The rise of China

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  • #321947

    I had a dream about a decade ago that showed China's rise to power. Obviously people knew this was going to happen back then, but I saw some specific things that haven't come to pass yet. I would like to dedicate this thread into the rise of China as a superpower. So feel free to add in any news or visions regarding China.



    Hi t8:

    I don't know, but maybe this may apply to China:

    Rev 16:12 ¶ And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.

    Love in Christ,


    Learn Manderin now.


    I ate a manderin today.


    Is cannableism wrong


    Yes 942767 that could well be a reference to them.
    And I think the army is 2 million strong or something like that. And if my memory serves me correctly, two thirds are slaughtered which would be 666,666.666… There you go Ed J.

    So the fact that there is no army on Earth today with that kind of number could point it to China. Although it says KingS plural, but in today's population, China would likely have to be among them.

    Actually today China has 2,285,000 active military personnel.
    USA has 1,458,219.
    India has 1,325,000.
    North Korea has 1,106,000.
    Russia has 1,027,000.


    Quote (david @ Nov. 26 2012,20:10)
    Is cannableism wrong

    The orange ones are okay.
    The yellow ones are cannibalism.


    What is important about the Space Race is that it can have military application too.


    we should not be concerned about China;for in Daniel 11. only two kings were mentioned.
    The king of the north(the western nations) and the king of the south(the muslem nations and allies).Chine and Russia could be on their side?

    China has no business or connection with the temple.

    I have read some where, I can not remember,that the big banks in China are also under the elites control.

    Jeremiah 51:11 Make bright the arrows; gather the shields: the LORD hath raised up the spirit of the kings of the MEDES(iran): for his device is against BABYLON, to destroy it; because it is the VENGEANCE of the LORD, the VENGEANCE of his TEMPLE.

    Jeremiah 51:12 Set up the standard upon the WALLS(defence) of BABYLON, make the watch strong, set up the watchmen, prepare the AMBUSHES: for the LORD hath both devised and done that which he spake against the inhabitants of BABYLON.



    Years ago I had a dream that was pixel perfect in detail. It was the future of New Zealand and it looked like a Chinese colony. The dream had some interesting features in it with one feature already coming to pass. At first I did not consider the possibility of this dream as it was unbelievable back in the 1990s. The dream while interesting, had no initial valid message for me so I thought. Then years later New Zealand became the first country to do a free-trade agreement with China back in 2008. Since then, the Chinese are now building businesses here and buying farms etc. We are their main dairy producer and let’s face it, New Zealand is a food bowl. You can grow just about anything here as the soils is rich, the pastures lush, and year round rainfall in many parts of the country mean reliable crops.

    China is gaining influence in many countries not just here, including in Africa and other parts of Oceania. Obama even chastised the Australians a number of years ago for not getting more influence in the Pacific and leaving that for China. They are placing their tentacles in as many countries as they can. I took a holiday in Tonga a number of years back and the Chinese own the local supermarket in Tongatapu and donated a plane which resulted in Air NZ (Chathams) pulling out.

    Their vision of the world is to own from end to end businesses, processing plants, mining, etc where materials are shipped to their mainland to provide for their incredible growth of cities. They have even started to take disputed islands near Japan and Philippines and their military spend is increasing at an alarming rate. Who knows, maybe they will do what Japan failed to do in WWII in the future and create a Pacific Empire. Or perhaps they will gain all their influence economically with the help of being the biggest market on the planet. I cannot say. But the dream just showed me New Zealand in the future and it was definitely futuristic, but incredibly Asian too.

    Just speculating. But from NZ’s point of view I think they are the one to watch. The Chinese president came to New Zealand just this week for a visit by invitation of our PM.

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