the resurrection for whom and where

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    Pierre: Bless you: In the beginning was ONE source of life. The spirit of what we call God. God is ONE, there is no other. From ONE, God came all things into being that have come into being. All is from God, All is in God, God is all and God is in all, ONE life source.

    God is spirit. The thoughts and the words of God are spirit. The words of God are life giving. The words of God are Holy/pure/clean/consecrated! Jesus is the word/seed of God planted in the earthen vessel known as Yeshua Ben Joseph, called Jesus. Jesus is the Christ. Jesus has the Christ. The Christ is upon Jesus. The anointed power of God is Christ. Christ is the anointing of God. Jesus is the comforter. The comforter is Christ. The holy spirit came at Pentecost. The spirit of God is Holy. Mankind was empowered by the Holy spirit to do the faith works of God. God giveth his words through Jesus unto mankind. Gods words are Holy Spirit that gives life. The Holy Ghost is pure God spirit.

    Are we starting to get the picture? Jesus said (John14:23) if a man love me, he will keep(hold fast, consume,accept,believe) my words(spirit from God) and my Father(God, the Holy Spirit, Gods words, the comforter V26) will come unto him and we (Father son and holy ghost) will make our abode with him.

    To abide in Jesus is to abide in God which is to abide in the words of God through Jesus. (John15:7) If ye abide in me and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will and it shall be done unto you. Herein is the Father glorified that ye bear much fruit (or this is the way) to glorify God! If you keep (hold fast) my commandments (words, precepts) ye shall abide in my love, EVEN AS I HAVE KEPT MY FATHERS COMMANDMENTS (WORDS). [not the law in any way]

    If we believe that we are grafted into the tree of life then everything God/Jesus/Holy Spirit/Holy Ghost/The comforter/words of God is runs through that tree trunk and passes through the branches and produces GOD fruit for the world to eat. We must stop limiting God through different words. Its all the same picture.

    The doctrine of division is one of the great destroyers of truth. Division is why there are so many denominations and buildings with no fruit. Jesus prayed that we all be ONE UNITED SPIRIT OF TRUTH FROM GOD! That can only be done by faith that God has done the work and given the gift to us. No payment due, believe and be ONE! IMO, TK


    Quote (ftk @ Aug. 30 2011,09:22)
    Irene: You quote

    Eph 4:4   [There is] one body, and ONE SPIRIT, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling;  

    Eph 4:5   One Lord, one faith, one baptism,

    and contradict your self with

    The Holy Spirit is not Jesus….. The Holy Spirit is Gods Holy Spirit….

    …One God and Father….Jesus gave us the spirit of God, the words of God, the “whole” spirit, undivided, ONE! There are many names but ONE spirit. Jesus is all and in all.

    I am astounded that you say Jesus is not here. Jesus said, (John14:21)….He that hath my words(spirit) and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and  he that loveth me shall be love of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.

    V22:….they questioned him, lord, how is it that thou wilt manifest thyself unto us…..and not unto the world? His answer V23….If a man love me….he will keep(believe) my words….and my father will love him, and WE WILL COME UNTO HIM, AND MAKE OUR ABODE/HOME/TEMPLE/CHURCH….IN HIM!

    If you believe God/The Father/Jesus/Gods words-the Holy Spirit dwell inside of you then they are here, now!   If one loves Jesus!  IMO, TK

    .One God and Father….Jesus gave us the spirit of God, the words of God, the “whole” spirit, undivided, ONE! There are many names but ONE spirit. Jesus is all and in all.

    Tim! Jesus did not give us Gods Holy Spirit, God did at Pentecosts…

    Act 2:1 ¶ And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.

    Act 2:2 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.

    Act 2:3 And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.

    Act 2:4 And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

    Jesus said that in

    Jhn 14:16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;

    Jhn 14:17 [Even] the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.

    Gods Holy Spirit is i n all born again Christians, which we received at Baptism…

    Eph 4:4 [There is] one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling;

    There is one Lord, who is Jesus Christ…. You find that Lord is throughout the New Testament, is always Jesus… While in the Old Testament LORD in all capital letters is Jehovah God….
    In the footnotes of our Ryrie Study Bible it says that the translators used LORD for Jehovah God because they didn't want to take Gods name in vain…

    Eph 4:5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism,

    There is only One Father who is in Heaven, who is above all….
    even over Jesus…

    Eph 4:6 One God and Father of all, who [is] above all, and through all, and in you all.

    Our Heavenly Father is over Jesus because He said this

    Jhn 14:28 Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come [again] unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: FOR MY FATHER IS GREATER THEN I…
    Jesus said this in

    Jhn 14:21 He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.

    You added to that Scripture, that is never right to do….
    Jesus did give us the great commandment in

    Mat 22:36 Master, which [is] the great commandment in the law?

    Mat 22:37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

    Mat 22:38 This is the first and great commandment.

    Mat 22:39 And the second [is] like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

    Mat 22:40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

    What you are saying is
    Jhn 14:23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.

    Jhn 14:24 He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me.

    Jhn 14:25 ¶ These things have I spoken unto you, being [yet] present with you.

    Jesus is in us because Gods Holy Spirit is in Jesus also, and that is what connects us to Jesus and His Father… He is seated at the right hand of Almighty God at the present… He will come again as The Word of God and will strike the nations with the wrath of God…
    . And will set all straight…look around you… how bad is it??? And it will even get worse before it gets better… So Jesus did not come again….

    Rev 19:13 And he [was] clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.

    Rev 19:14 And the armies [which were] in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.

    Rev 19:15 And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.

    Rev 19:16 And he hath on [his] vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.



    Irene: When you say:


    Tim! Jesus did not give us Gods Holy Spirit, God did at Pentecosts..

    ….Are you saying that Jesus(the spirit words of God) did not give us Gods Holy spirit? Jesus is the word of God. The word of God is Jesus. The word of God is spirit. Are you separating the spirit words of Jesus given to man from the word of God. Its all the same spirit. You try to make little separate doctrines of the same thing.

    On the day of Pentecost the Holy Ghost came upon them. Are you trying to say the Holy Ghost is different than the Holy Spirit? God sent his word into the world to save the world. Are you saying the Gods “spirit” is different than Gods “words” that is different than “Jesus” the word of God. Spirit is life, Gods words are spirit and life. Are you trying to say that there is any separation or difference between all these same things? You are incorrect in my opinion.

    The Baptism of the Spirit is the same as saying “filled with the spirit” , “washed by the word of Jesus”, immersed in God!

    When the man ask Jesus, ….


    Mat 22:36 Master, which [is] the great commandment in the law?

    he was asking a question about the law! He wasn't asking if the law was still in effect. He didn't ask Jesus if the law was to remain. He ask a question and Jesus answered him according to the law. Jesus didn't even follow the law. Jesus performed no sacrifices under the law. Jesus broke the sabbath. Jesus refused to condemn a guilty person under the law. Jesus didn't follow ritual washings under the law. Jesus didn't even pay the temple tax until someone ask him why not. He said the sons were exempt of the tax.

    All love intended, IMO, TK



    Jesus is in us because Gods Holy Spirit is in Jesus also, and that is what connects us to Jesus and His Father..

    what is the holy spirit ???



    Pierre: Gods words are spirit, God is spirit, God is ONE, whole, pure and holy, so would it be possible for God to be anything but the Holy Spirit?

    John 14:26 says that the comforter is the Holy Ghost! The Greek word that in both cases, was translated as “ghost” or “spirit” is the Greek word…”pheuma” or air, breath, spirit, life, ghost, holy spirit! “Pneuma” is the root of the English word “pneumatic” or air filled like a pneumatic tire, or basketball, or football. Air filled.

    You must look up Hebrew and Greek words when a scripture seems to contradict or say something off the wall. I suggest a Strongs Exhaustive Concordance which includes both. In many cases it can change a mental perception completely.

    Example: In the case of the word “pass” in the scripture,…Heaven and earth will “pass” away, but my words….! That word “pass” can literally mean to come forth or go away. Two different direction! You have to choose “your” way. Believe me when I say the Bible is not perfect. It was put together by religious men with preconceived ideas and prejudice! TK


    Tim!   What I am saying to you, that the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Almighty God and He has given us His Holy Spirit, not Jesus.  Jesus too has Gods Holy Spirit, which connects us to both, it makes us one with them and all born again Christians….
    And it is that what for the first time the Apostles received at Pentecost…. They then went in  all the lands and Baptized In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit….. Our Minister laid  hands on us, and we received Gods Holy Spirit….
    The Word of God in the Bible is the inspiring Word of God…. The Apostle wrote the Gospels they were inspired, and the Word of Gods is not preconceived…. Its the translators that made minor errors…….
    You seem to think that the Holy Spirit is Gods Words…No, but they are full of Gods Holy Spirit, just like when we understand the Words of God, it is because of Gods Holy Spirit in  us, that we understand the Word of God….
    In John 1:1  Jesus is The Word of God, who became flesh in verse 14…… That does not mean that all Words of the Bible are Jesus…. That is a title just like God is, or King is, or Lord is, or LORD is….
    Almighty Gods name is Jehovah, and The Word of Gods name is Yushua (Jesus) or who became Jesus in verse 14.
    Tim!  When did you receive Gods Holy Spirit? You wouldn't have to ask me a question like this


    Are you trying to say the Holy Ghost is different than the Holy Spirit? God sent his word into the world to save the world. Are you saying the Gods “spirit” is different than Gods “words” that is different than “Jesus” the word of God. Spirit is life, Gods words are spirit and life. Are you trying to say that there is any separation or difference between all these same things? You are incorrect in my opinion.

    The Holy Ghost is the same then the Holy Spirit….
    Question, what does the Holy Spirit look like?  The Word of God I can see, Gods Holy Spirit is invisible, and in someone….in the inspiring words of God, the Bible…..
    Jesus is a messenger send by God, to die for us.  To do the will of His Father who sent Him…. He came down from Heaven to do so…..
    Because of Adams sin, we are under the death sentence and because of Jesus we will live again…. For all in Adam die , but in Christ Jesus we're made alive again….


    the great commandment in the law?  
    he was asking a question about the law! He wasn't asking if the law was still in effect. He didn't ask Jesus if the law was to remain. He ask a question and Jesus answered him according to the law. Jesus didn't even follow the law. Jesus performed no sacrifices under the law. Jesus broke the sabbath. Jesus refused to condemn a guilty person under the law. Jesus didn't follow ritual washings under the law. Jesus didn't even pay the temple tax until someone ask him why not. He said the sons were exempt of the tax.

    That is not true, my friend…. Because the only reason Jesus came to earth, is to save us from the death sentence…

    The Man was not just asking a question….He wanted to know….And Jesus gave it to Him and us…. There is no Scripture that says that the great commandments are not in a fact or done away with…..That is your imagination talking…….And when Jesus gave us the Sermon of the Mount , He was just talking, too?   Boy, are you wrong…

    PS If you come up with anything without the back up of a Scripture, I will not reply….


    Irene: I was not responding to information from you. I was answering Pierre. If that is also you I was unaware. I couldn't care less if you do not wish to reply to me. But if you choose to inquire for learning purposes I will be glad to respond. Please also drop the anger, it is unnecessary and tends to block good spiritual responses.

    It seems to me you have gone to great lengths to separate God and dice up the the Spirit into many “names” to support doctrinal beliefs. You say in your post…

    You seem to think that the Holy Spirit is Gods Words…No, but they are full of Gods Holy Spirit, just like when we understand the Words of God, it is because of Gods Holy Spirit in us, that we understand the Word of God…


    The scriptures say, God is spirit and they say, Gods words are spirit and life. If Holy God is Holy Spirit his words would have to be Holy words! You accused me of thinking that the Holy Spirit is Gods words. Then said,…NO, but they are full of Gods Holy Spirit. Maybe you are a little hung up on the word, Holy! Holy spirit is, complete, pure, undefiled, word of God, truth of God. There is ONE God there is ONE spirit of God, God gave his spirit/words/truth/life/to Jesus without measure to teach mankind the truth of life.

    Jesus gave us the truth,from God that he conquored death and it has no power over us so if you wish to be free from death and sin and all that goes with them, just accept life in Christ and there is no more sentence of death for man.

    The Holy Ghost is the same then the Holy Spirit….
    Question, what does the Holy Spirit look like? The Word of God I can see, Gods Holy Spirit is invisible, and in someone….in the inspiring words of God, the Bible…..
    Jesus is a messenger send by God, to die for us. Tod o the will of Hos Father who sent Him…. He came down from Heaven to do so…..
    Because of Adams sin, we are under the death sentence and because of Jesus we will live again…. For all in Adam die , but in Christ Jesus we're made alive again….


    That is not true, my friend…. Because the only reason Jesus came to earth, is to save us from the death sentence…

    The Man was not just asking a question….He wanted to know….And Jesus gave it to Him and us…. There is no Scripture that says that the great commandments are not in a fact or done away with…..That is your imagination talking…….And when Jesus gave us the Sermon of the Mount , He was just talking, too? Boy, are you wrong…


    Lets try to slow down and learn the truth. Not get angry and try to whip the other person with failure to use scriptures which is the very thing you are not using to support your doctrines. In peace, TK


    Irene: I went back and found the post I sent to you for response. I apologize for saying my posts were only for Pierre. My Bad! God bless you and yours, TK


    Hi All:

    Wow the resurrection is easy to understand and the time for judgement is not only in Rev. but everyday. Jesus said today is the day of salvation and that we are to work it out with fear and trembling. Also stated that no man knows the day when He shall come. At death, He set the example of what happens, first to the malefactor on His one side when he asked “remember me when thou goest into thy kingdom” Jesus said to day thou shall be with me in Paradise” . So judgement took place for the saved who was given a death bed pardon. Now in Rev. it speaks about those not saved and still had their name in the book of life. ( the lukewarm, false prophet, ect. who is in hell. now hell death and the grave was there in the great judgement. the final judgement. Pierra quoted it.

    God bless

    In God we trust


    All: Resurrection is just another word for “awareness” of mind. Whatever is not alive in the mind of a man is dead to him. When thoughts come to mind the analysis the man makes is to “truth”, to accept and believe or lies that are unacceptable for life.

    With all religion removed it is quite simple. Protect your powerful mind of Christ from degrading thoughts that condemn yourself as a sinner or unclean or unworthy or any judgment apart from pureness of life in Christ. The New testament dealt with the mind from the very first. John symbolically taught, wash the mind clean of previous preconceived ideas or religion about God or yourself. Jesus came to fill that clean mind with the Spirit Truth of God. The truth from God makes his sons and daughters perfect in his eyes. This is the judgment. Come to God dirty in thinking, get washed clean and walk forever in Christ. At peace with utmost gratitude and thanksgiving!!!

    When a man hears Gods words of truth, through Jesus, he becomes aware of God and what God has done for mankind and given as a gift to any/all or whosoever will accept the gift, believe the truth, and express the fruit of the truth to all others. This is the resurrection from the dead mind to newness of life, purity, cleanliness, worthiness, sinless perfection, bought and paid for by Jesus our lord.

    This is also the judgment of God. The word/Jesus of God will judge in the last day. The last day is when one hears the word of God/Jesus comes to a man it is the same word of God as was the resurrection. Its the last day of being separated from God by sin or wrong thinking. The word of God will judge the man as he accepts or rejects the words that come. In that day or at that time as a man is facing judgment the word of God where Jesus says you are clean, my words make you clean(John15:3)then the man is judged. He either accepts that gift of truth and lives as a clean man with no sin or he denies the truth from Jesus, believing he is unclean, which nullifies the power of Gods word for cleansing. One way is the way of righteousness and perfection forever and the other way is to stay in the way of death and destruction. Righteousness is unto eternal, abundant life! There is no sin, sickness or death in eternal life.

    One who believes the words of Jesus is cleansed, made whole, made perfect, saved, healed,! Even if I do not see the manifestation of all these truths I will not deny what God has done through Jesus and given to mankind. I will continue to purify my mind with the truths from Jesus until there is not one tiny question or belief of imperfection. When all evil thinking is gone there will only be the pureness of life in God! IMO, TK



    One who believes the words of Jesus is cleansed, made whole, made perfect, saved, healed,! Even if I do not see the manifestation of all these truths I will not deny what God has done through Jesus and given to mankind. I will continue to purify my mind with the truths from Jesus until there is not one tiny question or belief of imperfection. When all evil thinking is gone there will only be the pureness of life in God! IMO, TK

    this is true but only half way ,the spirit mind of men has to be changed to the spirit mind of Gods will ,but it comes also with the deeds attache to it ,just as the flesh as deeds attached to it ,and this is why Paul was saying that the fight we do is spiritual within ourself ,so changing the mind and the deeds are coming toghether in one package so to speak ,



    Pierre: Gods spirit is all life. The life/spirit that dwells in man is and has always been God. That cannot change without physical death! The truth that God is your life force has been covered with distorted information, lies, deceptions, untruth. God sent Jesus to tell us the truth, of who and what we really are so that if we believe that truth over all other we have eternal, abundant life in Christ. There are no requirements to be the son of God that you are, but to believe it is true.

    Do not look to deeds or works. They do not make you a son of God. If you believe you are a son of God it creates pure love within. Love has its expression in peace, kindness, tenderness, patience, wholeness, etc.! The true works of God are faith works of power to heal, and administer life to those who will believe.

    Gods words are spirit. Gods words/spirit has/is life! Man has created an illusion of real truth that he calls evil. Mans words became evil, death, sickness, diseased, destructive, degrading etc.! This has no part in God whatsoever. It is a life destroying illusion of truth. This is the war we are fighting. A war for the truth of God which is, and the illusions of truth of man which is lies, darkness, wicked spirits/words, deceptions any or all information that is not aligned with truth/God.

    If a person were to believe there is an internal war within his body, those beliefs will manifest in some form of destruction/sickness/or disease! As one believes, so he is! When our minds are fully cleansed by the words of truth from God the manifestation will be instant to what you believe. For me, I only believe Jesus! All else must align with him. He is lord of my thinking.

    We have the mind of Christ. Our minds are powerful. What we accept as truth for ourselves and believe fully will be drawn into our circumstances of life. In this way we are creators like our Father. We must guard our minds and hearts from destruction if we choose to live. Destruction is from evil which is not. Life and fruitfulness are from good/God! IMO, TK



    Pierre: Gods spirit is all life. The life/spirit that dwells in man is and has always been God. That cannot change without physical death! The truth that God is your life force has been covered with distorted information, lies, deceptions, untruth. God sent Jesus to tell us the truth, of who and what we really are so that if we believe that truth over all other we have eternal, abundant life in Christ. There are no requirements to be the son of God that you are, but to believe it is true.


    Jn 1:12 Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God—
    Jn 1:13 children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.




    If a person were to believe there is an internal war within his body, those beliefs will manifest in some form of destruction/sickness/or disease! As one believes, so he is! When our minds are fully cleansed by the words of truth from God the manifestation will be instant to what you believe. For me, I only believe Jesus! All else must align with him. He is lord of my thinking.

    the internal war in us is with our will and Gods will ,this is not create a conflict in the body ,but in our spirit mind and heart,Christ says we cannot be friend with God and the world or the flesh wants.

    so have to disagree with you on this




    We have the mind of Christ.

    we should if we say we are true Christians ,but we know not all have it ,so saying that we have is to strong in assumption,it is true that we have the means in our power to acquire it if we want it ,




    Do not look to deeds or works. They do not make you a son of God. If you believe you are a son of God it creates pure love within. Love has its expression in peace, kindness, tenderness, patience, wholeness, etc.! The true works of God are faith works of power to heal, and administer life to those who will believe.

    you do not see the truth here,if love,kindness,patience,wholeness,ect exist the opposition also is true but are the deeds of the flesh while the previous ones are the deeds of God,

    it seems to me that you are not understanding the fruits of the flesh verse the fruits of the spirit of God and Christ ,and yet Christ has shown those fruits in his gospel [/B




    Gods words are spirit. Gods words/spirit has/is life! Man has created an illusion of real truth that he calls evil. Mans words became evil, death, sickness, diseased, destructive, degrading etc.! This has no part in God whatsoever. It is a life destroying illusion of truth. This is the war we are fighting. A war for the truth of God which is, and the illusions of truth of man which is lies, darkness, wicked spirits/words, deceptions any or all information that is not aligned with truth/God.

    (Gods words are spirit. Gods words/spirit has/is life)this does not make sense and seems not true to scriptures ;the word of God is the truth ,but unless you are looking for his truth you will not understand it even if you read the scriptures a hundred times,so what you believe then would be your own truth and that is the evil and the deceitful way for your own fall, BECAUSE YOU HAVE NOT LOOKED FOR GODS TRUTH BUT YOURS.



    Quote (terraricca @ Sep. 03 2011,05:54)

    Pierre:  Gods spirit is all life. The life/spirit that dwells in man is and has always been God. That cannot change without physical death! The truth that God is your life force has been covered with distorted information, lies, deceptions, untruth. God sent Jesus to tell us the truth, of who and what we really are so that if we believe that truth over all other we have eternal, abundant life in Christ. There are no requirements to be the son of God that you are, but to believe it is true.


    Jn 1:12 Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God—
    Jn 1:13 children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.


    Pierre: There is nothing to “pick up”(the cross) or “lay down”. We must divorce ourselves from having anything whatsoever to do with our total salvation. We have absolutely NO PART in our own righteousness, cleanliness, worthiness, purification. What wrong thinking man(sinful man) could not do, GOD DID FOR US THROUGH JESUS CHRIST!!

    If your friend gives something to you of great magnitude and you say thanks for this great gift but now I will sweep your walkway and that will help establish any shortfall of your free gift. I would say the friend might just take the gift away.

    You have nothing to do with your salvation and perfection in God.

    You are somebodies earthly son. What requirements must you fulfill to be your earthly fathers son? NONE! You did nothing and can do nothing to be a son of God. IS A BIRTHRIGHT!!


    Quote (terraricca @ Sep. 03 2011,05:57)

    If a person were to believe there is an internal war within his body, those beliefs will manifest in some form of destruction/sickness/or disease! As one believes, so he is! When our minds are fully cleansed by the words of truth from God the manifestation will be instant to what you believe. For me, I only believe Jesus! All else must align with him. He is lord of my thinking.

    the internal war in us is with our will and Gods will ,this is not create a conflict in the body ,but in our spirit mind and heart,Christ says we cannot be friend with God and the world or the flesh wants.

    so  have to disagree with you on this


    Pierre: If you truly believe your will is against Gods will you must be a most miserable person. Dis-alignment with Gods will is all forms of death.

    When Paul speaks of “the flesh” and “the spirit” he is not referring to your body(will) and Gods will. The flesh always means, carnal thinking, physical thinking, old testament teaching, the law of works and deeds for salvation. The flesh way(old way) has been replaced by the Spirit truth of God. Man couldn't make himself clean. So what man could not do GOD DID THROUGH JESUS WORDS!!

    In Christ you will have peace, and joy, and love beyond understanding. You could only experience conflict if you don't believe what God has done for you. Mental conflict of what to believe. Believe Jesus and all is well forever. IMO,TK


    Quote (terraricca @ Sep. 03 2011,06:02)

    We have the mind of Christ.

    we should if we say we are true Christians ,but we know not all have it ,so saying that we have is to strong in assumption,it is true that we have the means in our power to acquire it if we want it ,


    Pierre: Gods mind is WHOLE undivided. It is not in fragments, it is complete, ONE MIND of God. God has given us a piece of his mind!

    We are individual minds of Christ until we all come to the unity of the mind of God. We will remain ourselves yet be one in God.

    True Christians will be doing the Fathers work the same as Jesus.

    A false christian believes he will be noticed by his own good works and deeds. He is an actor until anointed of God. When miracles surround a man life, he is administering God in the world!

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