The two witnesses of revelation

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    I think much of Revelation is a repeat description of the 3 and a half year great tribulation [3 and a half days, 1260 days, time times and half a time] from different standpoints-see Is 24.
    Since most of the suffering on earth involves the behavior of the Sun I think it could be one of the witnesses.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 22 2010,10:46)
    Hi T,
    Yes we know you designed another way.
    But understanding follows obedience.
    Wisdom is justified by her children


    just because you can not understand it ,you declare it out of scriptures?

    in many comments you make you going in circles,it does not mean anything or everything you can imagine.


    Hi T,
    So you say.
    But you need to see the kingdom.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 22 2010,11:08)
    I think much of Revelation is a repeat description of the 3 and a half year great tribulation [3 and a half days, 1260 days, time times and half a time] from different standpoints-see Is 24.
    Since most of the suffering on earth involves the behavior of the Sun I think it could be one of the witnesses.


    the great tribulation is wen ??


    Hi T,
    When Jesus returns to meet with his brothers in the air my thought is that they go to the wedding feast. Meanwhile the great tribulation begins on earth. The earth is harvested through awful suffering, though many of the saved come out of that time, also called the wrath of God.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 22 2010,13:28)
    Hi T,
    When Jesus returns to meet with his brothers in the air my thought is that they go to the wedding feast. Meanwhile the great tribulation begins on earth. The earth is harvested through awful suffering, though many of the saved come out of that time, also called the wrath of God.


    the feast of the wedding take place after the 1000 years,and after Satan is totally destroyed


    Hi T,
    So can you show how you came to this from scripture?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 22 2010,14:42)
    Hi T,
    So can you show how you came to this from scripture?

    this is happen righ after All wicketness is gone and destroyed;;
    Rev 21:1 I saw a new heaven and a new earth. The first heaven and the first earth were completely gone. There was no longer any sea.
    Rev 21:2 I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem. It was coming down out of heaven from God. It was prepared like a bride beautifully dressed for her husband.
    Rev 21:3 I heard a loud voice from the throne. It said, “Now God makes his home with people. He will live with them. They will be his people. And God himself will be with them and be their God.
    Rev 21:4 He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or sadness. There will be no more crying or pain. Things are no longer the way they used to be.”

    Rev 7:13 Then one of the elders spoke to me. “Who are these people dressed in white robes?” he asked. “Where did they come from?”
    Rev 7:14 I answered, “Sir, you know.”
    He said, “They are the ones who have come out of the time of terrible suffering. They have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.
    Rev 7:15 So
    “they are in front of the throne of God.
    They serve him day and night in his temple.
    The One who sits on the throne will spread his tent over them.
    Rev 7:16 Never again will they be hungry.
    Never again will they be thirsty.
    The sun will not beat down on them.
    The heat of the desert will not harm them.
    Rev 7:17 The Lamb, who is at the center of the area around the throne, will be their shepherd.
    He will lead them to springs of living water.
    And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.”

    this is only true after the 1000years and after all wicketness is gone and destroyed


    Hi T,
    There is no mention of the wedding in any of those verses.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 22 2010,15:08)
    Hi T,
    There is no mention of the wedding in any of those verses.

    Rev 19:1 After these things I heard a roar in heaven. It sounded like a huge crowd shouting,
    Salvation and glory and power belong to our God.
    Rev 19:2 The way he judges is true and fair.
    He has judged the great prostitute.
    She polluted the earth with her terrible sins.
    God has paid her back for killing those who served him

    this take place after all wicketness is gone;
    Rev 19:6 Then I heard the noise of a huge crowd. It sounded like the roar of rushing waters and like loud thunder. The people were shouting,
    Our Lord God is the King who rules over all.
    Rev 19:7 Let us be joyful and glad!
    Let us give him glory!
    It is time for the Lamb’s wedding.
    His bride has made herself ready.
    Rev 19:8 Fine linen, bright and clean,
    was given to her to wear.”
    Fine linen stands for the right things that God’s people do


    Hi T,
    Only when you get to rev 19 is that wedding mentioned.
    The celebrations before then do not relate do they?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 22 2010,15:21)
    Hi T,
    Only when you get to rev 19 is that wedding mentioned.
    The celebrations before then do not relate do they?


    are not all the righteous ones invited to the wedding?
    all the ones who as put his faith in christ blood?
    the wedding is Christ and the 144k no?


    Hi T,
    Why should that relate?
    I do not think all who are saved in the second resurrection attend the wedding as it is for the LIVING.[Mt8.11]


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 22 2010,15:26)
    Hi T,
    Why should that relate?
    I do not think all who are saved in the second resurrection attend the wedding as it is for the LIVING.[Mt8.11]


    this got nothing the do with the wedding ,
    it refers to the kingdom.(gentiles)


    Hi ,
    The two witnesses punish earth and it's inhabitants


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 22 2010,15:45)
    Hi ,
    The two witnesses punish earth and it's inhabitants

    which ones?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 22 2010,08:35)
    Hi T,
    Every fact is established in the mouth of witnesses.
    Yet folk preach foolish stuff here based on their own understanding of one verse.

    Pat yourself on the back for admitting that.



    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 22 2010,09:41)
    Hi T,
    Suddenly I am your enemy?
    For showing you what is written?

    That's just the point, “you” never do.



    Quote (terraricca @ April 22 2010,13:10)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 22 2010,11:08)
    I think much of Revelation is a repeat description of the 3 and a half year great tribulation [3 and a half days, 1260 days, time times and half a time] from different standpoints-see Is 24.
    Since most of the suffering on earth involves the behavior of the Sun I think it could be one of the witnesses.


    the great tribulation is wen ??


    Where do you read about the “THE” great tribulation?



    Quote (terraricca @ April 22 2010,15:24)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 22 2010,15:21)
    Hi T,
    Only when you get to rev 19 is that wedding mentioned.
    The celebrations before then do not relate do they?


    are not all the righteous ones invited to the wedding?
    all the ones who as put his faith in christ blood?
    the wedding is Christ and the 144k no?


    The wedding is only for those who come up in the first resurrection, the saints, those that gave their live as a testimony for their faith; first under the Romans, and then under Antichrist. Those that made a covenant by sacrifice, Ps. 50:5.


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