The religious spirit

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  • #796026

    At no point in your walk were you false? yet you were a trinitarian? how so if you believed something false? Is that to say you honestly believed in something you now know you were honestly wrong about? If so then God may well be with all those who are honestly wrong? But the proof that God is with the”honestly wrong” is if they change their wrong religious spirits to your right religious spirits?


    Yes I am better than that and now I am better than to believe these prosperity preachers who fleece the sheep to show how”God’s promises’ are true.I have tested these”spirits” and find them clearly wrong and false.

    Yes many prosperity preachers who fleece the sheep and some are even deceivers. But were all Pharisees false?

    Was Nicodemus false? The point with blanket statements is they are not true for everyone.

    I think you mentioned that you belonged to a Vineyard once, were you false then and then became true when you left?

    Or was it that you were a person in darkness at the beginning and with spot and blemish and then believed and received grace and now are walking toward the light, but not fully without spot and blemish yet?

    If the latter, then why can this not be true for others too?

    When I believed in the Trinity it was because I was young and accepted salvation from God from those who held to this doctrine.

    But God led me out of this and other things and continues to work with me leading me to ALL truth because I believe I love the truth. But I have not arrived at ALL truth yet that is sure. The work of God that started in me is not yet complete. At any stage of my walk was I false, or do we not allow true seekers the benefit of time to progress toward the light as it is shown them? To me a person who is true is a person walking toward the truth in that which he is shown.

    If I taught the Trinity back then, then I would have been teaching falsely that . Most Christians do not teach the Trinity even though they are told to believe it. I did teach it once to a person, so yes that point I was teaching falsely, but being true and being a liar is to do with the heart. People who love the truth are not perfect, we need to show grace because while we were yet sinners Christ died for us, and the transformation is a process.

    Philippians 1:6
    And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.


    I agree with you on all that T8 and I’m not condemning anyone but these money preachers.Have I changed my mind and continue to on religious matters? yes I do.You should know from my posts that I don’t pretend to be the infallible pope.

    Perhaps I’m honestly wrong but I feel these money preachers such as Joyner are dishonestly wrong,but God is still with them making them rich off of peoples ignorance which is for them the knowledge of God.

    Ed J

    Hi Ed,

    Yes I understand any can understand it many different ways.But guess what? The way you and I understand it is the correct way!

    Hi AndrewAD,

    Thank you!

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    ”Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.” – JEHOVAH GOD


    But you have to have proof that they are wrong if you are going to condemn them publicly. It’s not right to make a blanket statement and apply to all. That is like saying all whites are racist or all men are rapists. You should single them such as did with Joyner, then show us the error, sin, or whatever it is that made you condemn him.

    Here is a tip. How would you like an easier judgement from God? If so, then do not harshly judge others. By the same measure you judge others, will be the the measure God will judge you. If Joyner is condemned because of his love of money (which I have yet to be shown), then that same measure could see you being judged in the same way. Make sure the log is moved from the eye, then you can see clearly, and when you can see clearly, then you can help us to see clearly. So far I cannot see anything clearly from what you have presented us.


    And I see nothing clearly from you either.I don’t have to prove anything,or maybe I can’t because it’s all up to everyone’s own opinion anyway.As I said if you want to follow him have at it.Send him money and maybe you’ll get blessed.I could make quotes or post youtube vids but that’s all just hearsay isn’t it? And I won’t do it.

    If anyone wants to look Joyner up and the others I mentioned they can.If they have the internet and can read then they can.They may believe every word they say and they have that right as far as I’m concerned.Or better yet,read their books!

    Am I damning these people I dare to call false prophets? No but I have reasons for not agreeing with them.I’m not an old testament Jew or a strict Muslim and am not calling on them to be stoned or burnt alive or saying they’ll go to eternal fire, death,gehenna or wherever.

    Did Paul have any right to call those he disagreed with false apostles? Am I an apostle? I can be if I call myself one but I’m just too sinfully humble to do that.


    Maybe you are not understanding what I am saying. When anyone makes an accusation or a judgement especially a negative one, then it is not only biblical, but also common sense to give a reason for the judgement. In law when you speak negatively of a person, they can have you up on slander or libel, (I am not a lawyer so don’t really know the difference), but if what you say is correct, then you cannot be charged.

    Paul makes judgements and he gives his reasons, such as preaching a different gospel, teaching men to sin, speaking perverse things, or drawing away the disciples after themselves. Even if he doesn’t specifically mention why in his letters, I bet he would be forthcoming in his reasons.

    But I get it. You want to make these judgements and not provide the evidence yourself. You are free to do so and carry on like this, but I stand on my point that as Believers we should behave better than that and always be ready in or out of seasons to explain the reasons as to why we believe as we do. And my point about the measure we judge others as being applied to ourselves also stands. You are free to ignore my advice.


    I’ve given you my personal reasons but they are not good enough for you,so I invite you to read or listen to his sermons/writings for yourself which apparently you refuse to do.Here’s my tip for you,send Rick Joyner some money in appreciation for your use of his comments on religious spirits and I bet he’ll be very happy and ask you for more. And you too are free to ignore my advice.


    I’ve given you my personal reasons

    Apologies, I must have missed that. Where abouts? Feel free to copy and paste in a post here or link to the post. See the number next to the Reply link above the post, you can right=click that, choose ‘Copy Link URL’ or other similar message and paste it into the post. That way I will be taken to the exact post when I click that.

    If the reasons are good enough, I will consider removing the blog where I quoted him.



    I’m not asking you to remove his quote T8 and never did,I’m just asking you to look into him if you feel I’m wrong for calling him a false prophet.I fully realize as i have said that you quote him because you like how his quote sounds for your own reasons which aren’t the same as his.And for one he is a trinitarian or at least claims to be one.Which makes no difference to me but I figure it should for you.

    The truth is that anyone who is religious has religious spirits which are just religious ideas.What I don’t like about Joyner and many of these new apostles is their fav subject is money and fear.They manipulate people through fear to give them money .That’s what I’ve been saying throughout this thread.That’s my personal reason and opinion.If you care not to agree with me that is your choice and for your own religious pride’s sake I will accept that and won’t comment on this thread again.


    Hi Andrew,

    Spirits are ideas?

    Are you a follower of Gene who says falsely that spirits are intellects?


    Nick, I guess you don’t have religious spirits but only Religion itself then.Perhaps you are the real Son of God?


    Oh gosh I lied and commented on this thread again after saying I would not. Nick maybe you’re just that other son of God that tempted me? 🙂


    Hi Andrew,

    spirits are ideas?

    Any scriptures?


    Get thee behind me satan!


    Hi Andrew,

    Odd response.

    I guess it means no


    Was that a verse from Holy Bible I quoted? think about it


    hi Andrew,

    You would be better to make sure you are standing on the rock.

    That you have the three witnesses of 1Jn.

    Ed J

    Get thee behind me satan!

    Was that a verse from Holy Bible I quoted?

    Hi AndrewAD,

    Yes Matthew 16:23, Mark 8:33, and Luke 4:8



    Note that Jesus rebuked the spirit in Peter.

    Those who do not know spiritual things will think Jesus was rebuking the human vessel.

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