The six days of creation: age of the universe

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    The Six Days of Creation: Age of the Universe

    Even though interpretation and perspective play an integral role our receiving of HaShem's Word, we should really consider what the masters of ancient time uncovered in terms of the divine message they received which is scientifically sound in their encounters of possible truths. The ancient Sages revelated the Age of the Universe long before modern science was even in diapers.

    The Bible is an encoded formula, it is only literal in the conceptual, metaphorical, figurative and mystical dimensional levels. The great Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai once said that anyone who takes the Bible literally is a fool. In otherwords he was letting on to the simple fact that the Bible is a mystery filled with all of the universe's secrets, and it's words are strategically placed in order to conceal such matters.

    At there is mention of the great Rabbi Nachmanides in the 1100's, who wrote a commentary on this matter, reveals a good way to look at the whole issue.

    The book of Beresheet (Genesis), reveals the creation of the worlds from the spiritual to the physical. The Six Days of Creation is not what many have believed it to be. Science tells us that the universe is about 16 billion years old. Let's see how this can be decyphered in scripture.

    The Torah gives us 31 sentences that describe the creation of the universe. What is concealed in these 31 sentences of the Torah are the cosmology, evolutionary, thermodynamics, paleontology, archeology, and systematics of the universe. It reveals the Big Bang, the expansion of the universe and the biological elements of all things. If we break down each and every letter, word and sentence within these 31, we can totally see that the Torah coincides with what science has discovered.

    According to Moses, the Torah reveals that there are two time clocks that HaShem has set for the universe, “Consider the days of old, the years of the many generations.” Devarim (Deut.) 32:7

    What did Moses mean by “consider” “the days of old”? If we look at what science tells us, time could only have been created when the big bang had occured. So in terms of the Creator, it makes sense that He created time when He first created the first day. Time is experienced differently in different parts of the universe. For example: the sun experiences time about 100,000 times faster than we do here on Earth. When time began, as the universe expanded, it stretched. Basically, in a nut shell, as time stretches, it doubles down or slows down and so in the beginning the first day would have been 8 billion years. Each day that was created, the universe was expanding and time was stretching and time doubled down… by the time the Sixth Day began and Adam was born, 15.75 billions years had gone by.

    Also to note: if an astronaut goes into outer space, he will age slower as it would be only a few months of time experienced… while on Earth, 3 years would have gone by. This proves that time is experienced differently in different parts of the universe.

    Using the Big Bang theory to understand what happened when Elokim said “Let there be Light” you would have think of this massive explosion that propelled the expansion of the universe to occur at an alarming rate, thus explaining why and how time was so fast corresponding to the extreme speed of the expansion of the universe and how it slowed down.

    What did Moses mean by “consider” “the years of the many generations”? Adam was the first man, so the perception of mankind lived under it's experience of time with the universe. And after Adam up until now, we can go by the second clock the Bible tells us, which is 5677 years.

    So in one sense, the first day was 24 hours, but we would have experienced at a much slower rate and it would have been billions of years to us. Macro-evolution is the entire process of 16 billions years since the big bang occured. If we consider the two time clocks the Bible provides us with, we can scientifically explain how there are these distinctions.

    Yom Echad (Day One) 8 billion years
    Second Day 4 billion years
    Third Day 2 billion years
    Fourth Day 1 billion years
    Fifth Day 1/2 billion years
    Sixth Day 1/4 billions years

    If we add all that up it equals 15.75 billion years. This is what science is telling us, this is what the masters of Torah were revealing to us. I seriously doubt that there is any coincidence here. The Torah is the way to go.

    Psalms 90:4 “One thousand years in Your (HaShem's) sight are like a day that passes, a watch in the night.”

    As the ancient Sages have revelated many many of years ago, along with what modern science is telling us… Time was born at the point of the Big Bang (When Elohim said “Let there be Light”). At that very instant the dimension of time was created.

    Im not sure that you understand the concept of time in relation to HaShem in the book of Psalms. The Creator is outside of everything and nothing, so it would be easier to say, that He is not bound by time. But it is important to understand the nature of the Divine Names of kElah and how they correspond to the relationship between kElah and creation.

    For example: The Name HaShem is the most powerful Name of kElah because everything that was ever created or will ever be created comes from the Name HaShem. The Name supplies the life force to all creation.

    In the 16th Century, The Arizal (Rabbi Isaac Luria) states in one of his commentaries that in the very instant of when Elokim said “Let there be Light” that it was the space in between the Name HaShem that was where everything was created. He describes that Elokim wielded the letters Yud Keh Vav Keh and caused what is called “tzimtzum” (constriction) right in the middle of the Name HaShem and a cataclysmic explosion took place in the cosmos which initiated the begining of the universe. Namely, the Big Bang but he refered to this event as the “tzimtzum sheverit hakelim.”

    After that point, HaShem stretched out His Emanations, which encompass all creation as all creation are bound to them, namely Elohim. It is through the Emanations that The Creator experiences Creation, in this case “time.” It is important to understand that the Creator, in His pure essence is too powerful for this world to bare, which is precisely why He created His Emanations which act as filters so that He can channel His essence into Creation. These Emanations is the vehicle by which HaShem directs, relates and interacts with Creation.

    The Emanations of kElah are collated to Creation in a certain way. The Oral Torah tells us that Elokim experiences Creation, because it is the Mind and Emotion of all things as a totalitized unity. This is exactly what the Emanations represent, the Mind and Emotion of all things. It is not saying that HaShem Himself experiences time, but that His Emanations collate according to Creation's experience and thus is how He experiences it, through His Emanations.

    The Creator is incorporeal and nothing created can describe Him, which is why when He enters Creation He is refered to by different Names and anthropomorphisms. When we read the Hebrew texts of that verse in Psalms is referring to the name ELOKIM. The Name ELOKIM is referring to His Emanations, which are the means by which He directs, relates and operates within Creation and is the totality of Creation.

    So, in short, The Creator experiences time through His Emanations, and there are different time frames as well. This is why the Ramban (Rabbi Nachmonides) says that “the first six days of creation was six full 24 days for Malkhut, 6,000 years for Arich Anpin and 15.8 billion years from Keter to Malkhut.” These are all within the Emanations.

    HaShem is outside of time, so He sees the past, present and future as One. That is the not
    the issue here. We are speaking about how He relates, interacts and directs within Creation, through His Emanations, through the Name Elokim.

    It is through certain aspects of the Emanations, through Elohim that He experiences different streams of time. Arich Anpin, which is the first 4 Emanations, experiences a day to a 1,000 years. Keter (Will), Chakhmah (Wisdom), Binah (Understanding) and Da'at (Knowledge) are the aspects of the Supernal Mind. HaShem collated a day to a thousand years to format the 7,000 year cycles of the physical universe. So, HaShem experiences 7 days in our 7,000 year cycle through the Name Elokim.

    From Keter to Malkhut (all of the Emanations) is the entire 31 one lines of the beginning of Genesis. This is the 6 days of Creation, but 15.75 billion years as well… while in Arich Anpin it was 6,000 years. So what we are looking at here are 3 positions of the Creator's experience of time through His Emanations, through the Name Elokim while still existing outside of time itself.

    HaShem is most certainly omniscient, but that doesnt mean that He cant have things more than one way for His own reasoning and purpose. There is a reason why He has formulated creation this way. He can experience any time He wills while still being outside of time itself.

    How could HaShem experience time at all? Well the answer is quite simple. With HaShem, all things are possible. His Word reveals such a thing.

    Well, if you remain believing that the Torah was written by man, then why has it been fundamental for 3,500 plus years to believe that it was HaShem who wrote the Torah, and then dictated to Moses to write it? Why would the Torah state that HaShem wrote it if it was man that wrote it? Would that not discredit the Bible all together?

    And if the Torah was written by man, then how come all these Sages and Prophets from thousands of years ago revelated things through the Torah that modern science is only now discovering? And if the Torah was written by man, then how is it possible for all the codes that it possesses that reveal things that could never have been known by men in those times?

    In the book of Bereshis (Genesis) we read that there were 6 Days of Creation. In Hebrew, the word “Yom” means “Day.” In Hebrew, the word for day, “yom,” has three literal meanings; which are a 24 hour period, the hours of daylight and any long period of time of unspecified duration.

    In English we use the terms “age,” “epoch” or “era” to describe what the meaning of “yom” represents, which even English uses to describe… for example: “In his day or in the day of the colonial settlers.”

    It is by this reason we find that the word “olam” which means “universe” or “world” alludes to the word “yom” signifying an age. This leaves very good reason to re-think what the book of Genesis is telling us about the 6 Days of Creation. It was 6 full 24 hour periods and at the same time it was 6 Ages being created. It was SIX Cycles or Ages.

    In Bereshis (Genesis) 2:4 we read “These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day (yom) that HaShem Elokim made the earth and the heavens.”

    Here is clear indication that the word “yom” is used to describe a long period of time, or more appropriately, an Age. The Creation story says 6 days not just one day, yet in this verse it refers to the Creation account as just one day. So there is no reason to limit the Creation account to just 6 full 24 hour days, because the very words of the Torah are leading us to a more profound direction.

    Consider this model; a person standing on the equator would be observing periods of day and night at about 12 hours each. If a person were standing on the Arctic Circle, they would observe periods of day at about 6 months and night at 6 months long. In the book of Genesis each of the 6 Days of Creation is stated to begin at “evening” and end at “morning.” The person standing at the equator would have to observe that the beginning of the day began and ended in 12 hour intervals. The person standing at the Arctic Circle would have to observe that the beginning of the day began and ended at night in one year.

    Another model to consider; In Genesis, reading “evening” (erev) and “morning” (boqer), we can see that each day creation took place within a certain unspecified time frame… but it is important to note that nothing took place from the next morning to the next evening. If this were the case the Torah would have said “evening to evening.” This also reveals that it was not limited to just a 24 hour day, or else it would have stated so. So, what was happening from “morning to evening”?

    We also read in Genesis that Elokim called the darkness “Night” and He called the Light “Day.” In reference to “evening to morning” we can see that through the creation process, “morning to evening” was when Elokim said that what He created was good.

    It is clear that what Creationists claim has too many holes, the explanations above are sure indications of this. It was not just literal 24 hour days, it was a period of time in each day or age, by which HaShem created at night and what He created basked in His glory by day…. the Six Days of Creation were almost 16 billion years, thus corresponding to modern science's assertations.

    Another thing to ponder. Scientists today are finding the the expansion of the universe is speeding up again… Why is it expanding faster now?

    It is truly amazing that the ancient Biblical Sages had been revelating these discoveries hundreds and hundreds of years before modern science was even a thought. It is just more proof that there is a G-d, and that the Bible is True!



    When you read the first verse in Gen. 1, stop and look at the verse, does it describe the creation, or is it more of a statement?
    Then, have you ever wondered, why would God create the world in such a chaotic state knowing he was about to put all kinds of vegetation on it, birds, fish, beasts of all sorts, and people?
    Would this planet, the way it looked, have given reason for the angels to shout for joy, Job 38:4,7?
    Have you also noticed that everything was created “after their kind”, except man? If you make something after something, does that not mean something must have been there before? except man?
    What do you think this scriptures means, Ps. 104:30?



    Quote (Elizabeth @ Jan. 27 2010,08:06)

    When you read the first verse in Gen. 1, stop and look at the verse, does it describe the creation, or is it more of a statement?
    Then, have you ever wondered, why would God create the world in such a chaotic state knowing he was about to put all kinds of vegetation on it, birds, fish, beasts of all sorts, and people?
    Would this planet, the way it looked, have given reason for the angels to shout for joy, Job 38:4,7?
    Have you also noticed that everything was created “after their kind”, except man? If you make something after something, does that not mean something must have been there before? except man?
    What do you think this scriptures means, Ps. 104:30?


    The first verses is Genesis is the overview, stating that G-d created the heavens and the earth (spiritual and physical worlds).

    The chaos that is described is called “Tohu,” at the beginning of creation, the world was in a spiritual condition called Tohu (chaos), an elevated realm of spiritual existence which lacked the balance and order that characterizes our frame of reference and which therefore “collapsed.” in an event called “shevirat hakeilim” (the shattering of the vessels, when the light departed from them. This “shattering” was planned by G-d in the first place, for it was a “destruction for the purpose of building,” since only then could there exist the orderly world we are familiar with, the world of Tikkun (“rectification” or “order”). This world possesses lesser lights, but the vessels are plentiful. The sparks of holiness that “fell” when the vessels were broken are hidden within various parts of our world, and awaiting their “correction” through man’s Divine service.

    The angels shouted for joy because they saw what was going to happen.

    G-d was before all things.

    Psalm 104:30
    “You send forth your spirit, they are created: and you renew the face of the earth.”

    The G-d can accomplish renewing the world and creating anything.



    You have a strange way of confusing yourself, not to mention others.
    Your reply hasn't given any answers to my questions.



    Quote (Elizabeth @ Jan. 28 2010,16:12)

    You have a strange way of confusing yourself, not to mention others.
    Your reply hasn't given any answers to my questions.


    Quote (Elizabeth @ Jan. 27 2010,08:06)

    When you read the first verse in Gen. 1, stop and look at the verse, does it describe the creation, or is it more of a statement?
    Then, have you ever wondered, why would God create the world in such a chaotic state knowing he was about to put all kinds of vegetation on it, birds, fish, beasts of all sorts, and people?
    Would this planet, the way it looked, have given reason for the angels to shout for joy, Job 38:4,7?
    Have you also noticed that everything was created “after their kind”, except man? If you make something after something, does that not mean something must have been there before? except man?
    What do you think this scriptures means, Ps. 104:30?


    The first verses is Genesis is the overview, stating that G-d created the heavens and the earth (spiritual and physical worlds).

    The chaos that is described is called “Tohu,” at the beginning of creation, the world was in a spiritual condition called Tohu (chaos), an elevated realm of spiritual existence which lacked the balance and order that characterizes our frame of reference and which therefore “collapsed.” in an event called “shevirat hakeilim” (the shattering of the vessels, when the light departed from them. This “shattering” was planned by G-d in the first place, for it was a “destruction for the purpose of building,” since only then could there exist the orderly world we are familiar with, the world of Tikkun (“rectification” or “order”). This world possesses lesser lights, but the vessels are plentiful. The sparks of holiness that “fell” when the vessels were broken are hidden within various parts of our world, and awaiting their “correction” through man’s Divine service.

    The angels shouted for joy because they saw what was going to happen.

    G-d was before all things.

    Psalm 104:30
    “You send forth your spirit, they are created: and you renew the face of the earth.”

    The G-d can accomplish renewing the world and creating anything.

    How am I confusing myself? I am not confused.

    But I will try to re-answer.

    1. yes it is a statement or a summary
    2. G-d created chaos so that order would rise
    3. the Angels saw the result, which is why they rejoiced
    4. i have noticed
    5. G-d created something from nothing, and nothing is still something, so yes, there was something there before
    6. The G-d can accomplish renewing the world and creating anything.



    Alright, so lets go a step further.

    Isa 14:12 ¶ How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

    When did Lucifer/Satan fall from heaven, I mean at what point after Gen. 1:1?

    Isa 14:13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:

    At what point after Gen. 1:1 did he do that?

    Isa 14:14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.

    As you know, he did that not alone.

    Rev 12:4 And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.

    When did he persuade the angels to follow him in his rebellion?

    Are you also familiar with the time involved to produce Oil, Gas, and Coal in the ground and under the sea? or do you dismiss science as a hoax? What do you make of all the skeletons of dinosaurs, and fossils?



    psst…I shall say this only once and very quietly so noone else hears: “Lucifer” is not Satan!
    Look it up? look up “Jesus” and “Morning Star” and “Lucifer” together!



    Satan – as he was to become known, was one of the Chief Angels (If not THE CHIEF ANGEL) who was reponsible for 'covering' the earth, Volcanos, Mountains, etc).

    He was the brightest (Hence: Morning Star) angel in heaven and was covered in all the most precious jewels that the earth had to offer (due to his work in that area – possibly).


    Quote (JustAskin @ Jan. 29 2010,05:06)
    psst…I shall say this only once and very quietly so noone else hears: “Lucifer” is not Satan!
    Look it up? look up “Jesus” and “Morning Star” and “Lucifer” together!


    You should not whisper, I could hardly understand you.
    Yes, Lucifer means light bringer or bright morning star. What does light symbolize? did not Jesus say, “I am the light of the world?” Light symbolizes truth, Jesus was and is the truth because only he has the truth.
    So, why was Lucifer called bright morning star? who or what is the bright morning star? is it not the sun? the sun brings us light every morning. To whom was Lucifer supposed to bring light/truth? The other angels.
    Just as Jesus was bringing us the light/truth, Lucifer was to bring truth to all the angels. Just as we have to learn God's way, so did the angels. they were put to the test just as we are; and just as some of us will fail, so did a third of the angels including Lucifer/Satan.
    So no more whispering, you do want every body to see/hear the light/truth, don't you?



    Can I ask how we went from talking about the 6 days of creation and the age of the universe to talking about Lucifer Satan and the Morning Star and Oil/Gas/Coal? Im a bit confused here.


    Hi JA,
    So when did you get the right to state that Satan is the morning star?[2Peter1, Rev22]
    How is the morning star proven to be the greatest star?
    Are we allowed to add our inferences?
    HENCE is not good enough


    Hi ASH,
    Why are jewish scholars GREAT?
    Is that not human opinion?


    Hi Nick,

    Not sure whats happened.

    “I WAS” making the point that “Lucifer” is NOT SATAN – did I not say that?

    As Elizabeth pointed out “Lucifer” means Light Bringer (or some such)

    Many people all over incorrectly name Satan as Lucifer – no quotes. I have done so myself until I was alerted to my error.
    Satan is a Title so most people who are taught a certain way think that Lucifer is his personal name and use it that way.

    The Morning Star is the brightest Star in the Dawn morning until it is eclipsed by the DayStar – the Sun.

    The quote that Elizabeth wrote was alluding to the Morning Star falling – and she used the word Lucifer as Satan's name and thereby further alluded to the Morning Star being Satan:
    “When did Lucifer/Satan fall from heaven”

    I know that the scriptures says that Jesus said “I am the bright morning star”

    If I confused anyone – Please forgive and I am glad you raised the point – many may have not asked for clarification.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 29 2010,06:50)
    Hi ASH,
    Why are jewish scholars GREAT?
    Is that not human opinion?

    I dont think they are GREAT, but respect is well deserved. For devoting ones entire life to the Torah is not such a bad thing. In that respect they are great, just as any one who devotes their lives to it. Deuteronomy 17 gives a commandment to follow their instructions, and it is a commandment to respect the wise.


    I am still confused. What does this Satan Lucifer Oil Gas Coal thing have to do with the topic of this thread?


    Hi JA,
    So it is only your opinion that says the morning star is Satan?
    Seems unlikely in view of 2 Peter1.


    Hi ASH,
    Wisdom is of God not men.
    The prophets sought understandings but never found them[1Peter1] so what of these so-called sages?

    Ed J

    Quote (ashermoshehthreepointonefour @ Jan. 29 2010,09:00)
    the topic of this thread

    Hi Asher,

    Welcome to the forum. I have a few questions for you.

    How does the expansion of space equate to the slowing of time? And if so how can it be calculated?

    What is this word [kElah] and to what does it refer to?

    Ed J


    Hi Nick,
    Ok, forget that I said that Satan wasn't the morning star.

    (The opinion was only analogous)


    ooops sorry JA

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