The statue of King Nebs dream

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  • #306327
    Ed J

    Hi Pierre,

    Dreams with your eyes open are called “visions” – and sorry, I have had none.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (Ed J @ July 19 2012,17:22)
    Hi Pierre,

    Dreams with your eyes open are called “visions” – and sorry, I have had none.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    no, they are not called that ,they are called wishful thinking :D


    Quote (terraricca @ July 19 2012,04:46)

    Quote (journey42 @ July 19 2012,11:18)

    Quote (terraricca @ July 19 2012,03:38)

    Quote (journey42 @ July 19 2012,10:15)

    Quote (terraricca @ July 19 2012,02:44)

    Please can you honestly show scriptures ,interpretation without adding or subtracting anything ,this would be the truth ,

    So Daniel 2:40-44

    It does not agree with your interpretation ,there are no 10 kings,and the feet are not another empire,but the same empire at a lather date,with different condition in it ,at the time of God setting up his king ,that is the time of the feet and that's the time when the stone comes down fron heaven and falls on the feet and so destroy the statue ,what is the image of the earthly empire until that time ,but from now on it is Gods king that will be the ruler. Even though there are other empires in this world ,they do not have a power over Gods kingdom and his people .the saints

    Is this what you believe?
    that the legs of iron and the feet mixed with iron and clay, and the toes is the kingdom of Rome?  And that kingdom is divided into 10 kingdoms?

    You need to explain to me about the rock that has crushed the feet and turned all the kingdoms into dust.
    Has this happened yet?
    Can you tell me regarding the dreadful beast with the 10 horns that is cast into the lake of fire? Is this the kingdom of Rome split in 10?  Are the 10 horns on the one head, or are the 10 horns on different heads?

    Can you please explain your interpretation about the feet and the 10 toes and how it will end at the coming.


    Why do you not believe scriptures interpretation ???

    We talking of the statue but now you want to talk about the fourth beast ,

    Can you not solve one first ??? Then the other ???

    Hi Pierre

    Yes I am sorry, but I believe they go together.

    Look lets forget about the other scriptures for now, but in Daniel Ch2 I can see that the scriptures explain themselves without me adding my interpretation…But obviously we have different views, and If I give just scripture then you can't see what I'm seeing and visa versa.  So this is to just clarify where I am coming from.

    I find it very obvious that the vision of the statue is from babylon to the last empire, because the stone is hurled at the feet.  There are no more empires after this, but Christ's kingdom which takes over the whole earth, and we know this has not happened yet.  When this happens every man will be subject to him for he will rule with a rod of iron.

    I do say that the kingdom of the feet (britain) has emerged from the Roman empire, and then it reforms again when it reaches the toes.  The feet and toes were mentioned.  I believe this is for a reason.  There are other scriptures to back up, but you don't want to go there yet, and that's fine…but we will go there eventually, because the statue is just a rough run down from King Neb's kingdom onwards.  More detail is given in other scriptures that clarify exactly what the last kingdom consists of.

    I do believe that the kings of the last generation will have power over Gods children…not in a spiritual sense but over the flesh, only when God allows it , at the right timing, for we know that there is THE false prophet coming who will persecute the saints for not taking the mark, and this is the will of God, that all this be fulfilled, but our reward is coming, and what Christ will reward us with, no man can take away.  I did not write the scriptures, I am not glorifying all the hard times coming, for it will be hard for all of us, but I do glory that Christ will come shortly after this and change things rapidly.

    If we can't sort this out, then we have to agree to disagree, but until then, you are the only one interested in the prophesies, and that's a good thing, so it's worth a discussion.

    Goodnight. Must get some rest now.


    Sorry but it you and not scriptures that says that it is the end of all empires,and you stick to this idea ,that it should interpreted this way ,

    If so we have no more connections to scriptures ,and I am not interested of going astray from scriptures ,so you can go on with EDJ he like s to dream

    Hi Pierre

    Daniel 2:44 And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms and it shall stand forever.

    The scriptures cannot be any clearer than this.
    When Christ comes he will destroy all the kingdoms.
    This is not added interpretation, this is what the scripture says.

    You cannot ignore the fact that Britain came up and was huge, and is still has major influence and power even today. You cannot ignore what is happening in Europe right now, and how their strength is increasing.
    You cannot ignore the fact that something major happens before Christ returns that involves the world, the leaders, the saints, and a new system.
    You cannot ignore Revelations that gives more detail and clarification of the last days when Christ returns. Daniel Chapter 2 is a vision that is condensed. The detail in Rev gives a clearer picture of the end time kingdom, not the kingdoms past, but the last one. That is how the scriptures work. If you don't want to discuss then that's ok, but I will be posting more backup tonight and will preach to the wind if I have to.



    Hi Pierre

    Daniel 2:44 And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms and it shall stand forever.

    The scriptures cannot be any clearer than this.
    When Christ comes he will destroy all the kingdoms.
    This is not added interpretation, this is what the scripture says.

    You cannot ignore the fact that Britain came up and was huge, and is still has major influence and power even today. You cannot ignore what is happening in Europe right now, and how their strength is increasing.
    You cannot ignore the fact that something major happens before Christ returns that involves the world, the leaders, the saints, and a new system.
    You cannot ignore Revelations that gives more detail and clarification of the last days when Christ returns. Daniel Chapter 2 is a vision that is condensed. The detail in Rev gives a clearer picture of the end time kingdom, not the kingdoms past, but the last one. That is how the scriptures work. If you don't want to discuss then that's ok, but I will be posting more backup tonight and will preach to the wind if I have to.

    Da 2:44 “In the time of those kings(IT SAYS IN THE TIME OFF THOSE KINGS NOT KING RIGHT ), the God of heaven will set up a kingdom (SET UP DOES NOT MEAN INPOWERED A ALREADY FULL GROWN KINGDOM RIGHT )that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people( THIS MEANS THAT THE KINGDOM WILL BE NOT REPLACE BY ANY OTHER RIGHT ). It will crush all those kingdoms and bring them to an end( IT SAYS THAT HE WILL BRING THEM TO AN END RIGHT ,SO IT DOES NOT SAY THAT IT IS THEIR END RIGHT ,, but .WHAT IT SAYS IS THAT THIS KINGDOM WILL ENDURE FOREVER AND BRING ALL OTHER KINGDOM TO AN END BY CRUSHING THEM RIGHT ,it will itself endure forever.
    Da 2:45 This is the meaning of the vision of the rock cut out of a mountain, but not by human hands—a rock that broke the iron, the bronze, the clay, the silver and the gold to pieces


    now we know that christ his the son of God send by God from heaven ,and that he is the stone the true corner stone that will crush all other kingdom and that he is the king of kings and that his kingdom will last forever ,right ??yes,so this answers Daniel 2;45


    Quote (journey42 @ July 19 2012,18:22)

    Quote (terraricca @ July 19 2012,04:46)

    Quote (journey42 @ July 19 2012,11:18)

    Quote (terraricca @ July 19 2012,03:38)

    Quote (journey42 @ July 19 2012,10:15)

    Quote (terraricca @ July 19 2012,02:44)

    Please can you honestly show scriptures ,interpretation without adding or subtracting anything ,this would be the truth ,

    So Daniel 2:40-44

    It does not agree with your interpretation ,there are no 10 kings,and the feet are not another empire,but the same empire at a lather date,with different condition in it ,at the time of God setting up his king ,that is the time of the feet and that's the time when the stone comes down fron heaven and falls on the feet and so destroy the statue ,what is the image of the earthly empire until that time ,but from now on it is Gods king that will be the ruler. Even though there are other empires in this world ,they do not have a power over Gods kingdom and his people .the saints

    Is this what you believe?
    that the legs of iron and the feet mixed with iron and clay, and the toes is the kingdom of Rome?  And that kingdom is divided into 10 kingdoms?

    You need to explain to me about the rock that has crushed the feet and turned all the kingdoms into dust.
    Has this happened yet?
    Can you tell me regarding the dreadful beast with the 10 horns that is cast into the lake of fire? Is this the kingdom of Rome split in 10?  Are the 10 horns on the one head, or are the 10 horns on different heads?

    Can you please explain your interpretation about the feet and the 10 toes and how it will end at the coming.


    Why do you not believe scriptures interpretation ???

    We talking of the statue but now you want to talk about the fourth beast ,

    Can you not solve one first ??? Then the other ???

    Hi Pierre

    Yes I am sorry, but I believe they go together.

    Look lets forget about the other scriptures for now, but in Daniel Ch2 I can see that the scriptures explain themselves without me adding my interpretation…But obviously we have different views, and If I give just scripture then you can't see what I'm seeing and visa versa.  So this is to just clarify where I am coming from.

    I find it very obvious that the vision of the statue is from babylon to the last empire, because the stone is hurled at the feet.  There are no more empires after this, but Christ's kingdom which takes over the whole earth, and we know this has not happened yet.  When this happens every man will be subject to him for he will rule with a rod of iron.

    I do say that the kingdom of the feet (britain) has emerged from the Roman empire, and then it reforms again when it reaches the toes.  The feet and toes were mentioned.  I believe this is for a reason.  There are other scriptures to back up, but you don't want to go there yet, and that's fine…but we will go there eventually, because the statue is just a rough run down from King Neb's kingdom onwards.  More detail is given in other scriptures that clarify exactly what the last kingdom consists of.

    I do believe that the kings of the last generation will have power over Gods children…not in a spiritual sense but over the flesh, only when God allows it , at the right timing, for we know that there is THE false prophet coming who will persecute the saints for not taking the mark, and this is the will of God, that all this be fulfilled, but our reward is coming, and what Christ will reward us with, no man can take away.  I did not write the scriptures, I am not glorifying all the hard times coming, for it will be hard for all of us, but I do glory that Christ will come shortly after this and change things rapidly.

    If we can't sort this out, then we have to agree to disagree, but until then, you are the only one interested in the prophesies, and that's a good thing, so it's worth a discussion.

    Goodnight. Must get some rest now.


    Sorry but it you and not scriptures that says that it is the end of all empires,and you stick to this idea ,that it should interpreted this way ,

    If so we have no more connections to scriptures ,and I am not interested of going astray from scriptures ,so you can go on with EDJ he like s to dream

    Hi Pierre

    Daniel 2:44   And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms and it shall stand forever.

    The scriptures cannot be any clearer than this.
    When Christ comes he will destroy all the kingdoms.
    This is not added interpretation, this is what the scripture says.

    You cannot ignore the fact that Britain came up and was huge, and is still has major influence and power even today.  You cannot ignore what is happening in Europe right now, and how their strength is increasing.
    You cannot ignore the fact that something major happens before Christ returns that involves the world, the leaders, the saints, and a new system.
    You cannot ignore Revelations that gives more detail and clarification of the last days when Christ returns.  Daniel Chapter 2 is a vision that is condensed.  The detail in Rev gives a clearer picture of the end time kingdom, not the kingdoms past, but the last one.  That is how the scriptures work.  If you don't want to discuss then that's ok, but I will be posting more backup tonight and will preach to the wind if I have to.


    I hope you do not make men history to fullfil Gods will ???

    this would bring you far from the truth of God


    terraricca,July wrote:


    Da 2:44 “In the time of those kings(IT SAYS IN THE TIME OFF THOSE KINGS NOT KING RIGHT ),

    what kings?
    Who was the rock hurled at?
    the feet.  These kings.  In the days of THESE kings, the very last ones at the feet.  And whats connected to the feet?
    the toes.

    Rev 17:12   And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet, but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.

    One hour is a short time. This was written in Johns day.  The Roman empire was in already in rule.  These 10 kings have received no kingdom …then,… during Johns time, ….so it can't be that same Rome…but these WILL RECIEVE power as KINGS one hour (very short time) with the beast.

    These 10 kings are mentioned here as well
    Rev 13:1   And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns and upon upon his horns 10 crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.

    Read this again, Rev 17 is talking about the same 10 horns as in Rev 13
    Rev 17:12   And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet, but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.

    So can you refute that the above is talking about the last kingdom?

    Rev 17:13   These have one mind
    These 10 kings are not divided, this one is strong.  ONE MIND. In agreement.  Not strong and weak mixed together like the 7th kingdom (iron mixed with clay)
    This is the eighth which came out of the 7th kingdom.
    These ones are going to make war with the lamb.
    These are the ones that will persecute christians
    These are the ones that will fight Christ in the sky at his coming.

    These are the ones going into perdition
    So if these come out of the 7th head, and they haven't come yet, then we must be at the 7th head now, the feet (iron mixed with clay)

    Ed J

    Hi Georgie,

    Did you know that YHVH has already told us who is going to be in the 10-nation confederacy?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (journey42 @ July 19 2012,20:31)

    terraricca,July wrote:


    Da 2:44 “In the time of those kings(IT SAYS IN THE TIME OFF THOSE KINGS NOT KING RIGHT ),

    what kings?
    Who was the rock hurled at?
    the feet.  These kings.  In the days of THESE kings, the very last ones at the feet.  And whats connected to the feet?
    the toes.

    Rev 17:12   And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet, but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.

    One hour is a short time. This was written in Johns day.  The Roman empire was in already in rule.  These 10 kings have received no kingdom …then,… during Johns time, ….so it can't be that same Rome…but these WILL RECIEVE power as KINGS one hour (very short time) with the beast.

    These 10 kings are mentioned here as well
    Rev 13:1   And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns and upon upon his horns 10 crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.

    Read this again, Rev 17 is talking about the same 10 horns as in Rev 13
    Rev 17:12   And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet, but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.

    So can you refute that the above is talking about the last kingdom?

    Rev 17:13   These have one mind
    These 10 kings are not divided, this one is strong.  ONE MIND. In agreement.  Not strong and weak mixed together like the 7th kingdom (iron mixed with clay)
    This is the eighth which came out of the 7th kingdom.
    These ones are going to make war with the lamb.
    These are the ones that will persecute christians
    These are the ones that will fight Christ in the sky at his coming.

    These are the ones going into perdition
    So if these come out of the 7th head, and they haven't come yet, then we must be at the 7th head now, the feet (iron mixed with clay)


    if you can not understand Daniel ,statue and then the beasts in chap 7 and 8 ,

    how are you going to understand Revelation ???


    terraricca,July wrote:


    the God of heaven will set up a kingdom (SET UP DOES NOT MEAN INPOWERED A ALREADY FULL GROWN KINGDOM RIGHT )

    Set up means set up on earth, the start of the 1000 year reign which has not happened yet Pierre.  Most men think that they are part of that kingdom now, but the truth be told that Christ will decide who will enter, not us, and we will know then, when it is established, who will have a part in that kingdom along side Christ.  For now, it is not clear to us who Christ chooses but we will find out on Christ's return for now it only my word against yours and his word against hers etc…

    Christ will come and set up with a bang.
    All the kingdoms will belong to him.  He will rule as king and everyone of all the nations left will know it.

    Revelation 11:15   And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.

    This is when it happens Pierre, When the rock is hurled  at the feet, and the whole statue (empires) are no more. this is when Christ takes rule and sets up a kingdom that will not be left to other nations- for Christ will RULE THEM ALL at the 7th trump, and not a day before.

    So Christ did not crush all the kingdoms previously when he conquered death, because they are still operating now, corrupted


    Quote (terraricca @ July 19 2012,12:02)

    I hope you do not make men history to fullfil Gods will ???

    this would bring you far from the truth of God


    Let God decide ok. If you have been studying for 50 years, then that makes it harder for you, for you have your mind set. I am a lot younger, and have my eyes opened and my ears pricked like a child and the Word of God, the scriptures, have to make sense to me. I can't accept what any one says because all the scriptures have to harmonise and fit perfectly like a glove. From every angle.


    Quote (journey42 @ July 19 2012,21:07)

    Quote (terraricca @ July 19 2012,12:02)

    I hope you do not make men history to fullfil Gods will ???

    this would bring you far from the truth of God


    Let God decide ok.  If you have been studying for 50 years, then that makes it harder for you, for you have your mind set. I am a lot younger, and have my eyes opened and my ears pricked like a child and the Word of God, the scriptures, have to make sense to me.  I can't accept what any one says because  all the scriptures have to harmonise and fit perfectly like a glove. From every angle.


    why then you do not believe the scriptures ???

    you lower me down so you can make you feel better ???

    I have shown you scriptures and the meaning why do you not respond to those ???

    why are you saying that you are has a child when you make the decision for Gods in your interpretation ???

    You should live with a pure heart so that God put in your heart his interpretation without your intervention ,

    but all you have told me is religious materiel men made stories .


    Quote (terraricca @ July 19 2012,14:31)

    Quote (journey42 @ July 19 2012,21:07)

    Quote (terraricca @ July 19 2012,12:02)

    I hope you do not make men history to fullfil Gods will ???

    this would bring you far from the truth of God


    Let God decide ok.  If you have been studying for 50 years, then that makes it harder for you, for you have your mind set. I am a lot younger, and have my eyes opened and my ears pricked like a child and the Word of God, the scriptures, have to make sense to me.  I can't accept what any one says because  all the scriptures have to harmonise and fit perfectly like a glove. From every angle.


    why then you do not believe the scriptures ???

    you lower me down so you can make you feel better ???

    I have shown you scriptures and the meaning why do you not respond to those ???

    why are you saying that you are has a child when you make the decision for Gods in your interpretation ???

    You should live with a pure heart so that God put in your heart his interpretation without your intervention ,

    but all you have told me is religious materiel men made stories .


    I have not mean't to lower you down.
    Sorry if you feel this way, not my intention one bit.
    You have the same belief you have always believed.  You will not budge?  Your mind is fixed.  I cannot change that.
    It doesn't make a difference if you have been studying for so long, for the word was not only made for you, but for all of us, no matter how young or old.  We should be learning and increasing in knowledge always.

    What if you are wrong?
    Who decides whether you are right?
    or I am wrong?
    The scriptures should decide
    and we are reading the same scriptures,
    For you to tell me that I do not understand Daniel, nor revelations
    I feel you trying to put me down.
    but I tell you Pierre, I am very confident with the truth
    and all the scriptures that connect
    and everybody has a different measure of the spirit, and this I know
    So we ought not to judge each other, and only God can reveal the truth to us. Each one a different measure
    If you think I am wrong, then explain further what you make of it.
    because I have shown you things that you ignore.
    If I am lost, then you should have patience with me, and persevere with me, not put down.
    but I can take it
    and we can both learn a lesson here on how we speak to anyone interested in the scriptures.

    Now the image
    You are implying that it doesn't go to the last kingdom of the last generation
    You say it was smashed when Christ first came
    The scriptures does not state that.
    So you are putting in your own personal interpretation there.
    You have decided that's it.  The image stopped 2012 odd years ago
    You have interpreted that when Christ consumed all those other kingdoms it means he is in rulership now.
    Look around you Pierre, he is not ruling, until he comes and puts everyone in their place first.
    He must first bind the strong man
    and the strong man is still here running free, creating more havoc (satan) with his empire
    I say that the feet are the last kingdom ever to exist, because that's when Christ takes over ALL THE KINGDOMS
    and he is not ruling now is he?

    The scriptures interpret themselves.
    and we need a fair judge around here for the time being
    especially at the hot seat
    T8 what about you? you are a fair man with knowledge.
    would you be willing to put in your two cents worth?


    Quote (terraricca @ July 19 2012,00:40)

    The interpretation of the statue given to Daniel symbolises the empires to exist from Babylon to the end.  
    The end = the end of man's rule at Christ's second coming.

    show this with scriptures ;Daniel 2;40-44

    I have no problem showing these scriptures as you requested, and have no trouble understanding them.

    Daniel 2:40   And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron: forasmuch as iron breaketh in pieces and subdueth all things:  and as iron that breaketh all these, shall it break in pieces and bruise.

    This is the fourth kingdom from the head (Babylon)
    1. Babylon
    2. Medo/Persia
    3. Grecia
    4. Rome

    But from the very first empire that existed prior to these not included in the statue, (because the statue starts from Babylon), Rome is the 6th empire.  6th empire from Egypt. (keep this in mind, very important to remember for later)
    1. Egypt
    2. Assyria
    3. Babylon
    4. Medo/Persia
    5. Grecia
    6. Rome

    Rome is strong, made of only iron,
    but Rome will break in pieces (divide) and bruise
    Bruise does not mean destroyed totally, but hurt.  She must have some remnants left (her system for one, and some of her lineage)

    Daniel 2:41   And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay.

    So there we have the feet.  This kingdom is not just iron only, like the Roman empire before it, as this one has iron and clay.  The iron is the strength, as stated.  So this kingdom of the feet must have some remnants in there from the previous kingdom. Make sense? The British empire came up after Rome, and is still here today.

    The feet are kingdom no. 5 from Babylon
    1. Babylon
    2. Medo/Persia
    3. Grecia
    4. Rome
    5. Britain

    but this mixed kingdom is no. 7  from the first empire – Egypt. (keep this in mind, very important to remember for later)
    1. Egypt
    2. Assyria
    3. Babylon
    4. Medo/Persia
    5. Grecia
    6. Rome
    7. Britain

    Whether you agree or not that the 5th empire from Babylon is Britain,
    or the 7th empire from Egypt is Britain?
    it does not matter for now,

    The fact is….without a doubt, there are 5 empires mentioned in the statue.
    with a possibility that there might be 6? for it is not clear right now.

    The feet and toes are mentioned together, a mixed empire, and debatable whether the feet is one and the toes is another empire, but we have to seek further for clarification

    Daniel 2:42   And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken.

    Daniel 2:43   And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.

    Daniel 2:44   And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed; and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms and it shall stand forever.

    In the days of THESE Kings.  The last ones on the feet. The kingdom of Christ will be set up.  So this kingdom will be stopped in it's tracks…In these days.  It will break in pieces, not bruise, but be totally broken – irreparable.


    Quote (terraricca @ July 19 2012,13:50)

    if you can not understand Daniel ,statue and then the beasts in chap 7 and 8 ,

    how are you going to understand Revelation ???

    Revelation and Daniel go hand in hand.

    Rev 13:1   And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns,  and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.

    Here we have a beast with 7 heads.
    Why 7 heads?
    1. Egypt
    2. Assyria
    3. Babylon
    4. Medo/Persia
    5. Grecia
    6. Rome
    7. Britain

    Rev 17:9   And here is the mind which hath wisdom.  The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sitteth.

    Rev 17:10   And there are seven kings. five are fallen and one is and the other has not yet come and when he cometh, he must continue for a short space.

    John is in the days of the Roman Empire
    Five have fallen
    1. Egypt
    2. Assyria
    3. Babylon
    4. Medo/Persia
    5. Grecia

    One is
    6. Rome

    and the other is not yet come
    7. Britain

    Rev 17:7   And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel?  I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns.

    Rev 17:8   The beast that thou sawest was and is not, and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.

    Rev 17:11   The beast that was, and is not even he is the eighth and is of the seven and goes into perdition

    So now we know that there are not only 7 empires, but an 8th will arise out of the seventh.

    So now this clarifies that statue with the feet and the toes, from Babylon
    1. Babylon  (head)
    2. Medo/Persia  (breast and arms)
    3. Grecia (belly and thighs)
    4. Rome  (legs)
    5. Britain (feet)
    6. next empire (toes)

    It will make more sense looking at it this way.  Lets start counting from Egypt
    1. Egypt
    2. Assyria
    3. Babylon
    4. Medo/Persia
    5. Grecia
    6. Rome
    7. Britain
    8. new empire

    So the seven heads, are the seven empires…
    but the seventh empire…. turns into an eighth empire
    So the toes must be a separate empire from the feet.

    1. head – Babylon
    2. Shoulders and arms – Medo/Persia
    3. Chest and thighs – Grecia
    4. Legs – Rome
    5. Feet – Britain
    6. Toes – next empire

    So now it is more clear.  The image in Daniel has 6 Empires
    not 4 with Rome carried on to the feet,
    not even 5
    but 6 Empires.

    Now add Egypt and Assyria and that makes 8 empires
    1. Egypt
    2. Assyria
    3. Babylon
    4. Medo/Persia
    5. Grecia
    6. Rome
    7. Britain
    8. New Empire (that came out of the 7th head)

    The toes and the feet are two separate empires, but God described them the same because the 8th comes out of the 7th (Britain)

    The eighth empire is Britain transformed.

    (or I can say it this way, makes no difference)


    If the 8th empire comes out of the 7th empire, and it has not come yet, then we must be in the 7th empire NOW, today.  The BRITISH EMPIRE.

    This information about the 7 and 8th empires are from the scriptures.  Revelations has made it more clearer, and they go hand in hand.
    The rock that was hurled from heaven hits the last kingdom which has not come yet – the 8th….the toes.
    The 8th does not have it's own head on the beast because it is coming out of the 7th head (the 10 horns)
    This is when Christ sets up his kingdom, during the days of these kings.

    Next we will go to who this 8th beast is.



    Daniel 2:41 And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay.

    prior to this comment you were right ,from here on you are not right ;this is talking about the same kingdom (Rome)the division is within in time ,Rome became so big that his people were very mixed ,and his power was spread by the senators ,politically,they were strong as iron and yet as weak as clay ,because they needed approval of the senate ,and that was corrupted , Da 2:42 As the toes were partly iron and partly clay, so this kingdom will be partly strong and partly brittle.

    now see what it says ;Da 2:43 And just as you saw the iron mixed with baked clay, so the people will be a mixture and will not remain united, any more than iron mixes with claythis is what it was when Christ came and stay until the end in 70 AD when the prophecy of the destruction of the temple became a reality ,this was a sign to the Christians that what Christ had said was true and so was in fact the son of God as he said he was, but it seems that by that time only John was a live,as apostle of Christ .

    with all the things you told me ;imagine you would have been there when John received the visions of Revelation on Patmos and he would ad given you that scroll ,tell me what would you have called him ???? A DREAMER ,A OLD MAN WHO AS LOST HIS MIND PERUPS .

    I have this question for you ;do you think God need any of us ???

    MT 3:9 and do not suppose that you can say to yourselves, ‘ We have Abraham for our father’; for I say to you that from these stones God is able to raise up children to you understand this scripture ???

    if you can tell me ;

    if you do not tell me I will tell you :


    Quote (journey42 @ July 20 2012,06:01)

    Quote (terraricca @ July 19 2012,13:50)

    if you can not understand Daniel ,statue and then the beasts in chap 7 and 8 ,

    how are you going to understand Revelation ???

    Revelation and Daniel go hand in hand.

    Rev 13:1   And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns,  and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.

    Here we have a beast with 7 heads.
    Why 7 heads?
    1. Egypt
    2. Assyria
    3. Babylon
    4. Medo/Persia
    5. Grecia
    6. Rome
    7. Britain

    Rev 17:9   And here is the mind which hath wisdom.  The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sitteth.

    Rev 17:10   And there are seven kings. five are fallen and one is and the other has not yet come and when he cometh, he must continue for a short space.

    John is in the days of the Roman Empire
    Five have fallen
    1. Egypt
    2. Assyria
    3. Babylon
    4. Medo/Persia
    5. Grecia

    One is
    6. Rome

    and the other is not yet come
    7. Britain

    Rev 17:7   And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel?  I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns.

    Rev 17:8   The beast that thou sawest was and is not, and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.

    Rev 17:11   The beast that was, and is not even he is the eighth and is of the seven and goes into perdition

    So now we know that there are not only 7 empires, but an 8th will arise out of the seventh.

    So now this clarifies that statue with the feet and the toes, from Babylon
    1. Babylon  (head)
    2. Medo/Persia  (breast and arms)
    3. Grecia (belly and thighs)
    4. Rome  (legs)
    5. Britain (feet)
    6. next empire (toes)

    It will make more sense looking at it this way.  Lets start counting from Egypt
    1. Egypt
    2. Assyria
    3. Babylon
    4. Medo/Persia
    5. Grecia
    6. Rome
    7. Britain
    8. new empire

    So the seven heads, are the seven empires…
    but the seventh empire…. turns into an eighth empire
    So the toes must be a separate empire from the feet.

    1. head – Babylon
    2. Shoulders and arms – Medo/Persia
    3. Chest and thighs – Grecia
    4. Legs – Rome
    5. Feet – Britain
    6. Toes – next empire

    So now it is more clear.  The image in Daniel has 6 Empires
    not 4 with Rome carried on to the feet,
    not even 5
    but 6 Empires.

    Now add Egypt and Assyria and that makes 8 empires
    1. Egypt
    2. Assyria
    3. Babylon
    4. Medo/Persia
    5. Grecia
    6. Rome
    7. Britain
    8. New Empire (that came out of the 7th head)

    The toes and the feet are two separate empires, but God described them the same because the 8th comes out of the 7th (Britain)

    The eighth empire is Britain transformed.

    (or I can say it this way, makes no difference)


    If the 8th empire comes out of the 7th empire, and it has not come yet, then we must be in the 7th empire NOW, today.  The BRITISH EMPIRE.

    This information about the 7 and 8th empires are from the scriptures.  Revelations has made it more clearer, and they go hand in hand.
    The rock that was hurled from heaven hits the last kingdom which has not come yet – the 8th….the toes.
    The 8th does not have it's own head on the beast because it is coming out of the 7th head (the 10 horns)
    This is when Christ sets up his kingdom, during the days of these kings.

    Next we will go to who this 8th beast is.


    anything after Rome is your own making

    interpreting what you do not understand ,why ????



    Now the image
    You are implying that it doesn't go to the last kingdom of the last generation
    You say it was smashed when Christ first came
    The scriptures does not state that.

    did I really say this ???I do not think so ,

    what I said is that from the dead of Christ their is no more a human power that his higher that the kingdom of God and his king Jesus Christ the son of God ;powers will continue just as Jesus said it would ,but it is now under the king of God,and it will never be destroyed or replaced ,IN THIS SENS ALL POWERS ARE CRUCHED .you should read scriptures with a pure heart,and learn what God as writtin.not what men dreams.




    your scripture;Daniel 2:42 And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken.

    my scripture ;Da 2:42 As the toes were partly iron and partly clay, so this kingdom will be partly strong and partly brittle.

    IS CLAY = BROKEN ???


    YOUR SCRIPTURE;Daniel 2:43 And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.

    my scripture;Da 2:43 And just as you saw the iron mixed with baked clay, so the people will be a mixture and will not remain united, any more than iron mixes with clay.

    your is KJV mine is NIV

    they say the same thing but one is in old English the other in modern English right ???


    Quote (journey42 @ July 19 2012,20:55)

    terraricca,July wrote:


    the God of heaven will set up a kingdom (SET UP DOES NOT MEAN INPOWERED A ALREADY FULL GROWN KINGDOM RIGHT )

    Set up means set up on earth, the start of the 1000 year reign which has not happened yet Pierre.  Most men think that they are part of that kingdom now, but the truth be told that Christ will decide who will enter, not us, and we will know then, when it is established, who will have a part in that kingdom along side Christ.  For now, it is not clear to us who Christ chooses but we will find out on Christ's return for now it only my word against yours and his word against hers etc…

    Christ will come and set up with a bang.
    All the kingdoms will belong to him.  He will rule as king and everyone of all the nations left will know it.

    Revelation 11:15   And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.

    This is when it happens Pierre, When the rock is hurled  at the feet, and the whole statue (empires) are no more. this is when Christ takes rule and sets up a kingdom that will not be left to other nations- for Christ will RULE THEM ALL at the 7th trump, and not a day before.

    So Christ did not crush all the kingdoms previously when he conquered death, because they are still operating now, corrupted


    Read the dream of the statue again from the beginning,because the truth is laid into it ,

    But it is men interpretation in your mind that stop you from seeing God truth.



    The scriptures interpret themselves

    this is the truth ;but you seem to do it for them ,and so try to convince others of your fantacy ,and when ask to stick to scriptures you say that ,that is what you do ,but now one can see it on paper (so to speak )

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