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- November 30, 2013 at 8:34 am#362856
ParticipantJourney I don't disagree with anything much you have written above, though we may differ on a few things…… But what I can't understand is HOW YOU WILL KNOW.
Okay – you believe in a “rapture” (the rising of the saints in the air with the resurrected) and so do I. But can't you see… That this is at the 'end of the world' which was spoken about CLEARLY by Peter and Jesus? There is only one coming. I have been over this before. See this is where you lose me.Revelations is NOT in chronological order, things are recapitulated – and Jesus and Peter and others such as Paul explain it for us.
Well – can we just agree I hope to disagree on that, and instead concentrate on watching, okay?
If you believe that Jesus will set up a kingdom on this earth, then you are believing similar to the Muslims.
I have tried warning you.November 30, 2013 at 8:41 am#3628572besee
ParticipantQuote I wish Bodi will join us discussing the scriptures,
since he also was a christian.wakeup.
Bd does leave conversations about the return of Jesus in the past. I wish he would also join in.
November 30, 2013 at 9:36 am#362858Wakeup
ParticipantQuote (2besee @ Nov. 30 2013,18:34) Journey I don't disagree with anything much you have written above, though we may differ on a few things…… But what I can't understand is HOW YOU WILL KNOW.
Okay – you believe in a “rapture” (the rising of the saints in the air with the resurrected) and so do I. But can't you see… That this is at the 'end of the world' which was spoken about CLEARLY by Peter and Jesus? There is only one coming. I have been over this before. See this is where you lose me.Revelations is NOT in chronological order, things are recapitulated – and Jesus and Peter and others such as Paul explain it for us.
Well – can we just agree I hope to disagree on that, and instead concentrate on watching, okay?
If you believe that Jesus will set up a kingdom on this earth, then you are believing similar to the Muslims.
I have tried warning you.
2Besee.Our Father who art in heaven;thy *KINGDOM COME*,
November 30, 2013 at 10:09 am#3628592besee
God's will done on earth, NOW, by those who obey Him.
But: Thy kingdom come –
What do we look to?
Listen to Peter.
The new heaven and the new earth.5 This they willingly know not,
that the heavens were of old,
and the earth that was of the water,
and by the water,
by the word of God.
6 Wherefore the world that then was,
overflowed with the water.
7 But the heavens and earth,
which are now,
are kept by the same word in store,
and reserved unto fire against the day of condemnation,
and of the destruction of ungodly men.9 The Lord of that promise is not slack (as some men count slackness) but is patient toward us,
and would have no man to perish,
but would all men to come to repentance.
10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night,
in the which the heavens shall pass away with a noise,
and the elements shall melt with heat,
and the earth with the works that are therein shall be burnt up.11 Seeing therefore that all these things must be dissolved,
what manner persons ought ye to be in holy conversation and godliness,
12 Looking for, and hasting unto the coming of that day of God,
by the which the heavens being on fire,
shall be dissolved,
and the elements shall melt with heat?
13 But we look for new heavens, and a new earth,
according to his promise,
wherein dwelleth righteousness.
14 Wherefore, beloved,
seeing that ye look for such things,
be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace,
without spot and blameless.
15 And suppose that the long suffering of our Lord is salvation,
even as our beloved brother Paul according to the wisdom given unto him wrote to you.
16 As one that in all his Epistles speaketh of these things:
among the which,
some things are hard to be understood,
which they that are unlearned and unstable,
as they do also other Scriptures unto their own destruction.November 30, 2013 at 11:46 am#3628642besee
(Behold I come as a thief.
Blessed is he that watcheth,
and keepeth his garments,
lest he walk naked,
and men see his filthiness)Paul:
For ye yourselves know perfectly,
that the day of the Lord shall come,
even as a thief in the night.
For when they shall say,
Peace and safety,
then shall come upon them sudden destruction,
as the travail upon a woman with child,
and they shall not escape.
But ye, brethren,
are not in darkness,
that that day shall come on you,
as it were a thief.Peter:
But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night,
in the which the heavens shall pass away with a noise,
and the elements shall melt with heat,
and the earth with the works that are therein shall be burnt up.November 30, 2013 at 11:12 pm#3629162besee
ParticipantMounting tensions between China, the US, and Japan.
November 30, 2013 at 11:18 pm#3629172besee
ParticipantFukushima – Fuel rod removals – One bad slip would result in a global catastrophe.
-nuclear-radiation/5359188December 1, 2013 at 3:36 am#362922Wakeup
ParticipantQuote (2besee @ Nov. 30 2013,20:09) Wakeup,
God's will done on earth, NOW, by those who obey Him.
But: Thy kingdom come –
What do we look to?
Listen to Peter.
The new heaven and the new earth.5 This they willingly know not,
that the heavens were of old,
and the earth that was of the water,
and by the water,
by the word of God.
6 Wherefore the world that then was,
overflowed with the water.
7 But the heavens and earth,
which are now,
are kept by the same word in store,
and reserved unto fire against the day of condemnation,
and of the destruction of ungodly men.9 The Lord of that promise is not slack (as some men count slackness) but is patient toward us,
and would have no man to perish,
but would all men to come to repentance.
10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night,
in the which the heavens shall pass away with a noise,
and the elements shall melt with heat,
and the earth with the works that are therein shall be burnt up.11 Seeing therefore that all these things must be dissolved,
what manner persons ought ye to be in holy conversation and godliness,
12 Looking for, and hasting unto the coming of that day of God,
by the which the heavens being on fire,
shall be dissolved,
and the elements shall melt with heat?
13 But we look for new heavens, and a new earth,
according to his promise,
wherein dwelleth righteousness.
14 Wherefore, beloved,
seeing that ye look for such things,
be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace,
without spot and blameless.
15 And suppose that the long suffering of our Lord is salvation,
even as our beloved brother Paul according to the wisdom given unto him wrote to you.
16 As one that in all his Epistles speaketh of these things:
among the which,
some things are hard to be understood,
which they that are unlearned and unstable,
as they do also other Scriptures unto their own destruction.
2Besee.1.You say God's kingdom is now:
But God said otherwise.(the opposite).(contra).
He said: the land is desolate.
You are contradicting scripture.
Do you really believe a falling away will come in his
kingdom? The saints are ruling as kings and priests?
The false prophet will rule *during Christ* rule for 3/half
yrs?(forty two months).rev13:5.2.You say,the earth will melt at the coming:
question: what about all the gentiles living, and all that are
in their graves,and the luke warm christians alive and
dead?3.You say,the old world was destroyed by water.
The Word had commanded it.
True; all things are done by the Word
Noah was saved by building the arc on command,
and he was saved from the water.Knowing Jesus and his
God, is our arc today. Eating his flesh is our arc today.4.You are mixing the fire of the coming 3ww,and the fire of
armageddon,and the melting of the earth.Remember
Christ has to stop the 3wwar for the sake the elect. He is
not going to stop the wrath of God, (the coming).
Babylon will be in heaps,the cities of the nations will be
no more.5.You say: the coming is as a thief and no one will know.
Scripture says: To stay awake, and Jesus has given us the
signs of the coming in matt.24.and rev.
The sleepers will not know the signs. But the watchers will
know the signs, and therefore know the coming,but not the
day and the hour.6. Some things are hard to be understood.
The unlearned in scriptures can not understand.
They are still on the breast.(milk).wakeup.
December 1, 2013 at 10:50 am#3629372besee
ParticipantQuote 2Besee.
1.You say God's kingdom is now:
But God said otherwise.(the opposite). (contra).Matthew 13:24-30
24 ¶ Another parable put he forth unto them,
The kingdom of heaven is like unto a man which sowed good seed in HIS field.
25 But while men slept,
there came his enemy and sowed tares among the wheat,
and went his way.
26 And when the blade was sprung up,
and brought forth fruit,
then appeared the tares also.
27 Then came the servants of the householder,
and said unto him,
sowest thou not good seed in THY field?
from whence then hath it tares?
28 And he said unto them,
Some envious man hath done this.
Then the servants said unto him,
Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up?
29 But he said,
lest while ye go about to gather the tares,
ye pluck up also with them the wheat.
30 Let both grow together until the harvest,
and in time of harvest I will say to the reapers,
Gather ye first the tares,
and bind
them in sheaves to burn them:
but gather the wheat into my barn.Matthew 13:36-43
36 Then sent Jesus the multitude away,
and went into the house.
And his disciples came unto him,
Declare unto us the parable of the tares of that field.
37 Then answered he,
and said to them,
He that soweth the good seed,
is the son of man,
38 And the field is the world,
and the good seed are the children of the kingdom,
and the tares are the children of that wicked one.
39 And the enemy that soweth them,
is the devil,
and the harvest is the end of the world,
and the reapers be the Angels.
40 As then the tares are gathered and burned in the fire,
so shall it be in the end of this world.
41 The Son of man shall send forth his Angels,
and they shall gather out of HIS kingdom all things that offend,
and them which do iniquity,
42 And shall cast them into a furnace of fire.
There shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
43 Then shall the just men shine as the sun in the kingdom of their father.
He that hath ears to hear,
let him hear.So, this is the son's field.
The harvest; when the angels are sent to gather the children of God – is the end of the world where they will then be in the kingdom of their Father.Quote He said: the land is desolate.
You are contradicting scripture.The only place Jesus speaks of the land being desolate that i can see is in Luke 21:20, where he is speaking of Jerusalem being surrounded in enemies and then being made desolate. This happened in 70AD.
Quote Do you really believe a falling away will come in his kingdom? Yes. It is already happening.
Quote The saints are ruling as kings and priests? Well what does scripture say?
Revelations 1.
4 John to the seven Churches which are in Asia,
Grace be with you,
and peace from him,
Which is,
and Which was,
and Which is to come,
and from the seven Spirits which are before his Throne,
5 And from Jesus Christ which is that
faithful witness,
and that first begotten of the dead,
and that Prince of the Kings of the earth,
unto him that loved us,
and washed us from our sins in his blood,
6 And made us Kings and Priests unto God even his Father,
to him,
I say,
be glory,
and dominion for evermore,
Amen.See how they are Kings and Priests?
Quote The false prophet will rule *during Christ* rule for 3/half yrs?(forty two months).rev13:5. Satan will be let lose to deceive the world one last time.
Quote 2.You say,the earth will melt at the coming: The scriptures do.
Quote question:
what about all the gentiles living, and all that are in their graves, and the luke warm christians alive and dead?1) The living, and the dead who in their graves, who are born again Christians – Gentiles or Hebrews – are ONE now (Israel).
Why do you separate them?2) The luke warm dead or alive Christians have been spewed out of Jesus' mouth.
If they practice sin and do not repent, God is the judge.
The Christians who are saved are the ones obeying God's commandments, and who have the faith of Jesus.
Must be both.The non believers will be judged on what they did or did not do.
Quote 4.You are mixing the fire of the coming 3ww,and the fire of
armageddon,and the melting of the
earth.Remember Christ has to stop the 3wwar for the sake the elect. He is not going to stop the wrath of God, (the coming).
Babylon will be in heaps,the cities of the nations will be no more.That is your personal interpretation, Wakeup.
There is only one coming of Jesus and that is the end of the world.Quote 5.You say: the coming is as a thief and no
one will know.No I did not say 'no one would know'. Every eye will see.
Quote Scripture says: To stay awake, and Jesus has given us the
signs of the coming in matt.24.and rev.
The sleepers will not know the signs. But the watchers will know the signs, and therefore know the coming,but not the day and the hour.Agree.
But due to the fact that you do not believe that the second advent = the end of the world, etc, you will fall for a deceiver.December 3, 2013 at 3:42 am#363053bodhitharta
ParticipantQuote (2besee @ Nov. 28 2013,08:38) Jesus is coming, all will be DESTROYED, only some will still be standing, and they will be gathered to Jesus in the air. Then is judgment day of ALL OF THE DEAD.
Now is the day of salvation. Now is the time to repent. Fear God, BELIEVE in God, who created the heavens and the earth and all that is in them.
Watch that your are not deceived, because today is the days of deception.
look up because our redemption draws close, at the very gates.
That is to anyone.
Put away your alcohol completely.
Turn off music completely.
Turn off the TV.
They are tools used to deceive the world today.
Return to God if you have gone away from him.
I don't think there will be much mystery to it at all, Jesus will return and it will be known how else could he be rejected if he is not known? How else would anyone oppose him if he is not known? Even if he doesn't step foot on the earth what is the problem here, foot or no foot? Before or after, what is the difficulty here, God is Just and no true believer will be lost.The entire conversation is foolish do you think a “false Christ” will behave exactly like the True Christ and give all Glory to God? No the scriptures say the False Christ will make himself to be God the only people who will be deceived are all the Christians that believe that Jesus is God already. No Muslim could be deceived they will not accept any human to be God and never have, only the Christian can accept a False Christ claiming divinity and following this “God” the idea doesn't exist in Islam, so the question of how will Muslims know can't apply
December 3, 2013 at 7:25 am#3630612besee
ParticipantQuote The entire conversation is foolish Yes you are right.
I should have been out of this place weeks ago, when I first said I would be.
So I'm out of hn now.
And this time I won't be looking back, like lot's wife did.December 3, 2013 at 10:27 am#363063Wakeup
ParticipantQuote (2besee @ Dec. 03 2013,17:25) Quote The entire conversation is foolish Yes you are right.
I should have been out of this place weeks ago, when I first said I would be.
So I'm out of hn now.
And this time I won't be looking back, like lot's wife did.
2Besee.Have you run out of bullets to defend yourself?
You better run,take cover,or hide.wakeup.
January 7, 2014 at 9:51 pm#366462bodhitharta
ParticipantQuote (2besee @ Nov. 30 2013,18:41) Quote I wish Bodi will join us discussing the scriptures,
since he also was a christian.wakeup.
Bd does leave conversations about the return of Jesus in the past. I wish he would also join in.
Sorry, I just saw this. I thought we discussed this before. We can't really discuss the return of Jesus because not even he knew when it would be so to me it would be disrespectful to guess.January 7, 2014 at 9:53 pm#366463bodhitharta
ParticipantQuote (2besee @ Nov. 30 2013,15:53) Wakeup and Journey, you guys do my head in, sorry. “No prophecy of scripture is a matter of private interpretation.”
For most of the things which YOU claim, can you show me WHERE it can be found in the New Testament? One place, just one place? Did Jesus and the disciples forget to mention it all or maybe…. this is a new revelation to only a selected few people! Right? I cannot find it in the New Testament that the Jews will be brought back and taught by the saints, etc etc, etc.
Guys – I don't know what to say.
We disagree.
I can't get my head around it.
Actually you did get your head around it and it simply is not/ was not there.IT WAS MADE UP THROUGH WISHFUL THINKING
January 8, 2014 at 3:36 am#366676journey42
ParticipantQuote (bodhitharta @ Jan. 08 2014,07:53) Quote (2besee @ Nov. 30 2013,15:53) Wakeup and Journey, you guys do my head in, sorry. “No prophecy of scripture is a matter of private interpretation.”
For most of the things which YOU claim, can you show me WHERE it can be found in the New Testament? One place, just one place? Did Jesus and the disciples forget to mention it all or maybe…. this is a new revelation to only a selected few people! Right? I cannot find it in the New Testament that the Jews will be brought back and taught by the saints, etc etc, etc.
Guys – I don't know what to say.
We disagree.
I can't get my head around it.
Actually you did get your head around it and it simply is not/ was not there.IT WAS MADE UP THROUGH WISHFUL THINKING
Not all the finer details of prophecy are in the new testament.
The new is not complete without the old.January 8, 2014 at 6:51 am#366683Wakeup
ParticipantQuote (bodhitharta @ Jan. 08 2014,07:51) Quote (2besee @ Nov. 30 2013,18:41) Quote I wish Bodi will join us discussing the scriptures,
since he also was a christian.wakeup.
Bd does leave conversations about the return of Jesus in the past. I wish he would also join in.
Sorry, I just saw this. I thought we discussed this before. We can't really discuss the return of Jesus because not even he knew when it would be so to me it would be disrespectful to guess.
Boditharta.Here is one indication of His coming.
Matthew 24:15 ***When ye therefore **shall see** the
abomination of desolation***,
***spoken of by Daniel the prophet, *stand* in the
holy place***,
(whoso readeth, let him understand:)***JESUS WAS TELLING US THE TIME OF HIS COMING***.
(MATT.24 IS ALL ABOUT HIS COMING).Matthew 24:21 ***For then shall be great tribulation***, N ***such as was not since the beginning of the world to
this time, no, nor ever shall be***.(THIS IS NOT ABOUT 70AD)IN THIS WAR NO FLESH SHALL BE SAVED,
Matthew 24:16 Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains:
January 8, 2014 at 7:30 am#366689Wakeup
ParticipantQuote (2besee @ Dec. 01 2013,20:50) Quote 2Besee.
1.You say God's kingdom is now:
But God said otherwise.(the opposite). (contra).Matthew 13:24-30
24 ¶ Another parable put he forth unto them,
The kingdom of heaven is like unto a man which sowed good seed in HIS field.
25 But while men slept,
there came his enemy and sowed tares among the wheat,
and went his way.
26 And when the blade was sprung up,
and brought forth fruit,
then appeared the tares also.
27 Then came the servants of the householder,
and said unto him,
sowest thou not good seed in THY field?
from whence then hath it tares?
28 And he said unto them,
Some envious man hath done this.
Then the servants said unto him,
Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up?
29 But he said,
lest while ye go about to gather the tares,
ye pluck up also with them the wheat.
30 Let both grow together until the harvest,
and in time of harvest I will say to the reapers,
Gather ye first the tares,
and bind
them in sheaves to burn them:
but gather the wheat into my barn.Matthew 13:36-43
36 Then sent Jesus the multitude away,
and went into the house.
And his disciples came unto him,
Declare unto us the parable of the tares of that field.
37 Then answered he,
and said to them,
He that soweth the good seed,
is the son of man,
38 And the field is the world,
and the good seed are the children of the kingdom,
and the tares are the children of that wicked one.
39 And the enemy that soweth them,
is the devil,
and the harvest is the end of the world,
and the reapers be the Angels.
40 As then the tares are gathered and burned in the fire,
so shall it be in the end of this world.
41 The Son of man shall send forth his Angels,
and they shall gather out of HIS kingdom all things that offend,
and them which do iniquity,
42 And shall cast them into a furnace of fire.
There shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
43 Then shall the just men shine as the sun in the kingdom of their father.
He that hath ears to hear,
let him hear.So, this is the son's field.
The harvest; when the angels are sent to gather the children of God – is the end of the world where they will then be in the kingdom of their Father.Quote He said: the land is desolate.
You are contradicting scripture.The only place Jesus speaks of the land being desolate that i can see is in Luke 21:20, where he is speaking of Jerusalem being surrounded in enemies and then being made desolate. This happened in 70AD.
Quote Do you really believe a falling away will come in his kingdom? Yes. It is already happening.
Quote The saints are ruling as kings and priests? Well what does scripture say?
Revelations 1.
4 John to the seven Churches which are in Asia,
Grace be with you,
and peace from him,
Which is,
and Which was,
and Which is to come,
and from the seven Spirits which are before his Throne,
5 And from Jesus Christ which is that
faithful witness,
and that first begotten of the dead,
and that Prince of the Kings of the earth,
unto him that loved us,
and washed us from our sins in his blood,
6 And made us Kings and Priests unto God even his Father,
to him,
I say,
be glory,
and dominion for evermore,
Amen.See how they are Kings and Priests?
Quote The false prophet will rule *during Christ* rule for 3/half yrs?(forty two months).rev13:5. Satan will be let lose to deceive the world one last time.
Quote 2.You say,the earth will melt at the coming: The scriptures do.
Quote question:
what about all the gentiles living, and all that are in their graves, and the luke warm christians alive and dead?1) The living, and the dead who in their graves, who are born again Christians – Gentiles or Hebrews – are ONE now (Israel).
Why do you separate them?2) The luke warm dead or alive Christians have been spewed out of Jesus' mouth.
If they practice sin and do not repent, God is the judge.
The Christians who are saved are the ones obeying God's commandments, and who have the faith of Jesus.
Must be both.The non believers will be judged on what they did or did not do.
Quote 4.You are mixing the fire of the coming 3ww,and the fire of
armageddon,and the melting of the
earth.Remember Christ has to stop the 3wwar for the sake the elect. He is not going to stop the wrath of God, (the coming).
Babylon will be in heaps,the cities of the nations will be no more.That is your personal interpretation, Wakeup.
There is only one coming of Jesus and that is the end of the world.Quote 5.You say: the coming is as a thief and no
one will know.No I did not say 'no one would know'. Every eye will see.
Quote Scripture says: To stay awake, and Jesus has given us the
signs of the coming in matt.24.and rev.
The sleepers will not know the signs. But the watchers will know the signs, and therefore know the coming,but not the day and the hour.Agree.
But due to the fact that you do not believe that the second advent = the end of the world, etc, you will fall for a deceiver.
2Besee.Your picture has a BIG GAP STARING AT YOU
Where can you fit in ISAIAH 11. 65. and ZECH 14.
January 8, 2014 at 12:27 pm#366707Wakeup
Romans 11:25 For I would not, brethren,
***that ye should be ignorant of this mystery***,
***lest ye should be wise in your own conceits***;
***that *blindness in part* is happened to Israel***,
****until the *fulness* of the Gentiles be come in****.Once all the preachings are done,and
the saints resurrected;Jesus will start teaching the jews
in his thousand yr kingdom with his saints.
Then the jews blindness will be removed.
Knowledge shall cover the earth as the sea cover the earth.wakeup.
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