the Return to the holy Land of all the Israelites

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    Ezekiel 36:1-38 This is what the Lord says about the Land of Israel: Israel, you were trampled down when you were occupied by other nations. I will now speak to the Land, plundered and despised by the surrounding nations.

    In My burning zeal, I have spoken out against the rest of the nations, especially Edom, for with glee and malice they seized My Land as spoil. Therefore, because Israel has suffered the scorn of the nations, I swear that those nations will in turn suffer scorn.

    But you, Land of Israel, bring forth your branches and yield your fruit for My people,  for their homecoming is near. See how I will look on you with favour, you will be fruitful. I shall settle on you many people -the whole 12 tribes of Israel, the towns inhabited and the Land prosperous. My people, all  the faithful Israelites will live there again, never again to leave. No longer will they suffer the scorn of foreigners.

    When ancient Israel was living in the Land, they defiled it by their idolatry. I sentenced them to exile around the world. But I have concern for My Holy Name, so you Israelites, it is not for your sake that I am acting – I shall show My Holiness through you and all the nations will know that I am the Lord.

    I shall take you out of the world, gather you from every land and bring you back to your homeland. I will purify you of everything that defiles you. You will have a new heart and I will put My spirit within you and you will desire to only follow My Laws.

    Then you will live in the Land that I had given to your forefathers. You will be My people and I will be your God. Having saved you from all that defiles you, I shall command the Land to be plentiful, trees will bear abundant fruit and the soil will produce heavy crops. Never again will you suffer famine.

    You will recall your wicked conduct and evil deeds and will hate yourself for them. Feel the shame and disgrace of your old ways, people of Israel.

    The Lord says: when I have cleansed you of all your wrongdoings, you will settle in the Land and the ruined places will be rebuilt. The Land will be ploughed and sown, no longer a wasteland, rain will come in due season.

    The nations still left around you will know that it is I, the Lord who has done this.

    The Lord says; once again, I will let the Israelites pray to Me for help. They will become many, as flocks of sheep in the Land. As Jerusalem has flocks of sheep at festival time, so will the towns of Israel be filled with flocks of people.

    Then they will know that I am their God.                 Ref: REB verses abridged.


    ‘I will now speak to the Land, plundered and despised by the surrounding nations’. The Lord will once again take action on the earth, His holy Land; now inhabited mostly by atheists and foreigners are surrounded by nations and entities who hate the State of Israel and want to ‘’wipe it off the map’.  Jeremiah 12:14, Psalm 83:1-8, Micah 4:11-12

    In My burning zeal, I have spoken out against the rest of the nations, especially Edom’. This refers to the forthcoming Lord’s Day of vengeance and wrath, a worldwide judgement of fire, prophesies over 100 times in the Bible. The explosion of the suns surface, a massive CME, that He will use on that Day, will strike initially in the Middle East, particularly affecting the Middle East region. Zephaniah 2:4-5  It will be God’s solution for the troubles and strife there.

    Ezekiel 35:1-14, describes in detail who modern day Edom is and what the Lord has planned for them;  Ezekiel 35:5-6 They are peoples that have kept up their ancient feud with Israel and they glorify bloodshed and death

    Jeremiah 25:32-33 Ruin spreads from nation to nation, a mighty tempest is coming onto all the      godless peoples. Those whom the Lord has slain on that Day, will lie scattered from one end of the earth to the other, they will be as dung spread over the ground.  Isaiah 66:15-17


    The homecoming of the whole twelve tribes of Israel is near. The people Jesus came to save: Mathew 15:24

    They were sentenced to exile around the world for their sins, but now I shall take you out of the world, gather you from every land and settle you in your inheritance’.

    The decreed exile of the Lord’s people is nearly over.  Ezekiel 34:11-16, Isaiah 35:1-10

    The gathering of all the [Christian] Israelite people from every race. Isaiah 66:18b-21, Micah 4:6

    To all the land promised to the Patriarchs. Micah 7:11-12, Ezekiel 47:13-23

    They will enter the land with great joy. Isaiah 66:14, Isaiah 62:1-5, Zechariah 8:1-8

    And live there in peace and security. Isaiah 66:12-14, Jeremiah 30:19-20


    I shall show My Holiness through you, you will receive a new heart and My spirit will come upon you’. This proves that all these events happen before  the Return of Jesus, when he ‘comes in glory and all the world will see Him’.

    But until then, the Lord uses His people ‘to be a light to the nations and be His witnesses to the world’. Isaiah 49:8, Isaiah 43:10-12  The Lord will change the minds of His people, they will love Him unfailingly. Isaiah 32:15, Isaiah 59:21, Ezekiel 37:14 & 23

    ‘I shall command the Land to be plentiful, no longer a wasteland, rain will come in due season. The towns of Israel will be filled with people’.

    After the burning and earthquakes of this terrible CME; Malachi 4:1, Isaiah 66:15-16, Revelation 6:12-17 Ezekiel 38:8; says that His people, now every faithful Christian, Galatians 3:26-29 will be gathered from the nations, will be living in a Land recently recovered from ruin. Rain will come and the Land will be fertile. Isaiah 35:1-10, Zechariah 8:12, Psalms 68:9-10, Romans 9:24-26

    The nations still left around you’;

    Amos 1:3-5 For crime after crime of Damascus, [Syria] I will send fire upon them. Isaiah 17:1-3

    Amos 1:6-8 For crime after crime of Gaza, [Palestinians] all the Philistines will perish. Joel 3:4

    Amos 1:9-10 For crime after crime of Tyre, [Lebanon] I shall send fire upon them. Eze. 26:15-21

    Amos 1:11-12 For crime after crime of Edom, [Ishmaelites] I shall send fire upon you. Bozrah, [the sheepfold] cleansed to be the place of safety during the Tribulation. Isaiah 34:5-6

    Amos 1:13-15 For crime after crime of the Ammonites, [Jordan] I shall send fire upon you. Their King will go into exile. Ezekiel 25:1-7

    Amos 2:1-3 For crime after crime of Moab, [Southern Jordan: Arab peoples] I shall send fire upon you. Your King and officers will be killed. Ezekiel 30:2-5

    Amos 2:4-5 For crime after crime of Judah, [the State of Israel] I shall send fire upon you, for you have not kept the Law. Ezekiel 20:47-48  Only a Jewish remnant will survive. Romans 9:27

    Amos 2:6-16 For crime after crime of Israel, [the 10 tribes, in exile] They will be judged and their military destroyed.  Isaiah 17:4-6

    ‘They will know that I am their God’. This makes it obvious that all this must take place before the visible Return of Jesus. His people will be living once again in the holy Land, sending out missionaries and preparing for the coming Kingdom. Revelation 14:1-7, Isaiah 66:19

    They choose their own leader. Jeremiah 30:21, Hosea 1:11

    Ezekiel 28:24-26 No longer will the Israelites suffer from the scorn of their neighbours. When I gather the Israelites from where they have been dispersed, I shall show My Holiness in them for all the nations to see. After I execute My judgement on those scornful neighbours, My people will live on their own soil, undisturbed and they will build houses and plant vineyards, thus they will know that I am the Lord, their God.





    Isaiah 43:15-28 Israel: I am the Lord, your Holy One, your Creator and your King. I am the One who opened a path through the sea and drew the Egyptians to their destruction. Exodus 14:28

                Now, you must stop thinking about past events, for I am about to do something new, in an instant it will happen – can you perceive it? Even through the wilderness, I shall make a way, it will be a highway in the barren desert. The wild beasts and birds will honor Me, for I will provide water: rivers in the dry wasteland. My chosen people, the people that I have formed for Myself, will satisfy their thirst and will proclaim My Glory.  Isaiah 66:18-21

                Yet Israel: you have not called to Me, much less have you spent yourselves in My service. I did not demand sacrifices or grain offerings, but you have burdened Me with your sins and wearied Me with your crimes.

                I am the Creator God and for My own sake I will wipe out your transgressions and will remember your sins no more. Ask Me to appear and let us argue this out, set forth your case and establish your innocence. Your first forefathers transgressed and your leaders rebelled and desecrated My sanctuary, that is why I put Jacob under a solemn curse and let Israel be reviled. Ref: REB.


    My chosen people: Every faithful Christian, from every tribe, race, nation and language. John 15:14-16, 1 Peter 2:9-10

    let Israel be reviled’. The House of Israel, [the Northern ten tribes] conquered by Assyria, then scattered around the world and are now mainly the Christian peoples. Their decreed term of exile is nearly over. Ezekiel 4:4-5 & Leviticus 26:21, Isaiah 1:1-7, Ezekiel 6:11-12, Isaiah 51:17-20, Jeremiah 9:13-20

    Israel, you have not called to Me’. The descendants of Israel have lost all knowledge of their ancestry the Laws and ordinances have been changed and abrogated. They have sunk into apostasy and atheism. Hosea 9:4, Isaiah 57:11-19, Isaiah 28:7-8

    ‘in an instant it will happen’. This says how the forthcoming Lord’s Day of vengeance and wrath will occur. It is the repeatedly prophesied worldwide judgement and punishment by fire, in the form of a Coronal Mass Ejection sun explosion. Psalms 11:4-6, Isaiah 29:5-6, Jeremiah 6:26

    Ask Me to appear’. The Lord will become known to his people, in the same manner as during the first Exodus, that is: not physically. It isn’t until the Return of the Lord Jesus, to happen much later, that ‘all the world will see Him’. Ezekiel 20:38, 2 Thessalonians 1:10, Isaiah 60:1-3, Revelation 14:1

    ‘a highway back to their heritage’. The Lord is waiting to show His favour to His people: now every faithful Christian. After the terrible devastation of the Lord’s Day of wrath that will change the world, all the Lord’s righteous Christian people will travel to the Middle East and will gather with great joy in the holy Land. Isaiah 35:8-10, Isaiah 58:11, Isaiah 42:6, Isaiah 30:29, 1 Corinthians 10:4, Isaiah 60:8-9


    The Great Chapter of Isaiah 29:1-24


    What will happen very soon:

    Suddenly, in an instant punishment will come from the heavens. The Lord will act in His wrath against all those who make war against Jerusalem, all those who surround Israel. With a great noise amid flames of devouring fire, earthquakes and powerful storms, they will disappear like a dream, like a vision of the night – gone when you awake.  So it will be with the horde of nations who attack the holy Land.  They will crumble into dust and be blown away like chaff.  Psalms 83, Micah 4:11-12, Revelation 6:12-17 This is quite a different event from Armageddon, it is the many prophesied Day of the Lord’s vengeance and wrath, a literal day of a Coronal Mass Ejection sunspot explosion. Isaiah 30:26, Malachi 4:1, 2 Peter 3:7

    But, disaster will come to those who live in the Land, there will be mourning and tears when the Lord makes Jerusalem His fire altar. He will bring those people down, the survivors will hide underground, their voices will squeak out of the earth.  Isaiah 31:5, Zechariah 13:8-9

    The Lord’s people – Jews and Christians:

    Because My people worship Me with empty words and pay Me lip service, while their hearts are far from Me and their religion is but human doctrines learnt by rote, therefore I shall shock them again and again.  The wisdom of their learned people will vanish and all discernment will be lost.  Matthew 11:25-26

    Woe to those who try to hide their devious plans from the Lord.  All those who say: Who can see what we do? Who knows our plans?  Do not think your Maker is unaware of your doings, you are placing yourself higher than Him, if you think that.  1 Peter 3:12

    Belief in wrong teaching leads to an inability to understand the truth:

    If you confuse yourself, you will stay confused, if you blind yourself, you will stay blinded. Be drunk, but not with strong drink, for the Lord has poured upon you a spirit of deep stupor. He has closed your eyes to prophetic understanding and muffled your heads; your so called, wise teachers.  For you the Prophetic vision of the end times is like a sealed book that you cannot read. Isaiah 6:9-10, Acts 13:41

    The Word of the Lord to the descendants of Abraham, all the true Christian people of God:

    This is no time for you to be distressed, not a time for you to be frightened, for you will praise and worship My Name, [Jesus] when you see what has been done in your midst. [1 Peter 1:5] You will hold sacred your Redeemer and regard your God with awe. THEN the confused will understand and those who refused instruction will believe the truth.       Isaiah 32:3-4

    The holy Land Regenerated:  Ezekiel 36:8

    In a very short time Lebanon [and all of the holy Land] will be brought back from ruin to like a garden land and good fertile land will be as common as scrubland is now. Joel 3:18

    The Lord will send rain immediately after the terrible fires and earthquakes of the Lord’s Day of vengeance and wrath, as described in Isaiah 30:25

    The veil of misunderstanding will be lifted then:    Isaiah 32:4

    On that Day the deaf will hear with understanding the Words of scripture and the spiritually blinded will see the truth.  The lowly will once again rejoice in the Lord and the poor will exult in the Holy One of Israel. For the ungodly and the arrogant will cease to exist. Those who are quick to find mischief and those who falsely accuse others or lay traps for the unwary; all these will be cut down and perish.   Isaiah 66:17, 2 Peter 3:7

    The Great Exodus of the Lord’s righteous people to their inheritance:

    On that Day, [NOT the Return, but at the next prophesied event.] the Lord will exert His power a second time to recover the remnant of His people from wherever they are scattered around the world. Isaiah 49:12-13, Isaiah 66:20

    He will make a sign to the nations and gather those dispersed of the House of Israel, [now the Christian peoples] He will assemble Judah’s scattered people and the enmity between Israel and Judah will cease.  Ezekiel 37:13-28

    Ref. REB, NIV. Some verses abridged.

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