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- May 31, 2014 at 4:02 am#385733
ParticipantReuben: from Leah, The Lord has seen my humiliation, but now my husband will love me. Genesis 29:32-35
Simeon: from Leah, The Lord, hearing that I am unloved, has given me this son also.
Levi: from Leah, My husband will love and keep me, because I have borne him three sons.
Judah: from Leah, Now I will praise and revere the Lord.
Dan: from Bilhah, God has given judgement for me. Genesis 30:6-23
Naphtali: from Bilhah, I have struggled with my sister and I have won.
Gad: from Zilpah, I have won and good fortune has come.
Asher: from Zilpah, Happiness has come, all will call me happy.
Issachar: from Leah, God has rewarded me, because I gave my maid to my husband.
Zebulon: from Leah, God has given me a precious gift. Now my husband will honour me because I have presented him with six sons.
Joseph: from Rachel, God has taken away my humiliation.
Benjamin: from Rachel, Son of the right hand. Genesis 35:18
Also there are the sons of Joseph by Asenath, a daughter of Potiphera. They were blessed by Jacob and given his name of Israel.
Manasseh: Forget the bitterness of the past.
Ephraim: Double fruitfulness.There have been reams written about the meaning of Jacob’s son’s names and the order of their listings. We know there is significance with this, because nothing in the Bible is without some meaning and assistance for our understanding.
Here is the great redemption story, that can be seen from this amazing sequence of names:
In the order of birth:
Those who see the Son, [Reuben] hear [Simeon] and obey Him, are joined with Him. [Levi] They will praise and revere the Lord, [Judah] who judges. [Dan] For those who fight and prevail, [Naphtali] fortune [Gad] and happiness [Asher] is their reward [Issachar] and He will honour those, [Zebulon] whose reproach has been taken away and they shall be included as sons [Joseph] along with the Son of His right hand. [Benjamin]
In the order of Revelation 7:5-8:
I will praise the Lord, [Judah] for He has looked on me, [Reuben] and good fortune comes. [Gad] Happy am I, [Asher] because my striving to keep faith [Naphtali] allows me to forget my trials. [Manasseh] God hears me, [Simeon] and has joined me to Him. [Levi] He has paid the price for me, [Issachar] and my Lord will honour me. [Zebulon] God will add me [Joseph] to the Son of His right hand. [Benjamin]Regarding Ephraim: he received a greater blessing from Jacob, Genesis 48:17-20 and his descendants were generally the leaders of the 10 Northern tribes. Hosea 13:1
Psalm 108:8 God says: Ephraim is My helmet and Judah My sceptre.
Jeremiah 31:20 Ephraim is still a dear son to Me, I will again act kindly toward him.
Hosea 11:8-9 How can I give you up…I shall not turn and destroy Ephraim.
Hosea 12:8 Ephraim says: Surely I have become rich, with all my wealth I avoid sin.
From the historical, archaeological, linguistic and heraldic records, combined with how the prophesies of Jacob, of Moses; Deut. 33:13-17 and others, have been fulfilled, it is evident that Ephraim and Manasseh are today represented by the British Commonwealth and the U.S.A. They are comparatively wealthy nations; they have a Christian heritage, but have largely fallen away from the faith. They think their riches and power will keep them safe, but the Lord will test them and only those who ‘fight against sin and prevail’, who ‘revere and obey Him’, will ‘obtain the honour’ of being ‘added as sons’ to the ‘Son of God’s right hand’. Jeremiah 30:1-11, Hebrews 12:5-6, Jeremiah 5:26, Ezekiel 20:38May 31, 2014 at 4:21 am#385742NickHassan
ParticipantHi keras,
Isaiah 65:11
“But you who forsake the Lord, Who forget My holy mountain, Who set a table for Fortune, And who fill cups with mixed wine for Destiny,”and
The ongoing influence of the Jewish tribes in the USA and Britain must be seriously diluted.
Broad generalisations do not washMay 31, 2014 at 7:41 am#385807keras
ParticipantFirstly they are NOT Jewish tribes. They are Israelite people. And God knows who they are. Amos 9:9
God promised unconditionally to the Patriarchs that their descendants would inherit the holy Land. Just because that hasn't happened yet, do not by any means think that it won't.
Also the power base of British countries and America is W.A.S.P.May 31, 2014 at 7:59 am#385809NickHassan
ParticipantHi keras,
So what proprtion of the UK is of anglosaxon roots?
How about the USA?Both rather small I would say?
less than 20%June 1, 2014 at 8:11 am#386020keras
ParticipantThe proportion of Israelites in USA, UK and NZ is of no consequence. The fact is they are there, scattered around the world as God intended.
God will honour His promises to the Patriarchs, they will be gathered, they will live in all of the holy Land and it is them who say: Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord, at the Return.June 1, 2014 at 8:15 am#386024NickHassan
ParticipantHi keras,
So how does allegiance to the false church improve their relationship to God?June 1, 2014 at 8:34 am#386034NickHassan
ParticipantHi keras,
So singling out the UK and the USA serves no purpose really.
WWCOG was heavy on this ideaJune 1, 2014 at 9:22 pm#386097keras
ParticipantAre you calling all the Church false? Even in the RCC there are righteous believers.
Herbie Armstrong will have a crown of glory at the judgement for his great work of promoting the truth.
The fact that the USA and us in NZ, etc, have experienced great blessings of prosperity and peace, proves that God's promises to His people have been and still will be fulfilled.June 1, 2014 at 10:19 pm#386110NickHassan
ParticipantHi Keras,
The RCC does not teach entry to the kingdom and teaches that her doctrines are as inspired as the scriptures.
Because the faithful there are still loaded with guilt they are easy to manipulate by fear
It has misunderstood all the spiritual teachings of the Lord Jesus .The doctrines of the false church usually mirror the RCC in some way or another.eg most like Elim teach a false trinity god
June 3, 2014 at 6:58 am#386633keras
ParticipantWhose Land is it?
In ancient times, God appeared to Abraham and made a promise to him that his descendants would possess the holy Land, all that area from the Euphrates to the Nile. But he had two sons and the descendants of Ishmael dispute possession with the descendants of Isaac and Jacob. Much blood has been shed over this problem and the current situation, as well as the prophetic scriptures make it certain that another war is in the offing. Psalm 83:1-8, Micah 4:11
Both Psalm 83 and Micah 4 as well as many other prophecies say how the commencement of this war will trigger the Lord’s devastating judgement/punishment of the attackers and will affect the whole world, causing a ‘reset of civilization’. A One World Government will be formed, but Jacob’s descendants will gather and resettle in all of the holy Land, before the Return of the Messiah. Their proof of ownership is a document kept hidden until now, but soon to be revealed:
Jeremiah 32:6-14 The Word of the Lord came to me: Your relative will ask you to buy his land, as you have right of possession, as next of kin. I bought the Land for 17 shekels of silver and gave the two copies of the deed of purchase to Baruch, who sealed them in a clay jar, so that they would be preserved for a very long time.
Jeremiah 32:37-44 The Lord says: As I brought upon My people exile and disasters, so shall I bring them all the prosperity which I promise to them. In this Land, now a desolation and given over to foreigners, My people will once again buy and sell houses, fields and vineyards. I shall gather Israel and Judah from all the places where they have been banished, bring them back to their heritage and let them dwell here undisturbed. They will be My people and I will be their God. I will make an everlasting covenant with them and will put a fear of Me into their hearts, so they will not again turn away from Me. It will be a joy to Me to do them good and assuredly I will plant them here.
Jeremiah 33:6-26 The Lord says: Now I shall bring healing and care for Israel and Judah, they will see lasting peace and security. I shall cleanse them of all the sins they committed in rebellion against Me. This place will win Me renown from all the nations, when they see the prosperity that I give it. This place, devastated by My judgement will once again hear shouts of joy and praises will be sung in the House of the Lord.
The days are coming when I shall bestow on Israel and Judah the blessings I have promised to them. In those days and at that time, I will give them a righteous leader, from David’s line. As I cannot change day and night, so the promises I made to the Patriarchs, to David and to My priests will be fulfilled.
Have you seen how people say: The two families that the Lord chose – He rejected? Now, others despise My people and they are no longer a single nation. As I have established the fixed laws of the heavens, so I choose the descendants of Jacob, and David My servant, and his line will rule over the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. In My compassion I will restore their fortunes. Ref: Revised English Bible, abridged and paraphrased.‘this place, devastated by My judgement’, All of the holy Land, cleared and cleansed by the Lord’s Day of vengeance and wrath. Psalm 83, Ezekiel 30:1-5
‘a righteous leader’ – Initially, this is not Jesus as Jer. 30:21 and Hosea 1:11…the reunited Judah and Israel will choose for themselves a leader.June 3, 2014 at 6:50 pm#386695NickHassan
The land is owned by God.
He will give it as an inheritance to His peopleThe meek shall inherit the earth
June 3, 2014 at 8:38 pm#386727NickHassan
ParticipantHi Keras,
Of the USA and the UK you say
“they have a Christian heritage, but have largely fallen away from the faith.”What faith?
You mean the traditional churches? - AuthorPosts
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