The statue of King Nebs dream

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    The toes and the feet are two separate empires, but God described them the same because the 8th comes out of the 7th (Britain)

    1)Da 2:37 You, O king, are the king of kings. The God of heaven has given you dominion and power and might and glory;You are that     head of gold;;;

    2)+3+4+= Da 2:39 “After you, another kingdom will rise, inferior to yours. Next, a third kingdom, one of bronze, will rule over the whole earth.
    Da 2:40 Finally, there will be a fourth kingdom, strong as iron;

    and so Daniel explain more details about the fourth one ;;for iron breaks and smashes everything—and as iron breaks things to pieces, so it will crush and break all the others.
    Da 2:41 Just as you saw that the feet and toes were partly of baked clay and partly of iron, so this will be a divided kingdom; yet it will have some of the strength of iron in it, even as you saw iron mixed with clay.
    Da 2:42 As the toes were partly iron and partly clay, so this kingdom will be partly strong and partly brittle.
    Da 2:43 And just as you saw the iron mixed with baked clay, so the people will be a mixture and will not remain united, any more than iron mixes with clay.




    Can you please explain the legs , feet, toes.
    The crushing stone, the setting up of the kingdom of God.
    Dan 2:44. 45.

    How does it all fit in with Rev.17:8,the beast that WAS– IS NOT–YET IS–.

    17:10. The 7 kings; 5 are fallen; one is; and the other is not yet come?

    17:11. The 8th is of the 7th.and will be destroyed.
    17:12. the 10 kings receive no power as yet.
    17:13. the 10 kings will have one mind.
    17:14. These 10 will make war with the lamb.(at the coming)?

    Can you please put them all together?



    Quote (Wakeup @ July 20 2012,17:09)

    Can you please explain the legs , feet, toes.
    The crushing stone, the setting up of the kingdom of God.
    Dan 2:44. 45.

    How does it all fit in with Rev.17:8,the beast that WAS– IS NOT–YET IS–.

    17:10. The 7 kings; 5 are fallen; one is; and the other is not yet come?

    17:11. The 8th is of the 7th.and will be destroyed.
    17:12. the 10 kings receive no power as yet.
    17:13. the 10 kings will have one mind.
    17:14. These 10 will make war with the lamb.(at the coming)?

    Can you please put them all together?



    you ask me something I have been doing for the past 10 posts

    please read my post ,or read the scriptures in Daniel 2;40 -45

    and please do not for now mix with Revelation

    Ed J

    Quote (Wakeup @ July 20 2012,10:09)

    Can you please explain the legs , feet, toes.
    The crushing stone, the setting up of the kingdom of God.
    Dan 2:44. 45.

    How does it all fit in with Rev.17:8,the beast that WAS– IS NOT–YET IS–.

    17:10. The 7 kings; 5 are fallen; one is; and the other is not yet come?

    17:11. The 8th is of the 7th.and will be destroyed.
    17:12. the 10 kings receive no power as yet.
    17:13. the 10 kings will have one mind.
    17:14. These 10 will make war with the lamb.(at the coming)?

    Can you please put them all together?


    Hi Wakeup,

    Do you know who the 10 kings are?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    terraricca,July wrote:



    Daniel 2:41   And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay.

    Ok, lets see

    this is talking about the same kingdom (Rome)the division is  within in time ,Rome became so big that his people were very mixed ,and his power was spread by the senators ,politically,they were strong as iron and yet as weak as clay ,because they needed approval of the senate ,and that was corrupted , Da 2:42 As the toes were partly iron and partly clay, so this kingdom will be partly strong and partly brittle.

    Pierre, I can see what you are saying, but there came a time when that old Roman empire finished.  I agree they divided when it came down to the feet, and out of them came the BRITISH EMPIRE.  Same system, same democracy, but even more powerful.
    Can you deny that the British Empire was the most powerful empire ever recorded in history?
    Can we discount that fact?
    The British empire is still ruling today, under her many banners.  She is alive and well, and still collecting royalties from all the nations she once controlled.
    In Australia we still have what is called “Crown land” , the people think the government own it, but the royalties go to the queen.

    Quote from Wikkepdedia
    In Commonwealth realms, Crown land is an area belonging to the monarch (“the Crown”), the equivalent of an entailed estate that passed with the monarchy and could not be alienated from it.

    You are missing this very important factor.

    Rome was not mentioned in the explanation of the statue by Daniel.  The name ROME was not mentioned once in the Old Testament.  You try and find it?  But God described Rome, and we worked it out, because it is history for us now and so clear.
    God also did not mention Britain by name.
    We have to work this out as well,
    that Britain was a major empire that came up after Rome lost it's power, and it came out of Rome.  It's roots was from Rome,
    and the Empire of Britain was AS STRONG AS IRON, but it was a mixed empire.  This empire was not only europe, but had control over some nations in South America, China, India, Africa, Malaya, Egypt, Israel, Iraq, Malta, Sri Lanka, New Guinea, Canada, Burma, Batavia, Australia, Afghanistan, USA, New Zealand, Turkey, and many many more.
    Strong countries & weak countries
    Iron mixed with clay.
    They mingle but don't stick

    From what I understand, a country doesn't just get their independence from Britain by saying, we don't want you to own us any more?  It's too bad, if they want to run their country on their own then they have to pay for this entitlement – and it's called Royalties.  The royalties made to Britain do not stop. They keep on paying till now.

    Some have overlooked all this, and excluded it because it falls outside of the Roman empire that we have in our head. We have to get past this Roman Empire thing and look at the FACTS today.
    Because we are in the end times.

    This facts of Britain are not made up in my head.
    You think I squeeze it into my doctrine to make it fit the statue?
    Well the statue goes right to the end time,
    a quick glimpse of all the empires and how they made a major impact.
    But it wasn't for them back then to know who was coming after Rome, because God knew they would all be dead by then, and it didn't concern them.
    But it concerns us now and I showed you in Revelations that the heads on the beast symbolise the empires which you know yourself.
    And Christ opened that book and revealed more detail to us.
    This is not in my head Pierre,
    my heart is pure, with God as my witness
    and you shouldn't say such things to me
    because what if you are wrong?


    Quote (terraricca @ July 20 2012,00:16)

    Daniel 2:41   And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay.

    prior to this comment you were right ,from here on you are not right ;this is talking about the same kingdom (Rome)the division is  within in time ,Rome became so big that his people were very mixed ,and his power was spread by the senators ,politically,they were strong as iron and yet as weak as clay ,because they needed approval of the senate ,and that was corrupted , Da 2:42 As the toes were partly iron and partly clay, so this kingdom will be partly strong and partly brittle.

    now see what it says ;Da 2:43 And just as you saw the iron mixed with baked clay, so the people will be a mixture and will not remain united, any more than iron mixes with claythis is what it was when Christ came and stay until the end in 70 AD when the prophecy of the destruction of the temple became a reality ,this was a sign to the Christians that what Christ had said was true and so was in fact the son of God as he said he was, but it seems that by that time only John was a live,as apostle of Christ .

    with all the things you told me ;imagine you would have been there when John received the visions of Revelation on Patmos and he would ad given you that scroll ,tell me what would you have called him ???? A DREAMER ,A OLD MAN WHO AS LOST HIS MIND PERUPS .

    I have this question for you ;do you think God need any of us ???

    MT 3:9 and do not suppose that you can say to yourselves, ‘ We have Abraham for our father’; for I say to you that from these stones God is able to raise up children to you understand this scripture ???

    if you can tell me ;

    if you do not tell me I will tell you :

    now see what it says ;Da 2:43 And just as you saw the iron mixed with baked clay, so the people will be a mixture and will not remain united, any more than iron mixes with claythis is what it was when Christ came and stay until the end in 70 AD when the prophecy of the destruction of the temple became a reality ,this was a sign to the Christians that what Christ had said was true and so was in fact the son of God as he said he was, but it seems that by that time only John was a live,as apostle of Christ .

    Iron mixed with clay means there are strong and weak nations together.  There are different cultures in this mix.

    I agree in 70 AD when the prophesy of the destruction of the temple was fulfilled.

    I also agree that Christ will set up a kingdom and rule
    But, the kingdom of God was already set up from the beginning, and when Christ came, he set up his church
    here on earth.
    But Christ will set his Fathers kingdom here when he returns.  It will be official.  There will be a throne, and he will be ruling, and there will be people under him, (the saints)  and he will say you go here, and you go there, and the nations will come in to learn, and the law will go forth from Zion, and the truth will flow out from it too.  Not what we have today.

    And everyone will remember how he destroyed Babylon the Great (the system) and destroyed the very, very wicked, and will know his power.
    Satan will be locked up then, and it will be much easier to learn without all the deceit and interruptions.

    with all the things you told me ;imagine you would have been there when John received the visions of Revelation on Patmos and he would ad given you that scroll ,tell me what would you have called him ???? A DREAMER ,A OLD MAN WHO AS LOST HIS MIND PERUPS .

    I guess everyone knew who the 12 apostles were, and if you were a follower, you would know that Christ hand-picked everyone of them and used them to spread his ministry. So you would soak in everything they said.  But the unbelievers, or the doubting Jews would no doubt have thought he was mad!

    I have this question for you ;do you think God need any of us ???

    He created us for his pleasure

    Revelation 4:11   Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.  

    MT 3:9 and do not suppose that you can say to yourselves, ‘ We have Abraham for our father’; for I say to you that from these stones God is able to raise up children to you understand this scripture ???

    if you can tell me ;

    if you do not tell me I will tell you :

    Those Jews thought they were safe because they are the descendants of Abraham, the only race belonging to God,
    but God later made the gentiles his children too didn't he?
    Not from the seed of Abraham loins, but from the promise
    and we are adopted , and counted as the seed now (inheritors)
    We came out of no-where and the Jews weren't expecting that. They still don't think we are part of God's kingdom. They think just them only, even to this day.

    And God can do whatever his pleasure is.  In this case, his pleasure was to bring us gentiles in.


    Quote (terraricca @ July 20 2012,00:20)

    anything after Rome is your own making

    interpreting what you do not understand ,why ????

    I couldn't of explained it any better.
    I did my best.
    The only thing I could of done was to give more scripture, and I will do.


    Quote (terraricca @ July 20 2012,00:27)

    did I really say this ???I do not think so ,

    what I said is that from the dead of Christ their is no more a human power that his higher that the kingdom of God and his king Jesus Christ the son of God ;powers will continue just as Jesus said it would ,but it is now under the king of God,and it will never be destroyed or replaced ,IN THIS SENS ALL POWERS ARE CRUCHED .you should read scriptures with a pure heart,and learn what God as writtin.not what men dreams.



    There has never been a human power more higher than God.  Right from the beginning.

    God's power was always there anyway,
    and Christ was always with God, when he was THE WORD.
    But Christ is not given the authority to rule on earth until all be accomplished.
    And that accomplishment will be fulfilled when he returns.
    When he destroys those last kings ruling, who made the earth desolate and filled it with the most horrendous abominations, and made the people commit abominations too.

    You have put in your own interpretation too about the statue.  Because what you say is not backed up by scripture
    because you are quoting history from mens books and making it fit.
    but it doesn't fit?
    doesn't match the other scriptures.


    Quote (terraricca @ July 20 2012,07:56)

    The toes and the feet are two separate empires, but God described them the same because the 8th comes out of the 7th (Britain)

    1)Da 2:37 You, O king, are the king of kings. The God of heaven has given you dominion and power and might and glory;You are that     head of gold;;;

    2)+3+4+= Da 2:39 “After you, another kingdom will rise, inferior to yours. Next, a third kingdom, one of bronze, will rule over the whole earth.
    Da 2:40 Finally, there will be a fourth kingdom, strong as iron;

    and so Daniel explain more details about the fourth one ;;for iron breaks and smashes everything—and as iron breaks things to pieces, so it will crush and break all the others.
    Da 2:41 Just as you saw that the feet and toes were partly of baked clay and partly of iron, so this will be a divided kingdom; yet it will have some of the strength of iron in it, even as you saw iron mixed with clay.
    Da 2:42 As the toes were partly iron and partly clay, so this kingdom will be partly strong and partly brittle.
    Da 2:43 And just as you saw the iron mixed with baked clay, so the people will be a mixture and will not remain united, any more than iron mixes with clay.


    Go back and read my posts, slowly.  I explained everything.

    The statue is a rough run down.  
    You will not understand it or get clarification, without revelations.
    The beast has seven heads.
    and the last one gets thrown into the lake of fire at Christ's coming.
    This is that rock that was hurled from heaven at the feet.

    I can't show you any more than I have done.
    I'm moving on to the kings of that last empire now,
    You are going to disagree with all I say regardless, so it's time to move on.
    I'm not staying stuck here Pierre, theres so much more to come.


    Quote (Ed J @ July 20 2012,15:10)

    Quote (Wakeup @ July 20 2012,10:09)

    Can you please explain the legs , feet, toes.
    The crushing stone, the setting up of the kingdom of God.
    Dan 2:44. 45.

    How does it all fit in with Rev.17:8,the beast that WAS– IS NOT–YET IS–.

    17:10. The 7 kings; 5 are fallen; one is; and the other is not yet come?

    17:11. The 8th is of the 7th.and will be destroyed.
    17:12. the 10 kings receive no power as yet.
    17:13. the 10 kings will have one mind.
    17:14. These 10 will make war with the lamb.(at the coming)?

    Can you please put them all together?


    Hi Wakeup,

    Do you know who the 10 kings are?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    We are now in transtsition from the feet to the 10 toes.
    The 10 will appear soon enough,then the man of perdition will appear with power and lying wonders.(very near future).


    Ed J

    Quote (Wakeup @ July 20 2012,20:46)

    Quote (Ed J @ July 20 2012,15:10)

    Hi Wakeup,

    Do you know who the 10 kings are?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    We are now in transtsition from the feet to the 10 toes.
    The 10 will appear soon enough,then the man of perdition will appear with power and lying wonders.(very near future).


    Does that mean – “No” – ?


    Quote (terraricca @ July 20 2012,11:03)

    Quote (Wakeup @ July 20 2012,17:09)

    Can you please explain the legs , feet, toes.
    The crushing stone, the setting up of the kingdom of God.
    Dan 2:44. 45.

    How does it all fit in with Rev.17:8,the beast that WAS– IS NOT–YET IS–.

    17:10. The 7 kings; 5 are fallen; one is; and the other is not yet come?

    17:11. The 8th is of the 7th.and will be destroyed.
    17:12. the 10 kings receive no power as yet.
    17:13. the 10 kings will have one mind.
    17:14. These 10 will make war with the lamb.(at the coming)?

    Can you please put them all together?



    you ask me something I have been doing for the past 10 posts

    please read my post ,or read the scriptures in Daniel 2;40 -45

    and please do not for now mix with Revelation

    Hi Terra.

    Yest but you need to explain to us step by step, and make it very clear.

    So far what I can understand your interpretation of the kingdom of God;that it was set up at his first coming.(can you point out to me Where is that kingdom today)?
    where are the ruling saints? do you know any?

    John 18:36.–my kingdom is not of this world:

    scripture says that he will rule from jerusalem? (please explain).

    I have a problem with your interpretation: because of these scriptures:The Lord says unto my Lord sit on my right hand –UNTILL– I make your enemies your foot stool.
    ( jesus is sitting next to God UNTILL ALL HIS ENEMIES ARE PUT DOWN.).(have they been put down 2000yrs ago)?

    You say all is done; his kingdom is here;al his enemies are crushed to powder (Dan.2:44.45)..Jesus is ruling.(please explain)?
    But the crushing will happen in revelation19. the wrath of God.

    Mark 14:62.And Jesus said: I am: and ye shall see the son of man sitting on the right hand of power,and COMING IN THE COUDS OF HEAVEN.(we have not seen that).

    He must come down first and every eye shall see him coming downand he will do the crushing; then he will set up his kingdom,and rule with his saints.

    Can you please be very specific in explaining all?




    Quote (Ed J @ July 20 2012,21:00)

    Quote (Wakeup @ July 20 2012,20:46)

    Quote (Ed J @ July 20 2012,15:10)

    Hi Wakeup,

    Do you know who the 10 kings are?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    We are now in transtsition from the feet to the 10 toes.
    The 10 will appear soon enough,then the man of perdition will appear with power and lying wonders.(very near future).


    Does that mean – “No” – ?


    You are not happy with my answer?
    They are of the near future,I will tell you when they have appeared. As for now, I–dont –know-.because I dont have a crystal ball.


    Ed J

    Quote (Wakeup @ July 20 2012,21:44)

    Quote (Ed J @ July 20 2012,21:00)

    Quote (Wakeup @ July 20 2012,20:46)

    Quote (Ed J @ July 20 2012,15:10)
    Hi Wakeup,

    Do you know who the 10 kings are?

    God bless
    Ed J


    We are now in transtsition from the feet to the 10 toes.
    The 10 will appear soon enough,then the man of perdition will appear with power and lying wonders.(very near future).


    Does that mean – “No” – ?


    You are not happy with my answer?
    They are of the near future,I will tell you when they have appeared. As for now,  I–dont –know-.because I dont have a crystal ball.


    Hi Wakeup, haven't you considered…

    1. Edom
    2. The Ishmaelites
    3. Moab
    4. The Hagarenes
    5. Gebal
    6. Ammon
    7. Amalek
    8. The Philistines
    9. Tyre
    10. Assur

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (journey42 @ July 20 2012,19:19)

    Quote (terraricca @ July 20 2012,00:16)

    Daniel 2:41   And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay.

    prior to this comment you were right ,from here on you are not right ;this is talking about the same kingdom (Rome)the division is  within in time ,Rome became so big that his people were very mixed ,and his power was spread by the senators ,politically,they were strong as iron and yet as weak as clay ,because they needed approval of the senate ,and that was corrupted , Da 2:42 As the toes were partly iron and partly clay, so this kingdom will be partly strong and partly brittle.

    now see what it says ;Da 2:43 And just as you saw the iron mixed with baked clay, so the people will be a mixture and will not remain united, any more than iron mixes with claythis is what it was when Christ came and stay until the end in 70 AD when the prophecy of the destruction of the temple became a reality ,this was a sign to the Christians that what Christ had said was true and so was in fact the son of God as he said he was, but it seems that by that time only John was a live,as apostle of Christ .

    with all the things you told me ;imagine you would have been there when John received the visions of Revelation on Patmos and he would ad given you that scroll ,tell me what would you have called him ???? A DREAMER ,A OLD MAN WHO AS LOST HIS MIND PERUPS .

    I have this question for you ;do you think God need any of us ???

    MT 3:9 and do not suppose that you can say to yourselves, ‘ We have Abraham for our father’; for I say to you that from these stones God is able to raise up children to you understand this scripture ???

    if you can tell me ;

    if you do not tell me I will tell you :

    now see what it says ;Da 2:43 And just as you saw the iron mixed with baked clay, so the people will be a mixture and will not remain united, any more than iron mixes with claythis is what it was when Christ came and stay until the end in 70 AD when the prophecy of the destruction of the temple became a reality ,this was a sign to the Christians that what Christ had said was true and so was in fact the son of God as he said he was, but it seems that by that time only John was a live,as apostle of Christ .

    Iron mixed with clay means there are strong and weak nations together.  There are different cultures in this mix.

    I agree in 70 AD when the prophesy of the destruction of the temple was fulfilled.

    I also agree that Christ will set up a kingdom and rule
    But, the kingdom of God was already set up from the beginning, and when Christ came, he set up his church
    here on earth.
    But Christ will set his Fathers kingdom here when he returns.  It will be official.  There will be a throne, and he will be ruling, and there will be people under him, (the saints)  and he will say you go here, and you go there, and the nations will come in to learn, and the law will go forth from Zion, and the truth will flow out from it too.  Not what we have today.

    And everyone will remember how he destroyed Babylon the Great (the system) and destroyed the very, very wicked, and will know his power.
    Satan will be locked up then, and it will be much easier to learn without all the deceit and interruptions.

    with all the things you told me ;imagine you would have been there when John received the visions of Revelation on Patmos and he would ad given you that scroll ,tell me what would you have called him ???? A DREAMER ,A OLD MAN WHO AS LOST HIS MIND PERUPS .

    I guess everyone knew who the 12 apostles were, and if you were a follower, you would know that Christ hand-picked everyone of them and used them to spread his ministry. So you would soak in everything they said.  But the unbelievers, or the doubting Jews would no doubt have thought he was mad!

    I have this question for you ;do you think God need any of us ???

    He created us for his pleasure

    Revelation 4:11   Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.  

    MT 3:9 and do not suppose that you can say to yourselves, ‘ We have Abraham for our father’; for I say to you that from these stones God is able to raise up children to you understand this scripture ???

    if you can tell me ;

    if you do not tell me I will tell you :

    Those Jews thought they were safe because they are the descendants of Abraham, the only race belonging to God,
    but God later made the gentiles his children too didn't he?
    Not from the seed of Abraham loins, but from the promise
    and we are adopted , and counted as the seed now (inheritors)
    We came out of no-where and the Jews weren't expecting that.  They still don't think we are part of God's kingdom.  They think just them only, even to this day.

    And God can do whatever his pleasure is.  In this case, his pleasure was to bring us gentiles in.


    The kingdom of God is in heaven and it will come down to earth: will (future). not yet.(soon).

    Thy kingdom come,thy will be done on earth as in heaven.
    (not yet).

    If anyone say that heaven is now on earth; that is because he is drunken with the wine of false doctrine.



    Quote (Wakeup @ July 20 2012,22:06)

    The kingdom of God is in heaven and it will come down to earth: will (future). not yet.(soon).

    Thy kingdom come,thy will be done on earth as in heaven.
    (not yet).

    If anyone say that heaven is now on earth; that is because he is drunken with the wine of false doctrine.



    and yes, maybe? but hopefully rehab is on the agenda?


    Quote (Ed J @ July 20 2012,21:53)

    Quote (Wakeup @ July 20 2012,21:44)

    Quote (Ed J @ July 20 2012,21:00)

    Quote (Wakeup @ July 20 2012,20:46)

    Quote (Ed J @ July 20 2012,15:10)
    Hi Wakeup,

    Do you know who the 10 kings are?

    God bless
    Ed J


    We are now in transtsition from the feet to the 10 toes.
    The 10 will appear soon enough,then the man of perdition will appear with power and lying wonders.(very near future).


    Does that mean – “No” – ?


    You are not happy with my answer?
    They are of the near future,I will tell you when they have appeared. As for now,  I–dont –know-.because I dont have a crystal ball.


    Hi Wakeup, haven't you considered…

    1. Edom
    2. The Ishmaelites
    3. Moab
    4. The Hagarenes
    5. Gebal
    6. Ammon
    7. Amalek
    8. The Philistines
    9. Tyre
    10. Assur

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Dan.7:7. —this beast is dreadful and terrible and STRONG exeedingly,and it hath iron teeth,it devoured and BRAKE IN PIECES,AND STAMPED THE RESIDUE WITH THE FEET OF IT: AND IT WAS DIVERSE FROM ALL THE BEAST THAT WERE BEFORE IT; AND IT HAD 10 HORNS.(where is this beast today)?

    Those 10 you just mentioned are not dreadfull and strong exeedingly.and break in pieces,and stamped the residue with his feet? and it also did not have the little horn with eyes and a mouth speaking great things against God. which will come AFTER THE 10 KINGS;NOT BEFORE.

    The 10 horns will only be very brief; just one hour with the beast.rev17:12.

    The beast was before John; is not– yet is?
    Were the muslems before John?Yes/no.(powerful and strong).

    Where is that dreadful and strong exeedingly beast with 10 horns, all working together in one accord today?
    (they are killing each other).


    Quote (Wakeup @ July 21 2012,04:35)

    Quote (terraricca @ July 20 2012,11:03)

    Quote (Wakeup @ July 20 2012,17:09)

    Can you please explain the legs , feet, toes.
    The crushing stone, the setting up of the kingdom of God.
    Dan 2:44. 45.

    How does it all fit in with Rev.17:8,the beast that WAS– IS NOT–YET IS–.

    17:10. The 7 kings; 5 are fallen; one is; and the other is not yet come?

    17:11. The 8th is of the 7th.and will be destroyed.
    17:12. the 10 kings receive no power as yet.
    17:13. the 10 kings will have one mind.
    17:14. These 10 will make war with the lamb.(at the coming)?

    Can you please put them all together?



    you ask me something I have been doing for the past 10 posts

    please read my post ,or read the scriptures in Daniel 2;40 -45

    and please do not for now mix with Revelation

    Hi Terra.

    Yest but you need to explain to us step by step, and make it very clear.

    So far what I can understand your interpretation of the  kingdom of God;that it was set up at his first coming.(can you point out to me Where is that kingdom today)?
    where are the ruling saints? do you know any?

    John 18:36.–my kingdom is not of this world:

    scripture says that he will rule from jerusalem? (please explain).

    I have a problem with your interpretation: because of these scriptures:The Lord says unto my Lord sit on my right hand –UNTILL– I make your enemies your foot stool.
    ( jesus is sitting next to God UNTILL ALL HIS ENEMIES ARE PUT DOWN.).(have they been put down 2000yrs ago)?

    You say all is done; his kingdom is here;al his enemies are crushed to powder (Dan.2:44.45)..Jesus is ruling.(please explain)?
    But the crushing will happen in revelation19. the wrath of God.

    Mark 14:62.And Jesus said: I am: and ye shall see the son of man sitting on the right hand of power,and COMING IN THE COUDS OF HEAVEN.(we have not seen that).

    He must come down first and every eye shall see him coming downand he will do the crushing; then he will set up his kingdom,and rule with his saints.

    Can you please be very specific in explaining all?




    how is it that all the scriptures you have quoted in your quote contradict what I have shown in Daniel 2;40-45 ???



    scripture says that he will rule from jerusalem? (please explain).

    this would take me more than i can write ,in one week ,

    first we have to solve the understanding in Daniel 2;40-45 (the meaning of the dream (statue)if you do not accept the meaning of scriptures understanding ,why would we keep going to an other understanding ???
    Jn 3:11 I tell you the truth, we speak of what we know, and we testify to what we have seen, but still you people do not accept our testimony.
    Jn 3:12 I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things?



    But, the kingdom of God was already set up from the beginning, and when Christ came, he set up his church
    here on earth.

    you are confused in what is the kingdom and what is the church, BOTH ARE IN HEAVEN BUT THE CHURCH WAS TAKEN FROM THE EARTH (144K) and you have to understand that church mean assembly ,and that kindom means power ,and so not mix heavenly powers with earthly powers, and Gods POWER and Christ Power

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