoken by Jesus himself, the law and the prophets were until John, since then the Kingdom of God is preached/here! Jesus,the Kingdom of God, the word of God, Holy Spirit comes as fire to burn and destroy evil thinking, not evil people. The prince of peace does not kill people. The father of love does not war with his own creation. The truth comes forth and separates the goats from the sheep. The truth burns away the evil/chaff and leaves the wheat. The fire purges the dross from the silver and the silver shines like the sun in the Kingdom of our Father. The meek inherit the earth. All of these scriptures are eternal, they happened, they are happening and they will happen. When we agree with them we will be one with the eternal word of God. Until we agree with them we are on the outside. Agreement with the words joins us to God. He who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with him. There are no chosen ones as per blood line. By faith are we joined to God. No Jews, Gentiles, male, female, good, bad, no physical Israel, Palestine, Jerusalem, Temple, Mountains etc. All are connected by faith or they are not connected at all. The past was then and the present is now and the future will come. Stop limiting the word of God. God is all and in all. Now is the Kingdom of God is within each of us. Luke 17:21 It is not going to come with observation. You will not see it . I pray that those who call themselves Christian's will stop looking for and believing in destruction, war and killing. That is not the loving Father revealed by Jesus. This is the gospel of God, the good news for all that accept and believe, we are perfected and sinfree through Jesus. TK


    Hi TK,
    Of course God does not dwell in unclean vessels.

    Repent each of your and be be baptised in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins AND you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.[Acts2]

    Tim Kraft

    Hey Nick: Once baptised, forgiven, and accepted by God one is cleansed, ordained, purified vessel. If one return to sin by thinking that he is in sin or has sinned, then he has rejected his cleansing and is like a dog returning to his own vomit. What God has cleansed let no man call unclean. There is no sin in God/Jesus/Christ. If we are in God or are in Jesus or are in Christ we have no sin. Until we see ourselves sinfree we have no part with God/Jesus/Christ! Purification and cleansing through Jesus is totally by faith/believing! Not by any work or act of any kind. Therefore no act or work of any kind that one might do can make him unclean. Unless he believes that he is unclean. I pray for the Christian community that they awaken to the fact that sin is in the mind first. If one thinks he is in sin, he is in sin, is unclean and has separated himself from perfection in God. You are by faith what you are. God has made you clean, and sinfree if you believe. The grace and peace of God is upon all the believers that are perfected saints of God through Jesus words. Bless all, TK


    Quote (theodorej @ June 20 2010,00:56)
    Greetings K……. Iam onboard with your accertion and the great awakening is at hand….it is just a matter of a few more awe inspiring developments before the called as well as the wise will bend their knees and bow their heads..

    Hi Theodorej, I remember you! You gave me some good advice on an old thread (I was reading back on some of them) haha.

    So what do you make of this? I believe what I read, that the Spirit of Elijah will make many stand up in the last days, in the Great Tribulation, but, do you think it has anything to do with the two witnesses?


    Hi Tim how are you!

    I saw alot of good points in your post.

    But do you think evil will remain always and forever? Because the way the world is, nothing will change it only destruction of evil by God.

    Tim Kraft

    Hi karmarie: Just to follow thread, without looking I believe the two witnesses in Revelation must be John the Baptist and Jesus.
    Man chose to believe in evil from the begining(Adam). Once man believed in evil it began to be manifest in the earth. All things that we believe in our powerful Christ minds will manifest in our lives, individually first, for our own experience in this earth trek, then as others may look on the evil and fear it in their own life, so it happens to them and is proliferated to all who believe in fear. The only way to reverse the evil process is to FIRST cleanse ones mind of evil. Wash away the evil beliefs through Baptism (symbolic) and renew the mind with the pure, cleansed perfection provided through Jesus. Jesus said (John 15:3) we are cleansed by his words from God. What God has called clean let no man call unclean. We are made perfect by Gods word, Jesus. We have no sin if we accept that cleansing from God. When we believe we have no sin or evil within, there will be no evil without. We have the ability and the responsibility to rid the earth of the evil THINKING we have created. No more sin consciousness!! No more sin!! No more sin, No more evil!!! It starts individually. These threads ought to be loaded with words of sinlessness and purification through Jesus. I pray the Truth of God prevail! God bless you, TK


    Hi Tim.

    But then only a percentage will be ok, the rest will remain bad, the kingdom of Heaven is not of the Earth, If God created God can also destroy. The wheat and the weeds.

    Iv often thought Jesus and John the Baptist could be the 2 witnesses.

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