The order of events continued

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  • #342750

    Quote (Ed J @ April 24 2013,15:57)

    Quote (Wakeup @ April 24 2013,13:31)

    1.Who will the saints rule over?
    Other saints?

    2.Who will the saints teach, and preach to, as priests?
    Other saints? Teach the angels perhaps?


    Hi Wakeup,

    1. The saints “are” ruling and reigning on the Earth.
    2. The saints “are” teaching and Preaching as Priests.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    The saints are ruling on earth,I know that,but ruling over whom on earth?



    Quote (Ed J @ April 24 2013,17:57)

    Quote (Wakeup @ April 24 2013,13:31)

    1.Who will the saints rule over?
    Other saints?

    2.Who will the saints teach, and preach to, as priests?
    Other saints? Teach the angels perhaps?


    Hi Wakeup,

    1. The saints “are” ruling and reigning on the Earth.
    2. The saints “are” teaching and Preaching as Priests.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Hi Ed. I just have to say “Amen!”


    Rev 1

    [5] And from Jesus Christ the faithful witness, the first-born of the dead, and the ruler of kings on earth.
    To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood
    [6] And made us a kingdom, priests to his God and Father, to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.


    Quote (journey42 @ April 23 2013,13:12)

    OT Jews will not be raised in mortal flesh either

    For all that are reading this topic, it is nothing new to us for all have rejected these scriptures.
    Not one single person has  ever said, yes I can see that.  
    If you think that we have interpreted the scriptures by our own imaginations, then one must stop and think about this;

    There is a millennium to come.  
    A thousand years of rest.
    Christ and his saints will be ruling as kings and priests,
    ruling over who? (this should raise some curiosity)

    The scriptures show us how Israel rejected Christ,
    So we are shown that because they rejected their Messiah, and did not recognise him as the one they were expecting, salvation is now come to the gentiles who believe.
    but Romans tells us that God has not forgotten Israel, that he has a remnant according to the election.
    Romans tells us that Israel are the natural branches, but were cut off;
    so that the wild branches can be grafted in.  We gentiles are the wild branches.
    but then God will graft back the natural branches,
    so this means that Israel will come back to God.
    We also know that they have not come back to God now,
    and the OT gives us more details of when this will happen.
    This will happen when Christ returns.
    God said that he has reserved a remnant from every generation of Israel.  He calls it the election of grace.
    Grace now goes back to them also.
    So when he gives grace to them, how is he going to do it?
    Ezekiel tells us plainly how.
    The dead ones will be brought out of their graves and will have FLESH put on them.  Then God will breath the spirit of life back into them and they will stand up and live again.
    They will be brought back into the kingdom on earth in Jerusalem and will be taught.
    Is this too hard for God?
    No, but to some it's too hard to imagine.  
    Because you were not taught this by your pastors with high degree's that they received from the world by the way, that this news is strange now?  Something you never heard before.  You decide to look into it and google it, and then you find that this interpretation has this name and that name attached to it.  You say we belong to this group or that group?  Give us a break.
    We keep warning you to stay away from religion, and to search for yourselves.  If we are part of any religion then our testimony has been a big fat lie.  You can see we are not learned people, but simple, and it's not about us.  Your doing what we are telling you not to do.  Don't trust men, just go to those scriptures yourself and ask yourself lots and lots of questions.  Have some curiosity and think for yourselves.  If you are genuine and put the truth first, then God will see this, and he will give you the holy spirit to guide you so that you understand what he is showing.

    God says in OT that there will be people who will live under Christ, and a child will live a ripe old age to 100.  So people will be multiplying there.  Flesh multiplies, not spirit.  There will be the lion eating straw, and the wolf and the lamb will lie together in peace.  Nothing will hurt nor destroy in this kingdom that is coming.  He also said that Israel will be teaching the nations and that many will say to an Israelite, can I come with you.
    If this doesn't raise any curiosity, then you might as well close the book and go back to sleep.  Those church lullabies should help rock you to sleep.

    It's going to be an amazing time.  Many of you know nothing about this kingdom.  We are here to show you that God is revealing it to us in the scriptures.  The doctrine of truth should have no holes in it.  From beginning to end you have to know the whole picture.  This is what God wants, for us to search and he will give a little help.  We should be witnessing for the truth and not against it.  These events are coming soon.  We will see it with our own eyes.  We were warned not to boast against the natural branches, or else we might not be spared,  
    So put two and two together, and when you are finished drinking your bottle of milk, move on to a bit of solids,
    for you should not be babies still in day care,
    or your growth will be stunted.

    Remember God is not some sort of Santa Clause bringing lots of pressies.  gimme gimme gimme.  Go for truth.
    You want the spiritual gifts and even believe you have them, but don't want to do the hard work.  Your worship is in vain.  Pure vanity.  You are only glorifying yourself.  Remember Satan can perform miracles also.  Get out of prison, because the devil wants you there.  Real power comes with truth.  This will save you.  The truth, the flesh of Christ.

    You say that the millennium is still to come when Christ and the Saints will be ruling as Kings and Priests. Well I say that Jesus and the Saints are ruling over people NOW, today.

    You say that Christ and the Saints need people to rule over. I say, look around you. Do you doubt that Jesus and the Saints could be ruling over believers today?  

    You say that Romans tells us that all of Israel will all be grafted back in. I say – No it does not. Romans tells us that the Gentiles will be grafted in, but that God has not FORGOTTEN the natural Jews…. meaning – do not BOAST over those who are natural Jews, because God can just as easily cut you off. It means that God has not FORGOTTEN the Jews, and many Jews and Muslims will come to Christ in these end times, when the falling away occurs. Jews ARE special to God. However, salvation is in no other name, whether you are a Jew or a Gentile.

    You comment that the Jews will come back to God when Jesus returns. I say – No, it does not say that. NOW is the day of salvation. When Christ returns, the door will be CLOSED, and it is the same for everybody. God is the God of all the earth, and again, Jew or Gentile, it makes no difference to salvation.

    You say that “the dead Jews will be brought out of their graves and will have flesh put back on them and that they will live again”. I say – ALL of the dead will be brought back in the second resurrection, and ALL will be judged according to what they have done.  

    You say that the Jews will be brought back into the kingdom on earth in Jerusalem and that they will be taught. I say – Nowhere does it say that in scripture. What need is there to be “taught” when everything, including knowledge, would have passed away. All that will remain is faith, hope and love, the greatest of those being love. We are being taught NOW.

    You say that what you teach is unique and strange to us. I say – what you teach is not “strange” it is common today. You say that we try to find a name for what you believe by “Googling” it. I say – you are hyperdispensationilists, and going by your belief in a binity etc, I would also suspect that you are followers of one of the branches of Herbert Armstrong, or one of you has read their free booklets and magazines (Philadelphian Trumpet/Living Church of God/United Church of God/Ronald Weinland). True or False?

    God says in OT that there will be people who will live under Christ, and a child will live a ripe old age to 100.  So people will be multiplying there.  Flesh multiplies, not spirit.  There will be the lion eating straw, and the wolf and the lamb will lie together in peace.  Nothing will hurt nor de
    stroy in this kingdom that is coming.  He also said that Israel will be teaching the nations and that many will say to an Israelite, can I come with you.
    If this doesn't raise any curiosity, then you might as well close the book and go back to sleep.  Those church lullabies should help rock you to sleep.

    It's going to be an amazing time.  Many of you know nothing about this kingdom.  We are here to show you that God is revealing it to us in the scriptures.  The doctrine of truth should have no holes in it.  From beginning to end you have to know the whole picture.  This is what God wants, for us to search and he will give a little help.  We should be witnessing for the truth and not against it.  These events are coming soon.

    So let me get this straight…. You believe that the Jews will be resurrected from the dead in the flesh…. and will eventually die a second death in which there is no resurrection, and that is an amazing thing to you?  

    Remember God is not some sort of Santa Clause bringing lots of pressies.  gimme gimme gimme.  Go for truth.
    You want the spiritual gifts and even believe you have them, but don't want to do the hard work.  Your worship is in vain.  Pure vanity.  You are only glorifying yourself.  Remember Satan can perform miracles also.  Get out of prison, because the devil wants you there.  Real power comes with truth.

    You judge things that you know NOTHING about.


    If I have any errors in my understanding, then I ask Ed or somebody similar to point them out to me, because you are more understanding.

    Ed J

    Quote (2besee @ April 24 2013,16:52)

    Quote (Ed J @ April 24 2013,17:57)

    Quote (Wakeup @ April 24 2013,13:31)

    1.Who will the saints rule over?
    Other saints?

    2.Who will the saints teach, and preach to, as priests?
    Other saints? Teach the angels perhaps?


    Hi Wakeup,

    1. The saints “are” ruling and reigning on the Earth.
    2. The saints “are” teaching and Preaching as Priests.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Hi Ed. I just have to say “Amen!”


    Ed J

    Hi Wakeup,

    Quote (Wakeup @ April 24 2013,16:38)

    The saints are ruling on earth,I know that,but ruling over whom on earth?


    Your answer is in 2Besee's quote: (I have highlighted the pieces needed to answer your query)

    Quote (2besee @ April 24 2013,16:59)
    Rev 1

    [5] And from Jesus Christ the faithful witness, the first-born of the dead, and the ruler of kings on earth.
    To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood
    [6] And made us a kingdom, priests to his God and Father, to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (Wakeup @ April 24 2013,13:51)

    Quote (Resting @ April 24 2013,07:14)

    Quote (Wakeup @ April 23 2013,21:30)

    Those mortal children(flesh) in the millenium
    consist of jews only, brought back to life.(Ez.37).

    The resurrected saints are the spirit children,they will teach the jews.

    The remnant of the gentiles will live outside the kingdom,and will be taught by the jews.
    And many will come to the Lord.(satan is still in his prison).


    The text of Ez 37 shows the resurrection of believers not of unbelievers.

    They are Zion.

    The children of Zion are the mortal believers, children given to the saints in the 3.5 years of Rev.

    Looks like you are not allowed to see Gods plan.



    Ez.37. Is about israel brought back to life
    in the flesh according to choice. They are the remnant of the jews. They will be the population in the 1000yr kingdom.
    Only then, will they be taught Christ,not before.

    All must go through Christ.They will go through it with flying colours,because knowledge will cover the earth as the sea cover the earth.

    True christians are dwelling in Zion the City of God,where is peace and God fearing.(spiritual city).

    The rest are dwelling in babylon,the city of satan where there is war and strife; (spiritual city).

    Resting;are you a pastor of some kind? just a question.


    Try it this way–

    The valley of dry bones refers to dead believers resurrected, not unbelievers.

    They are of Heavenly Zion and are of the first resurrection according to 11.

    They are mentioned to be the kings and priests of 7 not restricted to Jews, whereas the great multiude of the same chapter are the mortal children of Zion, just as Abraham had a child of promise in his old age.

    You are right that the cut off point for those of the resurrection is just before the first trumpet, or at the beginning of the three and half years, but it is they who are not resurrected until their testimony is finished. Rev.11.

    Again as to the two prophets, they are not two people because the early church did the same–

    Rev 10:11 And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings.

    A candle burns brightest just before it goes out.

    The simple answer is no, not a Pastor.



    Quote (2besee @ April 24 2013,18:48)

    Quote (journey42 @ April 23 2013,13:12)

    OT Jews will not be raised in mortal flesh either

    For all that are reading this topic, it is nothing new to us for all have rejected these scriptures.
    Not one single person has  ever said, yes I can see that.  
    If you think that we have interpreted the scriptures by our own imaginations, then one must stop and think about this;

    There is a millennium to come.  
    A thousand years of rest.
    Christ and his saints will be ruling as kings and priests,
    ruling over who? (this should raise some curiosity)

    The scriptures show us how Israel rejected Christ,
    So we are shown that because they rejected their Messiah, and did not recognise him as the one they were expecting, salvation is now come to the gentiles who believe.
    but Romans tells us that God has not forgotten Israel, that he has a remnant according to the election.
    Romans tells us that Israel are the natural branches, but were cut off;
    so that the wild branches can be grafted in.  We gentiles are the wild branches.
    but then God will graft back the natural branches,
    so this means that Israel will come back to God.
    We also know that they have not come back to God now,
    and the OT gives us more details of when this will happen.
    This will happen when Christ returns.
    God said that he has reserved a remnant from every generation of Israel.  He calls it the election of grace.
    Grace now goes back to them also.
    So when he gives grace to them, how is he going to do it?
    Ezekiel tells us plainly how.
    The dead ones will be brought out of their graves and will have FLESH put on them.  Then God will breath the spirit of life back into them and they will stand up and live again.
    They will be brought back into the kingdom on earth in Jerusalem and will be taught.
    Is this too hard for God?
    No, but to some it's too hard to imagine.  
    Because you were not taught this by your pastors with high degree's that they received from the world by the way, that this news is strange now?  Something you never heard before.  You decide to look into it and google it, and then you find that this interpretation has this name and that name attached to it.  You say we belong to this group or that group?  Give us a break.
    We keep warning you to stay away from religion, and to search for yourselves.  If we are part of any religion then our testimony has been a big fat lie.  You can see we are not learned people, but simple, and it's not about us.  Your doing what we are telling you not to do.  Don't trust men, just go to those scriptures yourself and ask yourself lots and lots of questions.  Have some curiosity and think for yourselves.  If you are genuine and put the truth first, then God will see this, and he will give you the holy spirit to guide you so that you understand what he is showing.

    God says in OT that there will be people who will live under Christ, and a child will live a ripe old age to 100.  So people will be multiplying there.  Flesh multiplies, not spirit.  There will be the lion eating straw, and the wolf and the lamb will lie together in peace.  Nothing will hurt nor destroy in this kingdom that is coming.  He also said that Israel will be teaching the nations and that many will say to an Israelite, can I come with you.
    If this doesn't raise any curiosity, then you might as well close the book and go back to sleep.  Those church lullabies should help rock you to sleep.

    It's going to be an amazing time.  Many of you know nothing about this kingdom.  We are here to show you that God is revealing it to us in the scriptures.  The doctrine of truth should have no holes in it.  From beginning to end you have to know the whole picture.  This is what God wants, for us to search and he will give a little help.  We should be witnessing for the truth and not against it.  These events are coming soon.  We will see it with our own eyes.  We were warned not to boast against the natural branches, or else we might not be spared,  
    So put two and two together, and when you are finished drinking your bottle of milk, move on to a bit of solids,
    for you should not be babies still in day care,
    or your growth will be stunted.

    Remember God is not some sort of Santa Clause bringing lots of pressies.  gimme gimme gimme.  Go for truth.
    You want the spiritual gifts and even believe you have them, but don't want to do the hard work.  Your worship is in vain.  Pure vanity.  You are only glorifying yourself.  Remember Satan can perform miracles also.  Get out of prison, because the devil wants you there.  Real power comes with truth.  This will save you.  The truth, the flesh of Christ.

    You say that the millennium is still to come when Christ and the Saints will be ruling as Kings and Priests. Well I say that Jesus and the Saints are ruling over people NOW, today.

    You say that Christ and the Saints need people to rule over. I say, look around you. Do you doubt that Jesus and the Saints could be ruling over believers today?  

    You say that Romans tells us that all of Israel will all be grafted back in. I say – No it does not. Romans tells us that the Gentiles will be grafted in, but that God has not FORGOTTEN the natural Jews…. meaning – do not BOAST over those who are natural Jews, because God can just as easily cut you off. It means that God has not FORGOTTEN the Jews, and many Jews and Muslims will come to Christ in these end times, when the falling away occurs. Jews ARE special to God. However, salvation is in no other name, whether you are a Jew or a Gentile.

    You comment that the Jews will come back to God when Jesus returns. I say – No, it does not say that. NOW is the day of salvation. When Christ returns, the door will be CLOSED, and it is the same for everybody. God is the God of all the earth, and again, Jew or Gentile, it makes no difference to salvation.

    You say that “the dead Jews will be brought out of their graves and will have flesh put back on them and that they will live again”. I say – ALL of the dead will be brought back in the second resurrection, and ALL will be judged according to what they have done.  

    You say that the Jews will be brought back into the kingdom on earth in Jerusalem and that they will be taught. I say – Nowhere does it say that in scripture. What need is there to be “taught” when everything, including knowledge, would have passed away. All that will remain is faith, hope and love, the greatest of those being love. We are being taught NOW.

    You say that what you teach is unique and strange to us. I say – what you teach is not “strange” it is common today. You say that we try to find a name for what you believe by “Googling” it. I say – you are hyperdispensationilists, and going by your belief in a binity etc, I would also suspect that you are followers of one of the branches of Herbert Armstrong, or one of you has read their free booklets and magazines (Philadelphian Trumpet/Living Church of God/United Church of God/Ronald Weinland). True or False?

    God says in OT that there will be people who will live under Christ, and a child wil
    l live a ripe old age to 100.  So people will be multiplying there.  Flesh multiplies, not spirit.  There will be the lion eating straw, and the wolf and the lamb will lie together in peace.  Nothing will hurt nor destroy in this kingdom that is coming.  He also said that Israel will be teaching the nations and that many will say to an Israelite, can I come with you.
    If this doesn't raise any curiosity, then you might as well close the book and go back to sleep.  Those church lullabies should help rock you to sleep.

    It's going to be an amazing time.  Many of you know nothing about this kingdom.  We are here to show you that God is revealing it to us in the scriptures.  The doctrine of truth should have no holes in it.  From beginning to end you have to know the whole picture.  This is what God wants, for us to search and he will give a little help.  We should be witnessing for the truth and not against it.  These events are coming soon.

    So let me get this straight…. You believe that the Jews will be resurrected from the dead in the flesh…. and will eventually die a second death in which there is no resurrection, and that is an amazing thing to you?  

    Remember God is not some sort of Santa Clause bringing lots of pressies.  gimme gimme gimme.  Go for truth.
    You want the spiritual gifts and even believe you have them, but don't want to do the hard work.  Your worship is in vain.  Pure vanity.  You are only glorifying yourself.  Remember Satan can perform miracles also.  Get out of prison, because the devil wants you there.  Real power comes with truth.

    You judge things that you know NOTHING about.


    If I have any errors in my understanding, then I ask Ed or somebody similar to point them out to me, because you are more understanding.

    2 Besee,

    I have refrained from commenting much on your A mill view because I have found it impossible to show an amiller anything of the future millennium, and in time the Lord may, and in any case others are discussing it with you.

    I did not know anything about a future reign of the saints over the nations until I fell in a big hole and Christ made a firm promise to me if I would straighten up and stay straight.

    It was a time when I was particularly disappointed much as the disciples at Ephesians were after Paul left them despite him ministering to them so often for so long. Acts 20.

    Most all disciples of Christ have their time of Lamentations, (give it a read) but actually we have only begun and the resurrection will see the restoration of all that had fallen down, even though certain things have been restored now, but not all.

    A problem I found was that the churches I knew and sometimes attended often placed the now things into the future and visa versa, and I had a hate for the elevating of the flesh Jew, when Christ crucified all of the old to bring in the new and people seem transfixed on the idea that the Jews are more special to God than other people.

                   Partial now, fully later.



    Quote (Ed J @ April 24 2013,15:57)

    Quote (Wakeup @ April 24 2013,13:31)

    1.Who will the saints rule over?
    Other saints?

    2.Who will the saints teach, and preach to, as priests?
    Other saints? Teach the angels perhaps?


    Hi Wakeup,

    1. The saints “are” ruling and reigning on the Earth.
    2. The saints “are” teaching and Preaching as Priests.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Does knowledge cover the earth as the sea cover the earth?

    Is pain and sorrows and tears no more?
    Has the spears turned into pruning hooks?
    Has the swords turned into plowshares?
    Can you name just one saint ruling?


    Ed J

    Quote (Wakeup @ April 24 2013,21:27)

    (1)Does knowledge cover the earth as the sea cover the earth?

    (2)Is pain and sorrows and tears no more?
    (3)Has the spears turned into pruning hooks?
    (4)Has the swords turned into plowshares?
    (5)Can you name just one saint ruling?


    Hi Wakeup,

    1) It's beginning to.

    2) For me they are.
    3) For me it has.
    4) For me it has.
    5) Only one, OK, Me.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)



    Does knowledge cover the earth as the sea cover the earth?


    Is pain and sorrows and tears no more?

    Yes! (Since being saved)

    Has the spears turned into pruning hooks?


    Has the swords turned into plowshares?


    Can you name just one saint ruling?

    Peter, James, John, etc. We learn through their words.


    Quote (Resting @ April 24 2013,23:24)
    2 Besee,

    I have refrained from commenting much on your A mill view because I have found it impossible to show an amiller anything of the future millennium, and in time the Lord may, and in any case others are discussing it with you.

    I did not know anything about a future reign of the saints over the nations until I fell in a big hole and Christ made a firm promise to me if I would straighten up and stay straight.

    It was a time when I was particularly disappointed much as the disciples at Ephesians were after Paul left them despite him ministering to them so often for so long. Acts 20.

    Most all disciples of Christ have their time of Lamentations, (give it a read) but actually we have only begun and the resurrection will see the restoration of all that had fallen down, even though certain things have been restored now, but not all.

    A problem I found was that the churches I knew and sometimes attended often placed the now things into the future and visa versa, and I had a hate for the elevating of the flesh Jew, when Christ crucified all of the old to bring in the new and people seem transfixed on the idea that the Jews are more special to God than other people.

                   Partial now, fully later.



    I agree with most of what you wrote, apart from the future millennium.

    In your view – what will happen when the future millennium starts?

    Where will Jesus be?

    What state will the world be in then – and thereafter?


    Quote (2besee @ April 24 2013,22:14)

    Does knowledge cover the earth as the sea cover the earth?


    Is pain and sorrows and tears no more?

    Yes! (Since being saved)

    Has the spears turned into pruning hooks?


    Has the swords turned into plowshares?


    Can you name just one saint ruling?

    Peter, James, John, etc. We learn through their words.


    You are so comfy in your christian world that you totally ignore Gods word.They have closed your eyes so tight
    that you can not see.
    Here is what God is saying to you and others like you.
    Thry to force your eyes to open.This is the future of your imaginary kingdom.

    Jeremiah 25:34 Howl, ye *SHEPHERDS*, and cry; and wallow yourselves in the ashes, ye *PRINCIPAL* of the flock: for the days of *YOUR SLAUGHTER* and of your dispersions are accomplished; and *YE SHALL FALL* like a pleasant vessel.

    Jeremiah 25:35 And the *SHEPHERDS* shall have no way to flee, nor the *PRINCIPAL* of the flock to escape.

    Jeremiah 25:36 A voice of the cry of the *SHEPHERDS*, and an howling of the principal of the flock, shall be heard: for the LORD hath *SPOILED THEIR PASTURE*.

    Jeremiah 25:37 And the peaceable habitations are cut down because of the *FIERCE ANGER* of the LORD.

    Jeremiah 25:38 He hath forsaken his covert, as the lion: for their *LAND IS DESOLATE* because of the fierceness of the *OPPRESSOR*, and because of *HIS FIERCE ANGRER*.




    Quote (Ed J @ April 25 2013,00:06)

    Quote (Wakeup @ April 24 2013,21:27)
    (5)Can you name just one saint ruling?

    5) Only one, OK, Me.

    Ha ha, funny!


    Quote (Wakeup @ April 25 2013,00:36)

    You are so comfy in your christian world that you totally ignore Gods word.They have closed your eyes so tight
    that you can not see.
    Here is what God is saying to you and others like you.
    Thry to force your eyes to open.This is the future of your imaginary kingdom.

    Jeremiah 25:34   Howl, ye *SHEPHERDS*, and cry; and wallow yourselves in the ashes, ye *PRINCIPAL* of the flock: for the days of *YOUR SLAUGHTER* and of your dispersions are accomplished; and *YE SHALL FALL* like a pleasant vessel.

     Jeremiah 25:35   And the *SHEPHERDS* shall have no way to flee, nor the *PRINCIPAL* of the flock to escape.

     Jeremiah 25:36   A voice of the cry of the *SHEPHERDS*, and an howling of the principal of the flock, shall be heard: for the LORD hath *SPOILED THEIR PASTURE*.

     Jeremiah 25:37   And the peaceable habitations are cut down because of the *FIERCE ANGER* of the LORD.

     Jeremiah 25:38   He hath forsaken his covert, as the lion: for their *LAND IS DESOLATE* because of the fierceness of the *OPPRESSOR*, and because of *HIS FIERCE ANGRER*.



    Careful Wakeup.



    The spirit of God is love, the Spirit of God comforts, the Spirit of God teaches, the Spirit of God heals, the Spirit of God disciplines, I KNOW the Spirit of God, and I also KNOW what is not of God.


    Jeremiah 23:16 Thus saith the LORD of hosts, *HEARKEN NOT* unto the words of the *PROPHETS* that prophesy unto you: *THEY MAKE YOU VAIN*: they speak a *VISION OF THEIR OWN HEART*, and *NOT* out of the mouth of the LORD.

    Jeremiah 23:17 They say still unto them that despise me, The *LORD HATH SAID*, *YE SHALL HAVE PEACE*; and they say unto every one that walketh after the *IMAGINATION* of his own heart, *NO EVIL SHALL COME UPON YOU*.

    Jeremiah 23:18 For who hath stood in the counsel of the LORD, and hath perceived and *HEARD HIS WORD*? who hath marked his word, *AND HEARD IT*?

    Jeremiah 23:19 Behold, a *WHIRLWIND OF THE LORD* is gone forth IN FURY*, even a *GREAVOUS WHIRLWIND*: it shall fall grievously upon the head of the wicked.

    Jeremiah 23:20 The *ANGER* of the *LORD SHALL NOT RETURN*, *UNTILL HE HAVE EXECUTED*, and till he have *PERFORMED* the thoughts of his heart: ***IN THE LATTER DAYS*** ye shall consider it perfectly.

    Jeremiah 23:21 I have *NOT SENT* these prophets, yet they ran: I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied.




    Quote (Wakeup @ April 25 2013,01:00)
    Jeremiah 23:16   Thus saith the LORD of hosts, *HEARKEN NOT* unto the words of the *PROPHETS* that prophesy unto you: *THEY MAKE YOU VAIN*: they speak a *VISION OF THEIR OWN HEART*, and *NOT* out of the mouth of the LORD.

     Jeremiah 23:17   They say still unto them that despise me, The *LORD HATH SAID*, *YE SHALL HAVE PEACE*; and they say unto every one that walketh after the *IMAGINATION* of his own heart, *NO EVIL SHALL COME UPON YOU*.

     Jeremiah 23:18   For who hath stood in the counsel of the LORD, and hath perceived and *HEARD HIS WORD*? who hath marked his word, *AND HEARD IT*?

     Jeremiah 23:19   Behold, a *WHIRLWIND OF THE LORD* is gone forth IN FURY*, even a *GREAVOUS WHIRLWIND*: it shall fall grievously upon the head of the wicked.

     Jeremiah 23:20   The *ANGER* of the *LORD SHALL NOT RETURN*, *UNTILL HE HAVE EXECUTED*, and till he have *PERFORMED* the thoughts of his heart: ***IN THE LATTER DAYS*** ye shall consider it perfectly.

     Jeremiah 23:21   I have *NOT SENT* these prophets, yet they ran: I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied.



    1“Judge not, that you be not judged. 2For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. 3Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? 4Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? 5You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye.

    6“Do not give dogs what is holy, and do not throw your pearls before pigs, lest they trample them underfoot and turn to attack you.

    7“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. 8For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened. 9Or which one of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? 10Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent? 11If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!

    15“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. 16You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit. 18A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit. 19Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20Thus you will recognize them by their fruits.

    24“Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. 26And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. 27And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it.”

    “‘I know your works, your toil and your patient endurance, and how you cannot bear with those who are evil, but have tested those who call themselves apostles and are not, and found them to be false.

    Ed J

    Hi 2Besee,

    O don't mind Wakeup, he's just frustrated, because you
    don't go along with his private interpretation of prophecy. :D

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (2besee @ April 24 2013,22:37)

    Quote (Ed J @ April 25 2013,00:06)

    Quote (Wakeup @ April 24 2013,21:27)
    (5)Can you name just one saint ruling?

    5) Only one, OK, Me.

    Ha ha, funny!


    Dont brush it away as funny.
    God was not joking; what he prophesied must come to pass.
    And you belong to that world,as I can see.
    You are taking Gods word with a grain of salt.


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